@ -197,9 +197,8 @@ extern "C" {
// the DER encoding of the value. For example, the UNIX epoch would be
// "19700101000000Z" for a GeneralizedTime and "700101000000Z" for a UTCTime.
// TODO(davidben): |ASN1_TYPE| additionally uses |ASN1_STRING| to represent
// various other odd cases. It also likes to assume unknown universal tags are
// string types. Make a note here when documenting |ASN1_TYPE|.
// |ASN1_STRING|, when stored in an |ASN1_TYPE|, may also represent an element
// with tag not directly supported by this library. See |ASN1_TYPE| for details.
// |ASN1_STRING| additionally has the following typedefs: |ASN1_BIT_STRING|,
@ -313,6 +312,114 @@ OPENSSL_EXPORT void ASN1_STRING_set0(ASN1_STRING *str, void *data, int len);
// types.
// Arbitrary elements.
// ASN1_VALUE_st (aka |ASN1_VALUE|) is an opaque type used internally in the
// library.
typedef struct ASN1_VALUE_st ASN1_VALUE ;
// An asn1_type_st (aka |ASN1_TYPE|) represents an arbitrary ASN.1 element,
// typically used used for ANY types. It contains a |type| field and a |value|
// union dependent on |type|.
// WARNING: This struct has a complex representation. Callers performing
// non-trivial operations on this type are encouraged to use |CBS| and |CBB|
// from <openssl/bytestring.h>, and convert to or from |ASN1_TYPE| with
// |d2i_ASN1_TYPE| or |i2d_ASN1_TYPE|.
// The |type| field corresponds to the tag of the ASN.1 element being
// represented:
// If |type| is a |V_ASN1_*| constant for an ASN.1 string-like type, as defined
// by |ASN1_STRING|, the tag matches the constant. |value| contains an
// |ASN1_STRING| pointer (equivalently, one of the more specific typedefs). See
// |ASN1_STRING| for details on the representation. Unlike |ASN1_STRING|,
// |ASN1_TYPE| does not use the |V_ASN1_NEG| flag for negative INTEGER and
// ENUMERATE values. For a negative value, the |ASN1_TYPE|'s |type| will be
// |V_ASN1_INTEGER| or |V_ASN1_ENUMERATED|, but |value| will an |ASN1_STRING|
// whose |type| is |V_ASN1_NEG_INTEGER| or |V_ASN1_NEG_ENUMERATED|.
// If |type| is |V_ASN1_OBJECT|, the tag is OBJECT IDENTIFIER and |value|
// contains an |ASN1_OBJECT| pointer.
// If |type| is |V_ASN1_NULL|, the tag is NULL. |value| contains a NULL pointer.
// If |type| is |V_ASN1_BOOLEAN|, the tag is BOOLEAN. |value| contains an
// |ASN1_BOOLEAN|. While |ASN1_BOOLEAN| is an |int|, any unused bits of |value|
// must also be zero, so callers must not construct these values manually.
// TODO(davidben): Fix code which relies on this. It's anything which looks at
// |value.ptr| or |value.asn1_value| unconditionally.
// If |type| is |V_ASN1_SEQUENCE|, |V_ASN1_SET|, or |V_ASN1_OTHER|, the tag is
// SEQUENCE, SET, or some non-universal tag, respectively. |value| is an
// |ASN1_STRING| containing the entire element, including the tag and length.
// The |ASN1_STRING|'s |type| field matches the containing |ASN1_TYPE|'s |type|.
// Other positive values of |type|, up to |V_ASN1_MAX_UNIVERSAL|, correspond to
// universal primitive tags not directly supported by this library. |value| is
// an |ASN1_STRING| containing the body of the element, excluding the tag
// and length. The |ASN1_STRING|'s |type| field matches the containing
// |ASN1_TYPE|'s |type|.
struct asn1_type_st {
int type ;
union {
char * ptr ;
ASN1_BOOLEAN boolean ;
ASN1_STRING * asn1_string ;
ASN1_OBJECT * object ;
ASN1_INTEGER * integer ;
ASN1_ENUMERATED * enumerated ;
ASN1_BIT_STRING * bit_string ;
ASN1_OCTET_STRING * octet_string ;
ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING * printablestring ;
ASN1_T61STRING * t61string ;
ASN1_IA5STRING * ia5string ;
ASN1_GENERALSTRING * generalstring ;
ASN1_BMPSTRING * bmpstring ;
ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING * universalstring ;
ASN1_UTCTIME * utctime ;
ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME * generalizedtime ;
ASN1_VISIBLESTRING * visiblestring ;
ASN1_UTF8STRING * utf8string ;
// set and sequence are left complete and still contain the entire element.
ASN1_STRING * set ;
ASN1_STRING * sequence ;
ASN1_VALUE * asn1_value ;
} value ;
} ;
// ASN1_TYPE_get returns the type of |a|, which will be one of the |V_ASN1_*|
// constants, or zero if |a| is not fully initialized.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int ASN1_TYPE_get ( const ASN1_TYPE * a ) ;
// ASN1_TYPE_set sets |a| to an |ASN1_TYPE| of type |type| and value |value|,
// releasing the previous contents of |a|.
// If |type| is |V_ASN1_BOOLEAN|, |a| is set to FALSE if |value| is NULL and
// TRUE otherwise. If setting |a| to TRUE, |value| may be an invalid pointer,
// such as (void*)1.
// If |type| is |V_ASN1_NULL|, |value| must be NULL.
// For other values of |type|, this function takes ownership of |value|, which
// must point to an object of the corresponding type. See |ASN1_TYPE| for
// details.
OPENSSL_EXPORT void ASN1_TYPE_set ( ASN1_TYPE * a , int type , void * value ) ;
// ASN1_TYPE_set1 behaves like |ASN1_TYPE_set| except it does not take ownership
// of |value|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int ASN1_TYPE_set1 ( ASN1_TYPE * a , int type , const void * value ) ;
// ASN1_TYPE_cmp returns zero if |a| and |b| are equal and some non-zero value
// otherwise. Note this function can only be used for equality checks, not an
// ordering.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int ASN1_TYPE_cmp ( const ASN1_TYPE * a , const ASN1_TYPE * b ) ;
// TODO(davidben): Most of |ASN1_TYPE|'s APIs are hidden behind macros. Expand
// the macros, document them, and move them to this section.
// Underdocumented functions.
// The following functions are not yet documented and organized.
@ -424,8 +531,6 @@ typedef struct asn1_string_table_st {
// see asn1t.h
typedef struct ASN1_TEMPLATE_st ASN1_TEMPLATE ;
typedef struct ASN1_TLC_st ASN1_TLC ;
// This is just an opaque pointer
typedef struct ASN1_VALUE_st ASN1_VALUE ;
// Declare ASN1 functions: the implement macro in in asn1t.h
@ -591,35 +696,6 @@ typedef const ASN1_ITEM ASN1_ITEM_EXP;
struct asn1_type_st {
int type ;
union {
char * ptr ;
ASN1_BOOLEAN boolean ;
ASN1_STRING * asn1_string ;
ASN1_OBJECT * object ;
ASN1_INTEGER * integer ;
ASN1_ENUMERATED * enumerated ;
ASN1_BIT_STRING * bit_string ;
ASN1_OCTET_STRING * octet_string ;
ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING * printablestring ;
ASN1_T61STRING * t61string ;
ASN1_IA5STRING * ia5string ;
ASN1_GENERALSTRING * generalstring ;
ASN1_BMPSTRING * bmpstring ;
ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING * universalstring ;
ASN1_UTCTIME * utctime ;
ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME * generalizedtime ;
ASN1_VISIBLESTRING * visiblestring ;
ASN1_UTF8STRING * utf8string ;
// set and sequence are left complete and still
// contain the set or sequence bytes
ASN1_STRING * set ;
ASN1_STRING * sequence ;
ASN1_VALUE * asn1_value ;
} value ;
} ;
@ -706,11 +782,6 @@ typedef struct BIT_STRING_BITNAME_st {
OPENSSL_EXPORT int ASN1_TYPE_get ( const ASN1_TYPE * a ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT void ASN1_TYPE_set ( ASN1_TYPE * a , int type , void * value ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int ASN1_TYPE_set1 ( ASN1_TYPE * a , int type , const void * value ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int ASN1_TYPE_cmp ( const ASN1_TYPE * a , const ASN1_TYPE * b ) ;
OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_ASN1_OBJECT ( const ASN1_OBJECT * a , unsigned char * * pp ) ;