/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
* All rights reserved.
* This package is an SSL implementation written
* by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
* The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
* This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
* the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions
* apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
* lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation
* included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
* except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
* Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
* the code are not to be removed.
* If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
* as the author of the parts of the library used.
* This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
* in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* "This product includes cryptographic software written by
* Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
* The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
* being used are not cryptographic related :-).
* 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from
* the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
* "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"
* The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
* derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be
* copied and put under another distribution licence
* [including the GNU Public Licence.]
/* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 1998-2007 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
* software must display the following acknowledgment:
* "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
* for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)"
* 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
* endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
* openssl-core@openssl.org.
* 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
* nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
* permission of the OpenSSL Project.
* 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
* acknowledgment:
* "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
* for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)"
* ====================================================================
* This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
* (eay@cryptsoft.com). This product includes software written by Tim
* Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
/* ====================================================================
* Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* ECC cipher suite support in OpenSSL originally developed by
* SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., and contributed to the OpenSSL project.
/* ====================================================================
* Copyright 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
* The portions of the attached software ("Contribution") is developed by
* Nokia Corporation and is licensed pursuant to the OpenSSL open source
* license.
* The Contribution, originally written by Mika Kousa and Pasi Eronen of
* Nokia Corporation, consists of the "PSK" (Pre-Shared Key) ciphersuites
* support (see RFC 4279) to OpenSSL.
* No patent licenses or other rights except those expressly stated in
* the OpenSSL open source license shall be deemed granted or received
* expressly, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise.
* No assurances are provided by Nokia that the Contribution does not
* infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any third
* party or that the license provides you with all the necessary rights
* to make use of the Contribution.
#include <openssl/base.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <limits>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <openssl/aead.h>
#include <openssl/curve25519.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/hpke.h>
#include <openssl/lhash.h>
#include <openssl/mem.h>
#include <openssl/span.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/stack.h>
#include "../crypto/err/internal.h"
#include "../crypto/internal.h"
#include "../crypto/lhash/internal.h"
#if defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
// Windows defines struct timeval in winsock2.h.
OPENSSL_MSVC_PRAGMA(warning(push, 3))
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
struct SSL_CONFIG;
struct SSL_X509_METHOD;
// C++ utilities.
// New behaves like |new| but uses |OPENSSL_malloc| for memory allocation. It
// returns nullptr on allocation error. It only implements single-object
// allocation and not new T[n].
// Note: unlike |new|, this does not support non-public constructors.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T *New(Args &&... args) {
void *t = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(T));
if (t == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return new (t) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Delete behaves like |delete| but uses |OPENSSL_free| to release memory.
// Note: unlike |delete| this does not support non-public destructors.
template <typename T>
void Delete(T *t) {
if (t != nullptr) {
// All types with kAllowUniquePtr set may be used with UniquePtr. Other types
// may be C structs which require a |BORINGSSL_MAKE_DELETER| registration.
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
struct DeleterImpl<T, std::enable_if_t<T::kAllowUniquePtr>> {
static void Free(T *t) { Delete(t); }
} // namespace internal
// MakeUnique behaves like |std::make_unique| but returns nullptr on allocation
// error.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
UniquePtr<T> MakeUnique(Args &&... args) {
return UniquePtr<T>(New<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
#define PURE_VIRTUAL = 0
// HAS_VIRTUAL_DESTRUCTOR should be declared in any base class which defines a
// virtual destructor. This avoids a dependency on |_ZdlPv| and prevents the
// class from being used with |delete|.
void operator delete(void *) { abort(); }
// PURE_VIRTUAL should be used instead of = 0 when defining pure-virtual
// functions. This avoids a dependency on |__cxa_pure_virtual| but loses
// compile-time checking.
#define PURE_VIRTUAL \
{ abort(); }
// Array<T> is an owning array of elements of |T|.
template <typename T>
class Array {
// Array's default constructor creates an empty array.
Array() {}
Array(const Array &) = delete;
Array(Array &&other) { *this = std::move(other); }
~Array() { Reset(); }
Array &operator=(const Array &) = delete;
Array &operator=(Array &&other) {
other.Release(&data_, &size_);
return *this;
const T *data() const { return data_; }
T *data() { return data_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
const T &operator[](size_t i) const { return data_[i]; }
T &operator[](size_t i) { return data_[i]; }
T *begin() { return data_; }
const T *begin() const { return data_; }
T *end() { return data_ + size_; }
const T *end() const { return data_ + size_; }
void Reset() { Reset(nullptr, 0); }
// Reset releases the current contents of the array and takes ownership of the
// raw pointer supplied by the caller.
void Reset(T *new_data, size_t new_size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
data_ = new_data;
size_ = new_size;
// Release releases ownership of the array to a raw pointer supplied by the
// caller.
void Release(T **out, size_t *out_size) {
*out = data_;
*out_size = size_;
data_ = nullptr;
size_ = 0;
// Init replaces the array with a newly-allocated array of |new_size|
// default-constructed copies of |T|. It returns true on success and false on
// error.
// Note that if |T| is a primitive type like |uint8_t|, it is uninitialized.
bool Init(size_t new_size) {
if (new_size == 0) {
return true;
if (new_size > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / sizeof(T)) {
return false;
data_ = reinterpret_cast<T *>(OPENSSL_malloc(new_size * sizeof(T)));
if (data_ == nullptr) {
return false;
size_ = new_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
new (&data_[i]) T;
return true;
// CopyFrom replaces the array with a newly-allocated copy of |in|. It returns
// true on success and false on error.
bool CopyFrom(Span<const T> in) {
if (!Init(in.size())) {
return false;
OPENSSL_memcpy(data_, in.data(), sizeof(T) * in.size());
return true;
// Shrink shrinks the stored size of the array to |new_size|. It crashes if
// the new size is larger. Note this does not shrink the allocation itself.
void Shrink(size_t new_size) {
if (new_size > size_) {
for (size_t i = new_size; i < size_; i++) {
size_ = new_size;
T *data_ = nullptr;
size_t size_ = 0;
// GrowableArray<T> is an array that owns elements of |T|, backed by an
// Array<T>. When necessary, pushing will automatically trigger a resize.
// Note, for simplicity, this class currently differs from |std::vector| in that
// |T| must be efficiently default-constructible. Allocated elements beyond the
// end of the array are constructed and destructed.
template <typename T>
class GrowableArray {
GrowableArray() = default;
GrowableArray(const GrowableArray &) = delete;
GrowableArray(GrowableArray &&other) { *this = std::move(other); }
~GrowableArray() {}
GrowableArray &operator=(const GrowableArray &) = delete;
GrowableArray &operator=(GrowableArray &&other) {
size_ = other.size_;
other.size_ = 0;
array_ = std::move(other.array_);
return *this;
const T *data() const { return array_.data(); }
T *data() { return array_.data(); }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
const T &operator[](size_t i) const { return array_[i]; }
T &operator[](size_t i) { return array_[i]; }
T *begin() { return array_.data(); }
const T *begin() const { return array_.data(); }
T *end() { return array_.data() + size_; }
const T *end() const { return array_.data() + size_; }
void clear() {
size_ = 0;
// Push adds |elem| at the end of the internal array, growing if necessary. It
// returns false when allocation fails.
bool Push(T elem) {
if (!MaybeGrow()) {
return false;
array_[size_] = std::move(elem);
return true;
// CopyFrom replaces the contents of the array with a copy of |in|. It returns
// true on success and false on allocation error.
bool CopyFrom(Span<const T> in) {
if (!array_.CopyFrom(in)) {
return false;
size_ = in.size();
return true;
// If there is no room for one more element, creates a new backing array with
// double the size of the old one and copies elements over.
bool MaybeGrow() {
if (array_.size() == 0) {
return array_.Init(kDefaultSize);
// No need to grow if we have room for one more T.
if (size_ < array_.size()) {
return true;
// Double the array's size if it's safe to do so.
if (array_.size() > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2) {
return false;
Array<T> new_array;
if (!new_array.Init(array_.size() * 2)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_.size(); i++) {
new_array[i] = std::move(array_[i]);
array_ = std::move(new_array);
return true;
// |size_| is the number of elements stored in this GrowableArray.
size_t size_ = 0;
// |array_| is the backing array. Note that |array_.size()| is this
// GrowableArray's current capacity and that |size_ <= array_.size()|.
Array<T> array_;
// |kDefaultSize| is the default initial size of the backing array.
static constexpr size_t kDefaultSize = 16;
// CBBFinishArray behaves like |CBB_finish| but stores the result in an Array.
OPENSSL_EXPORT bool CBBFinishArray(CBB *cbb, Array<uint8_t> *out);
// Protocol versions.
// Due to DTLS's historical wire version differences, we maintain two notions of
// version.
// The "version" or "wire version" is the actual 16-bit value that appears on
// the wire. It uniquely identifies a version and is also used at API
// boundaries. The set of supported versions differs between TLS and DTLS. Wire
// versions are opaque values and may not be compared numerically.
// The "protocol version" identifies the high-level handshake variant being
// used. DTLS versions map to the corresponding TLS versions. Protocol versions
// are sequential and may be compared numerically.
// ssl_protocol_version_from_wire sets |*out| to the protocol version
// corresponding to wire version |version| and returns true. If |version| is not
// a valid TLS or DTLS version, it returns false.
// Note this simultaneously handles both DTLS and TLS. Use one of the
// higher-level functions below for most operations.
bool ssl_protocol_version_from_wire(uint16_t *out, uint16_t version);
// ssl_get_version_range sets |*out_min_version| and |*out_max_version| to the
// minimum and maximum enabled protocol versions, respectively.
bool ssl_get_version_range(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint16_t *out_min_version,
uint16_t *out_max_version);
// ssl_supports_version returns whether |hs| supports |version|.
bool ssl_supports_version(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint16_t version);
// ssl_method_supports_version returns whether |method| supports |version|.
bool ssl_method_supports_version(const SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method,
uint16_t version);
// ssl_add_supported_versions writes the supported versions of |hs| to |cbb|, in
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// decreasing preference order. The version list is filtered to those whose
// protocol version is at least |extra_min_version|.
bool ssl_add_supported_versions(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *cbb,
uint16_t extra_min_version);
// ssl_negotiate_version negotiates a common version based on |hs|'s preferences
// and the peer preference list in |peer_versions|. On success, it returns true
// and sets |*out_version| to the selected version. Otherwise, it returns false
// and sets |*out_alert| to an alert to send.
bool ssl_negotiate_version(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out_alert,
uint16_t *out_version, const CBS *peer_versions);
// ssl_protocol_version returns |ssl|'s protocol version. It is an error to
// call this function before the version is determined.
uint16_t ssl_protocol_version(const SSL *ssl);
// Cipher suites.
struct ssl_cipher_st {
// name is the OpenSSL name for the cipher.
const char *name;
// standard_name is the IETF name for the cipher.
const char *standard_name;
// id is the cipher suite value bitwise OR-d with 0x03000000.
uint32_t id;
// algorithm_* determine the cipher suite. See constants below for the values.
uint32_t algorithm_mkey;
uint32_t algorithm_auth;
uint32_t algorithm_enc;
uint32_t algorithm_mac;
uint32_t algorithm_prf;
// Bits for |algorithm_mkey| (key exchange algorithm).
#define SSL_kRSA 0x00000001u
#define SSL_kECDHE 0x00000002u
// SSL_kPSK is only set for plain PSK, not ECDHE_PSK.
#define SSL_kPSK 0x00000004u
#define SSL_kGENERIC 0x00000008u
// Bits for |algorithm_auth| (server authentication).
#define SSL_aRSA 0x00000001u
#define SSL_aECDSA 0x00000002u
// SSL_aPSK is set for both PSK and ECDHE_PSK.
#define SSL_aPSK 0x00000004u
#define SSL_aGENERIC 0x00000008u
// Bits for |algorithm_enc| (symmetric encryption).
#define SSL_3DES 0x00000001u
#define SSL_AES128 0x00000002u
#define SSL_AES256 0x00000004u
#define SSL_AES128GCM 0x00000008u
#define SSL_AES256GCM 0x00000010u
#define SSL_eNULL 0x00000020u
#define SSL_CHACHA20POLY1305 0x00000040u
#define SSL_AES (SSL_AES128 | SSL_AES256 | SSL_AES128GCM | SSL_AES256GCM)
// Bits for |algorithm_mac| (symmetric authentication).
#define SSL_SHA1 0x00000001u
// SSL_AEAD is set for all AEADs.
#define SSL_AEAD 0x00000002u
// Bits for |algorithm_prf| (handshake digest).
#define SSL_HANDSHAKE_MAC_SHA256 0x2
#define SSL_HANDSHAKE_MAC_SHA384 0x4
// SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE is size of the largest hash function used in TLS, SHA-384.
#define SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE 48
// An SSLCipherPreferenceList contains a list of SSL_CIPHERs with equal-
// preference groups. For TLS clients, the groups are moot because the server
// picks the cipher and groups cannot be expressed on the wire. However, for
// servers, the equal-preference groups allow the client's preferences to be
// partially respected. (This only has an effect with
// The equal-preference groups are expressed by grouping SSL_CIPHERs together.
// All elements of a group have the same priority: no ordering is expressed
// within a group.
// The values in |ciphers| are in one-to-one correspondence with
// |in_group_flags|. (That is, sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ciphers) is the number of
// bytes in |in_group_flags|.) The bytes in |in_group_flags| are either 1, to
// indicate that the corresponding SSL_CIPHER is not the last element of a
// group, or 0 to indicate that it is.
// For example, if |in_group_flags| contains all zeros then that indicates a
// traditional, fully-ordered preference. Every SSL_CIPHER is the last element
// of the group (i.e. they are all in a one-element group).
// For a more complex example, consider:
// ciphers: A B C D E F
// in_group_flags: 1 1 0 0 1 0
// That would express the following, order:
// A E
// B -> D -> F
// C
struct SSLCipherPreferenceList {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
SSLCipherPreferenceList() = default;
bool Init(UniquePtr<STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER)> ciphers,
Span<const bool> in_group_flags);
bool Init(const SSLCipherPreferenceList &);
void Remove(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
UniquePtr<STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER)> ciphers;
bool *in_group_flags = nullptr;
// AllCiphers returns an array of all supported ciphers, sorted by id.
Span<const SSL_CIPHER> AllCiphers();
// ssl_cipher_get_evp_aead sets |*out_aead| to point to the correct EVP_AEAD
// object for |cipher| protocol version |version|. It sets |*out_mac_secret_len|
// and |*out_fixed_iv_len| to the MAC key length and fixed IV length,
// respectively. The MAC key length is zero except for legacy block and stream
// ciphers. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool ssl_cipher_get_evp_aead(const EVP_AEAD **out_aead,
size_t *out_mac_secret_len,
size_t *out_fixed_iv_len, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher,
uint16_t version, bool is_dtls);
// ssl_get_handshake_digest returns the |EVP_MD| corresponding to |version| and
// |cipher|.
const EVP_MD *ssl_get_handshake_digest(uint16_t version,
const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
// ssl_create_cipher_list evaluates |rule_str|. It sets |*out_cipher_list| to a
// newly-allocated |SSLCipherPreferenceList| containing the result. It returns
// true on success and false on failure. If |strict| is true, nonsense will be
// rejected. If false, nonsense will be silently ignored. An empty result is
// considered an error regardless of |strict|.
bool ssl_create_cipher_list(UniquePtr<SSLCipherPreferenceList> *out_cipher_list,
const char *rule_str, bool strict);
// ssl_cipher_auth_mask_for_key returns the mask of cipher |algorithm_auth|
// values suitable for use with |key| in TLS 1.2 and below.
uint32_t ssl_cipher_auth_mask_for_key(const EVP_PKEY *key);
// ssl_cipher_uses_certificate_auth returns whether |cipher| authenticates the
// server and, optionally, the client with a certificate.
bool ssl_cipher_uses_certificate_auth(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
// ssl_cipher_requires_server_key_exchange returns whether |cipher| requires a
// ServerKeyExchange message.
// This function may return false while still allowing |cipher| an optional
// ServerKeyExchange. This is the case for plain PSK ciphers.
bool ssl_cipher_requires_server_key_exchange(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
// ssl_cipher_get_record_split_len, for TLS 1.0 CBC mode ciphers, returns the
// length of an encrypted 1-byte record, for use in record-splitting. Otherwise
// it returns zero.
size_t ssl_cipher_get_record_split_len(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
// ssl_choose_tls13_cipher returns an |SSL_CIPHER| corresponding with the best
// available from |cipher_suites| compatible with |version|, |group_id|, and
// |only_fips|. It returns NULL if there isn't a compatible cipher.
const SSL_CIPHER *ssl_choose_tls13_cipher(CBS cipher_suites, uint16_t version,
uint16_t group_id, bool only_fips);
// ssl_tls13_cipher_meets_policy returns true if |cipher_id| is acceptable given
// |only_fips|. (For now there's only a single policy and so the policy argument
// is just a bool.)
bool ssl_tls13_cipher_meets_policy(uint16_t cipher_id, bool only_fips);
// Transcript layer.
// SSLTranscript maintains the handshake transcript as a combination of a
// buffer and running hash.
class SSLTranscript {
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
SSLTranscript(SSLTranscript &&other) = default;
SSLTranscript &operator=(SSLTranscript &&other) = default;
// Init initializes the handshake transcript. If called on an existing
// transcript, it resets the transcript and hash. It returns true on success
// and false on failure.
bool Init();
// InitHash initializes the handshake hash based on the PRF and contents of
// the handshake transcript. Subsequent calls to |Update| will update the
// rolling hash. It returns one on success and zero on failure. It is an error
// to call this function after the handshake buffer is released. This may be
// called multiple times to change the hash function.
bool InitHash(uint16_t version, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
// UpdateForHelloRetryRequest resets the rolling hash with the
// HelloRetryRequest construction. It returns true on success and false on
// failure. It is an error to call this function before the handshake buffer
// is released.
bool UpdateForHelloRetryRequest();
// CopyToHashContext initializes |ctx| with |digest| and the data thus far in
// the transcript. It returns true on success and false on failure. If the
// handshake buffer is still present, |digest| may be any supported digest.
// Otherwise, |digest| must match the transcript hash.
bool CopyToHashContext(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *digest) const;
Span<const uint8_t> buffer() const {
return MakeConstSpan(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(buffer_->data),
// FreeBuffer releases the handshake buffer. Subsequent calls to
// |Update| will not update the handshake buffer.
void FreeBuffer();
// DigestLen returns the length of the PRF hash.
size_t DigestLen() const;
// Digest returns the PRF hash. For TLS 1.1 and below, this is
// |EVP_md5_sha1|.
const EVP_MD *Digest() const;
// Update adds |in| to the handshake buffer and handshake hash, whichever is
// enabled. It returns true on success and false on failure.
bool Update(Span<const uint8_t> in);
// GetHash writes the handshake hash to |out| which must have room for at
// least |DigestLen| bytes. On success, it returns true and sets |*out_len| to
// the number of bytes written. Otherwise, it returns false.
bool GetHash(uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len) const;
// GetFinishedMAC computes the MAC for the Finished message into the bytes
// pointed by |out| and writes the number of bytes to |*out_len|. |out| must
// have room for |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE| bytes. It returns true on success and false
// on failure.
bool GetFinishedMAC(uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, const SSL_SESSION *session,
bool from_server) const;
// buffer_, if non-null, contains the handshake transcript.
UniquePtr<BUF_MEM> buffer_;
// hash, if initialized with an |EVP_MD|, maintains the handshake hash.
ScopedEVP_MD_CTX hash_;
// tls1_prf computes the PRF function for |ssl|. It fills |out|, using |secret|
// as the secret and |label| as the label. |seed1| and |seed2| are concatenated
// to form the seed parameter. It returns true on success and false on failure.
bool tls1_prf(const EVP_MD *digest, Span<uint8_t> out,
Span<const uint8_t> secret, Span<const char> label,
Span<const uint8_t> seed1, Span<const uint8_t> seed2);
// Encryption layer.
// SSLAEADContext contains information about an AEAD that is being used to
// encrypt an SSL connection.
class SSLAEADContext {
SSLAEADContext(uint16_t version, bool is_dtls, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
SSLAEADContext(const SSLAEADContext &&) = delete;
SSLAEADContext &operator=(const SSLAEADContext &&) = delete;
// CreateNullCipher creates an |SSLAEADContext| for the null cipher.
static UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> CreateNullCipher(bool is_dtls);
// Create creates an |SSLAEADContext| using the supplied key material. It
// returns nullptr on error. Only one of |Open| or |Seal| may be used with the
// resulting object, depending on |direction|. |version| is the normalized
// protocol version, so DTLS 1.0 is represented as 0x0301, not 0xffef.
static UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> Create(enum evp_aead_direction_t direction,
uint16_t version, bool is_dtls,
const SSL_CIPHER *cipher,
Span<const uint8_t> enc_key,
Span<const uint8_t> mac_key,
Span<const uint8_t> fixed_iv);
// CreatePlaceholderForQUIC creates a placeholder |SSLAEADContext| for the
// given cipher and version. The resulting object can be queried for various
// properties but cannot encrypt or decrypt data.
static UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> CreatePlaceholderForQUIC(
uint16_t version, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
// SetVersionIfNullCipher sets the version the SSLAEADContext for the null
// cipher, to make version-specific determinations in the record layer prior
// to a cipher being selected.
void SetVersionIfNullCipher(uint16_t version);
// ProtocolVersion returns the protocol version associated with this
// SSLAEADContext. It can only be called once |version_| has been set to a
// valid value.
uint16_t ProtocolVersion() const;
// RecordVersion returns the record version that should be used with this
// SSLAEADContext for record construction and crypto.
uint16_t RecordVersion() const;
const SSL_CIPHER *cipher() const { return cipher_; }
// is_null_cipher returns true if this is the null cipher.
bool is_null_cipher() const { return !cipher_; }
// ExplicitNonceLen returns the length of the explicit nonce.
size_t ExplicitNonceLen() const;
// MaxOverhead returns the maximum overhead of calling |Seal|.
size_t MaxOverhead() const;
// SuffixLen calculates the suffix length written by |SealScatter| and writes
// it to |*out_suffix_len|. It returns true on success and false on error.
// |in_len| and |extra_in_len| should equal the argument of the same names
// passed to |SealScatter|.
bool SuffixLen(size_t *out_suffix_len, size_t in_len,
size_t extra_in_len) const;
// CiphertextLen calculates the total ciphertext length written by
// |SealScatter| and writes it to |*out_len|. It returns true on success and
// false on error. |in_len| and |extra_in_len| should equal the argument of
// the same names passed to |SealScatter|.
bool CiphertextLen(size_t *out_len, size_t in_len, size_t extra_in_len) const;
// Open authenticates and decrypts |in| in-place. On success, it sets |*out|
// to the plaintext in |in| and returns true. Otherwise, it returns
// false. The output will always be |ExplicitNonceLen| bytes ahead of |in|.
bool Open(Span<uint8_t> *out, uint8_t type, uint16_t record_version,
const uint8_t seqnum[8], Span<const uint8_t> header,
Span<uint8_t> in);
// Seal encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and writes the
// result to |out|. It returns true on success and false on error.
// If |in| and |out| alias then |out| + |ExplicitNonceLen| must be == |in|.
bool Seal(uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, size_t max_out, uint8_t type,
uint16_t record_version, const uint8_t seqnum[8],
Span<const uint8_t> header, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
// SealScatter encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and splits
// the result between |out_prefix|, |out| and |out_suffix|. It returns one on
// success and zero on error.
// On successful return, exactly |ExplicitNonceLen| bytes are written to
// |out_prefix|, |in_len| bytes to |out|, and |SuffixLen| bytes to
// |out_suffix|.
// |extra_in| may point to an additional plaintext buffer. If present,
// |extra_in_len| additional bytes are encrypted and authenticated, and the
// ciphertext is written to the beginning of |out_suffix|. |SuffixLen| should
// be used to size |out_suffix| accordingly.
// If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|. Other arguments may not
// alias anything.
bool SealScatter(uint8_t *out_prefix, uint8_t *out, uint8_t *out_suffix,
uint8_t type, uint16_t record_version,
const uint8_t seqnum[8], Span<const uint8_t> header,
const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, const uint8_t *extra_in,
size_t extra_in_len);
bool GetIV(const uint8_t **out_iv, size_t *out_iv_len) const;
// GetAdditionalData returns the additional data, writing into |storage| if
// necessary.
Span<const uint8_t> GetAdditionalData(uint8_t storage[13], uint8_t type,
uint16_t record_version,
const uint8_t seqnum[8],
size_t plaintext_len,
Span<const uint8_t> header);
const SSL_CIPHER *cipher_;
ScopedEVP_AEAD_CTX ctx_;
// fixed_nonce_ contains any bytes of the nonce that are fixed for all
// records.
uint8_t fixed_nonce_[12];
uint8_t fixed_nonce_len_ = 0, variable_nonce_len_ = 0;
// version_ is the wire version that should be used with this AEAD.
uint16_t version_;
// is_dtls_ is whether DTLS is being used with this AEAD.
bool is_dtls_;
// variable_nonce_included_in_record_ is true if the variable nonce
// for a record is included as a prefix before the ciphertext.
bool variable_nonce_included_in_record_ : 1;
// random_variable_nonce_ is true if the variable nonce is
// randomly generated, rather than derived from the sequence
// number.
bool random_variable_nonce_ : 1;
// xor_fixed_nonce_ is true if the fixed nonce should be XOR'd into the
// variable nonce rather than prepended.
bool xor_fixed_nonce_ : 1;
// omit_length_in_ad_ is true if the length should be omitted in the
// AEAD's ad parameter.
bool omit_length_in_ad_ : 1;
// ad_is_header_ is true if the AEAD's ad parameter is the record header.
bool ad_is_header_ : 1;
// DTLS replay bitmap.
// DTLS1_BITMAP maintains a sliding window of 64 sequence numbers to detect
// replayed packets. It should be initialized by zeroing every field.
struct DTLS1_BITMAP {
// map is a bit mask of the last 64 sequence numbers. Bit
// |1<<i| corresponds to |max_seq_num - i|.
uint64_t map = 0;
// max_seq_num is the largest sequence number seen so far as a 64-bit
// integer.
uint64_t max_seq_num = 0;
// Record layer.
// ssl_record_sequence_update increments the sequence number in |seq|. It
// returns true on success and false on wraparound.
bool ssl_record_sequence_update(uint8_t *seq, size_t seq_len);
// ssl_record_prefix_len returns the length of the prefix before the ciphertext
// of a record for |ssl|.
// TODO(davidben): Expose this as part of public API once the high-level
// buffer-free APIs are available.
size_t ssl_record_prefix_len(const SSL *ssl);
enum ssl_open_record_t {
// tls_open_record decrypts a record from |in| in-place.
// If the input did not contain a complete record, it returns
// |ssl_open_record_partial|. It sets |*out_consumed| to the total number of
// bytes necessary. It is guaranteed that a successful call to |tls_open_record|
// will consume at least that many bytes.
// Otherwise, it sets |*out_consumed| to the number of bytes of input
// consumed. Note that input may be consumed on all return codes if a record was
// decrypted.
// On success, it returns |ssl_open_record_success|. It sets |*out_type| to the
// record type and |*out| to the record body in |in|. Note that |*out| may be
// empty.
// If a record was successfully processed but should be discarded, it returns
// |ssl_open_record_discard|.
// If a record was successfully processed but is a close_notify, it returns
// |ssl_open_record_close_notify|.
// On failure or fatal alert, it returns |ssl_open_record_error| and sets
// |*out_alert| to an alert to emit, or zero if no alert should be emitted.
enum ssl_open_record_t tls_open_record(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_type,
Span<uint8_t> *out, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert, Span<uint8_t> in);
// dtls_open_record implements |tls_open_record| for DTLS. It only returns
// |ssl_open_record_partial| if |in| was empty and sets |*out_consumed| to
// zero. The caller should read one packet and try again.
enum ssl_open_record_t dtls_open_record(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_type,
Span<uint8_t> *out,
size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert, Span<uint8_t> in);
// ssl_seal_align_prefix_len returns the length of the prefix before the start
// of the bulk of the ciphertext when sealing a record with |ssl|. Callers may
// use this to align buffers.
// Note when TLS 1.0 CBC record-splitting is enabled, this includes the one byte
// record and is the offset into second record's ciphertext. Thus sealing a
// small record may result in a smaller output than this value.
// TODO(davidben): Is this alignment valuable? Record-splitting makes this a
// mess.
size_t ssl_seal_align_prefix_len(const SSL *ssl);
// tls_seal_record seals a new record of type |type| and body |in| and writes it
// to |out|. At most |max_out| bytes will be written. It returns true on success
// and false on error. If enabled, |tls_seal_record| implements TLS 1.0 CBC
// 1/n-1 record splitting and may write two records concatenated.
// For a large record, the bulk of the ciphertext will begin
// |ssl_seal_align_prefix_len| bytes into out. Aligning |out| appropriately may
// improve performance. It writes at most |in_len| + |SSL_max_seal_overhead|
// bytes to |out|.
// |in| and |out| may not alias.
bool tls_seal_record(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, size_t max_out,
uint8_t type, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
enum dtls1_use_epoch_t {
// dtls_max_seal_overhead returns the maximum overhead, in bytes, of sealing a
// record.
size_t dtls_max_seal_overhead(const SSL *ssl, enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch);
// dtls_seal_prefix_len returns the number of bytes of prefix to reserve in
// front of the plaintext when sealing a record in-place.
size_t dtls_seal_prefix_len(const SSL *ssl, enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch);
// dtls_seal_record implements |tls_seal_record| for DTLS. |use_epoch| selects
// which epoch's cipher state to use. Unlike |tls_seal_record|, |in| and |out|
// may alias but, if they do, |in| must be exactly |dtls_seal_prefix_len| bytes
// ahead of |out|.
bool dtls_seal_record(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, size_t max_out,
uint8_t type, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch);
// ssl_process_alert processes |in| as an alert and updates |ssl|'s shutdown
// state. It returns one of |ssl_open_record_discard|, |ssl_open_record_error|,
// |ssl_open_record_close_notify|, or |ssl_open_record_fatal_alert| as
// appropriate.
enum ssl_open_record_t ssl_process_alert(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<const uint8_t> in);
// Private key operations.
// ssl_has_private_key returns whether |hs| has a private key configured.
bool ssl_has_private_key(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_private_key_* perform the corresponding operation on
// |SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD|. If there is a custom private key configured, they
// call the corresponding function or |complete| depending on whether there is a
// pending operation. Otherwise, they implement the operation with
// |EVP_PKEY|.
enum ssl_private_key_result_t ssl_private_key_sign(
SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, size_t max_out,
uint16_t sigalg, Span<const uint8_t> in);
enum ssl_private_key_result_t ssl_private_key_decrypt(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
uint8_t *out,
size_t *out_len,
size_t max_out,
Span<const uint8_t> in);
// ssl_private_key_supports_signature_algorithm returns whether |hs|'s private
// key supports |sigalg|.
bool ssl_private_key_supports_signature_algorithm(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
uint16_t sigalg);
// ssl_public_key_verify verifies that the |signature| is valid for the public
// key |pkey| and input |in|, using the signature algorithm |sigalg|.
bool ssl_public_key_verify(SSL *ssl, Span<const uint8_t> signature,
uint16_t sigalg, EVP_PKEY *pkey,
Span<const uint8_t> in);
// Key shares.
// SSLKeyShare abstracts over Diffie-Hellman-like key exchanges.
class SSLKeyShare {
virtual ~SSLKeyShare() {}
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
// Create returns a SSLKeyShare instance for use with group |group_id| or
// nullptr on error.
static UniquePtr<SSLKeyShare> Create(uint16_t group_id);
// Create deserializes an SSLKeyShare instance previously serialized by
// |Serialize|.
static UniquePtr<SSLKeyShare> Create(CBS *in);
// Serializes writes the group ID and private key, in a format that can be
// read by |Create|.
bool Serialize(CBB *out);
// GroupID returns the group ID.
virtual uint16_t GroupID() const PURE_VIRTUAL;
// Offer generates a keypair and writes the public value to
// |out_public_key|. It returns true on success and false on error.
virtual bool Offer(CBB *out_public_key) PURE_VIRTUAL;
// Accept performs a key exchange against the |peer_key| generated by |Offer|.
// On success, it returns true, writes the public value to |out_public_key|,
// and sets |*out_secret| to the shared secret. On failure, it returns false
// and sets |*out_alert| to an alert to send to the peer.
// The default implementation calls |Offer| and then |Finish|, assuming a key
// exchange protocol where the peers are symmetric.
virtual bool Accept(CBB *out_public_key, Array<uint8_t> *out_secret,
uint8_t *out_alert, Span<const uint8_t> peer_key);
// Finish performs a key exchange against the |peer_key| generated by
// |Accept|. On success, it returns true and sets |*out_secret| to the shared
// secret. On failure, it returns false and sets |*out_alert| to an alert to
// send to the peer.
virtual bool Finish(Array<uint8_t> *out_secret, uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<const uint8_t> peer_key) PURE_VIRTUAL;
// SerializePrivateKey writes the private key to |out|, returning true if
// successful and false otherwise. It should be called after |Offer|.
virtual bool SerializePrivateKey(CBB *out) { return false; }
// DeserializePrivateKey initializes the state of the key exchange from |in|,
// returning true if successful and false otherwise.
virtual bool DeserializePrivateKey(CBS *in) { return false; }
struct NamedGroup {
int nid;
uint16_t group_id;
const char name[8], alias[11];
// NamedGroups returns all supported groups.
Span<const NamedGroup> NamedGroups();
// ssl_nid_to_group_id looks up the group corresponding to |nid|. On success, it
// sets |*out_group_id| to the group ID and returns true. Otherwise, it returns
// false.
bool ssl_nid_to_group_id(uint16_t *out_group_id, int nid);
// ssl_name_to_group_id looks up the group corresponding to the |name| string of
// length |len|. On success, it sets |*out_group_id| to the group ID and returns
// true. Otherwise, it returns false.
bool ssl_name_to_group_id(uint16_t *out_group_id, const char *name, size_t len);
// Handshake messages.
struct SSLMessage {
bool is_v2_hello;
uint8_t type;
CBS body;
// raw is the entire serialized handshake message, including the TLS or DTLS
// message header.
CBS raw;
// SSL_MAX_HANDSHAKE_FLIGHT is the number of messages, including
// ChangeCipherSpec, in the longest handshake flight. Currently this is the
// client's second leg in a full handshake when client certificates, NPN, and
// Channel ID, are all enabled.
extern const uint8_t kHelloRetryRequest[SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE];
extern const uint8_t kTLS12DowngradeRandom[8];
extern const uint8_t kTLS13DowngradeRandom[8];
extern const uint8_t kJDK11DowngradeRandom[8];
// ssl_max_handshake_message_len returns the maximum number of bytes permitted
// in a handshake message for |ssl|.
size_t ssl_max_handshake_message_len(const SSL *ssl);
// tls_can_accept_handshake_data returns whether |ssl| is able to accept more
// data into handshake buffer.
bool tls_can_accept_handshake_data(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_alert);
// tls_has_unprocessed_handshake_data returns whether there is buffered
// handshake data that has not been consumed by |get_message|.
bool tls_has_unprocessed_handshake_data(const SSL *ssl);
// tls_append_handshake_data appends |data| to the handshake buffer. It returns
// true on success and false on allocation failure.
bool tls_append_handshake_data(SSL *ssl, Span<const uint8_t> data);
// dtls_has_unprocessed_handshake_data behaves like
// |tls_has_unprocessed_handshake_data| for DTLS.
bool dtls_has_unprocessed_handshake_data(const SSL *ssl);
// tls_flush_pending_hs_data flushes any handshake plaintext data.
bool tls_flush_pending_hs_data(SSL *ssl);
void Clear();
uint8_t *data = nullptr;
uint32_t len = 0;
uint16_t epoch = 0;
bool is_ccs = false;
// dtls_clear_outgoing_messages releases all buffered outgoing messages.
void dtls_clear_outgoing_messages(SSL *ssl);
// Callbacks.
// ssl_do_info_callback calls |ssl|'s info callback, if set.
void ssl_do_info_callback(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value);
// ssl_do_msg_callback calls |ssl|'s message callback, if set.
void ssl_do_msg_callback(const SSL *ssl, int is_write, int content_type,
Span<const uint8_t> in);
// Transport buffers.
class SSLBuffer {
SSLBuffer() {}
~SSLBuffer() { Clear(); }
SSLBuffer(const SSLBuffer &) = delete;
SSLBuffer &operator=(const SSLBuffer &) = delete;
uint8_t *data() { return buf_ + offset_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
size_t cap() const { return cap_; }
Span<uint8_t> span() { return MakeSpan(data(), size()); }
Span<uint8_t> remaining() {
return MakeSpan(data() + size(), cap() - size());
// Clear releases the buffer.
void Clear();
// EnsureCap ensures the buffer has capacity at least |new_cap|, aligned such
// that data written after |header_len| is aligned to a
// |SSL3_ALIGN_PAYLOAD|-byte boundary. It returns true on success and false
// on error.
bool EnsureCap(size_t header_len, size_t new_cap);
// DidWrite extends the buffer by |len|. The caller must have filled in to
// this point.
void DidWrite(size_t len);
// Consume consumes |len| bytes from the front of the buffer. The memory
// consumed will remain valid until the next call to |DiscardConsumed| or
// |Clear|.
void Consume(size_t len);
// DiscardConsumed discards the consumed bytes from the buffer. If the buffer
// is now empty, it releases memory used by it.
void DiscardConsumed();
// buf_ is the memory allocated for this buffer.
uint8_t *buf_ = nullptr;
// offset_ is the offset into |buf_| which the buffer contents start at.
uint16_t offset_ = 0;
// size_ is the size of the buffer contents from |buf_| + |offset_|.
uint16_t size_ = 0;
// cap_ is how much memory beyond |buf_| + |offset_| is available.
uint16_t cap_ = 0;
// inline_buf_ is a static buffer for short reads.
uint8_t inline_buf_[SSL3_RT_HEADER_LENGTH];
// buf_allocated_ is true if |buf_| points to allocated data and must be freed
// or false if it points into |inline_buf_|.
bool buf_allocated_ = false;
// ssl_read_buffer_extend_to extends the read buffer to the desired length. For
// TLS, it reads to the end of the buffer until the buffer is |len| bytes
// long. For DTLS, it reads a new packet and ignores |len|. It returns one on
// success, zero on EOF, and a negative number on error.
// It is an error to call |ssl_read_buffer_extend_to| in DTLS when the buffer is
// non-empty.
int ssl_read_buffer_extend_to(SSL *ssl, size_t len);
// ssl_handle_open_record handles the result of passing |ssl->s3->read_buffer|
// to a record-processing function. If |ret| is a success or if the caller
// should retry, it returns one and sets |*out_retry|. Otherwise, it returns <=
// 0.
int ssl_handle_open_record(SSL *ssl, bool *out_retry, ssl_open_record_t ret,
size_t consumed, uint8_t alert);
// ssl_write_buffer_flush flushes the write buffer to the transport. It returns
// one on success and <= 0 on error. For DTLS, whether or not the write
// succeeds, the write buffer will be cleared.
int ssl_write_buffer_flush(SSL *ssl);
// Certificate functions.
// ssl_has_certificate returns whether a certificate and private key are
// configured.
bool ssl_has_certificate(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_parse_cert_chain parses a certificate list from |cbs| in the format used
// by a TLS Certificate message. On success, it advances |cbs| and returns
// true. Otherwise, it returns false and sets |*out_alert| to an alert to send
// to the peer.
// If the list is non-empty then |*out_chain| and |*out_pubkey| will be set to
// the certificate chain and the leaf certificate's public key
// respectively. Otherwise, both will be set to nullptr.
// If the list is non-empty and |out_leaf_sha256| is non-NULL, it writes the
// SHA-256 hash of the leaf to |out_leaf_sha256|.
bool ssl_parse_cert_chain(uint8_t *out_alert,
UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> *out_chain,
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> *out_pubkey,
uint8_t *out_leaf_sha256, CBS *cbs,
// ssl_add_cert_chain adds |hs->ssl|'s certificate chain to |cbb| in the format
// used by a TLS Certificate message. If there is no certificate chain, it emits
// an empty certificate list. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool ssl_add_cert_chain(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *cbb);
enum ssl_key_usage_t {
key_usage_digital_signature = 0,
key_usage_encipherment = 2,
// ssl_cert_check_key_usage parses the DER-encoded, X.509 certificate in |in|
// and returns true if doesn't specify a key usage or, if it does, if it
// includes |bit|. Otherwise it pushes to the error queue and returns false.
bool ssl_cert_check_key_usage(const CBS *in, enum ssl_key_usage_t bit);
// ssl_cert_parse_pubkey extracts the public key from the DER-encoded, X.509
// certificate in |in|. It returns an allocated |EVP_PKEY| or else returns
// nullptr and pushes to the error queue.
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> ssl_cert_parse_pubkey(const CBS *in);
// ssl_parse_client_CA_list parses a CA list from |cbs| in the format used by a
// TLS CertificateRequest message. On success, it returns a newly-allocated
// |CRYPTO_BUFFER| list and advances |cbs|. Otherwise, it returns nullptr and
// sets |*out_alert| to an alert to send to the peer.
UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> ssl_parse_client_CA_list(SSL *ssl,
uint8_t *out_alert,
CBS *cbs);
// ssl_has_client_CAs returns there are configured CAs.
bool ssl_has_client_CAs(const SSL_CONFIG *cfg);
// ssl_add_client_CA_list adds the configured CA list to |cbb| in the format
// used by a TLS CertificateRequest message. It returns true on success and
// false on error.
bool ssl_add_client_CA_list(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *cbb);
// ssl_check_leaf_certificate returns one if |pkey| and |leaf| are suitable as
// a server's leaf certificate for |hs|. Otherwise, it returns zero and pushes
// an error on the error queue.
bool ssl_check_leaf_certificate(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, EVP_PKEY *pkey,
const CRYPTO_BUFFER *leaf);
// ssl_on_certificate_selected is called once the certificate has been selected.
// It finalizes the certificate and initializes |hs->local_pubkey|. It returns
// true on success and false on error.
bool ssl_on_certificate_selected(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// TLS 1.3 key derivation.
// tls13_init_key_schedule initializes the handshake hash and key derivation
// state, and incorporates the PSK. The cipher suite and PRF hash must have been
// selected at this point. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls13_init_key_schedule(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, Span<const uint8_t> psk);
// tls13_init_early_key_schedule initializes the handshake hash and key
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// derivation state from |session| for use with 0-RTT. It returns one on success
// and zero on error.
bool tls13_init_early_key_schedule(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
const SSL_SESSION *session);
// tls13_advance_key_schedule incorporates |in| into the key schedule with
// HKDF-Extract. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls13_advance_key_schedule(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, Span<const uint8_t> in);
// tls13_set_traffic_key sets the read or write traffic keys to
// |traffic_secret|. The version and cipher suite are determined from |session|.
// It returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls13_set_traffic_key(SSL *ssl, enum ssl_encryption_level_t level,
enum evp_aead_direction_t direction,
const SSL_SESSION *session,
Span<const uint8_t> traffic_secret);
// tls13_derive_early_secret derives the early traffic secret. It returns true
// on success and false on error.
bool tls13_derive_early_secret(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// tls13_derive_handshake_secrets derives the handshake traffic secret. It
// returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls13_derive_handshake_secrets(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// tls13_rotate_traffic_key derives the next read or write traffic secret. It
// returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls13_rotate_traffic_key(SSL *ssl, enum evp_aead_direction_t direction);
// tls13_derive_application_secrets derives the initial application data traffic
// and exporter secrets based on the handshake transcripts and |master_secret|.
// It returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls13_derive_application_secrets(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// tls13_derive_resumption_secret derives the |resumption_secret|.
bool tls13_derive_resumption_secret(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// tls13_export_keying_material provides an exporter interface to use the
// |exporter_secret|.
bool tls13_export_keying_material(SSL *ssl, Span<uint8_t> out,
Span<const uint8_t> secret,
Span<const char> label,
Span<const uint8_t> context);
// tls13_finished_mac calculates the MAC of the handshake transcript to verify
// the integrity of the Finished message, and stores the result in |out| and
// length in |out_len|. |is_server| is true if this is for the Server Finished
// and false for the Client Finished.
bool tls13_finished_mac(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len,
bool is_server);
// tls13_derive_session_psk calculates the PSK for this session based on the
// resumption master secret and |nonce|. It returns true on success, and false
// on failure.
bool tls13_derive_session_psk(SSL_SESSION *session, Span<const uint8_t> nonce);
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// tls13_write_psk_binder calculates the PSK binder value over |transcript| and
// |msg|, and replaces the last bytes of |msg| with the resulting value. It
// returns true on success, and false on failure. If |out_binder_len| is
// non-NULL, it sets |*out_binder_len| to the length of the value computed.
bool tls13_write_psk_binder(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
const SSLTranscript &transcript, Span<uint8_t> msg,
size_t *out_binder_len);
// tls13_verify_psk_binder verifies that the handshake transcript, truncated up
// to the binders has a valid signature using the value of |session|'s
// resumption secret. It returns true on success, and false on failure.
bool tls13_verify_psk_binder(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
const SSL_SESSION *session, const SSLMessage &msg,
CBS *binders);
// Encrypted ClientHello.
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
struct ECHConfig {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
// raw contains the serialized ECHConfig.
Array<uint8_t> raw;
// The following fields alias into |raw|.
Span<const uint8_t> public_key;
Span<const uint8_t> public_name;
Span<const uint8_t> cipher_suites;
uint16_t kem_id = 0;
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
uint8_t maximum_name_length = 0;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
uint8_t config_id = 0;
class ECHServerConfig {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
ECHServerConfig() = default;
ECHServerConfig(const ECHServerConfig &other) = delete;
ECHServerConfig &operator=(ECHServerConfig &&) = delete;
// Init parses |ech_config| as an ECHConfig and saves a copy of |key|.
// It returns true on success and false on error.
bool Init(Span<const uint8_t> ech_config, const EVP_HPKE_KEY *key,
bool is_retry_config);
// SetupContext sets up |ctx| for a new connection, given the specified
// HPKE ciphersuite and encapsulated KEM key. It returns true on success and
// false on error. This function may only be called on an initialized object.
bool SetupContext(EVP_HPKE_CTX *ctx, uint16_t kdf_id, uint16_t aead_id,
Span<const uint8_t> enc) const;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
const ECHConfig &ech_config() const { return ech_config_; }
bool is_retry_config() const { return is_retry_config_; }
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
ECHConfig ech_config_;
ScopedEVP_HPKE_KEY key_;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
bool is_retry_config_ = false;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
enum ssl_client_hello_type_t {
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ECH_CLIENT_* are types for the ClientHello encrypted_client_hello extension.
// ssl_decode_client_hello_inner recovers the full ClientHelloInner from the
// EncodedClientHelloInner |encoded_client_hello_inner| by replacing its
// outer_extensions extension with the referenced extensions from the
// ClientHelloOuter |client_hello_outer|. If successful, it writes the recovered
// ClientHelloInner to |out_client_hello_inner|. It returns true on success and
// false on failure.
// This function is exported for fuzzing.
OPENSSL_EXPORT bool ssl_decode_client_hello_inner(
SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_alert, Array<uint8_t> *out_client_hello_inner,
Span<const uint8_t> encoded_client_hello_inner,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello_outer);
// ssl_client_hello_decrypt attempts to decrypt and decode the |payload|. It
// writes the result to |*out|. |payload| must point into |client_hello_outer|.
// It returns true on success and false on error. On error, it sets
// |*out_is_decrypt_error| to whether the failure was due to a bad ciphertext.
bool ssl_client_hello_decrypt(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out_alert,
bool *out_is_decrypt_error, Array<uint8_t> *out,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello_outer,
Span<const uint8_t> payload);
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ssl_ech_confirmation_signal_hello_offset returns the offset of the ECH
// confirmation signal in a ServerHello message, including the handshake header.
size_t ssl_ech_confirmation_signal_hello_offset(const SSL *ssl);
// ssl_ech_accept_confirmation computes the server's ECH acceptance signal,
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// writing it to |out|. The transcript portion is the concatenation of
// |transcript| with |msg|. The |ECH_CONFIRMATION_SIGNAL_LEN| bytes from
// |offset| in |msg| are replaced with zeros before hashing. This function
// returns true on success, and false on failure.
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
bool ssl_ech_accept_confirmation(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, Span<uint8_t> out,
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
Span<const uint8_t> client_random,
const SSLTranscript &transcript, bool is_hrr,
Span<const uint8_t> msg, size_t offset);
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name returns true if |public_name| is a valid ECH
// public name and false otherwise. It is exported for testing.
OPENSSL_EXPORT bool ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(
Span<const uint8_t> public_name);
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ssl_is_valid_ech_config_list returns true if |ech_config_list| is a valid
// ECHConfigList structure and false otherwise.
bool ssl_is_valid_ech_config_list(Span<const uint8_t> ech_config_list);
// ssl_select_ech_config selects an ECHConfig and associated parameters to offer
// on the client and updates |hs|. It returns true on success, whether an
// ECHConfig was found or not, and false on internal error. On success, the
// encapsulated key is written to |out_enc| and |*out_enc_len| is set to the
// number of bytes written. If the function did not select an ECHConfig, the
// encapsulated key is the empty string.
bool ssl_select_ech_config(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, Span<uint8_t> out_enc,
size_t *out_enc_len);
// ssl_ech_extension_body_length returns the length of the body of a ClientHello
// ECH extension that encrypts |in_len| bytes with |aead| and an 'enc' value of
// length |enc_len|. The result does not include the four-byte extension header.
size_t ssl_ech_extension_body_length(const EVP_HPKE_AEAD *aead, size_t enc_len,
size_t in_len);
// ssl_encrypt_client_hello constructs a new ClientHelloInner, adds it to the
// inner transcript, and encrypts for inclusion in the ClientHelloOuter. |enc|
// is the encapsulated key to include in the extension. It returns true on
// success and false on error. If not offering ECH, |enc| is ignored and the
// function will compute a GREASE ECH extension if necessary, and otherwise
// return success while doing nothing.
// Encrypting the ClientHelloInner incorporates all extensions in the
// ClientHelloOuter, so all other state necessary for |ssl_add_client_hello|
// must already be computed.
bool ssl_encrypt_client_hello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, Span<const uint8_t> enc);
Compute the ECH GREASE payload outside of the callbacks.
This is kinda annoying and, like the grease_seed, demonstrates a
shortcoming with the idea of making add_clienthello completely const.
Strictly speaking, we only need idempotence. But I think this is okay:
const is much easier to enforce than idempotence, and we'll likely need
to do this anyway:
- While not in the current draft, I expect the draft's eventual HRR
resolution to retain the ECH extension, GREASE or not, on ECH reject.
Things are somewhat violating RFC8446 HRR rules right now. That means
we'll need to stash the ECH payload regardless.
- ECH binds all the other extensions in the outer ClientHello, so
computing the payload will need to move outside the callback system
In some sense, all this is shifting our ClientHello output from the
"immediate mode" end of the spectrum (as we usually use) to the
"retained mode" end, which I suppose makes sense as this message becomes
more intricate.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I9eb8cd1cde2ce264345b6ed3ee526d4eab81e911
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/47990
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// Delegated credentials.
// This structure stores a delegated credential (DC) as defined by
// draft-ietf-tls-subcerts-03.
struct DC {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
// Dup returns a copy of this DC and takes references to |raw| and |pkey|.
UniquePtr<DC> Dup();
// Parse parses the delegated credential stored in |in|. If successful it
// returns the parsed structure, otherwise it returns |nullptr| and sets
// |*out_alert|.
static UniquePtr<DC> Parse(CRYPTO_BUFFER *in, uint8_t *out_alert);
// raw is the delegated credential encoded as specified in draft-ietf-tls-
// subcerts-03.
UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> raw;
// expected_cert_verify_algorithm is the signature scheme of the DC public
// key.
uint16_t expected_cert_verify_algorithm = 0;
// pkey is the public key parsed from |public_key|.
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> pkey;
friend DC* New<DC>();
// ssl_signing_with_dc returns true if the peer has indicated support for
// delegated credentials and this host has sent a delegated credential in
// response. If this is true then we've committed to using the DC in the
// handshake.
bool ssl_signing_with_dc(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// Handshake functions.
enum ssl_hs_wait_t {
enum ssl_grease_index_t {
ssl_grease_cipher = 0,
ssl_grease_last_index = ssl_grease_ech_config_id,
enum tls12_server_hs_state_t {
state12_start_accept = 0,
enum tls13_server_hs_state_t {
state13_select_parameters = 0,
// handback_t lists the points in the state machine where a handback can occur.
// These are the different points at which key material is no longer needed.
enum handback_t {
handback_after_session_resumption = 0,
handback_after_ecdhe = 1,
handback_after_handshake = 2,
handback_tls13 = 3,
handback_max_value = handback_tls13,
// SSL_HANDSHAKE_HINTS contains handshake hints for a connection. See
// |SSL_request_handshake_hints| and related functions.
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
Array<uint8_t> server_random_tls12;
Array<uint8_t> server_random_tls13;
uint16_t key_share_group_id = 0;
Array<uint8_t> key_share_public_key;
Array<uint8_t> key_share_secret;
uint16_t signature_algorithm = 0;
Array<uint8_t> signature_input;
Array<uint8_t> signature_spki;
Array<uint8_t> signature;
Array<uint8_t> decrypted_psk;
bool ignore_psk = false;
uint16_t cert_compression_alg_id = 0;
Array<uint8_t> cert_compression_input;
Array<uint8_t> cert_compression_output;
uint16_t ecdhe_group_id = 0;
Array<uint8_t> ecdhe_public_key;
Array<uint8_t> ecdhe_private_key;
explicit SSL_HANDSHAKE(SSL *ssl);
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
// ssl is a non-owning pointer to the parent |SSL| object.
SSL *ssl;
// config is a non-owning pointer to the handshake configuration.
SSL_CONFIG *config;
// wait contains the operation the handshake is currently blocking on or
// |ssl_hs_ok| if none.
enum ssl_hs_wait_t wait = ssl_hs_ok;
// state is the internal state for the TLS 1.2 and below handshake. Its
// values depend on |do_handshake| but the starting state is always zero.
int state = 0;
// tls13_state is the internal state for the TLS 1.3 handshake. Its values
// depend on |do_handshake| but the starting state is always zero.
int tls13_state = 0;
// min_version is the minimum accepted protocol version, taking account both
// |SSL_OP_NO_*| and |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| APIs.
uint16_t min_version = 0;
// max_version is the maximum accepted protocol version, taking account both
// |SSL_OP_NO_*| and |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version| APIs.
uint16_t max_version = 0;
size_t hash_len_ = 0;
uint8_t secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t early_traffic_secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t client_handshake_secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t server_handshake_secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t client_traffic_secret_0_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t server_traffic_secret_0_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t expected_client_finished_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
void ResizeSecrets(size_t hash_len);
// GetClientHello, on the server, returns either the normal ClientHello
// message or the ClientHelloInner if it has been serialized to
// |ech_client_hello_buf|. This function should only be called when the
// current message is a ClientHello. It returns true on success and false on
// error.
// Note that fields of the returned |out_msg| and |out_client_hello| point
// into a handshake-owned buffer, so their lifetimes should not exceed this
bool GetClientHello(SSLMessage *out_msg, SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *out_client_hello);
Span<uint8_t> secret() { return MakeSpan(secret_, hash_len_); }
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
Span<const uint8_t> secret() const {
return MakeConstSpan(secret_, hash_len_);
Span<uint8_t> early_traffic_secret() {
return MakeSpan(early_traffic_secret_, hash_len_);
Span<uint8_t> client_handshake_secret() {
return MakeSpan(client_handshake_secret_, hash_len_);
Span<uint8_t> server_handshake_secret() {
return MakeSpan(server_handshake_secret_, hash_len_);
Span<uint8_t> client_traffic_secret_0() {
return MakeSpan(client_traffic_secret_0_, hash_len_);
Span<uint8_t> server_traffic_secret_0() {
return MakeSpan(server_traffic_secret_0_, hash_len_);
Span<uint8_t> expected_client_finished() {
return MakeSpan(expected_client_finished_, hash_len_);
union {
// sent is a bitset where the bits correspond to elements of kExtensions
// in extensions.cc. Each bit is set if that extension was sent in a
// ClientHello. It's not used by servers.
uint32_t sent = 0;
// received is a bitset, like |sent|, but is used by servers to record
// which extensions were received from a client.
uint32_t received;
} extensions;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// inner_extensions_sent, on clients that offer ECH, is |extensions.sent| for
// the ClientHelloInner.
uint32_t inner_extensions_sent = 0;
// error, if |wait| is |ssl_hs_error|, is the error the handshake failed on.
UniquePtr<ERR_SAVE_STATE> error;
// key_shares are the current key exchange instances. The second is only used
// as a client if we believe that we should offer two key shares in a
// ClientHello.
UniquePtr<SSLKeyShare> key_shares[2];
// transcript is the current handshake transcript.
SSLTranscript transcript;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// inner_transcript, on the client, is the handshake transcript for the
// ClientHelloInner handshake. It is moved to |transcript| if the server
// accepts ECH.
SSLTranscript inner_transcript;
// inner_client_random is the ClientHello random value used with
// ClientHelloInner.
uint8_t inner_client_random[SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE] = {0};
// cookie is the value of the cookie received from the server, if any.
Array<uint8_t> cookie;
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ech_client_outer contains the outer ECH extension to send in the
// ClientHello, excluding the header and type byte.
Array<uint8_t> ech_client_outer;
Implement ClientHelloOuter handshakes.
If a client offers ECH, but the server rejects it, the client completes
the handshake with ClientHelloOuter in order to authenticate retry keys.
Implement this flow. This is largely allowing the existing handshake to
proceed, but with some changes:
- Certificate verification uses the other name. This CL routes this up to
the built-in verifier and adds SSL_get0_ech_name_override for the
- We need to disable False Start to pick up server Finished in TLS 1.2.
- Client certificates, notably in TLS 1.3 where they're encrypted,
should only be revealed to the true server. Fortunately, not sending
client certs is always an option, so do that.
Channel ID has a similar issue. I've just omitted the extension in
ClientHelloOuter because it's deprecated and is unlikely to be used
with ECH at this point. ALPS may be worth some pondering but, the way
it's currently used, is not sensitive.
(Possibly we should change the draft to terminate the handshake before
even sending that flight...)
- The session is never offered in ClientHelloOuter, but our internal
book-keeping doesn't quite notice.
I had to replace ech_accept with a tri-state ech_status to correctly
handle an edge case in SSL_get0_ech_name_override: when ECH + 0-RTT +
reverify_on_resume are all enabled, the first certificate verification
is for the 0-RTT session and should be against the true name, yet we
have selected_ech_config && !ech_accept. A tri-state tracks when ECH is
actually rejected. I've maintained this on the server as well, though
the server never actually cares.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: Ie55966ca3dc4ffcc8c381479f0fe9bcacd34d0f8
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48135
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ech_retry_configs, on the client, contains the retry configs from the
// server as a serialized ECHConfigList.
Array<uint8_t> ech_retry_configs;
// ech_client_hello_buf, on the server, contains the bytes of the
// reconstructed ClientHelloInner message.
Array<uint8_t> ech_client_hello_buf;
// key_share_bytes is the key_share extension that the client should send.
Array<uint8_t> key_share_bytes;
// ecdh_public_key, for servers, is the key share to be sent to the client in
// TLS 1.3.
Array<uint8_t> ecdh_public_key;
// peer_sigalgs are the signature algorithms that the peer supports. These are
// taken from the contents of the signature algorithms extension for a server
// or from the CertificateRequest for a client.
Array<uint16_t> peer_sigalgs;
// peer_supported_group_list contains the supported group IDs advertised by
// the peer. This is only set on the server's end. The server does not
// advertise this extension to the client.
Array<uint16_t> peer_supported_group_list;
// peer_delegated_credential_sigalgs are the signature algorithms the peer
// supports with delegated credentials.
Array<uint16_t> peer_delegated_credential_sigalgs;
// peer_key is the peer's ECDH key for a TLS 1.2 client.
Array<uint8_t> peer_key;
// extension_permutation is the permutation to apply to ClientHello
// extensions. It maps indices into the |kExtensions| table into other
// indices.
Array<uint8_t> extension_permutation;
// cert_compression_alg_id, for a server, contains the negotiated certificate
// compression algorithm for this client. It is only valid if
// |cert_compression_negotiated| is true.
uint16_t cert_compression_alg_id;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ech_hpke_ctx is the HPKE context used in ECH. On the server, it is
Implement ClientHelloOuter handshakes.
If a client offers ECH, but the server rejects it, the client completes
the handshake with ClientHelloOuter in order to authenticate retry keys.
Implement this flow. This is largely allowing the existing handshake to
proceed, but with some changes:
- Certificate verification uses the other name. This CL routes this up to
the built-in verifier and adds SSL_get0_ech_name_override for the
- We need to disable False Start to pick up server Finished in TLS 1.2.
- Client certificates, notably in TLS 1.3 where they're encrypted,
should only be revealed to the true server. Fortunately, not sending
client certs is always an option, so do that.
Channel ID has a similar issue. I've just omitted the extension in
ClientHelloOuter because it's deprecated and is unlikely to be used
with ECH at this point. ALPS may be worth some pondering but, the way
it's currently used, is not sensitive.
(Possibly we should change the draft to terminate the handshake before
even sending that flight...)
- The session is never offered in ClientHelloOuter, but our internal
book-keeping doesn't quite notice.
I had to replace ech_accept with a tri-state ech_status to correctly
handle an edge case in SSL_get0_ech_name_override: when ECH + 0-RTT +
reverify_on_resume are all enabled, the first certificate verification
is for the 0-RTT session and should be against the true name, yet we
have selected_ech_config && !ech_accept. A tri-state tracks when ECH is
actually rejected. I've maintained this on the server as well, though
the server never actually cares.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: Ie55966ca3dc4ffcc8c381479f0fe9bcacd34d0f8
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48135
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// initialized if |ech_status| is |ssl_ech_accepted|. On the client, it is
// initialized if |selected_ech_config| is not nullptr.
ScopedEVP_HPKE_CTX ech_hpke_ctx;
// server_params, in a TLS 1.2 server, stores the ServerKeyExchange
// parameters. It has client and server randoms prepended for signing
// convenience.
Array<uint8_t> server_params;
// peer_psk_identity_hint, on the client, is the psk_identity_hint sent by the
// server when using a TLS 1.2 PSK key exchange.
UniquePtr<char> peer_psk_identity_hint;
// ca_names, on the client, contains the list of CAs received in a
// CertificateRequest message.
UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> ca_names;
// cached_x509_ca_names contains a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
// |ca_names|. This pointer is left non-owning so only
// |ssl_crypto_x509_method| needs to link against crypto/x509.
STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *cached_x509_ca_names = nullptr;
// certificate_types, on the client, contains the set of certificate types
// received in a CertificateRequest message.
Array<uint8_t> certificate_types;
// local_pubkey is the public key we are authenticating as.
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> local_pubkey;
// peer_pubkey is the public key parsed from the peer's leaf certificate.
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> peer_pubkey;
// new_session is the new mutable session being established by the current
// handshake. It should not be cached.
UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> new_session;
// early_session is the session corresponding to the current 0-RTT state on
// the client if |in_early_data| is true.
UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> early_session;
// ssl_ech_keys, for servers, is the set of ECH keys to use with this
// handshake. This is copied from |SSL_CTX| to ensure consistent behavior as
// |SSL_CTX| rotates keys.
UniquePtr<SSL_ECH_KEYS> ech_keys;
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// selected_ech_config, for clients, is the ECHConfig the client uses to offer
// ECH, or nullptr if ECH is not being offered. If non-NULL, |ech_hpke_ctx|
// will be initialized.
UniquePtr<ECHConfig> selected_ech_config;
// new_cipher is the cipher being negotiated in this handshake.
const SSL_CIPHER *new_cipher = nullptr;
// key_block is the record-layer key block for TLS 1.2 and earlier.
Array<uint8_t> key_block;
// hints contains the handshake hints for this connection. If
// |hints_requested| is true, this field is non-null and contains the pending
// hints to filled as the predicted handshake progresses. Otherwise, this
// field, if non-null, contains hints configured by the caller and will
// influence the handshake on match.
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ech_is_inner, on the server, indicates whether the ClientHello contained an
// inner ECH extension.
bool ech_is_inner : 1;
Implement ClientHelloOuter handshakes.
If a client offers ECH, but the server rejects it, the client completes
the handshake with ClientHelloOuter in order to authenticate retry keys.
Implement this flow. This is largely allowing the existing handshake to
proceed, but with some changes:
- Certificate verification uses the other name. This CL routes this up to
the built-in verifier and adds SSL_get0_ech_name_override for the
- We need to disable False Start to pick up server Finished in TLS 1.2.
- Client certificates, notably in TLS 1.3 where they're encrypted,
should only be revealed to the true server. Fortunately, not sending
client certs is always an option, so do that.
Channel ID has a similar issue. I've just omitted the extension in
ClientHelloOuter because it's deprecated and is unlikely to be used
with ECH at this point. ALPS may be worth some pondering but, the way
it's currently used, is not sensitive.
(Possibly we should change the draft to terminate the handshake before
even sending that flight...)
- The session is never offered in ClientHelloOuter, but our internal
book-keeping doesn't quite notice.
I had to replace ech_accept with a tri-state ech_status to correctly
handle an edge case in SSL_get0_ech_name_override: when ECH + 0-RTT +
reverify_on_resume are all enabled, the first certificate verification
is for the 0-RTT session and should be against the true name, yet we
have selected_ech_config && !ech_accept. A tri-state tracks when ECH is
actually rejected. I've maintained this on the server as well, though
the server never actually cares.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: Ie55966ca3dc4ffcc8c381479f0fe9bcacd34d0f8
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48135
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ech_authenticated_reject, on the client, indicates whether an ECH rejection
// handshake has been authenticated.
bool ech_authenticated_reject : 1;
// scts_requested is true if the SCT extension is in the ClientHello.
bool scts_requested : 1;
// handshake_finalized is true once the handshake has completed, at which
// point accessors should use the established state.
bool handshake_finalized : 1;
// accept_psk_mode stores whether the client's PSK mode is compatible with our
// preferences.
bool accept_psk_mode : 1;
// cert_request is true if a client certificate was requested.
bool cert_request : 1;
// certificate_status_expected is true if OCSP stapling was negotiated and the
// server is expected to send a CertificateStatus message. (This is used on
// both the client and server sides.)
bool certificate_status_expected : 1;
// ocsp_stapling_requested is true if a client requested OCSP stapling.
bool ocsp_stapling_requested : 1;
// delegated_credential_requested is true if the peer indicated support for
// the delegated credential extension.
bool delegated_credential_requested : 1;
// should_ack_sni is used by a server and indicates that the SNI extension
// should be echoed in the ServerHello.
bool should_ack_sni : 1;
// in_false_start is true if there is a pending client handshake in False
// Start. The client may write data at this point.
bool in_false_start : 1;
// in_early_data is true if there is a pending handshake that has progressed
// enough to send and receive early data.
bool in_early_data : 1;
// early_data_offered is true if the client sent the early_data extension.
bool early_data_offered : 1;
// can_early_read is true if application data may be read at this point in the
// handshake.
bool can_early_read : 1;
// can_early_write is true if application data may be written at this point in
// the handshake.
bool can_early_write : 1;
// next_proto_neg_seen is one of NPN was negotiated.
bool next_proto_neg_seen : 1;
// ticket_expected is true if a TLS 1.2 NewSessionTicket message is to be sent
// or received.
bool ticket_expected : 1;
// extended_master_secret is true if the extended master secret extension is
// negotiated in this handshake.
bool extended_master_secret : 1;
// pending_private_key_op is true if there is a pending private key operation
// in progress.
bool pending_private_key_op : 1;
// handback indicates that a server should pause the handshake after
// finishing operations that require private key material, in such a way that
// |SSL_get_error| returns |SSL_ERROR_HANDBACK|. It is set by
// |SSL_apply_handoff|.
bool handback : 1;
// hints_requested indicates the caller has requested handshake hints. Only
// the first round-trip of the handshake will complete, after which the
// |hints| structure can be serialized.
bool hints_requested : 1;
// cert_compression_negotiated is true iff |cert_compression_alg_id| is valid.
bool cert_compression_negotiated : 1;
// apply_jdk11_workaround is true if the peer is probably a JDK 11 client
// which implemented TLS 1.3 incorrectly.
bool apply_jdk11_workaround : 1;
// can_release_private_key is true if the private key will no longer be used
// in this handshake.
bool can_release_private_key : 1;
// channel_id_negotiated is true if Channel ID should be used in this
// handshake.
bool channel_id_negotiated : 1;
// client_version is the value sent or received in the ClientHello version.
uint16_t client_version = 0;
// early_data_read is the amount of early data that has been read by the
// record layer.
uint16_t early_data_read = 0;
// early_data_written is the amount of early data that has been written by the
// record layer.
uint16_t early_data_written = 0;
// ech_config_id is the ECH config sent by the client.
uint8_t ech_config_id = 0;
// session_id is the session ID in the ClientHello.
uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH] = {0};
uint8_t session_id_len = 0;
// grease_seed is the entropy for GREASE values.
uint8_t grease_seed[ssl_grease_last_index + 1] = {0};
// kMaxTickets is the maximum number of tickets to send immediately after the
// handshake. We use a one-byte ticket nonce, and there is no point in sending
// so many tickets.
constexpr size_t kMaxTickets = 16;
UniquePtr<SSL_HANDSHAKE> ssl_handshake_new(SSL *ssl);
// ssl_check_message_type checks if |msg| has type |type|. If so it returns
// one. Otherwise, it sends an alert and returns zero.
bool ssl_check_message_type(SSL *ssl, const SSLMessage &msg, int type);
// ssl_run_handshake runs the TLS handshake. It returns one on success and <= 0
// on error. It sets |out_early_return| to one if we've completed the handshake
// early.
int ssl_run_handshake(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, bool *out_early_return);
// The following are implementations of |do_handshake| for the client and
// server.
enum ssl_hs_wait_t ssl_client_handshake(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
enum ssl_hs_wait_t ssl_server_handshake(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
enum ssl_hs_wait_t tls13_client_handshake(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
enum ssl_hs_wait_t tls13_server_handshake(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// The following functions return human-readable representations of the TLS
// handshake states for debugging.
const char *ssl_client_handshake_state(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
const char *ssl_server_handshake_state(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
const char *tls13_client_handshake_state(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
const char *tls13_server_handshake_state(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// tls13_add_key_update queues a KeyUpdate message on |ssl|. The
// |update_requested| argument must be one of |SSL_KEY_UPDATE_REQUESTED| or
bool tls13_add_key_update(SSL *ssl, int update_requested);
// tls13_post_handshake processes a post-handshake message. It returns true on
// success and false on failure.
bool tls13_post_handshake(SSL *ssl, const SSLMessage &msg);
bool tls13_process_certificate(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, const SSLMessage &msg,
bool allow_anonymous);
bool tls13_process_certificate_verify(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, const SSLMessage &msg);
// tls13_process_finished processes |msg| as a Finished message from the
// peer. If |use_saved_value| is true, the verify_data is compared against
// |hs->expected_client_finished| rather than computed fresh.
bool tls13_process_finished(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, const SSLMessage &msg,
bool use_saved_value);
bool tls13_add_certificate(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// tls13_add_certificate_verify adds a TLS 1.3 CertificateVerify message to the
// handshake. If it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|, it should be called again
// to retry when the signing operation is completed.
enum ssl_private_key_result_t tls13_add_certificate_verify(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
bool tls13_add_finished(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
bool tls13_process_new_session_ticket(SSL *ssl, const SSLMessage &msg);
bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> tls13_create_session_with_ticket(SSL *ssl,
CBS *body);
// ssl_setup_extension_permutation computes a ClientHello extension permutation
// for |hs|, if applicable. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool ssl_setup_extension_permutation(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_setup_key_shares computes client key shares and saves them in |hs|. It
// returns true on success and false on failure. If |override_group_id| is zero,
// it offers the default groups, including GREASE. If it is non-zero, it offers
// a single key share of the specified group.
bool ssl_setup_key_shares(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint16_t override_group_id);
bool ssl_ext_key_share_parse_serverhello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
Array<uint8_t> *out_secret,
uint8_t *out_alert, CBS *contents);
bool ssl_ext_key_share_parse_clienthello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, bool *out_found,
Span<const uint8_t> *out_peer_key,
uint8_t *out_alert,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello);
bool ssl_ext_key_share_add_serverhello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *out);
bool ssl_ext_pre_shared_key_parse_serverhello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
uint8_t *out_alert,
CBS *contents);
bool ssl_ext_pre_shared_key_parse_clienthello(
SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBS *out_ticket, CBS *out_binders,
uint32_t *out_obfuscated_ticket_age, uint8_t *out_alert,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello, CBS *contents);
bool ssl_ext_pre_shared_key_add_serverhello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *out);
// ssl_is_sct_list_valid does a shallow parse of the SCT list in |contents| and
// returns whether it's valid.
bool ssl_is_sct_list_valid(const CBS *contents);
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ssl_write_client_hello_without_extensions writes a ClientHello to |out|,
// up to the extensions field. |type| determines the type of ClientHello to
// write. If |omit_session_id| is true, the session ID is empty.
bool ssl_write_client_hello_without_extensions(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
CBB *cbb,
ssl_client_hello_type_t type,
bool empty_session_id);
// ssl_add_client_hello constructs a ClientHello and adds it to the outgoing
// flight. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool ssl_add_client_hello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
struct ParsedServerHello {
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
CBS raw;
uint16_t legacy_version = 0;
CBS random;
CBS session_id;
uint16_t cipher_suite = 0;
uint8_t compression_method = 0;
CBS extensions;
// ssl_parse_server_hello parses |msg| as a ServerHello. On success, it writes
// the result to |*out| and returns true. Otherwise, it returns false and sets
// |*out_alert| to an alert to send to the peer.
bool ssl_parse_server_hello(ParsedServerHello *out, uint8_t *out_alert,
const SSLMessage &msg);
enum ssl_cert_verify_context_t {
// tls13_get_cert_verify_signature_input generates the message to be signed for
// TLS 1.3's CertificateVerify message. |cert_verify_context| determines the
// type of signature. It sets |*out| to a newly allocated buffer containing the
// result. This function returns true on success and false on failure.
bool tls13_get_cert_verify_signature_input(
SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, Array<uint8_t> *out,
enum ssl_cert_verify_context_t cert_verify_context);
// ssl_is_valid_alpn_list returns whether |in| is a valid ALPN protocol list.
bool ssl_is_valid_alpn_list(Span<const uint8_t> in);
// ssl_is_alpn_protocol_allowed returns whether |protocol| is a valid server
// selection for |hs->ssl|'s client preferences.
bool ssl_is_alpn_protocol_allowed(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
Span<const uint8_t> protocol);
// ssl_negotiate_alpn negotiates the ALPN extension, if applicable. It returns
// true on successful negotiation or if nothing was negotiated. It returns false
// and sets |*out_alert| to an alert on error.
bool ssl_negotiate_alpn(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out_alert,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello);
// ssl_get_local_application_settings looks up the configured ALPS value for
// |protocol|. If found, it sets |*out_settings| to the value and returns true.
// Otherwise, it returns false.
bool ssl_get_local_application_settings(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
Span<const uint8_t> *out_settings,
Span<const uint8_t> protocol);
// ssl_negotiate_alps negotiates the ALPS extension, if applicable. It returns
// true on successful negotiation or if nothing was negotiated. It returns false
// and sets |*out_alert| to an alert on error.
bool ssl_negotiate_alps(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out_alert,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello);
struct SSLExtension {
SSLExtension(uint16_t type_arg, bool allowed_arg = true)
: type(type_arg), allowed(allowed_arg), present(false) {
CBS_init(&data, nullptr, 0);
uint16_t type;
bool allowed;
bool present;
CBS data;
// ssl_parse_extensions parses a TLS extensions block out of |cbs| and advances
// it. It writes the parsed extensions to pointers in |extensions|. On success,
// it fills in the |present| and |data| fields and returns true. Otherwise, it
// sets |*out_alert| to an alert to send and returns false. Unknown extensions
// are rejected unless |ignore_unknown| is true.
bool ssl_parse_extensions(const CBS *cbs, uint8_t *out_alert,
std::initializer_list<SSLExtension *> extensions,
bool ignore_unknown);
// ssl_verify_peer_cert verifies the peer certificate for |hs|.
enum ssl_verify_result_t ssl_verify_peer_cert(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_reverify_peer_cert verifies the peer certificate for |hs| when resuming a
// session.
enum ssl_verify_result_t ssl_reverify_peer_cert(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
bool send_alert);
enum ssl_hs_wait_t ssl_get_finished(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
bool ssl_send_finished(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
bool ssl_output_cert_chain(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_handshake_session returns the |SSL_SESSION| corresponding to the current
// handshake. Note, in TLS 1.2 resumptions, this session is immutable.
const SSL_SESSION *ssl_handshake_session(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_done_writing_client_hello is called after the last ClientHello is written
// by |hs|. It releases some memory that is no longer needed.
void ssl_done_writing_client_hello(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// SSLKEYLOGFILE functions.
// ssl_log_secret logs |secret| with label |label|, if logging is enabled for
// |ssl|. It returns true on success and false on failure.
bool ssl_log_secret(const SSL *ssl, const char *label,
Span<const uint8_t> secret);
// ClientHello functions.
// ssl_client_hello_init parses |body| as a ClientHello message, excluding the
// message header, and writes the result to |*out|. It returns true on success
// and false on error. This function is exported for testing.
OPENSSL_EXPORT bool ssl_client_hello_init(const SSL *ssl, SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *out,
Span<const uint8_t> body);
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
bool ssl_parse_client_hello_with_trailing_data(const SSL *ssl, CBS *cbs,
bool ssl_client_hello_get_extension(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello,
CBS *out, uint16_t extension_type);
bool ssl_client_cipher_list_contains_cipher(
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello, uint16_t id);
// ssl_get_grease_value returns a GREASE value for |hs|. For a given
// connection, the values for each index will be deterministic. This allows the
// same ClientHello be sent twice for a HelloRetryRequest or the same group be
// advertised in both supported_groups and key_shares.
uint16_t ssl_get_grease_value(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
enum ssl_grease_index_t index);
// Signature algorithms.
// tls1_parse_peer_sigalgs parses |sigalgs| as the list of peer signature
// algorithms and saves them on |hs|. It returns true on success and false on
// error.
bool tls1_parse_peer_sigalgs(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, const CBS *sigalgs);
// tls1_get_legacy_signature_algorithm sets |*out| to the signature algorithm
// that should be used with |pkey| in TLS 1.1 and earlier. It returns true on
// success and false if |pkey| may not be used at those versions.
bool tls1_get_legacy_signature_algorithm(uint16_t *out, const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
// tls1_choose_signature_algorithm sets |*out| to a signature algorithm for use
// with |hs|'s private key based on the peer's preferences and the algorithms
// supported. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls1_choose_signature_algorithm(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint16_t *out);
// tls1_get_peer_verify_algorithms returns the signature schemes for which the
// peer indicated support.
// NOTE: The related function |SSL_get0_peer_verify_algorithms| only has
// well-defined behavior during the callbacks set by |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and
// |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb|, or when the handshake is paused because of
// them.
Span<const uint16_t> tls1_get_peer_verify_algorithms(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// tls12_add_verify_sigalgs adds the signature algorithms acceptable for the
// peer signature to |out|. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls12_add_verify_sigalgs(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *out);
// tls12_check_peer_sigalg checks if |sigalg| is acceptable for the peer
// signature. It returns true on success and false on error, setting
// |*out_alert| to an alert to send.
bool tls12_check_peer_sigalg(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out_alert,
uint16_t sigalg);
// Underdocumented functions.
// Functions below here haven't been touched up and may be underdocumented.
// From RFC 4492, used in encoding the curve type in ECParameters
struct CERT {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
explicit CERT(const SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method);
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> privatekey;
// chain contains the certificate chain, with the leaf at the beginning. The
// first element of |chain| may be NULL to indicate that the leaf certificate
// has not yet been set.
// If |chain| != NULL -> len(chain) >= 1
// If |chain[0]| == NULL -> len(chain) >= 2.
// |chain[1..]| != NULL
// x509_chain may contain a parsed copy of |chain[1..]|. This is only used as
// a cache in order to implement “get0” functions that return a non-owning
// pointer to the certificate chain.
STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain = nullptr;
// x509_leaf may contain a parsed copy of the first element of |chain|. This
// is only used as a cache in order to implement “get0” functions that return
// a non-owning pointer to the certificate chain.
X509 *x509_leaf = nullptr;
// x509_stash contains the last |X509| object append to the chain. This is a
// workaround for some third-party code that continue to use an |X509| object
// even after passing ownership with an “add0” function.
X509 *x509_stash = nullptr;
// key_method, if non-NULL, is a set of callbacks to call for private key
// operations.
const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *key_method = nullptr;
// x509_method contains pointers to functions that might deal with |X509|
// compatibility, or might be a no-op, depending on the application.
const SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method = nullptr;
// sigalgs, if non-empty, is the set of signature algorithms supported by
// |privatekey| in decreasing order of preference.
Array<uint16_t> sigalgs;
// Certificate setup callback: if set is called whenever a
// certificate may be required (client or server). the callback
// can then examine any appropriate parameters and setup any
// certificates required. This allows advanced applications
// to select certificates on the fly: for example based on
// supported signature algorithms or curves.
int (*cert_cb)(SSL *ssl, void *arg) = nullptr;
void *cert_cb_arg = nullptr;
// Optional X509_STORE for certificate validation. If NULL the parent SSL_CTX
// store is used instead.
X509_STORE *verify_store = nullptr;
// Signed certificate timestamp list to be sent to the client, if requested
UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> signed_cert_timestamp_list;
// OCSP response to be sent to the client, if requested.
UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> ocsp_response;
// sid_ctx partitions the session space within a shared session cache or
// ticket key. Only sessions with a matching value will be accepted.
uint8_t sid_ctx_length = 0;
uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH] = {0};
// Delegated credentials.
// dc is the delegated credential to send to the peer (if requested).
UniquePtr<DC> dc = nullptr;
// dc_privatekey is used instead of |privatekey| or |key_method| to
// authenticate the host if a delegated credential is used in the handshake.
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> dc_privatekey = nullptr;
// dc_key_method, if not NULL, is used instead of |dc_privatekey| to
// authenticate the host.
const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *dc_key_method = nullptr;
// |SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD| abstracts between TLS and DTLS.
bool is_dtls;
bool (*ssl_new)(SSL *ssl);
void (*ssl_free)(SSL *ssl);
// get_message sets |*out| to the current handshake message and returns true
// if one has been received. It returns false if more input is needed.
bool (*get_message)(const SSL *ssl, SSLMessage *out);
// next_message is called to release the current handshake message.
void (*next_message)(SSL *ssl);
// has_unprocessed_handshake_data returns whether there is buffered
// handshake data that has not been consumed by |get_message|.
bool (*has_unprocessed_handshake_data)(const SSL *ssl);
// Use the |ssl_open_handshake| wrapper.
ssl_open_record_t (*open_handshake)(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert, Span<uint8_t> in);
// Use the |ssl_open_change_cipher_spec| wrapper.
ssl_open_record_t (*open_change_cipher_spec)(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
// Use the |ssl_open_app_data| wrapper.
ssl_open_record_t (*open_app_data)(SSL *ssl, Span<uint8_t> *out,
size_t *out_consumed, uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
// write_app_data encrypts and writes |in| as application data. On success, it
// returns one and sets |*out_bytes_written| to the number of bytes of |in|
// written. Otherwise, it returns <= 0 and sets |*out_needs_handshake| to
// whether the operation failed because the caller needs to drive the
// handshake.
int (*write_app_data)(SSL *ssl, bool *out_needs_handshake,
size_t *out_bytes_written, Span<const uint8_t> in);
int (*dispatch_alert)(SSL *ssl);
// init_message begins a new handshake message of type |type|. |cbb| is the
// root CBB to be passed into |finish_message|. |*body| is set to a child CBB
// the caller should write to. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool (*init_message)(const SSL *ssl, CBB *cbb, CBB *body, uint8_t type);
// finish_message finishes a handshake message. It sets |*out_msg| to the
// serialized message. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool (*finish_message)(const SSL *ssl, CBB *cbb,
bssl::Array<uint8_t> *out_msg);
// add_message adds a handshake message to the pending flight. It returns
// true on success and false on error.
bool (*add_message)(SSL *ssl, bssl::Array<uint8_t> msg);
// add_change_cipher_spec adds a ChangeCipherSpec record to the pending
// flight. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool (*add_change_cipher_spec)(SSL *ssl);
// flush_flight flushes the pending flight to the transport. It returns one on
// success and <= 0 on error.
int (*flush_flight)(SSL *ssl);
// on_handshake_complete is called when the handshake is complete.
void (*on_handshake_complete)(SSL *ssl);
// set_read_state sets |ssl|'s read cipher state and level to |aead_ctx| and
// |level|. In QUIC, |aead_ctx| is a placeholder object and |secret_for_quic|
// is the original secret. This function returns true on success and false on
// error.
bool (*set_read_state)(SSL *ssl, ssl_encryption_level_t level,
UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> aead_ctx,
Span<const uint8_t> secret_for_quic);
// set_write_state sets |ssl|'s write cipher state and level to |aead_ctx| and
// |level|. In QUIC, |aead_ctx| is a placeholder object and |secret_for_quic|
// is the original secret. This function returns true on success and false on
// error.
bool (*set_write_state)(SSL *ssl, ssl_encryption_level_t level,
UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> aead_ctx,
Span<const uint8_t> secret_for_quic);
// The following wrappers call |open_*| but handle |read_shutdown| correctly.
// ssl_open_handshake processes a record from |in| for reading a handshake
// message.
ssl_open_record_t ssl_open_handshake(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert, Span<uint8_t> in);
// ssl_open_change_cipher_spec processes a record from |in| for reading a
// ChangeCipherSpec.
ssl_open_record_t ssl_open_change_cipher_spec(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
// ssl_open_app_data processes a record from |in| for reading application data.
// On success, it returns |ssl_open_record_success| and sets |*out| to the
// input. If it encounters a post-handshake message, it returns
// |ssl_open_record_discard|. The caller should then retry, after processing any
// messages received with |get_message|.
ssl_open_record_t ssl_open_app_data(SSL *ssl, Span<uint8_t> *out,
size_t *out_consumed, uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
struct SSL_X509_METHOD {
// check_client_CA_list returns one if |names| is a good list of X.509
// distinguished names and zero otherwise. This is used to ensure that we can
// reject unparsable values at handshake time when using crypto/x509.
bool (*check_client_CA_list)(STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER) *names);
// cert_clear frees and NULLs all X509 certificate-related state.
void (*cert_clear)(CERT *cert);
// cert_free frees all X509-related state.
void (*cert_free)(CERT *cert);
// cert_flush_cached_chain drops any cached |X509|-based certificate chain
// from |cert|.
// cert_dup duplicates any needed fields from |cert| to |new_cert|.
void (*cert_dup)(CERT *new_cert, const CERT *cert);
void (*cert_flush_cached_chain)(CERT *cert);
// cert_flush_cached_chain drops any cached |X509|-based leaf certificate
// from |cert|.
void (*cert_flush_cached_leaf)(CERT *cert);
// session_cache_objects fills out |sess->x509_peer| and |sess->x509_chain|
// from |sess->certs| and erases |sess->x509_chain_without_leaf|. It returns
// true on success or false on error.
bool (*session_cache_objects)(SSL_SESSION *session);
// session_dup duplicates any needed fields from |session| to |new_session|.
// It returns true on success or false on error.
bool (*session_dup)(SSL_SESSION *new_session, const SSL_SESSION *session);
// session_clear frees any X509-related state from |session|.
void (*session_clear)(SSL_SESSION *session);
// session_verify_cert_chain verifies the certificate chain in |session|,
// sets |session->verify_result| and returns true on success or false on
// error.
bool (*session_verify_cert_chain)(SSL_SESSION *session, SSL_HANDSHAKE *ssl,
uint8_t *out_alert);
// hs_flush_cached_ca_names drops any cached |X509_NAME|s from |hs|.
void (*hs_flush_cached_ca_names)(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_new does any necessary initialisation of |hs|. It returns true on
// success or false on error.
bool (*ssl_new)(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_free frees anything created by |ssl_new|.
void (*ssl_config_free)(SSL_CONFIG *cfg);
// ssl_flush_cached_client_CA drops any cached |X509_NAME|s from |ssl|.
void (*ssl_flush_cached_client_CA)(SSL_CONFIG *cfg);
// ssl_auto_chain_if_needed runs the deprecated auto-chaining logic if
// necessary. On success, it updates |ssl|'s certificate configuration as
// needed and returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
bool (*ssl_auto_chain_if_needed)(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_ctx_new does any necessary initialisation of |ctx|. It returns true on
// success or false on error.
bool (*ssl_ctx_new)(SSL_CTX *ctx);
// ssl_ctx_free frees anything created by |ssl_ctx_new|.
void (*ssl_ctx_free)(SSL_CTX *ctx);
// ssl_ctx_flush_cached_client_CA drops any cached |X509_NAME|s from |ctx|.
void (*ssl_ctx_flush_cached_client_CA)(SSL_CTX *ssl);
// ssl_crypto_x509_method provides the |SSL_X509_METHOD| functions using
// crypto/x509.
extern const SSL_X509_METHOD ssl_crypto_x509_method;
// ssl_noop_x509_method provides the |SSL_X509_METHOD| functions that avoid
// crypto/x509.
extern const SSL_X509_METHOD ssl_noop_x509_method;
struct TicketKey {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
uint8_t name[SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN] = {0};
uint8_t hmac_key[16] = {0};
uint8_t aes_key[16] = {0};
// next_rotation_tv_sec is the time (in seconds from the epoch) when the
// current key should be superseded by a new key, or the time when a previous
// key should be dropped. If zero, then the key should not be automatically
// rotated.
uint64_t next_rotation_tv_sec = 0;
struct CertCompressionAlg {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
ssl_cert_compression_func_t compress = nullptr;
ssl_cert_decompression_func_t decompress = nullptr;
uint16_t alg_id = 0;
// An ssl_shutdown_t describes the shutdown state of one end of the connection,
// whether it is alive or has been shutdown via close_notify or fatal alert.
enum ssl_shutdown_t {
ssl_shutdown_none = 0,
ssl_shutdown_close_notify = 1,
ssl_shutdown_error = 2,
Implement ClientHelloOuter handshakes.
If a client offers ECH, but the server rejects it, the client completes
the handshake with ClientHelloOuter in order to authenticate retry keys.
Implement this flow. This is largely allowing the existing handshake to
proceed, but with some changes:
- Certificate verification uses the other name. This CL routes this up to
the built-in verifier and adds SSL_get0_ech_name_override for the
- We need to disable False Start to pick up server Finished in TLS 1.2.
- Client certificates, notably in TLS 1.3 where they're encrypted,
should only be revealed to the true server. Fortunately, not sending
client certs is always an option, so do that.
Channel ID has a similar issue. I've just omitted the extension in
ClientHelloOuter because it's deprecated and is unlikely to be used
with ECH at this point. ALPS may be worth some pondering but, the way
it's currently used, is not sensitive.
(Possibly we should change the draft to terminate the handshake before
even sending that flight...)
- The session is never offered in ClientHelloOuter, but our internal
book-keeping doesn't quite notice.
I had to replace ech_accept with a tri-state ech_status to correctly
handle an edge case in SSL_get0_ech_name_override: when ECH + 0-RTT +
reverify_on_resume are all enabled, the first certificate verification
is for the 0-RTT session and should be against the true name, yet we
have selected_ech_config && !ech_accept. A tri-state tracks when ECH is
actually rejected. I've maintained this on the server as well, though
the server never actually cares.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: Ie55966ca3dc4ffcc8c381479f0fe9bcacd34d0f8
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48135
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
enum ssl_ech_status_t {
// ssl_ech_none indicates ECH was not offered, or we have not gotten far
// enough in the handshake to determine the status.
// ssl_ech_accepted indicates the server accepted ECH.
// ssl_ech_rejected indicates the server was offered ECH but rejected it.
struct SSL3_STATE {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
uint8_t read_sequence[8] = {0};
uint8_t write_sequence[8] = {0};
uint8_t server_random[SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t client_random[SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE] = {0};
// read_buffer holds data from the transport to be processed.
SSLBuffer read_buffer;
// write_buffer holds data to be written to the transport.
SSLBuffer write_buffer;
// pending_app_data is the unconsumed application data. It points into
// |read_buffer|.
Span<uint8_t> pending_app_data;
// unreported_bytes_written is the number of bytes successfully written to the
// transport, but not yet reported to the caller. The next |SSL_write| will
// skip this many bytes from the input. This is used if
// |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE| is disabled, in which case |SSL_write| only
// reports bytes written when the full caller input is written.
size_t unreported_bytes_written = 0;
// pending_write, if |has_pending_write| is true, is the caller-supplied data
// corresponding to the current pending write. This is used to check the
// caller retried with a compatible buffer.
Span<const uint8_t> pending_write;
// pending_write_type, if |has_pending_write| is true, is the record type
// for the current pending write.
// TODO(davidben): Remove this when alerts are moved out of this write path.
uint8_t pending_write_type = 0;
// read_shutdown is the shutdown state for the read half of the connection.
enum ssl_shutdown_t read_shutdown = ssl_shutdown_none;
// write_shutdown is the shutdown state for the write half of the connection.
enum ssl_shutdown_t write_shutdown = ssl_shutdown_none;
// read_error, if |read_shutdown| is |ssl_shutdown_error|, is the error for
// the receive half of the connection.
UniquePtr<ERR_SAVE_STATE> read_error;
int total_renegotiations = 0;
// This holds a variable that indicates what we were doing when a 0 or -1 is
// returned. This is needed for non-blocking IO so we know what request
// needs re-doing when in SSL_accept or SSL_connect
int rwstate = SSL_ERROR_NONE;
enum ssl_encryption_level_t read_level = ssl_encryption_initial;
enum ssl_encryption_level_t write_level = ssl_encryption_initial;
// early_data_skipped is the amount of early data that has been skipped by the
// record layer.
uint16_t early_data_skipped = 0;
// empty_record_count is the number of consecutive empty records received.
uint8_t empty_record_count = 0;
// warning_alert_count is the number of consecutive warning alerts
// received.
uint8_t warning_alert_count = 0;
// key_update_count is the number of consecutive KeyUpdates received.
uint8_t key_update_count = 0;
Implement ClientHelloOuter handshakes.
If a client offers ECH, but the server rejects it, the client completes
the handshake with ClientHelloOuter in order to authenticate retry keys.
Implement this flow. This is largely allowing the existing handshake to
proceed, but with some changes:
- Certificate verification uses the other name. This CL routes this up to
the built-in verifier and adds SSL_get0_ech_name_override for the
- We need to disable False Start to pick up server Finished in TLS 1.2.
- Client certificates, notably in TLS 1.3 where they're encrypted,
should only be revealed to the true server. Fortunately, not sending
client certs is always an option, so do that.
Channel ID has a similar issue. I've just omitted the extension in
ClientHelloOuter because it's deprecated and is unlikely to be used
with ECH at this point. ALPS may be worth some pondering but, the way
it's currently used, is not sensitive.
(Possibly we should change the draft to terminate the handshake before
even sending that flight...)
- The session is never offered in ClientHelloOuter, but our internal
book-keeping doesn't quite notice.
I had to replace ech_accept with a tri-state ech_status to correctly
handle an edge case in SSL_get0_ech_name_override: when ECH + 0-RTT +
reverify_on_resume are all enabled, the first certificate verification
is for the 0-RTT session and should be against the true name, yet we
have selected_ech_config && !ech_accept. A tri-state tracks when ECH is
actually rejected. I've maintained this on the server as well, though
the server never actually cares.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: Ie55966ca3dc4ffcc8c381479f0fe9bcacd34d0f8
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48135
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ech_status indicates whether ECH was accepted by the server.
ssl_ech_status_t ech_status = ssl_ech_none;
// skip_early_data instructs the record layer to skip unexpected early data
// messages when 0RTT is rejected.
bool skip_early_data : 1;
// have_version is true if the connection's final version is known. Otherwise
// the version has not been negotiated yet.
bool have_version : 1;
// v2_hello_done is true if the peer's V2ClientHello, if any, has been handled
// and future messages should use the record layer.
bool v2_hello_done : 1;
// is_v2_hello is true if the current handshake message was derived from a
// V2ClientHello rather than received from the peer directly.
bool is_v2_hello : 1;
// has_message is true if the current handshake message has been returned
// at least once by |get_message| and false otherwise.
bool has_message : 1;
// initial_handshake_complete is true if the initial handshake has
// completed.
bool initial_handshake_complete : 1;
// session_reused indicates whether a session was resumed.
bool session_reused : 1;
// delegated_credential_used is whether we presented a delegated credential to
// the peer.
bool delegated_credential_used : 1;
bool send_connection_binding : 1;
// channel_id_valid is true if, on the server, the client has negotiated a
// Channel ID and the |channel_id| field is filled in.
bool channel_id_valid : 1;
// key_update_pending is true if we have a KeyUpdate acknowledgment
// outstanding.
bool key_update_pending : 1;
// early_data_accepted is true if early data was accepted by the server.
bool early_data_accepted : 1;
// alert_dispatch is true there is an alert in |send_alert| to be sent.
bool alert_dispatch : 1;
// renegotiate_pending is whether the read half of the channel is blocked on a
// HelloRequest.
bool renegotiate_pending : 1;
// used_hello_retry_request is whether the handshake used a TLS 1.3
// HelloRetryRequest message.
bool used_hello_retry_request : 1;
// hs_buf is the buffer of handshake data to process.
UniquePtr<BUF_MEM> hs_buf;
// pending_hs_data contains the pending handshake data that has not yet
// been encrypted to |pending_flight|. This allows packing the handshake into
// fewer records.
UniquePtr<BUF_MEM> pending_hs_data;
// pending_flight is the pending outgoing flight. This is used to flush each
// handshake flight in a single write. |write_buffer| must be written out
// before this data.
UniquePtr<BUF_MEM> pending_flight;
// pending_flight_offset is the number of bytes of |pending_flight| which have
// been successfully written.
uint32_t pending_flight_offset = 0;
// ticket_age_skew is the difference, in seconds, between the client-sent
// ticket age and the server-computed value in TLS 1.3 server connections
// which resumed a session.
int32_t ticket_age_skew = 0;
// ssl_early_data_reason stores details on why 0-RTT was accepted or rejected.
enum ssl_early_data_reason_t early_data_reason = ssl_early_data_unknown;
// aead_read_ctx is the current read cipher state.
UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> aead_read_ctx;
// aead_write_ctx is the current write cipher state.
UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> aead_write_ctx;
// hs is the handshake state for the current handshake or NULL if there isn't
// one.
UniquePtr<SSL_HANDSHAKE> hs;
uint8_t write_traffic_secret[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t read_traffic_secret[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t exporter_secret[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t write_traffic_secret_len = 0;
uint8_t read_traffic_secret_len = 0;
uint8_t exporter_secret_len = 0;
// Connection binding to prevent renegotiation attacks
uint8_t previous_client_finished[12] = {0};
uint8_t previous_client_finished_len = 0;
uint8_t previous_server_finished_len = 0;
uint8_t previous_server_finished[12] = {0};
uint8_t send_alert[2] = {0};
// established_session is the session established by the connection. This
// session is only filled upon the completion of the handshake and is
// immutable.
UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> established_session;
// Next protocol negotiation. For the client, this is the protocol that we
// sent in NextProtocol and is set when handling ServerHello extensions.
// For a server, this is the client's selected_protocol from NextProtocol and
// is set when handling the NextProtocol message, before the Finished
// message.
Array<uint8_t> next_proto_negotiated;
// ALPN information
// (we are in the process of transitioning from NPN to ALPN.)
// In a server these point to the selected ALPN protocol after the
// ClientHello has been processed. In a client these contain the protocol
// that the server selected once the ServerHello has been processed.
Array<uint8_t> alpn_selected;
// hostname, on the server, is the value of the SNI extension.
UniquePtr<char> hostname;
// For a server:
// If |channel_id_valid| is true, then this contains the
// verified Channel ID from the client: a P256 point, (x,y), where
// each are big-endian values.
uint8_t channel_id[64] = {0};
// Contains the QUIC transport params received by the peer.
Array<uint8_t> peer_quic_transport_params;
// srtp_profile is the selected SRTP protection profile for
const SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE *srtp_profile = nullptr;
// lengths of messages
struct hm_header_st {
uint8_t type;
uint32_t msg_len;
uint16_t seq;
uint32_t frag_off;
uint32_t frag_len;
// An hm_fragment is an incoming DTLS message, possibly not yet assembled.
struct hm_fragment {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
hm_fragment() {}
hm_fragment(const hm_fragment &) = delete;
hm_fragment &operator=(const hm_fragment &) = delete;
// type is the type of the message.
uint8_t type = 0;
// seq is the sequence number of this message.
uint16_t seq = 0;
// msg_len is the length of the message body.
uint32_t msg_len = 0;
// data is a pointer to the message, including message header. It has length
// |DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH| + |msg_len|.
uint8_t *data = nullptr;
// reassembly is a bitmask of |msg_len| bits corresponding to which parts of
// the message have been received. It is NULL if the message is complete.
uint8_t *reassembly = nullptr;
struct OPENSSL_timeval {
uint64_t tv_sec;
uint32_t tv_usec;
struct DTLS1_STATE {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
// has_change_cipher_spec is true if we have received a ChangeCipherSpec from
// the peer in this epoch.
bool has_change_cipher_spec : 1;
// outgoing_messages_complete is true if |outgoing_messages| has been
// completed by an attempt to flush it. Future calls to |add_message| and
// |add_change_cipher_spec| will start a new flight.
bool outgoing_messages_complete : 1;
// flight_has_reply is true if the current outgoing flight is complete and has
// processed at least one message. This is used to detect whether we or the
// peer sent the final flight.
bool flight_has_reply : 1;
uint8_t cookie[DTLS1_COOKIE_LENGTH] = {0};
size_t cookie_len = 0;
// The current data and handshake epoch. This is initially undefined, and
// starts at zero once the initial handshake is completed.
uint16_t r_epoch = 0;
uint16_t w_epoch = 0;
// records being received in the current epoch
DTLS1_BITMAP bitmap;
uint16_t handshake_write_seq = 0;
uint16_t handshake_read_seq = 0;
// save last sequence number for retransmissions
uint8_t last_write_sequence[8] = {0};
UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> last_aead_write_ctx;
// incoming_messages is a ring buffer of incoming handshake messages that have
// yet to be processed. The front of the ring buffer is message number
// |handshake_read_seq|, at position |handshake_read_seq| %
UniquePtr<hm_fragment> incoming_messages[SSL_MAX_HANDSHAKE_FLIGHT];
// outgoing_messages is the queue of outgoing messages from the last handshake
// flight.
uint8_t outgoing_messages_len = 0;
// outgoing_written is the number of outgoing messages that have been
// written.
uint8_t outgoing_written = 0;
// outgoing_offset is the number of bytes of the next outgoing message have
// been written.
uint32_t outgoing_offset = 0;
unsigned mtu = 0; // max DTLS packet size
// num_timeouts is the number of times the retransmit timer has fired since
// the last time it was reset.
unsigned num_timeouts = 0;
// Indicates when the last handshake msg or heartbeat sent will
// timeout.
struct OPENSSL_timeval next_timeout = {0, 0};
// timeout_duration_ms is the timeout duration in milliseconds.
unsigned timeout_duration_ms = 0;
// An ALPSConfig is a pair of ALPN protocol and settings value to use with ALPS.
struct ALPSConfig {
Array<uint8_t> protocol;
Array<uint8_t> settings;
// SSL_CONFIG contains configuration bits that can be shed after the handshake
// completes. Objects of this type are not shared; they are unique to a
// particular |SSL|.
// See SSL_shed_handshake_config() for more about the conditions under which
// configuration can be shed.
struct SSL_CONFIG {
static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;
explicit SSL_CONFIG(SSL *ssl_arg);
// ssl is a non-owning pointer to the parent |SSL| object.
SSL *const ssl = nullptr;
// conf_max_version is the maximum acceptable version configured by
// |SSL_set_max_proto_version|. Note this version is not normalized in DTLS
// and is further constrained by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
uint16_t conf_max_version = 0;
// conf_min_version is the minimum acceptable version configured by
// |SSL_set_min_proto_version|. Note this version is not normalized in DTLS
// and is further constrained by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
uint16_t conf_min_version = 0;
X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param = nullptr;
// crypto
UniquePtr<SSLCipherPreferenceList> cipher_list;
// This is used to hold the local certificate used (i.e. the server
// certificate for a server or the client certificate for a client).
UniquePtr<CERT> cert;
int (*verify_callback)(int ok,
X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) =
nullptr; // fail if callback returns 0
enum ssl_verify_result_t (*custom_verify_callback)(
SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_alert) = nullptr;
// Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the identity hint to send in
// PSK-based key exchanges.
UniquePtr<char> psk_identity_hint;
unsigned (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity,
unsigned max_identity_len, uint8_t *psk,
unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;
unsigned (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity, uint8_t *psk,
unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;
// for server side, keep the list of CA_dn we can use
// cached_x509_client_CA is a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
// |client_CA|.
STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *cached_x509_client_CA = nullptr;
Array<uint16_t> supported_group_list; // our list
// channel_id_private is the client's Channel ID private key, or null if
// Channel ID should not be offered on this connection.
UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> channel_id_private;
// For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
// format.
Array<uint8_t> alpn_client_proto_list;
// alps_configs contains the list of supported protocols to use with ALPS,
// along with their corresponding ALPS values.
GrowableArray<ALPSConfig> alps_configs;
// Contains the QUIC transport params that this endpoint will send.
Array<uint8_t> quic_transport_params;
// Contains the context used to decide whether to accept early data in QUIC.
Array<uint8_t> quic_early_data_context;
// verify_sigalgs, if not empty, is the set of signature algorithms
// accepted from the peer in decreasing order of preference.
Array<uint16_t> verify_sigalgs;
// srtp_profiles is the list of configured SRTP protection profiles for
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// client_ech_config_list, if not empty, is a serialized ECHConfigList
// structure for the client to use when negotiating ECH.
Array<uint8_t> client_ech_config_list;
// verify_mode is a bitmask of |SSL_VERIFY_*| values.
uint8_t verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;
// ech_grease_enabled controls whether ECH GREASE may be sent in the
// ClientHello.
bool ech_grease_enabled : 1;
// Enable signed certificate time stamps. Currently client only.
bool signed_cert_timestamps_enabled : 1;
// ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
// whether OCSP stapling will be requested.
bool ocsp_stapling_enabled : 1;
// channel_id_enabled is copied from the |SSL_CTX|. For a server, it means
// that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients. It is ignored on the client.
bool channel_id_enabled : 1;
// If enforce_rsa_key_usage is true, the handshake will fail if the
// keyUsage extension is present and incompatible with the TLS usage.
// This field is not read until after certificate verification.
bool enforce_rsa_key_usage : 1;
// retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
// hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
// session space. Only effective on the server side.
bool retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs : 1;
// handoff indicates that a server should stop after receiving the
// ClientHello and pause the handshake in such a way that |SSL_get_error|
// returns |SSL_ERROR_HANDOFF|. This is copied in |SSL_new| from the |SSL_CTX|
// element of the same name and may be cleared if the handoff is declined.
bool handoff : 1;
// shed_handshake_config indicates that the handshake config (this object!)
// should be freed after the handshake completes.
bool shed_handshake_config : 1;
// jdk11_workaround is whether to disable TLS 1.3 for JDK 11 clients, as a
// workaround for https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8211806.
bool jdk11_workaround : 1;
// QUIC drafts up to and including 32 used a different TLS extension
// codepoint to convey QUIC's transport parameters.
bool quic_use_legacy_codepoint : 1;
// permute_extensions is whether to permute extensions when sending messages.
bool permute_extensions : 1;
// only_fips_cipher_suites_in_tls13 constrains the selection of cipher suites
// in TLS 1.3 such that only FIPS approved ones will be selected.
bool only_fips_cipher_suites_in_tls13 : 1;
// From RFC 8446, used in determining PSK modes.
#define SSL_PSK_DHE_KE 0x1
// kMaxEarlyDataAccepted is the advertised number of plaintext bytes of early
// data that will be accepted. This value should be slightly below
// kMaxEarlyDataSkipped in tls_record.c, which is measured in ciphertext.
static const size_t kMaxEarlyDataAccepted = 14336;
UniquePtr<CERT> ssl_cert_dup(CERT *cert);
void ssl_cert_clear_certs(CERT *cert);
bool ssl_set_cert(CERT *cert, UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> buffer);
bool ssl_is_key_type_supported(int key_type);
// ssl_compare_public_and_private_key returns true if |pubkey| is the public
// counterpart to |privkey|. Otherwise it returns false and pushes a helpful
// message on the error queue.
bool ssl_compare_public_and_private_key(const EVP_PKEY *pubkey,
const EVP_PKEY *privkey);
bool ssl_cert_check_private_key(const CERT *cert, const EVP_PKEY *privkey);
bool ssl_get_new_session(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
int ssl_encrypt_ticket(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *out, const SSL_SESSION *session);
int ssl_ctx_rotate_ticket_encryption_key(SSL_CTX *ctx);
// ssl_session_new returns a newly-allocated blank |SSL_SESSION| or nullptr on
// error.
UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> ssl_session_new(const SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method);
// ssl_hash_session_id returns a hash of |session_id|, suitable for a hash table
// keyed on session IDs.
uint32_t ssl_hash_session_id(Span<const uint8_t> session_id);
// SSL_SESSION_parse parses an |SSL_SESSION| from |cbs| and advances |cbs| over
// the parsed data.
CBS *cbs, const SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method, CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool);
// ssl_session_serialize writes |in| to |cbb| as if it were serialising a
// session for Session-ID resumption. It returns one on success and zero on
// error.
OPENSSL_EXPORT int ssl_session_serialize(const SSL_SESSION *in, CBB *cbb);
// ssl_session_is_context_valid returns one if |session|'s session ID context
// matches the one set on |hs| and zero otherwise.
int ssl_session_is_context_valid(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
const SSL_SESSION *session);
// ssl_session_is_time_valid returns one if |session| is still valid and zero if
// it has expired.
int ssl_session_is_time_valid(const SSL *ssl, const SSL_SESSION *session);
// ssl_session_is_resumable returns one if |session| is resumable for |hs| and
// zero otherwise.
int ssl_session_is_resumable(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
const SSL_SESSION *session);
// ssl_session_protocol_version returns the protocol version associated with
// |session|. Note that despite the name, this is not the same as
// |SSL_SESSION_get_protocol_version|. The latter is based on upstream's name.
uint16_t ssl_session_protocol_version(const SSL_SESSION *session);
// ssl_session_get_digest returns the digest used in |session|.
const EVP_MD *ssl_session_get_digest(const SSL_SESSION *session);
void ssl_set_session(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session);
// ssl_get_prev_session looks up the previous session based on |client_hello|.
// On success, it sets |*out_session| to the session or nullptr if none was
// found. If the session could not be looked up synchronously, it returns
// |ssl_hs_pending_session| and should be called again. If a ticket could not be
// decrypted immediately it returns |ssl_hs_pending_ticket| and should also
// be called again. Otherwise, it returns |ssl_hs_error|.
enum ssl_hs_wait_t ssl_get_prev_session(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> *out_session,
bool *out_tickets_supported,
bool *out_renew_ticket,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello);
// The following flags determine which parts of the session are duplicated.
// SSL_SESSION_dup returns a newly-allocated |SSL_SESSION| with a copy of the
// fields in |session| or nullptr on error. The new session is non-resumable and
// must be explicitly marked resumable once it has been filled in.
int dup_flags);
// ssl_session_rebase_time updates |session|'s start time to the current time,
// adjusting the timeout so the expiration time is unchanged.
void ssl_session_rebase_time(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session);
// ssl_session_renew_timeout calls |ssl_session_rebase_time| and renews
// |session|'s timeout to |timeout| (measured from the current time). The
// renewal is clamped to the session's auth_timeout.
void ssl_session_renew_timeout(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session,
uint32_t timeout);
Reduce bouncing on the cache lock in ssl_update_cache.
ssl_update_cache takes the cache lock to add to the session cache,
releases it, and then immediately takes and releases the lock to
increment handshakes_since_cache_flush. Then, in 1/255 connections, does
the same thing again to flush stale sessions.
Merge the first two into one lock. In doing so, move ssl_update_cache to
ssl_session.cc, so it can access a newly-extracted add_session_lock.
Also remove the mode parameter (the SSL knows if it's a client or
server), and move the established_session != session check to the
caller, which more directly knows whether there was a new session.
Also add some TSan coverage for this path in the tests. In an earlier
iteration of this patch, I managed to introduce a double-locking bug
because we weren't testing it at all. Confirmed this test catches both
double-locking and insufficient locking. (It doesn't seem able to catch
using a read lock instead of a write lock in SSL_CTX_flush_sessions,
however. I suspect the hash table is distributing the cells each thread
Update-Note: This reshuffles some locks around the session cache.
(Hopefully for the better.)
Change-Id: I78dca53fda74e036b90110cca7fbcc306a5c8ebe
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48133
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
void ssl_update_cache(SSL *ssl);
void ssl_send_alert(SSL *ssl, int level, int desc);
int ssl_send_alert_impl(SSL *ssl, int level, int desc);
bool tls_get_message(const SSL *ssl, SSLMessage *out);
ssl_open_record_t tls_open_handshake(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert, Span<uint8_t> in);
void tls_next_message(SSL *ssl);
int tls_dispatch_alert(SSL *ssl);
ssl_open_record_t tls_open_app_data(SSL *ssl, Span<uint8_t> *out,
size_t *out_consumed, uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
ssl_open_record_t tls_open_change_cipher_spec(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
int tls_write_app_data(SSL *ssl, bool *out_needs_handshake,
size_t *out_bytes_written, Span<const uint8_t> in);
bool tls_new(SSL *ssl);
void tls_free(SSL *ssl);
bool tls_init_message(const SSL *ssl, CBB *cbb, CBB *body, uint8_t type);
bool tls_finish_message(const SSL *ssl, CBB *cbb, Array<uint8_t> *out_msg);
bool tls_add_message(SSL *ssl, Array<uint8_t> msg);
bool tls_add_change_cipher_spec(SSL *ssl);
int tls_flush_flight(SSL *ssl);
bool dtls1_init_message(const SSL *ssl, CBB *cbb, CBB *body, uint8_t type);
bool dtls1_finish_message(const SSL *ssl, CBB *cbb, Array<uint8_t> *out_msg);
bool dtls1_add_message(SSL *ssl, Array<uint8_t> msg);
bool dtls1_add_change_cipher_spec(SSL *ssl);
int dtls1_flush_flight(SSL *ssl);
// ssl_add_message_cbb finishes the handshake message in |cbb| and adds it to
// the pending flight. It returns true on success and false on error.
bool ssl_add_message_cbb(SSL *ssl, CBB *cbb);
// ssl_hash_message incorporates |msg| into the handshake hash. It returns true
// on success and false on allocation failure.
bool ssl_hash_message(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, const SSLMessage &msg);
ssl_open_record_t dtls1_open_app_data(SSL *ssl, Span<uint8_t> *out,
size_t *out_consumed, uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
ssl_open_record_t dtls1_open_change_cipher_spec(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert,
Span<uint8_t> in);
int dtls1_write_app_data(SSL *ssl, bool *out_needs_handshake,
size_t *out_bytes_written, Span<const uint8_t> in);
// dtls1_write_record sends a record. It returns one on success and <= 0 on
// error.
int dtls1_write_record(SSL *ssl, int type, Span<const uint8_t> in,
enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch);
int dtls1_retransmit_outgoing_messages(SSL *ssl);
bool dtls1_parse_fragment(CBS *cbs, struct hm_header_st *out_hdr,
CBS *out_body);
bool dtls1_check_timeout_num(SSL *ssl);
void dtls1_start_timer(SSL *ssl);
void dtls1_stop_timer(SSL *ssl);
bool dtls1_is_timer_expired(SSL *ssl);
unsigned int dtls1_min_mtu(void);
bool dtls1_new(SSL *ssl);
void dtls1_free(SSL *ssl);
bool dtls1_get_message(const SSL *ssl, SSLMessage *out);
ssl_open_record_t dtls1_open_handshake(SSL *ssl, size_t *out_consumed,
uint8_t *out_alert, Span<uint8_t> in);
void dtls1_next_message(SSL *ssl);
int dtls1_dispatch_alert(SSL *ssl);
// tls1_configure_aead configures either the read or write direction AEAD (as
// determined by |direction|) using the keys generated by the TLS KDF. The
// |key_block_cache| argument is used to store the generated key block, if
// empty. Otherwise it's assumed that the key block is already contained within
// it. It returns true on success or false on error.
bool tls1_configure_aead(SSL *ssl, evp_aead_direction_t direction,
Array<uint8_t> *key_block_cache,
const SSL_SESSION *session,
Span<const uint8_t> iv_override);
bool tls1_change_cipher_state(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
evp_aead_direction_t direction);
int tls1_generate_master_secret(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out,
Span<const uint8_t> premaster);
// tls1_get_grouplist returns the locally-configured group preference list.
Span<const uint16_t> tls1_get_grouplist(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *ssl);
// tls1_check_group_id returns whether |group_id| is consistent with locally-
// configured group preferences.
bool tls1_check_group_id(const SSL_HANDSHAKE *ssl, uint16_t group_id);
// tls1_get_shared_group sets |*out_group_id| to the first preferred shared
// group between client and server preferences and returns true. If none may be
// found, it returns false.
bool tls1_get_shared_group(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint16_t *out_group_id);
// tls1_set_curves converts the array of NIDs in |curves| into a newly allocated
// array of TLS group IDs. On success, the function returns true and writes the
// array to |*out_group_ids|. Otherwise, it returns false.
bool tls1_set_curves(Array<uint16_t> *out_group_ids, Span<const int> curves);
// tls1_set_curves_list converts the string of curves pointed to by |curves|
// into a newly allocated array of TLS group IDs. On success, the function
// returns true and writes the array to |*out_group_ids|. Otherwise, it returns
// false.
bool tls1_set_curves_list(Array<uint16_t> *out_group_ids, const char *curves);
Add most of an ECH client implementation.
Based on an initial implementation by Dan McArdle at
This CL contains most of a client implementation for
draft-ietf-tls-esni-10. The pieces missing so far, which will be done in
follow-up CLs are:
1. While the ClientHelloInner is padded, the server Certificate message
is not. I'll add that once we resolve the spec discussions on how to
do that. (We were originally going to use TLS record-level padding,
but that doesn't work well with QUIC.)
2. The client should check the public name is a valid DNS name before
copying it into ClientHelloOuter.server_name.
3. The ClientHelloOuter handshake flow is not yet implemented. This CL
can detect when the server selects ClientHelloOuter, but for now the
handshake immediately fails. A follow-up CL will remove that logic
and instead add the APIs and extra checks needed.
Otherwise, this should be complete, including padding and compression.
The main interesting point design-wise is that we run through
ClientHello construction multiple times. We need to construct
ClientHelloInner and ClientHelloOuter. Then each of those has slight
variants: EncodedClientHelloInner is the compressed form, and
ClientHelloOuterAAD just has the ECH extension erased to avoid a
circular dependency.
I've computed ClientHelloInner and EncodedClientHelloInner concurrently
because the compression scheme requires shifting the extensions around
to be contiguous. However, I've computed ClientHelloOuterAAD and
ClientHelloOuter by running through the logic twice. This probably can
be done better, but the next draft revises the construction anyway, so
I'm thinking I'll rework it then. (In the next draft, we use a
placeholder payload of the same length, so we can construct the
ClientHello once and fill in the payload.)
Additionally, now that we have a client available in ssl_test, this adds
a threading test to confirm that SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys is properly
synchronized. (Confirmed that, if I drop the lock in
SSL_CTX_set1_ech_keys, TSan notices.)
Change-Id: Icaff68b595035bdcc73c468ff638e67c84239ef4
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48004
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// ssl_add_clienthello_tlsext writes ClientHello extensions to |out| for |type|.
// It returns true on success and false on failure. The |header_len| argument is
// the length of the ClientHello written so far and is used to compute the
// padding length. (It does not include the record header or handshake headers.)
// If |type| is |ssl_client_hello_inner|, this function also writes the
// compressed extensions to |out_encoded|. Otherwise, |out_encoded| should be
// nullptr.
// On success, the function sets |*out_needs_psk_binder| to whether the last
// ClientHello extension was the pre_shared_key extension and needs a PSK binder
// filled in. The caller should then update |out| and, if applicable,
// |out_encoded| with the binder after completing the whole message.
bool ssl_add_clienthello_tlsext(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *out, CBB *out_encoded,
bool *out_needs_psk_binder,
Update to draft-ietf-tls-esni-13.
Later CLs will clean up the ClientHello construction a bit (draft-12
avoids computing ClientHelloOuter twice). I suspect the transcript
handling on the client can also be simpler, but I'll see what's
convenient after I've changed how ClientHelloOuter is constructed.
Changes of note between draft-10 and draft-13:
- There is now an ECH confirmation signal in both HRR and SH. We don't
actually make much use of this in our client right now, but it
resolves a bunch of weird issues around HRR, including edge cases if
HRR applies to one ClientHello but not the other.
- The confirmation signal no longer depends on key_share and PSK, so we
don't have to work around a weird ordering issue.
- ech_is_inner is now folded into the main encrypted_client_hello code
point. This works better with some stuff around HRR.
- Padding is moved from the padding extension, computed with
ClientHelloInner, to something we fill in afterwards. This makes it
easier to pad up the whole thing to a multiple of 32. I've accordingly
updated to the latest recommended padding construction, and updated
the GREASE logic to match.
- ech_outer_extensions is much easier to process because the order is
required to be consistent. We were doing that anyway, and now a simple
linear scan works.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD now uses an all zero placeholder payload of the
same length. This lets us simplify the server code, but, for now, I've
kept the client code the same. I'll follow this up with a CL to avoid
computing ClientHelloOuter twice.
- ClientHelloOuterAAD is allowed to contain a placeholder PSK. I haven't
filled that in and will do it in a follow-up CL.
Bug: 275
Change-Id: I7464345125c53968b2fe692f9268e392120fc2eb
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/48912
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
ssl_client_hello_type_t type,
size_t header_len);
bool ssl_add_serverhello_tlsext(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *out);
bool ssl_parse_clienthello_tlsext(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs,
const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello);
bool ssl_parse_serverhello_tlsext(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, const CBS *extensions);
#define tlsext_tick_md EVP_sha256
// ssl_process_ticket processes a session ticket from the client. It returns
// one of:
// |ssl_ticket_aead_success|: |*out_session| is set to the parsed session and
// |*out_renew_ticket| is set to whether the ticket should be renewed.
// |ssl_ticket_aead_ignore_ticket|: |*out_renew_ticket| is set to whether a
// fresh ticket should be sent, but the given ticket cannot be used.
// |ssl_ticket_aead_retry|: the ticket could not be immediately decrypted.
// Retry later.
// |ssl_ticket_aead_error|: an error occured that is fatal to the connection.
enum ssl_ticket_aead_result_t ssl_process_ticket(
SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> *out_session,
bool *out_renew_ticket, Span<const uint8_t> ticket,
Span<const uint8_t> session_id);
// tls1_verify_channel_id processes |msg| as a Channel ID message, and verifies
// the signature. If the key is valid, it saves the Channel ID and returns true.
// Otherwise, it returns false.
bool tls1_verify_channel_id(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, const SSLMessage &msg);
// tls1_write_channel_id generates a Channel ID message and puts the output in
// |cbb|. |ssl->channel_id_private| must already be set before calling. This
// function returns true on success and false on error.
bool tls1_write_channel_id(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, CBB *cbb);
// tls1_channel_id_hash computes the hash to be signed by Channel ID and writes
// it to |out|, which must contain at least |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE| bytes. It returns
// true on success and false on failure.
bool tls1_channel_id_hash(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len);
// tls1_record_handshake_hashes_for_channel_id records the current handshake
// hashes in |hs->new_session| so that Channel ID resumptions can sign that
// data.
bool tls1_record_handshake_hashes_for_channel_id(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
// ssl_can_write returns whether |ssl| is allowed to write.
bool ssl_can_write(const SSL *ssl);
// ssl_can_read returns wheter |ssl| is allowed to read.
bool ssl_can_read(const SSL *ssl);
void ssl_get_current_time(const SSL *ssl, struct OPENSSL_timeval *out_clock);
void ssl_ctx_get_current_time(const SSL_CTX *ctx,
struct OPENSSL_timeval *out_clock);
// ssl_reset_error_state resets state for |SSL_get_error|.
void ssl_reset_error_state(SSL *ssl);
// ssl_set_read_error sets |ssl|'s read half into an error state, saving the
// current state of the error queue.
void ssl_set_read_error(SSL *ssl);
// Opaque C types.
// The following types are exported to C code as public typedefs, so they must
// be defined outside of the namespace.
// ssl_method_st backs the public |SSL_METHOD| type. It is a compatibility
// structure to support the legacy version-locked methods.
struct ssl_method_st {
// version, if non-zero, is the only protocol version acceptable to an
// SSL_CTX initialized from this method.
uint16_t version;
// method is the underlying SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD that initializes the
const bssl::SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method;
// x509_method contains pointers to functions that might deal with |X509|
// compatibility, or might be a no-op, depending on the application.
const bssl::SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method;
struct ssl_ctx_st {
explicit ssl_ctx_st(const SSL_METHOD *ssl_method);
ssl_ctx_st(const ssl_ctx_st &) = delete;
ssl_ctx_st &operator=(const ssl_ctx_st &) = delete;
const bssl::SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method = nullptr;
const bssl::SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method = nullptr;
// lock is used to protect various operations on this object.
// conf_max_version is the maximum acceptable protocol version configured by
// |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
// and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
uint16_t conf_max_version = 0;
// conf_min_version is the minimum acceptable protocol version configured by
// |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
// and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
uint16_t conf_min_version = 0;
// num_tickets is the number of tickets to send immediately after the TLS 1.3
// handshake. TLS 1.3 recommends single-use tickets so, by default, issue two
/// in case the client makes several connections before getting a renewal.
uint8_t num_tickets = 2;
// quic_method is the method table corresponding to the QUIC hooks.
const SSL_QUIC_METHOD *quic_method = nullptr;
bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::SSLCipherPreferenceList> cipher_list;
X509_STORE *cert_store = nullptr;
LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION) *sessions = nullptr;
// Most session-ids that will be cached, default is
unsigned long session_cache_size = SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT;
SSL_SESSION *session_cache_head = nullptr;
SSL_SESSION *session_cache_tail = nullptr;
// handshakes_since_cache_flush is the number of successful handshakes since
// the last cache flush.
int handshakes_since_cache_flush = 0;
// This can have one of 2 values, ored together,
// Default is SSL_SESSION_CACHE_SERVER, which means only
// SSL_accept which cache SSL_SESSIONS.
int session_cache_mode = SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER;
// session_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS 1.2 and
// earlier, in seconds.
uint32_t session_timeout = SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT;
// session_psk_dhe_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS
// 1.3, in seconds.
uint32_t session_psk_dhe_timeout = SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_PSK_DHE_TIMEOUT;
// If this callback is not null, it will be called each time a session id is
// added to the cache. If this function returns 1, it means that the
// callback will do a SSL_SESSION_free() when it has finished using it.
// Otherwise, on 0, it means the callback has finished with it. If
// remove_session_cb is not null, it will be called when a session-id is
// removed from the cache. After the call, OpenSSL will SSL_SESSION_free()
// it.
int (*new_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *sess) = nullptr;
void (*remove_session_cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *sess) = nullptr;
SSL_SESSION *(*get_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *data, int len,
int *copy) = nullptr;
CRYPTO_refcount_t references = 1;
// if defined, these override the X509_verify_cert() calls
int (*app_verify_callback)(X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx, void *arg) = nullptr;
void *app_verify_arg = nullptr;
ssl_verify_result_t (*custom_verify_callback)(SSL *ssl,
uint8_t *out_alert) = nullptr;
// Default password callback.
pem_password_cb *default_passwd_callback = nullptr;
// Default password callback user data.
void *default_passwd_callback_userdata = nullptr;
// get client cert callback
int (*client_cert_cb)(SSL *ssl, X509 **out_x509,
EVP_PKEY **out_pkey) = nullptr;
// Default values used when no per-SSL value is defined follow
void (*info_callback)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value) = nullptr;
// what we put in client cert requests
bssl::UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> client_CA;
// cached_x509_client_CA is a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
// |client_CA|.
STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *cached_x509_client_CA = nullptr;
// Default values to use in SSL structures follow (these are copied by
// SSL_new)
uint32_t options = 0;
// Disable the auto-chaining feature by default. wpa_supplicant relies on this
// feature, but require callers opt into it.
uint32_t mode = SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN;
uint32_t max_cert_list = SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT;
bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::CERT> cert;
// callback that allows applications to peek at protocol messages
void (*msg_callback)(int is_write, int version, int content_type,
const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl,
void *arg) = nullptr;
void *msg_callback_arg = nullptr;
int verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;
int (*default_verify_callback)(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) =
nullptr; // called 'verify_callback' in the SSL
X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param = nullptr;
// select_certificate_cb is called before most ClientHello processing and
// before the decision whether to resume a session is made. See
// |ssl_select_cert_result_t| for details of the return values.
ssl_select_cert_result_t (*select_certificate_cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *) =
// dos_protection_cb is called once the resumption decision for a ClientHello
// has been made. It returns one to continue the handshake or zero to
// abort.
int (*dos_protection_cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *) = nullptr;
// Controls whether to verify certificates when resuming connections. They
// were already verified when the connection was first made, so the default is
// false. For now, this is only respected on clients, not servers.
bool reverify_on_resume = false;
// Maximum amount of data to send in one fragment. actual record size can be
// more than this due to padding and MAC overheads.
uint16_t max_send_fragment = SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH;
// TLS extensions servername callback
int (*servername_callback)(SSL *, int *, void *) = nullptr;
void *servername_arg = nullptr;
// RFC 4507 session ticket keys. |ticket_key_current| may be NULL before the
// first handshake and |ticket_key_prev| may be NULL at any time.
// Automatically generated ticket keys are rotated as needed at handshake
// time. Hence, all access must be synchronized through |lock|.
bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::TicketKey> ticket_key_current;
bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::TicketKey> ticket_key_prev;
// Callback to support customisation of ticket key setting
int (*ticket_key_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *name, uint8_t *iv,
EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ectx, HMAC_CTX *hctx, int enc) = nullptr;
// Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the default identity hint to send in
// PSK-based key exchanges.
bssl::UniquePtr<char> psk_identity_hint;
unsigned (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity,
unsigned max_identity_len, uint8_t *psk,
unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;
unsigned (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity, uint8_t *psk,
unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;
// Next protocol negotiation information
// (for experimental NPN extension).
// For a server, this contains a callback function by which the set of
// advertised protocols can be provided.
int (*next_protos_advertised_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out,
unsigned *out_len, void *arg) = nullptr;
void *next_protos_advertised_cb_arg = nullptr;
// For a client, this contains a callback function that selects the
// next protocol from the list provided by the server.
int (*next_proto_select_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len,
void *arg) = nullptr;
void *next_proto_select_cb_arg = nullptr;
// ALPN information
// (we are in the process of transitioning from NPN to ALPN.)
// For a server, this contains a callback function that allows the
// server to select the protocol for the connection.
// out: on successful return, this must point to the raw protocol
// name (without the length prefix).
// outlen: on successful return, this contains the length of |*out|.
// in: points to the client's list of supported protocols in
// wire-format.
// inlen: the length of |in|.
int (*alpn_select_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len,
void *arg) = nullptr;
void *alpn_select_cb_arg = nullptr;
// For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
// format.
bssl::Array<uint8_t> alpn_client_proto_list;
// SRTP profiles we are willing to do from RFC 5764
bssl::UniquePtr<STACK_OF(SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE)> srtp_profiles;
// Defined compression algorithms for certificates.
bssl::GrowableArray<bssl::CertCompressionAlg> cert_compression_algs;
// Supported group values inherited by SSL structure
bssl::Array<uint16_t> supported_group_list;
// channel_id_private is the client's Channel ID private key, or null if
// Channel ID should not be offered on this connection.
bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> channel_id_private;
// ech_keys contains the server's list of ECHConfig values and associated
// private keys. This list may be swapped out at any time, so all access must
// be synchronized through |lock|.
bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_ECH_KEYS> ech_keys;
// keylog_callback, if not NULL, is the key logging callback. See
// |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|.
void (*keylog_callback)(const SSL *ssl, const char *line) = nullptr;
// current_time_cb, if not NULL, is the function to use to get the current
// time. It sets |*out_clock| to the current time. The |ssl| argument is
// always NULL. See |SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb|.
void (*current_time_cb)(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out_clock) = nullptr;
// pool is used for all |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s in case we wish to share certificate
// memory.
CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool = nullptr;
// ticket_aead_method contains function pointers for opening and sealing
// session tickets.
const SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD *ticket_aead_method = nullptr;
// legacy_ocsp_callback implements an OCSP-related callback for OpenSSL
// compatibility.
int (*legacy_ocsp_callback)(SSL *ssl, void *arg) = nullptr;
void *legacy_ocsp_callback_arg = nullptr;
// verify_sigalgs, if not empty, is the set of signature algorithms
// accepted from the peer in decreasing order of preference.
bssl::Array<uint16_t> verify_sigalgs;
// retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
// hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
// session space. Only effective on the server side.
bool retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs : 1;
// quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
// shutdown.
bool quiet_shutdown : 1;
// ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
// whether OCSP stapling will be requested.
bool ocsp_stapling_enabled : 1;
// If true, a client will request certificate timestamps.
bool signed_cert_timestamps_enabled : 1;
// channel_id_enabled is whether Channel ID is enabled. For a server, means
// that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients. For a client, means that we'll
// advertise support.
bool channel_id_enabled : 1;
// grease_enabled is whether GREASE (RFC 8701) is enabled.
bool grease_enabled : 1;
// permute_extensions is whether to permute extensions when sending messages.
bool permute_extensions : 1;
// allow_unknown_alpn_protos is whether the client allows unsolicited ALPN
// protocols from the peer.
bool allow_unknown_alpn_protos : 1;
// false_start_allowed_without_alpn is whether False Start (if
// |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START| is enabled) is allowed without ALPN.
bool false_start_allowed_without_alpn : 1;
// handoff indicates that a server should stop after receiving the
// ClientHello and pause the handshake in such a way that |SSL_get_error|
// returns |SSL_ERROR_HANDOFF|.
bool handoff : 1;
// If enable_early_data is true, early data can be sent and accepted.
bool enable_early_data : 1;
// only_fips_cipher_suites_in_tls13 constrains the selection of cipher suites
// in TLS 1.3 such that only FIPS approved ones will be selected.
bool only_fips_cipher_suites_in_tls13 : 1;
friend OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *);
struct ssl_st {
explicit ssl_st(SSL_CTX *ctx_arg);
ssl_st(const ssl_st &) = delete;
ssl_st &operator=(const ssl_st &) = delete;
// method is the method table corresponding to the current protocol (DTLS or
// TLS).
const bssl::SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method = nullptr;
// config is a container for handshake configuration. Accesses to this field
// should check for nullptr, since configuration may be shed after the
// handshake completes. (If you have the |SSL_HANDSHAKE| object at hand, use
// that instead, and skip the null check.)
bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::SSL_CONFIG> config;
// version is the protocol version.
uint16_t version = 0;
uint16_t max_send_fragment = 0;
// There are 2 BIO's even though they are normally both the same. This is so
// data can be read and written to different handlers
bssl::UniquePtr<BIO> rbio; // used by SSL_read
bssl::UniquePtr<BIO> wbio; // used by SSL_write
// do_handshake runs the handshake. On completion, it returns |ssl_hs_ok|.
// Otherwise, it returns a value corresponding to what operation is needed to
// progress.
bssl::ssl_hs_wait_t (*do_handshake)(bssl::SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs) = nullptr;
bssl::SSL3_STATE *s3 = nullptr; // TLS variables
bssl::DTLS1_STATE *d1 = nullptr; // DTLS variables
// callback that allows applications to peek at protocol messages
void (*msg_callback)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl,
void *arg) = nullptr;
void *msg_callback_arg = nullptr;
// session info
// initial_timeout_duration_ms is the default DTLS timeout duration in
// milliseconds. It's used to initialize the timer any time it's restarted.
// RFC 6347 states that implementations SHOULD use an initial timer value of 1
// second.
unsigned initial_timeout_duration_ms = 1000;
// session is the configured session to be offered by the client. This session
// is immutable.
bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> session;
void (*info_callback)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value) = nullptr;
bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_CTX> ctx;
// session_ctx is the |SSL_CTX| used for the session cache and related
// settings.
bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_CTX> session_ctx;
// extra application data
uint32_t options = 0; // protocol behaviour
uint32_t mode = 0; // API behaviour
uint32_t max_cert_list = 0;
bssl::UniquePtr<char> hostname;
// quic_method is the method table corresponding to the QUIC hooks.
const SSL_QUIC_METHOD *quic_method = nullptr;
// renegotiate_mode controls how peer renegotiation attempts are handled.
ssl_renegotiate_mode_t renegotiate_mode = ssl_renegotiate_never;
// server is true iff the this SSL* is the server half. Note: before the SSL*
// is initialized by either SSL_set_accept_state or SSL_set_connect_state,
// the side is not determined. In this state, server is always false.
bool server : 1;
// quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
// shutdown.
bool quiet_shutdown : 1;
// If enable_early_data is true, early data can be sent and accepted.
bool enable_early_data : 1;
struct ssl_session_st {
explicit ssl_session_st(const bssl::SSL_X509_METHOD *method);
ssl_session_st(const ssl_session_st &) = delete;
ssl_session_st &operator=(const ssl_session_st &) = delete;
CRYPTO_refcount_t references = 1;
// ssl_version is the (D)TLS version that established the session.
uint16_t ssl_version = 0;
// group_id is the ID of the ECDH group used to establish this session or zero
// if not applicable or unknown.
uint16_t group_id = 0;
// peer_signature_algorithm is the signature algorithm used to authenticate
// the peer, or zero if not applicable or unknown.
uint16_t peer_signature_algorithm = 0;
Rename the master_key field in SSL_SESSION to secret.
It's not even accurate. The term "master key" dates to SSL 2, which we
do not implement. (Starting SSL 3, "key" was replaced with "secret".)
The field stores, at various points, the TLS 1.2 master secret, the TLS
1.3 resumption master secret, and the TLS 1.3 resumption PSK. Simply
rename the field to 'secret', which is as descriptive of a name as we
can get at this point.
I've left SSL_SESSION_get_master_key alone for now, as it's there for
OpenSSL compatibility, as well as references to the various TLS secrets
since those refer to concepts in the spec. (When the dust settles a bit
on rfc8446bis, we can fix those.)
Change-Id: I3c1007eb7982788789cc5db851de8724c7f35baf
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/44144
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
4 years ago
// secret, in TLS 1.2 and below, is the master secret associated with the
// session. In TLS 1.3 and up, it is the resumption PSK for sessions handed to
// the caller, but it stores the resumption secret when stored on |SSL|
// objects.
int secret_length = 0;
uint8_t secret[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH] = {0};
// session_id - valid?
unsigned session_id_length = 0;
uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH] = {0};
// this is used to determine whether the session is being reused in
// the appropriate context. It is up to the application to set this,
// via SSL_new
uint8_t sid_ctx_length = 0;
uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH] = {0};
bssl::UniquePtr<char> psk_identity;
// certs contains the certificate chain from the peer, starting with the leaf
// certificate.
bssl::UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> certs;
const bssl::SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method = nullptr;
// x509_peer is the peer's certificate.
X509 *x509_peer = nullptr;
// x509_chain is the certificate chain sent by the peer. NOTE: for historical
// reasons, when a client (so the peer is a server), the chain includes
// |peer|, but when a server it does not.
STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain = nullptr;
// x509_chain_without_leaf is a lazily constructed copy of |x509_chain| that
// omits the leaf certificate. This exists because OpenSSL, historically,
// didn't include the leaf certificate in the chain for a server, but did for
// a client. The |x509_chain| always includes it and, if an API call requires
// a chain without, it is stored here.
STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain_without_leaf = nullptr;
// verify_result is the result of certificate verification in the case of
// non-fatal certificate errors.
long verify_result = X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CALL;
// timeout is the lifetime of the session in seconds, measured from |time|.
// This is renewable up to |auth_timeout|.
// auth_timeout is the non-renewable lifetime of the session in seconds,
// measured from |time|.
uint32_t auth_timeout = SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT;
// time is the time the session was issued, measured in seconds from the UNIX
// epoch.
uint64_t time = 0;
const SSL_CIPHER *cipher = nullptr;
CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data; // application specific data
// These are used to make removal of session-ids more efficient and to
// implement a maximum cache size.
SSL_SESSION *prev = nullptr, *next = nullptr;
bssl::Array<uint8_t> ticket;
bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> signed_cert_timestamp_list;
// The OCSP response that came with the session.
bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> ocsp_response;
// peer_sha256 contains the SHA-256 hash of the peer's certificate if
// |peer_sha256_valid| is true.
uint8_t peer_sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0};
// original_handshake_hash contains the handshake hash (either SHA-1+MD5 or
// SHA-2, depending on TLS version) for the original, full handshake that
// created a session. This is used by Channel IDs during resumption.
uint8_t original_handshake_hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t original_handshake_hash_len = 0;
uint32_t ticket_lifetime_hint = 0; // Session lifetime hint in seconds
uint32_t ticket_age_add = 0;
// ticket_max_early_data is the maximum amount of data allowed to be sent as
// early data. If zero, 0-RTT is disallowed.
uint32_t ticket_max_early_data = 0;
// early_alpn is the ALPN protocol from the initial handshake. This is only
// stored for TLS 1.3 and above in order to enforce ALPN matching for 0-RTT
// resumptions. For the current connection's ALPN protocol, see
// |alpn_selected| on |SSL3_STATE|.
bssl::Array<uint8_t> early_alpn;
// local_application_settings, if |has_application_settings| is true, is the
// local ALPS value for this connection.
bssl::Array<uint8_t> local_application_settings;
// peer_application_settings, if |has_application_settings| is true, is the
// peer ALPS value for this connection.
bssl::Array<uint8_t> peer_application_settings;
// extended_master_secret is whether the master secret in this session was
// generated using EMS and thus isn't vulnerable to the Triple Handshake
// attack.
bool extended_master_secret : 1;
// peer_sha256_valid is whether |peer_sha256| is valid.
bool peer_sha256_valid : 1; // Non-zero if peer_sha256 is valid
// not_resumable is used to indicate that session resumption is disallowed.
bool not_resumable : 1;
// ticket_age_add_valid is whether |ticket_age_add| is valid.
bool ticket_age_add_valid : 1;
// is_server is whether this session was created by a server.
bool is_server : 1;
// is_quic indicates whether this session was created using QUIC.
bool is_quic : 1;
// has_application_settings indicates whether ALPS was negotiated in this
// session.
bool has_application_settings : 1;
// quic_early_data_context is used to determine whether early data must be
// rejected when performing a QUIC handshake.
bssl::Array<uint8_t> quic_early_data_context;
struct ssl_ech_keys_st {
ssl_ech_keys_st() = default;
ssl_ech_keys_st(const ssl_ech_keys_st &) = delete;
ssl_ech_keys_st &operator=(const ssl_ech_keys_st &) = delete;
bssl::GrowableArray<bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::ECHServerConfig>> configs;
CRYPTO_refcount_t references = 1;
~ssl_ech_keys_st() = default;