@ -185,18 +185,8 @@ func (hs *serverHandshakeState) readClientHello() error {
if ! bytes . Equal ( newClientHello . cookie , helloVerifyRequest . cookie ) {
return errors . New ( "dtls: invalid cookie" )
// Apart from the cookie, the two ClientHellos must
// match. Note that clientHello.equal compares the
// serialization, so we make a copy.
oldClientHelloCopy := * hs . clientHello
oldClientHelloCopy . raw = nil
oldClientHelloCopy . cookie = nil
newClientHelloCopy := * newClientHello
newClientHelloCopy . raw = nil
newClientHelloCopy . cookie = nil
if ! oldClientHelloCopy . equal ( & newClientHelloCopy ) {
return errors . New ( "dtls: retransmitted ClientHello does not match" )
if err := checkClientHellosEqual ( hs . clientHello . raw , newClientHello . raw , c . isDTLS , nil ) ; err != nil {
return err
hs . clientHello = newClientHello
@ -465,12 +455,16 @@ Curves:
pskIdentities := hs . clientHello . pskIdentities
pskKEModes := hs . clientHello . pskKEModes
var replacedPSKIdentities bool
if len ( pskIdentities ) == 0 && len ( hs . clientHello . sessionTicket ) > 0 && c . config . Bugs . AcceptAnySession {
// Pick up the ticket from the TLS 1.2 extension, to test the
// client does not get in a mixed up state.
psk := pskIdentity {
ticket : hs . clientHello . sessionTicket ,
pskIdentities = [ ] pskIdentity { psk }
pskKEModes = [ ] byte { pskDHEKEMode }
replacedPSKIdentities = true
var pskIndex int
@ -502,6 +496,13 @@ Curves:
return errors . New ( "tls: invalid ticket age" )
if ! replacedPSKIdentities {
binderToVerify := hs . clientHello . pskBinders [ i ]
if err := verifyPSKBinder ( c . wireVersion , hs . clientHello , sessionState , binderToVerify , [ ] byte { } , [ ] byte { } ) ; err != nil {
return err
hs . sessionState = sessionState
hs . hello . hasPSKIdentity = true
hs . hello . pskIdentity = uint16 ( i )
@ -519,15 +520,6 @@ Curves:
hs . hello . pskIdentity = 0
// Verify the PSK binder. Note there may not be a PSK binder if
// AcceptAnyBinder is set. See https://crbug.com/boringssl/115.
if hs . sessionState != nil && ! config . Bugs . AcceptAnySession {
binderToVerify := hs . clientHello . pskBinders [ pskIndex ]
if err := verifyPSKBinder ( c . wireVersion , hs . clientHello , hs . sessionState , binderToVerify , [ ] byte { } , [ ] byte { } ) ; err != nil {
return err
// Resolve PSK and compute the early secret.
if hs . sessionState != nil {
hs . finishedHash . addEntropy ( hs . sessionState . masterSecret )
@ -643,70 +635,84 @@ ResendHelloRetryRequest:
return fmt . Errorf ( "tls: client offered unexpected PSK identities after HelloRetryRequest" )
if newClientHello . hasEarlyData {
return errors . New ( "tls: EarlyData sent in new ClientHello" )
applyBugsToClientHello ( newClientHello , config )
// Check that the new ClientHello matches the old ClientHello,
// except for relevant modifications.
// TODO(davidben): Make this check more precise.
oldClientHelloCopy := * hs . clientHello
oldClientHelloCopy . raw = nil
oldClientHelloCopy . hasEarlyData = false
newClientHelloCopy := * newClientHello
newClientHelloCopy . raw = nil
// except for relevant modifications. See RFC 8446, section 4.1.2.
ignoreExtensions := [ ] uint16 { extensionPadding }
if helloRetryRequest . hasSelectedGroup {
newKeyShares := newClientHelloCopy . keyShares
newKeyShares := newClientHello . keyShares
if len ( newKeyShares ) != 1 || newKeyShares [ 0 ] . group != helloRetryRequest . selectedGroup {
return errors . New ( "tls: KeyShare from HelloRetryRequest not in new ClientHello" )
selectedKeyShare = & newKeyShares [ 0 ]
newClientHelloCopy . keyShares = oldClientHelloCopy . keyShares
ignoreExtensions = append ( ignoreExtensions , extensionKeyShare )
if len ( helloRetryRequest . cookie ) > 0 {
if ! bytes . Equal ( newClientHelloCopy . tls13Cookie , helloRetryRequest . cookie ) {
if ! bytes . Equal ( newClientHello . tls13Cookie , helloRetryRequest . cookie ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: cookie from HelloRetryRequest not present in new ClientHello" )
newClientHelloCopy . tls13Cookie = nil
ignoreExtensions = append ( ignoreExtensions , extensionCookie )
// PSK binders and obfuscated ticket age are both updated in the
// second ClientHello.
if len ( oldClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities ) != len ( newClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities ) {
newClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities = oldClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities
} else {
if len ( oldClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities ) != len ( newClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: PSK identity count from old and new ClientHello do not match" )
// The second ClientHello refreshes binders, and may drop PSK identities
// that are no longer consistent with the cipher suite.
oldPSKIdentities := hs . clientHello . pskIdentities
for _ , identity := range newClientHello . pskIdentities {
// Skip to the matching PSK identity in oldPSKIdentities.
for len ( oldPSKIdentities ) > 0 && ! bytes . Equal ( oldPSKIdentities [ 0 ] . ticket , identity . ticket ) {
oldPSKIdentities = oldPSKIdentities [ 1 : ]
// The identity now either matches, or oldPSKIdentities is empty.
if len ( oldPSKIdentities ) == 0 {
return errors . New ( "tls: unexpected PSK identity in second ClientHello" )
oldPSKIdentities = oldPSKIdentities [ 1 : ]
ignoreExtensions = append ( ignoreExtensions , extensionPreSharedKey )
// Update the index for the identity we resumed. The client may have
// dropped some entries.
if hs . sessionState != nil {
var found bool
ticket := hs . clientHello . pskIdentities [ pskIndex ] . ticket
for i , identity := range newClientHello . pskIdentities {
if bytes . Equal ( identity . ticket , ticket ) {
found = true
pskIndex = i
for i , identity := range oldClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities {
newClientHelloCopy . pskIdentities [ i ] . obfuscatedTicketAge = identity . obfuscatedTicketAge
if found {
binderToVerify := newClientHello . pskBinders [ pskIndex ]
if err := verifyPSKBinder ( c . wireVersion , newClientHello , hs . sessionState , binderToVerify , oldClientHelloBytes , helloRetryRequest . marshal ( ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
} else if ! config . Bugs . AcceptAnySession {
// If AcceptAnySession is set, the client may have already noticed
// the selected session is incompatible with the HelloRetryRequest
// and correctly dropped the PSK identity. We may also have
// attempted to resume a session from the TLS 1.2 extension.
return errors . New ( "tls: second ClientHello is missing selected session" )
newClientHelloCopy . pskBinders = oldClientHelloCopy . pskBinders
newClientHelloCopy . hasEarlyData = oldClientHelloCopy . hasEarlyData
if ! oldClientHelloCopy . equal ( & newClientHelloCopy ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: new ClientHello does not match" )
// The second ClientHello must stop offering early data.
if newClientHello . hasEarlyData {
return errors . New ( "tls: EarlyData sent in new ClientHello" )
ignoreExtensions = append ( ignoreExtensions , extensionEarlyData )
if err := checkClientHellosEqual ( hs . clientHello . raw , newClientHello . raw , c . isDTLS , ignoreExtensions ) ; err != nil {
return err
if firstHelloRetryRequest && config . Bugs . SecondHelloRetryRequest {
firstHelloRetryRequest = false
goto ResendHelloRetryRequest
// Verify the PSK binder. Note there may not be a PSK binder if
// AcceptAnyBinder is set. See https://crbug.com/115.
if hs . sessionState != nil && ! config . Bugs . AcceptAnySession {
binderToVerify := newClientHello . pskBinders [ pskIndex ]
if err := verifyPSKBinder ( c . wireVersion , newClientHello , hs . sessionState , binderToVerify , oldClientHelloBytes , helloRetryRequest . marshal ( ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
// Decide whether or not to accept early data.
@ -2211,3 +2217,129 @@ func verifyPSKBinder(version uint16, clientHello *clientHelloMsg, sessionState *
return nil
// checkClientHellosEqual checks whether a and b are equal ClientHello
// messages. If isDTLS is true, the ClientHellos are parsed as DTLS and any
// differences in the cookie field are ignored. Extensions listed in
// ignoreExtensions may change or be removed between the two ClientHellos.
func checkClientHellosEqual ( a , b [ ] byte , isDTLS bool , ignoreExtensions [ ] uint16 ) error {
ignoreExtensionsSet := make ( map [ uint16 ] struct { } )
for _ , ext := range ignoreExtensions {
ignoreExtensionsSet [ ext ] = struct { } { }
// Skip the handshake message header.
aReader := byteReader ( a [ 4 : ] )
bReader := byteReader ( b [ 4 : ] )
var aVers , bVers uint16
var aRandom , bRandom [ ] byte
var aSessionID , bSessionID [ ] byte
if ! aReader . readU16 ( & aVers ) ||
! bReader . readU16 ( & bVers ) ||
! aReader . readBytes ( & aRandom , 32 ) ||
! bReader . readBytes ( & bRandom , 32 ) ||
! aReader . readU8LengthPrefixedBytes ( & aSessionID ) ||
! bReader . readU8LengthPrefixedBytes ( & bSessionID ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: could not parse ClientHello" )
if aVers != bVers {
return errors . New ( "tls: second ClientHello version did not match" )
if ! bytes . Equal ( aRandom , bRandom ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: second ClientHello random did not match" )
if ! bytes . Equal ( aSessionID , bSessionID ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: second ClientHello session ID did not match" )
if isDTLS {
// DTLS 1.2 checks two ClientHellos match after a HelloVerifyRequest,
// where we expect the cookies to change. DTLS 1.3 forbids the legacy
// cookie altogether. If we implement DTLS 1.3, we'll need to ensure
// that parsing logic above this function rejects this cookie.
var aCookie , bCookie [ ] byte
if ! aReader . readU8LengthPrefixedBytes ( & aCookie ) ||
! bReader . readU8LengthPrefixedBytes ( & bCookie ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: could not parse ClientHello" )
var aCipherSuites , bCipherSuites , aCompressionMethods , bCompressionMethods [ ] byte
if ! aReader . readU16LengthPrefixedBytes ( & aCipherSuites ) ||
! bReader . readU16LengthPrefixedBytes ( & bCipherSuites ) ||
! aReader . readU8LengthPrefixedBytes ( & aCompressionMethods ) ||
! bReader . readU8LengthPrefixedBytes ( & bCompressionMethods ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: could not parse ClientHello" )
if ! bytes . Equal ( aCipherSuites , bCipherSuites ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: second ClientHello cipher suites did not match" )
if ! bytes . Equal ( aCompressionMethods , bCompressionMethods ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: second ClientHello compression methods did not match" )
if len ( aReader ) == 0 && len ( bReader ) == 0 {
// Both ClientHellos omit the extensions block.
return nil
var aExtensions , bExtensions byteReader
if ! aReader . readU16LengthPrefixed ( & aExtensions ) ||
! bReader . readU16LengthPrefixed ( & bExtensions ) ||
len ( aReader ) != 0 ||
len ( bReader ) != 0 {
return errors . New ( "tls: could not parse ClientHello" )
for len ( aExtensions ) != 0 {
var aID uint16
var aBody [ ] byte
if ! aExtensions . readU16 ( & aID ) ||
! aExtensions . readU16LengthPrefixedBytes ( & aBody ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: could not parse ClientHello" )
if _ , ok := ignoreExtensionsSet [ aID ] ; ok {
for {
if len ( bExtensions ) == 0 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "tls: second ClientHello missing extension %d" , aID )
var bID uint16
var bBody [ ] byte
if ! bExtensions . readU16 ( & bID ) ||
! bExtensions . readU16LengthPrefixedBytes ( & bBody ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: could not parse ClientHello" )
if _ , ok := ignoreExtensionsSet [ bID ] ; ok {
if aID != bID {
return fmt . Errorf ( "tls: unexpected extension %d in second ClientHello (wanted %d)" , bID , aID )
if ! bytes . Equal ( aBody , bBody ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "tls: extension %d in second ClientHello unexpectedly changed" , aID )
// Any remaining extensions in the second ClientHello must be in the
// ignored set.
for len ( bExtensions ) != 0 {
var id uint16
var body [ ] byte
if ! bExtensions . readU16 ( & id ) ||
! bExtensions . readU16LengthPrefixedBytes ( & body ) {
return errors . New ( "tls: could not parse ClientHello" )
if _ , ok := ignoreExtensionsSet [ id ] ; ! ok {
return fmt . Errorf ( "tls: unexpected extension %d in second ClientHello" , id )
return nil