Mirror of BoringSSL (grpc依赖) https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl
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53 lines
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"DisabledTests": {
"BadCBCPadding*": "Fuzzer mode has no CBC padding.",
"*BadFinished*": "Fuzzer mode ignores Finished checks.",
"TrailingMessageData-*Finished*": "Fuzzer mode ignores Finished checks.",
"DTLSIgnoreBadPackets*": "Fuzzer mode has no bad packets.",
"TLSFatalBadPackets": "Fuzzer mode has no bad packets.",
"*-BadRecord*": "Fuzzer mode has no bad packets.",
"BadRSAClientKeyExchange*": "Fuzzer mode does not notice a bad premaster secret.",
"TrailingMessageData-TLS13-ServerHello-*": "Fuzzer mode will not read the peer's alert as a MAC error",
"UnexpectedUnencryptedExtension-Client-TLS13": "Fuzzer mode will not read the peer's alert as a MAC error",
"UnknownUnencryptedExtension-Client-TLS13": "Fuzzer mode will not read the peer's alert as a MAC error",
"WrongMessageType-TLS13-ServerHello-*": "Fuzzer mode will not read the peer's alert as a MAC error",
"BadECDSA-*": "Fuzzer mode always accepts a signature.",
"*-InvalidSignature-*": "Fuzzer mode always accepts a signature.",
"Verify-*Auth-SignatureType*": "Fuzzer mode always accepts a signature.",
"ECDSACurveMismatch-Verify-TLS13*": "Fuzzer mode always accepts a signature.",
"InvalidChannelIDSignature-*": "Fuzzer mode always accepts a signature.",
"Resume-Server-CipherNotPreferred*": "Fuzzer mode does not encrypt tickets.",
"Resume-Server-DeclineBadCipher*": "Fuzzer mode does not encrypt tickets.",
"Resume-Server-DeclineCrossVersion*": "Fuzzer mode does not encrypt tickets.",
"TicketCallback-SingleCall-*": "Fuzzer mode does not encrypt tickets.",
"CorruptTicket-*": "Fuzzer mode does not encrypt tickets.",
"*RejectTicket-Server-*": "Fuzzer mode does not encrypt tickets.",
"ShimTicketRewritable*": "Fuzzer mode does not encrypt tickets.",
"Resume-Server-*Binder*": "Fuzzer mode does not check binders.",
"SkipEarlyData*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyDataChannelID-OfferBoth-Server-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-NonZeroRTTSession-Server-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-SkipEndOfEarlyData-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-ALPNMismatch-Server-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-ALPNOmitted1-Client-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-ALPNOmitted2-Client-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-ALPNOmitted1-Server-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-ALPNOmitted2-Server-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"*-EarlyData-RejectUnfinishedWrite-Client-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"EarlyData-Reject*-Client*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"CustomExtensions-Server-EarlyDataOffered": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"*-TicketAgeSkew-*-Reject*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
"Renegotiate-Client-BadExt*": "Fuzzer mode does not check renegotiation_info.",
"CBCRecordSplitting*": "Fuzzer mode does not implement record-splitting."