@ -154,74 +154,71 @@ TEST(BIOTest, Printf) {
static const size_t kLargeASN1PayloadLen = 8000 ;
struct ASN1TestParam {
bool should_succeed ;
std : : vector < uint8_t > input ;
// suffix_len is the number of zeros to append to |input|.
size_t suffix_len ;
// expected_len, if |should_succeed| is true, is the expected length of the
// ASN.1 element.
size_t expected_len ;
size_t max_len ;
} kASN1TestParams [ ] = {
{ true , { 0x30 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 } , 0 , 4 , 100 } ,
{ false /* truncated */ , { 0x30 , 3 , 1 , 2 } , 0 , 0 , 100 } ,
{ false /* should be short len */ , { 0x30 , 0x81 , 1 , 1 } , 0 , 0 , 100 } ,
{ false /* zero padded */ , { 0x30 , 0x82 , 0 , 1 , 1 } , 0 , 0 , 100 } ,
// Test a large payload.
{ true ,
{ 0x30 , 0x82 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen > > 8 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen & 0xff } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
4 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen * 2 } ,
{ false /* max_len too short */ ,
{ 0x30 , 0x82 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen > > 8 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen & 0xff } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
4 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
3 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen } ,
// Test an indefinite-length input.
{ true ,
{ 0x30 , 0x80 } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
2 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen * 2 } ,
{ false /* max_len too short */ ,
{ 0x30 , 0x80 } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
2 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
2 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 1 } ,
} ;
class BIOASN1Test : public testing : : TestWithParam < ASN1TestParam > { } ;
TEST_P ( BIOASN1Test , ReadASN1 ) {
const ASN1TestParam & param = GetParam ( ) ;
std : : vector < uint8_t > input = param . input ;
input . resize ( input . size ( ) + param . suffix_len , 0 ) ;
bssl : : UniquePtr < BIO > bio ( BIO_new_mem_buf ( input . data ( ) , input . size ( ) ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( bio ) ;
uint8_t * out ;
size_t out_len ;
int ok = BIO_read_asn1 ( bio . get ( ) , & out , & out_len , param . max_len ) ;
if ( ! ok ) {
out = nullptr ;
bssl : : UniquePtr < uint8_t > out_storage ( out ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( param . should_succeed , ( ok = = 1 ) ) ;
if ( param . should_succeed ) {
EXPECT_EQ ( Bytes ( input . data ( ) , param . expected_len ) , Bytes ( out , out_len ) ) ;
TEST ( BIOTest , ReadASN1 ) {
static const size_t kLargeASN1PayloadLen = 8000 ;
struct ASN1Test {
bool should_succeed ;
std : : vector < uint8_t > input ;
// suffix_len is the number of zeros to append to |input|.
size_t suffix_len ;
// expected_len, if |should_succeed| is true, is the expected length of the
// ASN.1 element.
size_t expected_len ;
size_t max_len ;
} kASN1Tests [ ] = {
{ true , { 0x30 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 } , 0 , 4 , 100 } ,
{ false /* truncated */ , { 0x30 , 3 , 1 , 2 } , 0 , 0 , 100 } ,
{ false /* should be short len */ , { 0x30 , 0x81 , 1 , 1 } , 0 , 0 , 100 } ,
{ false /* zero padded */ , { 0x30 , 0x82 , 0 , 1 , 1 } , 0 , 0 , 100 } ,
// Test a large payload.
{ true ,
{ 0x30 , 0x82 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen > > 8 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen & 0xff } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
4 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen * 2 } ,
{ false /* max_len too short */ ,
{ 0x30 , 0x82 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen > > 8 , kLargeASN1PayloadLen & 0xff } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
4 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen ,
3 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen } ,
// Test an indefinite-length input.
{ true ,
{ 0x30 , 0x80 } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
2 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen * 2 } ,
{ false /* max_len too short */ ,
{ 0x30 , 0x80 } ,
kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
2 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 2 ,
2 + kLargeASN1PayloadLen + 1 } ,
} ;
for ( const auto & t : kASN1Tests ) {
std : : vector < uint8_t > input = t . input ;
input . resize ( input . size ( ) + t . suffix_len , 0 ) ;
bssl : : UniquePtr < BIO > bio ( BIO_new_mem_buf ( input . data ( ) , input . size ( ) ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( bio ) ;
uint8_t * out ;
size_t out_len ;
int ok = BIO_read_asn1 ( bio . get ( ) , & out , & out_len , t . max_len ) ;
if ( ! ok ) {
out = nullptr ;
bssl : : UniquePtr < uint8_t > out_storage ( out ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( t . should_succeed , ( ok = = 1 ) ) ;
if ( t . should_succeed ) {
EXPECT_EQ ( Bytes ( input . data ( ) , t . expected_len ) , Bytes ( out , out_len ) ) ;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P ( All , BIOASN1Test , testing : : ValuesIn ( kASN1TestParams ) ) ;
// Run through the tests twice, swapping |bio1| and |bio2|, for symmetry.
class BIOPairTest : public testing : : TestWithParam < bool > { } ;