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This test verifies behavior when a certificate has an unparseable/unsupported SPKI. It should be handled equivalently to a certificate with a failed signature verification: further processing should be shortcircuited. The certificate chain has 2 problems:

  • leaf is expired
  • intermediate has invalid SPKI

The verification should fail with only the SPKI parsing error, since further processing should be short-circuited.

Instructions for generating test certificate chain:

  • cp ../expired-target/chain.pem .
  • extract intermediate cert to int-pre.pem
  • print_certificates --output=der2ascii int-pre.pem > int.derascii
  • edit int.derascii to replace SPKI OID with something invalid
  • extract the TBSCertificate part of the certificate to int.tbs.derascii ascii2der < int.tbs.derascii > int.tbs.der
  • generate new signature: openssl pkeyutl -sign -rawin -in int.tbs.der -digest sha256 -inkey ../expired-target/keys/Root.key -out - | xxd -p -c 0
  • replace the signature hex in int.derascii
  • ascii2der < int.derascii > int.der
  • print_certificates --output=openssl_text,pem int.der > int.pem
  • replace the intermediate certificate in chain.pem with the contents of int.pem