@ -1074,31 +1074,24 @@ static int add_cert_bag(CBB *cbb, X509 *cert, const char *name,
return 1 ;
static int make_cert_safe_contents ( uint8_t * * out_data , size_t * out_len ,
X509 * cert , const STACK_OF ( X509 ) * chain ,
const char * name , const uint8_t * key_id ,
size_t key_id_len ) {
int ret = 0 ;
CBB cbb , safe_contents ;
if ( ! CBB_init ( & cbb , 0 ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & cbb , & safe_contents , CBS_ASN1_SEQUENCE ) | |
static int add_cert_safe_contents ( CBB * cbb , X509 * cert ,
const STACK_OF ( X509 ) * chain , const char * name ,
const uint8_t * key_id , size_t key_id_len ) {
CBB safe_contents ;
if ( ! CBB_add_asn1 ( cbb , & safe_contents , CBS_ASN1_SEQUENCE ) | |
( cert ! = NULL & &
! add_cert_bag ( & safe_contents , cert , name , key_id , key_id_len ) ) ) {
goto err ;
return 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < sk_X509_num ( chain ) ; i + + ) {
// Only the leaf certificate gets attributes.
if ( ! add_cert_bag ( & safe_contents , sk_X509_value ( chain , i ) , NULL , NULL , 0 ) ) {
goto err ;
return 0 ;
ret = CBB_finish ( & cbb , out_data , out_len ) ;
err :
CBB_cleanup ( & cbb ) ;
return ret ;
return CBB_flush ( cbb ) ;
static int add_encrypted_data ( CBB * out , int pbe_nid , const char * password ,
@ -1181,9 +1174,6 @@ PKCS12 *PKCS12_create(const char *password, const char *name,
if ( // In OpenSSL, this specifies a non-standard Microsoft key usage extension
// which we do not currently support.
key_type ! = 0 | |
// In OpenSSL, -1 here means to use no encryption, which we do not
// currently support.
key_nid < 0 | | cert_nid < 0 | |
// In OpenSSL, -1 here means to omit the MAC, which we do not
// currently support. Omitting it is also invalid for a password-based
// PKCS#12 file.
@ -1194,6 +1184,36 @@ PKCS12 *PKCS12_create(const char *password, const char *name,
return 0 ;
// PKCS#12 is a very confusing recursive data format, built out of another
// recursive data format. Section 5.1 of RFC7292 describes the encoding
// algorithm, but there is no clear overview. A quick summary:
// PKCS#7 defines a ContentInfo structure, which is a overgeneralized typed
// combinator structure for applying cryptography. We care about two types. A
// data ContentInfo contains an OCTET STRING and is a leaf node of the
// combinator tree. An encrypted-data ContentInfo contains encryption
// parameters (key derivation and encryption) and wraps another ContentInfo,
// usually data.
// A PKCS#12 file is a PFX structure (section 4), which contains a single data
// ContentInfo and a MAC over it. This root ContentInfo is the
// AuthenticatedSafe and its payload is a SEQUENCE of other ContentInfos, so
// that different parts of the PKCS#12 file can by differently protected.
// Each ContentInfo in the AuthenticatedSafe, after undoing all the PKCS#7
// combinators, has SafeContents payload. A SafeContents is a SEQUENCE of
// SafeBag. SafeBag is PKCS#12's typed structure, with subtypes such as KeyBag
// and CertBag. Confusingly, there is a SafeContents bag type which itself
// recursively contains more SafeBags, but we do not implement this. Bags also
// can have attributes.
// The grouping of SafeBags into intermediate ContentInfos does not appear to
// be significant, except that all SafeBags sharing a ContentInfo have the
// same level of protection. Additionally, while keys may be encrypted by
// placing a KeyBag in an encrypted-data ContentInfo, PKCS#12 also defines a
// key-specific encryption container, PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag, which is used
// instead.
// Note that |password| may be NULL to specify no password, rather than the
// empty string. They are encoded differently in PKCS#12. (One is the empty
// byte array and the other is NUL-terminated UCS-2.)
@ -1236,24 +1256,43 @@ PKCS12 *PKCS12_create(const char *password, const char *name,
// If there are any certificates, place them in CertBags wrapped in a single
// encrypted ContentInfo.
if ( cert ! = NULL | | sk_X509_num ( chain ) > 0 ) {
uint8_t * data ;
size_t len ;
if ( ! make_cert_safe_contents ( & data , & len , cert , chain , name , key_id ,
key_id_len ) ) {
goto err ;
int ok = add_encrypted_data ( & content_infos , cert_nid , password ,
password_len , iterations , data , len ) ;
OPENSSL_free ( data ) ;
if ( ! ok ) {
goto err ;
if ( cert_nid < 0 ) {
// Place the certificates in an unencrypted ContentInfo. This could be
// more compactly-encoded by reusing the same ContentInfo as the key, but
// OpenSSL does not do this. We keep them separate for consistency. (Keys,
// even when encrypted, are always placed in unencrypted ContentInfos.
// PKCS#12 defines bag-level encryption for keys.)
CBB content_info , oid , wrapper , data ;
if ( ! CBB_add_asn1 ( & content_infos , & content_info , CBS_ASN1_SEQUENCE ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & content_info , & oid , CBS_ASN1_OBJECT ) | |
! CBB_add_bytes ( & oid , kPKCS7Data , sizeof ( kPKCS7Data ) ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & content_info , & wrapper ,
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & wrapper , & data , CBS_ASN1_OCTETSTRING ) | |
! add_cert_safe_contents ( & data , cert , chain , name , key_id ,
key_id_len ) | |
! CBB_flush ( & content_infos ) ) {
goto err ;
} else {
CBB plaintext_cbb ;
int ok = CBB_init ( & plaintext_cbb , 0 ) & &
add_cert_safe_contents ( & plaintext_cbb , cert , chain , name , key_id ,
key_id_len ) & &
add_encrypted_data (
& content_infos , cert_nid , password , password_len , iterations ,
CBB_data ( & plaintext_cbb ) , CBB_len ( & plaintext_cbb ) ) ;
CBB_cleanup ( & plaintext_cbb ) ;
if ( ! ok ) {
goto err ;
// If there is a key, place it in a single PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag wrapped in an
// unencrypted ContentInfo. (One could also place it in a KeyBag inside an
// encrypted ContentInfo, but OpenSSL does not do this and some PKCS#12
// consumers do not support KeyBags.)
// If there is a key, place it in a single KeyBag or PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag
// wrapped in an unencrypted ContentInfo. (One could also place it in a KeyBag
// inside an encrypted ContentInfo, but OpenSSL does not do this and some
// PKCS#12 consumers do not support KeyBags.)
if ( pkey ! = NULL ) {
CBB content_info , oid , wrapper , data , safe_contents , bag , bag_oid ,
bag_contents ;
@ -1267,16 +1306,29 @@ PKCS12 *PKCS12_create(const char *password, const char *name,
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & data , & safe_contents , CBS_ASN1_SEQUENCE ) | |
// Add a SafeBag containing a PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag.
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & safe_contents , & bag , CBS_ASN1_SEQUENCE ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & bag , & bag_oid , CBS_ASN1_OBJECT ) | |
! CBB_add_bytes ( & bag_oid , kPKCS8ShroudedKeyBag ,
sizeof ( kPKCS8ShroudedKeyBag ) ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & bag , & bag_contents ,
! PKCS8_marshal_encrypted_private_key (
& bag_contents , key_nid , NULL , password , password_len ,
NULL /* generate a random salt */ , 0 /* use default salt length */ ,
iterations , pkey ) | |
! add_bag_attributes ( & bag , name , key_id , key_id_len ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & bag , & bag_oid , CBS_ASN1_OBJECT ) ) {
goto err ;
if ( key_nid < 0 ) {
if ( ! CBB_add_bytes ( & bag_oid , kKeyBag , sizeof ( kKeyBag ) ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & bag , & bag_contents ,
! EVP_marshal_private_key ( & bag_contents , pkey ) ) {
goto err ;
} else {
if ( ! CBB_add_bytes ( & bag_oid , kPKCS8ShroudedKeyBag ,
sizeof ( kPKCS8ShroudedKeyBag ) ) | |
! CBB_add_asn1 ( & bag , & bag_contents ,
! PKCS8_marshal_encrypted_private_key (
& bag_contents , key_nid , NULL , password , password_len ,
NULL /* generate a random salt */ ,
0 /* use default salt length */ , iterations , pkey ) ) {
goto err ;
if ( ! add_bag_attributes ( & bag , name , key_id , key_id_len ) | |
! CBB_flush ( & content_infos ) ) {
goto err ;