Mirror of BoringSSL (grpc依赖) https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl
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33 lines
559 B

movq %rax, %rax
# BSS declarations emit accessors.
.comm aes_128_ctr_generic_storage,64,32
.lcomm aes_128_ctr_generic_storage2,64,32
# BSS symbols may also be emitted in .bss sections.
.section .bss,"awT",@nobits
.align 4
.globl x
.type x, @object
.size x, 4
.zero 4
.quad 0
.size .Llocal, 4
# .bss handling is terminated by a .text directive.
.section .bss,"awT",@nobits
.quad 0
# Or a .section directive.
.section .rodata
.quad 0
# Or the end of the file.
.section .bss,"awT",@nobits
.quad 0