@ -106,7 +106,10 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_decrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
// AES_ctr128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same in CTR mode) |len|
// bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
// first call and |ivec| will be incremented.
// first call and |ivec| will be incremented. This function may be called
// in-place with |in| equal to |out|, but otherwise the buffers may not
// partially overlap. A partial overlap may overwrite input data before it is
// read.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_ctr128_encrypt ( const uint8_t * in , uint8_t * out ,
size_t len , const AES_KEY * key ,
uint8_t ivec [ AES_BLOCK_SIZE ] ,
@ -114,26 +117,35 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_ctr128_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
unsigned int * num ) ;
// AES_ecb_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) a single,
// 16 byte block from |in| to |out|.
// 16 byte block from |in| to |out|. This function may be called in-place with
// |in| equal to |out|, but otherwise the buffers may not partially overlap. A
// partial overlap may overwrite input data before it is read.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_ecb_encrypt ( const uint8_t * in , uint8_t * out ,
const AES_KEY * key , const int enc ) ;
// AES_cbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) |len|
// bytes from |in| to |out|. The length must be a multiple of the block size.
// This function may be called in-place with |in| equal to |out|, but otherwise
// the buffers may not partially overlap. A partial overlap may overwrite input
// data before it is read.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_cbc_encrypt ( const uint8_t * in , uint8_t * out , size_t len ,
const AES_KEY * key , uint8_t * ivec ,
const int enc ) ;
// AES_ofb128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same in OFB mode) |len|
// bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
// first call.
// first call. This function may be called in-place with |in| equal to |out|,
// but otherwise the buffers may not partially overlap. A partial overlap may
// overwrite input data before it is read.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_ofb128_encrypt ( const uint8_t * in , uint8_t * out ,
size_t len , const AES_KEY * key ,
uint8_t * ivec , int * num ) ;
// AES_cfb128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) |len|
// bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
// first call.
// first call. This function may be called in-place with |in| equal to |out|,
// but otherwise the buffers may not partially overlap. A partial overlap may
// overwrite input data before it is read.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_cfb128_encrypt ( const uint8_t * in , uint8_t * out ,
size_t len , const AES_KEY * key ,
uint8_t * ivec , int * num , int enc ) ;