@ -4,65 +4,54 @@
import json
import os
import pipes
import shutil
import os . path
import subprocess
import sys
script_dir = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) )
sys . path . insert ( 0 , os . path . join ( script_dir , ' gyp ' , ' pylib ' ) )
json_data_file = os . path . join ( script_dir , ' win_toolchain.json ' )
import gyp
# Use MSVS2015 as the default toolchain.
def SetEnvironmentAndGetRuntimeDllDirs ( ) :
""" Sets up os.environ to use the depot_tools VS toolchain with gyp, and
returns the location of the VS runtime DLLs so they can be copied into
the output directory after gyp generation .
vs_runtime_dll_dirs = None
depot_tools_win_toolchain = \
bool ( int ( os . environ . get ( ' DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN ' , ' 1 ' ) ) )
if sys . platform in ( ' win32 ' , ' cygwin ' ) and depot_tools_win_toolchain :
if not os . path . exists ( json_data_file ) :
Update ( )
with open ( json_data_file , ' r ' ) as tempf :
toolchain_data = json . load ( tempf )
toolchain = toolchain_data [ ' path ' ]
version = toolchain_data [ ' version ' ]
win_sdk = toolchain_data . get ( ' win_sdk ' )
if not win_sdk :
win_sdk = toolchain_data [ ' win8sdk ' ]
wdk = toolchain_data [ ' wdk ' ]
# TODO(scottmg): The order unfortunately matters in these. They should be
# split into separate keys for x86 and x64. (See CopyVsRuntimeDlls call
# below). http://crbug.com/345992
vs_runtime_dll_dirs = toolchain_data [ ' runtime_dirs ' ]
os . environ [ ' GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH ' ] = toolchain
os . environ [ ' GYP_MSVS_VERSION ' ] = version
# We need to make sure windows_sdk_path is set to the automated
# toolchain values in GYP_DEFINES, but don't want to override any
# otheroptions.express
# values there.
gyp_defines_dict = gyp . NameValueListToDict ( gyp . ShlexEnv ( ' GYP_DEFINES ' ) )
gyp_defines_dict [ ' windows_sdk_path ' ] = win_sdk
os . environ [ ' GYP_DEFINES ' ] = ' ' . join ( ' %s = %s ' % ( k , pipes . quote ( str ( v ) ) )
for k , v in gyp_defines_dict . iteritems ( ) )
os . environ [ ' WINDOWSSDKDIR ' ] = win_sdk
os . environ [ ' WDK_DIR ' ] = wdk
# Include the VS runtime in the PATH in case it's not machine-installed.
runtime_path = ' ; ' . join ( vs_runtime_dll_dirs )
os . environ [ ' PATH ' ] = runtime_path + ' ; ' + os . environ [ ' PATH ' ]
return vs_runtime_dll_dirs
def SetEnvironmentForCPU ( cpu ) :
""" Sets the environment to build with the selected toolchain for |cpu|. """
with open ( json_data_file , ' r ' ) as tempf :
toolchain_data = json . load ( tempf )
sdk_dir = toolchain_data [ ' win_sdk ' ]
os . environ [ ' WINDOWSSDKDIR ' ] = sdk_dir
os . environ [ ' WDK_DIR ' ] = toolchain_data [ ' wdk ' ]
# Include the VS runtime in the PATH in case it's not machine-installed.
vs_runtime_dll_dirs = toolchain_data [ ' runtime_dirs ' ]
runtime_path = os . pathsep . join ( vs_runtime_dll_dirs )
os . environ [ ' PATH ' ] = runtime_path + os . pathsep + os . environ [ ' PATH ' ]
# Set up the architecture-specific environment from the SetEnv files. See
# _LoadToolchainEnv() from setup_toolchain.py in Chromium.
assert cpu in ( ' x86 ' , ' x64 ' , ' arm ' , ' arm64 ' )
with open ( os . path . join ( sdk_dir , ' bin ' , ' SetEnv. %s .json ' % cpu ) ) as f :
env = json . load ( f ) [ ' env ' ]
if env [ ' VSINSTALLDIR ' ] == [ [ " .. " , " .. \\ " ] ] :
# Old-style paths were relative to the win_sdk\bin directory.
json_relative_dir = os . path . join ( sdk_dir , ' bin ' )
else :
# New-style paths are relative to the toolchain directory, which is the
# parent of the SDK directory.
json_relative_dir = os . path . split ( sdk_dir ) [ 0 ]
for k in env :
entries = [ os . path . join ( * ( [ json_relative_dir ] + e ) ) for e in env [ k ] ]
# clang-cl wants INCLUDE to be ;-separated even on non-Windows,
# lld-link wants LIB to be ;-separated even on non-Windows. Path gets :.
sep = os . pathsep if k == ' PATH ' else ' ; '
env [ k ] = sep . join ( entries )
# PATH is a bit of a special case, it's in addition to the current PATH.
env [ ' PATH ' ] = env [ ' PATH ' ] + os . pathsep + os . environ [ ' PATH ' ]
for k , v in env . items ( ) :
os . environ [ k ] = v
def FindDepotTools ( ) :
@ -76,6 +65,8 @@ def FindDepotTools():
def GetVisualStudioVersion ( ) :
""" Return GYP_MSVS_VERSION of Visual Studio.
# TODO(davidben): Replace this with a command-line argument. The depot_tools
# script no longer needs this environment variable.
@ -97,24 +88,18 @@ def _GetDesiredVsToolchainHashes():
def Update ( ) :
""" Requests an update of the toolchain to the specific hashes we have at
this revision . The update outputs a . json of the various configuration
information required to pass to gyp which we use in | GetToolchainDir ( ) | .
information required to pass to vs_env . py which we use in
| SetEnvironmentForCPU ( ) | .
depot_tools_win_toolchain = \
bool ( int ( os . environ . get ( ' DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN ' , ' 1 ' ) ) )
if sys . platform in ( ' win32 ' , ' cygwin ' ) and depot_tools_win_toolchain :
depot_tools_path = FindDepotTools ( )
# Necessary so that get_toolchain_if_necessary.py will put the VS toolkit
# in the correct directory.
os . environ [ ' GYP_MSVS_VERSION ' ] = GetVisualStudioVersion ( )
get_toolchain_args = [
sys . executable ,
os . path . join ( depot_tools_path ,
' win_toolchain ' ,
' get_toolchain_if_necessary.py ' ) ,
' --output-json ' , json_data_file ,
] + _GetDesiredVsToolchainHashes ( )
subprocess . check_call ( get_toolchain_args )
depot_tools_path = FindDepotTools ( )
get_toolchain_args = [
sys . executable ,
os . path . join ( depot_tools_path ,
' win_toolchain ' ,
' get_toolchain_if_necessary.py ' ) ,
' --output-json ' , json_data_file ,
] + _GetDesiredVsToolchainHashes ( )
subprocess . check_call ( get_toolchain_args )
return 0