@ -711,6 +711,246 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_REQ_set1_signature_value(X509_REQ *req,
size_t sig_len ) ;
// Names.
// An |X509_NAME| represents an X.509 Name structure (RFC 5280). X.509 names are
// a complex, hierarchical structure over a collection of attributes. Each name
// is sequence of relative distinguished names (RDNs), decreasing in
// specificity. For example, the first RDN may specify the country, while the
// next RDN may specify a locality. Each RDN is, itself, a set of attributes.
// Having more than one attribute in an RDN is uncommon, but possible. Within an
// RDN, attributes have the same level in specificity. Attribute types are
// OBJECT IDENTIFIERs. This determines the ASN.1 type of the value, which is
// commonly a string but may be other types.
// The |X509_NAME| representation flattens this two-level structure into a
// single list of attributes. Each attribute is stored in an |X509_NAME_ENTRY|,
// with also maintains the index of the RDN it is part of, accessible via
// |X509_NAME_ENTRY_set|. This can be used to recover the two-level structure.
// X.509 names are largely vestigial. Historically, DNS names were parsed out of
// the subject's common name attribute, but this is deprecated and has since
// moved to the subject alternative name extension. In modern usage, X.509 names
// are primarily opaque identifiers to link a certificate with its issuer.
// X509_NAME is an |ASN1_ITEM| whose ASN.1 type is X.509 Name (RFC 5280) and C
// type is |X509_NAME*|.
// X509_NAME_new returns a new, empty |X509_NAME_new|, or NULL on
// error.
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME * X509_NAME_new ( void ) ;
// X509_NAME_free releases memory associated with |name|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void X509_NAME_free ( X509_NAME * name ) ;
// d2i_X509_NAME parses up to |len| bytes from |*inp| as a DER-encoded X.509
// Name (RFC 5280), as described in |d2i_SAMPLE_with_reuse|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME * d2i_X509_NAME ( X509_NAME * * out , const uint8_t * * inp ,
long len ) ;
// i2d_X509_NAME marshals |in| as a DER-encoded X.509 Name (RFC 5280), as
// described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/boringssl/407): This function should be const and
// thread-safe but is currently neither in some cases, notably if |in| was
// mutated.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_X509_NAME ( X509_NAME * in , uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// X509_NAME_dup returns a newly-allocated copy of |name|, or NULL on error.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/boringssl/407): This function should be const and
// thread-safe but is currently neither in some cases, notably if |name| was
// mutated.
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME * X509_NAME_dup ( X509_NAME * name ) ;
// X509_NAME_get0_der sets |*out_der| and |*out_der_len|
// Avoid this function and prefer |i2d_X509_NAME|. It is one of the reasons
// these functions are not consistently thread-safe or const-correct. Depending
// on the resolution of https://crbug.com/boringssl/407, this function may be
// removed or cause poor performance.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get0_der ( X509_NAME * name , const uint8_t * * out_der ,
size_t * out_der_len ) ;
// X509_NAME_set makes a copy of |name|. On success, it frees |*xn|, sets |*xn|
// to the copy, and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/boringssl/407): This function should be const and
// thread-safe but is currently neither in some cases, notably if |name| was
// mutated.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_set ( X509_NAME * * xn , X509_NAME * name ) ;
// X509_NAME_entry_count returns the number of entries in |name|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_entry_count ( const X509_NAME * name ) ;
// X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID returns the zero-based index of the first
// attribute in |name| with type |nid|, or -1 if there is none. |nid| should be
// one of the |NID_*| constants. If |lastpos| is non-negative, it begins
// searching at |lastpos+1|. To search all attributes, pass in -1, not zero.
// Indices from this function refer to |X509_NAME|'s flattened representation.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID ( const X509_NAME * name , int nid ,
int lastpos ) ;
// X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ behaves like |X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID| but
// looks for attributes with type |obj|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ ( const X509_NAME * name ,
const ASN1_OBJECT * obj ,
int lastpos ) ;
// X509_NAME_get_entry returns the attribute in |name| at index |loc|, or NULL
// if |loc| is out of range. |loc| is interpreted using |X509_NAME|'s flattened
// representation. This function returns a non-const pointer for OpenSSL
// compatibility, but callers should not mutate the result. Doing so will break
// internal invariants in the library.
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME_ENTRY * X509_NAME_get_entry ( const X509_NAME * name ,
int loc ) ;
// X509_NAME_delete_entry removes and returns the attribute in |name| at index
// |loc|, or NULL if |loc| is out of range. |loc| is interpreted using
// |X509_NAME|'s flattened representation. If the attribute is found, the caller
// is responsible for releasing the result with |X509_NAME_ENTRY_free|.
// This function will internally update RDN indices (see |X509_NAME_ENTRY_set|)
// so they continue to be consecutive.
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME_ENTRY * X509_NAME_delete_entry ( X509_NAME * name ,
int loc ) ;
// X509_NAME_add_entry adds a copy of |entry| to |name| and returns one on
// success or zero on error. If |loc| is -1, the entry is appended to |name|.
// Otherwise, it is inserted at index |loc|. If |set| is -1, the entry is added
// to the previous entry's RDN. If it is 0, the entry becomes a singleton RDN.
// If 1, it is added to next entry's RDN.
// This function will internally update RDN indices (see |X509_NAME_ENTRY_set|)
// so they continue to be consecutive.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry ( X509_NAME * name ,
const X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry , int loc ,
int set ) ;
// X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ adds a new entry to |name| and returns one on
// success or zero on error. The entry's attribute type is |obj|. The entry's
// attribute value is determined by |type|, |bytes|, and |len|, as in
// |X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data|. The entry's position is determined by |loc| and
// |set| as in |X509_NAME_entry|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ ( X509_NAME * name ,
const ASN1_OBJECT * obj , int type ,
const uint8_t * bytes , int len ,
int loc , int set ) ;
// X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID behaves like |X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ| but sets
// the entry's attribute type to |nid|, which should be one of the |NID_*|
// constants.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID ( X509_NAME * name , int nid ,
int type , const uint8_t * bytes ,
int len , int loc , int set ) ;
// X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt behaves like |X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ| but sets
// the entry's attribute type to |field|, which is passed to |OBJ_txt2obj|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt ( X509_NAME * name ,
const char * field , int type ,
const uint8_t * bytes , int len ,
int loc , int set ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY is an |ASN1_ITEM| whose ASN.1 type is AttributeTypeAndValue
// (RFC 5280) and C type is |X509_NAME_ENTRY*|.
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_new returns a new, empty |X509_NAME_ENTRY_new|, or NULL on
// error.
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_free releases memory associated with |entry|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void X509_NAME_ENTRY_free ( X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry ) ;
// d2i_X509_NAME_ENTRY parses up to |len| bytes from |*inp| as a DER-encoded
// AttributeTypeAndValue (RFC 5280), as described in |d2i_SAMPLE_with_reuse|.
const uint8_t * * inp ,
long len ) ;
// i2d_X509_NAME_ENTRY marshals |in| as a DER-encoded AttributeTypeAndValue (RFC
// 5280), as described in |i2d_SAMPLE|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_X509_NAME_ENTRY ( const X509_NAME_ENTRY * in ,
uint8_t * * outp ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_dup returns a newly-allocated copy of |entry|, or NULL on
// error.
const X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object returns |entry|'s attribute type. This function
// returns a non-const pointer for OpenSSL compatibility, but callers should not
// mutate the result. Doing so will break internal invariants in the library.
const X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object sets |entry|'s attribute type to |obj|. It returns
// one on success and zero on error.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object ( X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry ,
const ASN1_OBJECT * obj ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data returns |entry|'s attribute value, represented as an
// |ASN1_STRING|. This value may have any ASN.1 type, so callers must check the
// type before interpreting the contents. This function returns a non-const
// pointer for OpenSSL compatibility, but callers should not mutate the result.
// Doing so will break internal invariants in the library.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/boringssl/412): Although the spec says any ASN.1 type
// is allowed, we currently only allow an ad-hoc set of types. Additionally, it
// is unclear if some types can even be represented by this function.
const X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data sets |entry|'s value to |len| bytes from |bytes|. It
// returns one on success and zero on error. If |len| is -1, |bytes| must be a
// NUL-terminated C string and the length is determined by |strlen|. |bytes| is
// converted to an ASN.1 type as follows:
// If |type| is a |MBSTRING_*| constant, the value is an ASN.1 string. The
// string is determined by decoding |bytes| in the encoding specified by |type|,
// and then re-encoding it in a form appropriate for |entry|'s attribute type.
// See |ASN1_STRING_set_by_NID| for details.
// Otherwise, the value is an |ASN1_STRING| with type |type| and value |bytes|.
// See |ASN1_STRING| for how to format ASN.1 types as an |ASN1_STRING|. If
// |type| is |V_ASN1_UNDEF| the previous |ASN1_STRING| type is reused.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data ( X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry , int type ,
const uint8_t * bytes , int len ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_set returns the zero-based index of the RDN which contains
// |entry|. Consecutive entries with the same index are part of the same RDN.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set ( const X509_NAME_ENTRY * entry ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ creates a new |X509_NAME_ENTRY| with attribute
// type |obj|. The attribute value is determined from |type|, |bytes|, and |len|
// as in |X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data|. It returns the |X509_NAME_ENTRY| on success
// and NULL on error.
// If |out| is non-NULL and |*out| is NULL, it additionally sets |*out| to the
// result on success. If both |out| and |*out| are non-NULL, it updates the
// object at |*out| instead of allocating a new one.
X509_NAME_ENTRY * * out , const ASN1_OBJECT * obj , int type ,
const uint8_t * bytes , int len ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID behaves like |X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ|
// except the attribute type is |nid|, which should be one of the |NID_*|
// constants.
X509_NAME_ENTRY * * out , int nid , int type , const uint8_t * bytes , int len ) ;
// X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txt behaves like |X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ|
// except the attribute type is |field|, which is passed to |OBJ_txt2obj|.
X509_NAME_ENTRY * * out , const char * field , int type , const uint8_t * bytes ,
int len ) ;
// Algorithm identifiers.
// An |X509_ALGOR| represents an AlgorithmIdentifier structure, used in X.509
@ -874,6 +1114,31 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT ASN1_TIME *X509_CRL_get_nextUpdate(X509_CRL *crl);
// Prefer |X509_get0_serialNumber|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT ASN1_INTEGER * X509_get_serialNumber ( X509 * x509 ) ;
// X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ finds the first attribute with type |obj| in
// |name|. If found, it ignores the value's ASN.1 type, writes the raw
// |ASN1_STRING| representation to |buf|, followed by a NUL byte, and
// returns the number of bytes in output, excluding the NUL byte.
// This function writes at most |len| bytes, including the NUL byte. If |len| is
// not large enough, it silently truncates the output to fit. If |buf| is NULL,
// it instead writes enough and returns the number of bytes in the output,
// excluding the NUL byte.
// WARNING: Do not use this function. It does not return enough information for
// the caller to correctly interpret its output. The attribute value may be of
// any type, including one of several ASN.1 string encodings, but this function
// only outputs the raw |ASN1_STRING| representation. See
// https://crbug.com/boringssl/436.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ ( const X509_NAME * name ,
const ASN1_OBJECT * obj , char * buf ,
int len ) ;
// X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID behaves like |X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ| except it
// finds an attribute of type |nid|, which should be one of the |NID_*|
// constants.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID ( const X509_NAME * name , int nid ,
char * buf , int len ) ;
// Private structures.
@ -900,10 +1165,6 @@ struct X509_algor_st {
# define X509v3_KU_DECIPHER_ONLY 0x8000
# define X509v3_KU_UNDEF 0xffff
@ -1269,13 +1530,6 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_REVOKED *X509_REVOKED_dup(X509_REVOKED *rev);
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_REQ * X509_REQ_dup ( X509_REQ * req ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_ALGOR * X509_ALGOR_dup ( const X509_ALGOR * xn ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME * X509_NAME_dup ( X509_NAME * xn ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set ( const X509_NAME_ENTRY * ne ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get0_der ( X509_NAME * nm , const unsigned char * * pder ,
size_t * pderlen ) ;
// X509_cmp_time compares |s| against |*t|. On success, it returns a negative
// number if |s| <= |*t| and a positive number if |s| > |*t|. On error, it
// returns zero. If |t| is NULL, it uses the current time instead of |*t|.
@ -1335,16 +1589,6 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_ATTRIBUTE *X509_ATTRIBUTE_create(int nid, int attrtype,
// TODO(https://crbug.com/boringssl/407): This is not const because serializing
// an |X509_NAME| is sometimes not thread-safe.
// X509_NAME_set makes a copy of |name|. On success, it frees |*xn|, sets |*xn|
// to the copy, and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_set ( X509_NAME * * xn , X509_NAME * name ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_add1_trust_object ( X509 * x , ASN1_OBJECT * obj ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_add1_reject_object ( X509 * x , ASN1_OBJECT * obj ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT void X509_trust_clear ( X509 * x ) ;
@ -1559,56 +1803,6 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_REQ_print_ex(BIO *bp, X509_REQ *x, unsigned long nmflag,
unsigned long cflag ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_REQ_print ( BIO * bp , X509_REQ * req ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_entry_count ( const X509_NAME * name ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID ( const X509_NAME * name , int nid ,
char * buf , int len ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ ( const X509_NAME * name ,
const ASN1_OBJECT * obj , char * buf ,
int len ) ;
// NOTE: you should be passsing -1, not 0 as lastpos. The functions that use
// lastpos, search after that position on.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID ( const X509_NAME * name , int nid ,
int lastpos ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ ( const X509_NAME * name ,
const ASN1_OBJECT * obj ,
int lastpos ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME_ENTRY * X509_NAME_get_entry ( const X509_NAME * name ,
int loc ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_NAME_ENTRY * X509_NAME_delete_entry ( X509_NAME * name ,
int loc ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry ( X509_NAME * name , X509_NAME_ENTRY * ne ,
int loc , int set ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ ( X509_NAME * name , ASN1_OBJECT * obj ,
int type ,
const unsigned char * bytes ,
int len , int loc , int set ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID ( X509_NAME * name , int nid ,
int type ,
const unsigned char * bytes ,
int len , int loc , int set ) ;
X509_NAME_ENTRY * * ne , const char * field , int type ,
const unsigned char * bytes , int len ) ;
X509_NAME_ENTRY * * ne , int nid , int type , const unsigned char * bytes ,
int len ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt ( X509_NAME * name ,
const char * field , int type ,
const unsigned char * bytes ,
int len , int loc , int set ) ;
X509_NAME_ENTRY * * ne , const ASN1_OBJECT * obj , int type ,
const unsigned char * bytes , int len ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object ( X509_NAME_ENTRY * ne ,
const ASN1_OBJECT * obj ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data ( X509_NAME_ENTRY * ne , int type ,
const unsigned char * bytes ,
int len ) ;
const X509_NAME_ENTRY * ne ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT ASN1_STRING * X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data ( const X509_NAME_ENTRY * ne ) ;
// X509v3_get_ext_count returns the number of extensions in |x|.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509v3_get_ext_count ( const STACK_OF ( X509_EXTENSION ) * x ) ;
@ -1969,8 +2163,6 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509_ATTRIBUTE_set1_object(X509_ATTRIBUTE *attr,
// |attr|'s type. If |len| is -1, |strlen(data)| is used instead. See
// |ASN1_STRING_set_by_NID| for details.
// TODO(davidben): Document |ASN1_STRING_set_by_NID| so the reference is useful.
// Otherwise, if |len| is not -1, the value is an ASN.1 string. |attrtype| is an
// |ASN1_STRING| type value and the |len| bytes from |data| are copied as the
// type-specific representation of |ASN1_STRING|. See |ASN1_STRING| for details.