@ -873,34 +873,27 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT void EVP_MD_do_all(void (*callback)(const EVP_MD *cipher,
void * arg ) ,
void * arg ) ;
// i2d_PrivateKey marshals a private key from |key| to an ASN.1, DER
// structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
// i2d_PrivateKey marshals a private key from |key| to type-specific format, as
// described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
// RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 344 7) structure.
// RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 8017) structure.
// EC keys are serialized as a DER-encoded ECPrivateKey (RFC 5915) structure.
// Use |RSA_marshal_private_key| or |EC_KEY_marshal_private_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_PrivateKey ( const EVP_PKEY * key , uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// i2d_PublicKey marshals a public key from |key| to a type-specific format.
// If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
// i2d_PublicKey marshals a public key from |key| to a type-specific format, as
// described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
// RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 344 7) structure.
// RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 8017) structure.
// EC keys are serialized as an EC point per SEC 1.
// Use |RSA_marshal_public_key| or |EC_POINT_point2cbb| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_PublicKey ( const EVP_PKEY * key , uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// d2i_PrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, private key from |len| bytes at
// |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is in
// |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will not
// be written to. Rather, a fresh |EVP_PKEY| is allocated and the previous one
// is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
// returns the result or NULL on error.
// d2i_PrivateKey parses a DER-encoded private key from |len| bytes at |*inp|,
// as described in |d2i_SAMPLE|. The private key must have type |type|,
// otherwise it will be rejected.
// This function tries to detect one of several formats. Instead, use
// |EVP_parse_private_key| for a PrivateKeyInfo, |RSA_parse_private_key| for an
@ -917,15 +910,12 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *d2i_PrivateKey(int type, EVP_PKEY **out,
OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY * d2i_AutoPrivateKey ( EVP_PKEY * * out , const uint8_t * * inp ,
long len ) ;
// d2i_PublicKey parse a public key from |len| bytes at |*inp| in a type-
// specific format specified by |type|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a
// pointer to the result is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-
// NULL on entry, it will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |EVP_PKEY| is
// allocated and the previous one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is
// advanced past the decoded key. It returns the result or NULL on error.
// d2i_PublicKey parses a public key from |len| bytes at |*inp| in a type-
// specific format specified by |type|, as described in |d2i_SAMPLE|.
// RSA keys are parsed as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 3447) structure.
// Parsing EC keys is not supported by this function.
// The only supported value for |type| is |EVP_PKEY_RSA|, which parses a
// DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 8017) structure. Parsing EC keys is not
// supported by this function.
// Use |RSA_parse_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY * d2i_PublicKey ( int type , EVP_PKEY * * out ,
@ -974,70 +964,54 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_keygen_saltlen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_keygen_mgf1_md ( EVP_PKEY_CTX * ctx ,
const EVP_MD * md ) ;
// i2d_PUBKEY marshals a public key from |pkey| as a DER-encoded
// SubjectPublicKeyInfo. If |outp| is not NULL, the result is written to |*outp|
// and |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes
// in the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
// i2d_PUBKEY marshals |pkey| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo, as
// described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
// Use |EVP_marshal_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_PUBKEY ( const EVP_PKEY * pkey , uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// d2i_PUBKEY parses a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo from |len| bytes at
// |*inp|. It returns a newly-allocated result, or NULL on error. On success,
// |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. If |out| is not NULL, it also
// frees any existing object pointed by |*out| and writes the result.
// |*inp|, as described in |d2i_SAMPLE|.
// Use |EVP_parse_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY * d2i_PUBKEY ( EVP_PKEY * * out , const uint8_t * * inp ,
long len ) ;
// i2d_RSA_PUBKEY marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo. If
// |outp| is not NULL, the result is written to |*outp| and
// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
// i2d_RSA_PUBKEY marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo
// structure, as described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
// Use |EVP_marshal_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_RSA_PUBKEY ( const RSA * rsa , uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// d2i_RSA_PUBKEY parses an RSA public key as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo
// from |len| bytes at |*inp|. It returns a newly-allocated result, or NULL on
// error. On success, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. If |out| is not
// NULL, it also frees any existing object pointed by |*out| and writes the
// result.
// from |len| bytes at |*inp|, as described in |d2i_SAMPLE|.
// SubjectPublicKeyInfo structures containing other key types are rejected.
// Use |EVP_parse_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA * d2i_RSA_PUBKEY ( RSA * * out , const uint8_t * * inp , long len ) ;
// i2d_DSA_PUBKEY marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo. If
// |outp| is not NULL, the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced
// just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether
// written or not, or a negative value on error.
// i2d_DSA_PUBKEY marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo, as
// described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
// Use |EVP_marshal_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_DSA_PUBKEY ( const DSA * dsa , uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// d2i_DSA_PUBKEY parses a DSA public key as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo
// from |len| bytes at |*inp|. It returns a newly-allocated result, or NULL on
// error. On success, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. If |out| is not
// NULL, it also frees any existing object pointed by |*out| and writes the
// result.
// from |len| bytes at |*inp|, as described in |d2i_SAMPLE|.
// SubjectPublicKeyInfo structures containing other key types are rejected.
// Use |EVP_parse_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA * d2i_DSA_PUBKEY ( DSA * * out , const uint8_t * * inp , long len ) ;
// i2d_EC_PUBKEY marshals |ec_key| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo. If
// |outp| is not NULL, the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced
// just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether
// written or not, or a negative value on error.
// i2d_EC_PUBKEY marshals |ec_key| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo, as
// described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
// Use |EVP_marshal_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_EC_PUBKEY ( const EC_KEY * ec_key , uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// d2i_EC_PUBKEY parses an EC public key as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo
// from |len| bytes at |*inp|. It returns a newly-allocated result, or NULL on
// error. On success, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. If |out| is not
// NULL, it also frees any existing object pointed by |*out| and writes the
// result.
// from |len| bytes at |*inp|, as described in |d2i_SAMPLE|.
// SubjectPublicKeyInfo structures containing other key types are rejected.
// Use |EVP_parse_public_key| instead.
OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY * d2i_EC_PUBKEY ( EC_KEY * * out , const uint8_t * * inp ,