@ -633,13 +633,53 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509V3_EXT_add_list(X509V3_EXT_METHOD *extlist);
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509V3_EXT_add_alias ( int nid_to , int nid_from ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT void X509V3_EXT_cleanup ( void ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT const X509V3_EXT_METHOD * X509V3_EXT_get ( X509_EXTENSION * ext ) ;
const X509_EXTENSION * ext ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT const X509V3_EXT_METHOD * X509V3_EXT_get_nid ( int nid ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509V3_add_standard_extensions ( void ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF ( CONF_VALUE ) * X509V3_parse_list ( const char * line ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT void * X509V3_EXT_d2i ( X509_EXTENSION * ext ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT void * X509V3_get_d2i ( STACK_OF ( X509_EXTENSION ) * x , int nid ,
int * crit , int * idx ) ;
// X509V3_EXT_d2i decodes |ext| and returns a pointer to a newly-allocated
// structure, with type dependent on the type of the extension. It returns NULL
// if |ext| is an unsupported extension or if there was a syntax error in the
// extension. The caller should cast the return value to the expected type and
// free the structure when done.
// WARNING: Casting the return value to the wrong type is a potentially
// exploitable memory error, so callers must not use this function before
// checking |ext| is of a known type.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void * X509V3_EXT_d2i ( const X509_EXTENSION * ext ) ;
// X509V3_get_d2i finds and decodes the extension in |extensions| of type |nid|.
// If found, it decodes it and returns a newly-allocated structure, with type
// dependent on |nid|. If the extension is not found or on error, it returns
// NULL. The caller may distinguish these cases using the |out_critical| value.
// If |out_critical| is not NULL, this function sets |*out_critical| to one if
// the extension is found and critical, zero if it is found and not critical, -1
// if it is not found, and -2 if there is an invalid duplicate extension. Note
// this function may set |*out_critical| to one or zero and still return NULL if
// the extension is found but has a syntax error.
// If |out_idx| is not NULL, this function looks for the first occurrence of the
// extension after |*out_idx|. It then sets |*out_idx| to the index of the
// extension, or -1 if not found. If |out_idx| is non-NULL, duplicate extensions
// are not treated as an error. Callers, however, should not rely on this
// behavior as it may be removed in the future. Duplicate extensions are
// forbidden in RFC5280.
// WARNING: This function is difficult to use correctly. Callers should pass a
// non-NULL |out_critical| and check both the return value and |*out_critical|
// to handle errors. If the return value is NULL and |*out_critical| is not -1,
// there was an error. Otherwise, the function succeeded and but may return NULL
// for a missing extension. Callers should pass NULL to |out_idx| so that
// duplicate extensions are handled correctly.
// Additionally, casting the return value to the wrong type is a potentially
// exploitable memory error, so callers must ensure the cast and |nid| match.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void * X509V3_get_d2i ( const STACK_OF ( X509_EXTENSION ) * extensions ,
int nid , int * out_critical , int * out_idx ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int X509V3_EXT_free ( int nid , void * ext_data ) ;