@ -1243,9 +1243,57 @@ var (
errUnimplemented = errors . New ( "child process does not implement needed flags" )
// accept accepts a connection from listener, unless waitChan signals a process
// exit first.
func acceptOrWait ( listener * net . TCPListener , waitChan chan error ) ( net . Conn , error ) {
type shimProcess struct {
cmd * exec . Cmd
waitChan chan error
listener * net . TCPListener
stdout , stderr bytes . Buffer
// newShimProcess starts a new shim with the specified executable, flags, and
// environment. It internally creates a TCP listener and adds the the -port
// flag.
func newShimProcess ( shimPath string , flags [ ] string , env [ ] string ) ( * shimProcess , error ) {
shim := new ( shimProcess )
var err error
shim . listener , err = net . ListenTCP ( "tcp" , & net . TCPAddr { IP : net . IPv6loopback } )
if err != nil {
shim . listener , err = net . ListenTCP ( "tcp4" , & net . TCPAddr { IP : net . IP { 127 , 0 , 0 , 1 } } )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
flags = append ( [ ] string { "-port" , strconv . Itoa ( shim . listener . Addr ( ) . ( * net . TCPAddr ) . Port ) } , flags ... )
if * useValgrind {
shim . cmd = valgrindOf ( false , shimPath , flags ... )
} else if * useGDB {
shim . cmd = gdbOf ( shimPath , flags ... )
} else if * useLLDB {
shim . cmd = lldbOf ( shimPath , flags ... )
} else if * useRR {
shim . cmd = rrOf ( shimPath , flags ... )
} else {
shim . cmd = exec . Command ( shimPath , flags ... )
shim . cmd . Stdin = os . Stdin
shim . cmd . Stdout = & shim . stdout
shim . cmd . Stderr = & shim . stderr
shim . cmd . Env = env
if err := shim . cmd . Start ( ) ; err != nil {
shim . listener . Close ( )
return nil , err
shim . waitChan = make ( chan error , 1 )
go func ( ) { shim . waitChan <- shim . cmd . Wait ( ) } ( )
return shim , nil
// accept returns a new TCP connection with the shim process, or returns an
// error on timeout or shim exit.
func ( s * shimProcess ) accept ( ) ( net . Conn , error ) {
type connOrError struct {
conn net . Conn
err error
@ -1253,21 +1301,93 @@ func acceptOrWait(listener *net.TCPListener, waitChan chan error) (net.Conn, err
connChan := make ( chan connOrError , 1 )
go func ( ) {
if ! useDebugger ( ) {
listener . SetDeadline ( time . Now ( ) . Add ( * idleTimeout ) )
s . listener . SetDeadline ( time . Now ( ) . Add ( * idleTimeout ) )
conn , err := listener . Accept ( )
conn , err := s . listener . Accept ( )
connChan <- connOrError { conn , err }
close ( connChan )
} ( )
select {
case result := <- connChan :
return result . conn , result . err
case childErr := <- waitChan :
waitChan <- childErr
case childErr := <- s . waitChan :
s . waitChan <- childErr
if childErr == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "child exited early with no error" )
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "child exited early: %s" , childErr )
// wait finishes the test and waits for the shim process to exit.
func ( s * shimProcess ) wait ( ) error {
// Close the listener now. This is to avoid hangs if the shim tries to open
// more connections than expected.
s . listener . Close ( )
if ! useDebugger ( ) {
waitTimeout := time . AfterFunc ( * idleTimeout , func ( ) {
s . cmd . Process . Kill ( )
} )
defer waitTimeout . Stop ( )
err := <- s . waitChan
s . waitChan <- err
return err
// close releases resources associated with the shimProcess. This is safe to
// call before or after |wait|.
func ( s * shimProcess ) close ( ) {
s . listener . Close ( )
s . cmd . Process . Kill ( )
func doExchanges ( test * testCase , shim * shimProcess , resumeCount int , transcripts * [ ] [ ] byte ) error {
config := test . config
if * deterministic {
config . Rand = & deterministicRand { }
conn , err := shim . accept ( )
if err != nil {
return err
err = doExchange ( test , & config , conn , false /* not a resumption */ , transcripts , 0 )
conn . Close ( )
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0 ; i < resumeCount ; i ++ {
var resumeConfig Config
if test . resumeConfig != nil {
resumeConfig = * test . resumeConfig
if ! test . newSessionsOnResume {
resumeConfig . SessionTicketKey = config . SessionTicketKey
resumeConfig . ClientSessionCache = config . ClientSessionCache
resumeConfig . ServerSessionCache = config . ServerSessionCache
resumeConfig . Rand = config . Rand
} else {
resumeConfig = config
var connResume net . Conn
connResume , err = shim . accept ( )
if err != nil {
return err
err = doExchange ( test , & resumeConfig , connResume , true /* resumption */ , transcripts , i + 1 )
connResume . Close ( )
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func translateExpectedError ( errorStr string ) string {
if translated , ok := shimConfig . ErrorMap [ errorStr ] ; ok {
return translated
@ -1293,20 +1413,7 @@ func runTest(statusChan chan statusMsg, test *testCase, shimPath string, mallocN
} ( )
listener , err := net . ListenTCP ( "tcp" , & net . TCPAddr { IP : net . IPv6loopback } )
if err != nil {
listener , err = net . ListenTCP ( "tcp4" , & net . TCPAddr { IP : net . IP { 127 , 0 , 0 , 1 } } )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
defer func ( ) {
if listener != nil {
listener . Close ( )
} ( )
flags := [ ] string { "-port" , strconv . Itoa ( listener . Addr ( ) . ( * net . TCPAddr ) . Port ) }
var flags [ ] string
if test . testType == serverTest {
flags = append ( flags , "-server" )
@ -1495,88 +1602,26 @@ func runTest(statusChan chan statusMsg, test *testCase, shimPath string, mallocN
flags = append ( flags , test . flags ... )
var shim * exec . Cmd
if * useValgrind {
shim = valgrindOf ( false , shimPath , flags ... )
} else if * useGDB {
shim = gdbOf ( shimPath , flags ... )
} else if * useLLDB {
shim = lldbOf ( shimPath , flags ... )
} else if * useRR {
shim = rrOf ( shimPath , flags ... )
} else {
shim = exec . Command ( shimPath , flags ... )
shim . Stdin = os . Stdin
var stdoutBuf , stderrBuf bytes . Buffer
shim . Stdout = & stdoutBuf
shim . Stderr = & stderrBuf
var env [ ] string
if mallocNumToFail >= 0 {
shim . E nv = os . Environ ( )
shim . E nv = append ( shim . E nv, "MALLOC_NUMBER_TO_FAIL=" + strconv . FormatInt ( mallocNumToFail , 10 ) )
env = os . Environ ( )
env = append ( env , "MALLOC_NUMBER_TO_FAIL=" + strconv . FormatInt ( mallocNumToFail , 10 ) )
if * mallocTestDebug {
shim . E nv = append ( shim . E nv, "MALLOC_BREAK_ON_FAIL=1" )
env = append ( env , "MALLOC_BREAK_ON_FAIL=1" )
shim . Env = append ( shim . Env , "_MALLOC_CHECK=1" )
if err := shim . Start ( ) ; err != nil {
panic ( err )
statusChan <- statusMsg { test : test , statusType : statusShimStarted , pid : shim . Process . Pid }
waitChan := make ( chan error , 1 )
go func ( ) { waitChan <- shim . Wait ( ) } ( )
config := test . config
if * deterministic {
config . Rand = & deterministicRand { }
env = append ( env , "_MALLOC_CHECK=1" )
conn , err := acceptOrWait ( listener , waitChan )
if err == nil {
err = doExchange ( test , & config , conn , false /* not a resumption */ , & transcripts , 0 )
conn . Close ( )
for i := 0 ; err == nil && i < resumeCount ; i ++ {
var resumeConfig Config
if test . resumeConfig != nil {
resumeConfig = * test . resumeConfig
if ! test . newSessionsOnResume {
resumeConfig . SessionTicketKey = config . SessionTicketKey
resumeConfig . ClientSessionCache = config . ClientSessionCache
resumeConfig . ServerSessionCache = config . ServerSessionCache
resumeConfig . Rand = config . Rand
} else {
resumeConfig = config
var connResume net . Conn
connResume , err = acceptOrWait ( listener , waitChan )
if err == nil {
err = doExchange ( test , & resumeConfig , connResume , true /* resumption */ , & transcripts , i + 1 )
connResume . Close ( )
shim , err := newShimProcess ( shimPath , flags , env )
if err != nil {
return err
defer shim . close ( )
// Close the listener now. This is to avoid hangs should the shim try to
// open more connections than expected.
listener . Close ( )
listener = nil
localErr := doExchanges ( test , shim , resumeCount , & transcripts )
childErr := shim . wait ( )
var childErr error
if useDebugger ( ) {
childErr = <- waitChan
} else {
waitTimeout := time . AfterFunc ( * idleTimeout , func ( ) {
shim . Process . Kill ( )
} )
childErr = <- waitChan
waitTimeout . Stop ( )
// Now that the shim has exitted, all the settings files have been
// Now that the shim has exited, all the settings files have been
// written. Append the saved transcripts.
for i , transcript := range transcripts {
if err := appendTranscript ( transcriptPrefix + strconv . Itoa ( i ) , transcript ) ; err != nil {
@ -1599,8 +1644,8 @@ func runTest(statusChan chan statusMsg, test *testCase, shimPath string, mallocN
// Account for Windows line endings.
stdout := strings . Replace ( string ( stdoutBuf . Bytes ( ) ) , "\r\n" , "\n" , - 1 )
stderr := strings . Replace ( string ( stderrBuf . Bytes ( ) ) , "\r\n" , "\n" , - 1 )
stdout := strings . Replace ( shim . stdout . String ( ) , "\r\n" , "\n" , - 1 )
stderr := strings . Replace ( shim . stderr . String ( ) , "\r\n" , "\n" , - 1 )
// Work around an NDK / Android bug. The NDK r16 sometimes generates
// binaries with the DF_1_PIE, which the runtime linker on Android N
@ -1622,22 +1667,22 @@ func runTest(statusChan chan statusMsg, test *testCase, shimPath string, mallocN
extraStderr = stderrParts [ 1 ]
failed := e rr != nil || childErr != nil
failed := localE rr != nil || childErr != nil
expectedError := translateExpectedError ( test . expectedError )
correctFailure := len ( expectedError ) == 0 || strings . Contains ( stderr , expectedError )
localError := "none"
if e rr != nil {
localError = e rr . Error ( )
localErrString := "none"
if localE rr != nil {
localErrString = localE rr . Error ( )
if len ( test . expectedLocalError ) != 0 {
correctFailure = correctFailure && strings . Contains ( localError , test . expectedLocalError )
correctFailure = correctFailure && strings . Contains ( localErrString , test . expectedLocalError )
if failed != test . shouldFail || failed && ! correctFailure || mustFail {
childError := "none"
childErrString := "none"
if childErr != nil {
childError = childErr . Error ( )
childErrString = childErr . Error ( )
var msg string
@ -1654,7 +1699,7 @@ func runTest(statusChan chan statusMsg, test *testCase, shimPath string, mallocN
panic ( "internal error" )
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s: local error '%s', child error '%s', stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s\n%s" , msg , localError , childError , stdout , stderr , extraStderr )
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s: local error '%s', child error '%s', stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s\n%s" , msg , localErrString , childErrString , stdout , stderr , extraStderr )
if len ( extraStderr ) > 0 || ( ! failed && len ( stderr ) > 0 ) {