// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runner
import (
func writeLen(buf []byte, v, size int) {
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
buf[size-i-1] = byte(v)
v >>= 8
if v != 0 {
panic("length is too long")
type byteBuilder struct {
buf *[]byte
start int
prefixLen int
child *byteBuilder
func newByteBuilder() *byteBuilder {
buf := make([]byte, 0, 32)
return &byteBuilder{buf: &buf}
func (bb *byteBuilder) len() int {
return len(*bb.buf) - bb.start - bb.prefixLen
func (bb *byteBuilder) data() []byte {
return (*bb.buf)[bb.start+bb.prefixLen:]
func (bb *byteBuilder) flush() {
if bb.child == nil {
writeLen((*bb.buf)[bb.child.start:], bb.child.len(), bb.child.prefixLen)
bb.child = nil
func (bb *byteBuilder) finish() []byte {
return *bb.buf
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU8(u uint8) {
*bb.buf = append(*bb.buf, u)
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU16(u uint16) {
*bb.buf = append(*bb.buf, byte(u>>8), byte(u))
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU24(u int) {
*bb.buf = append(*bb.buf, byte(u>>16), byte(u>>8), byte(u))
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU32(u uint32) {
*bb.buf = append(*bb.buf, byte(u>>24), byte(u>>16), byte(u>>8), byte(u))
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU64(u uint64) {
var b [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b[:], u)
*bb.buf = append(*bb.buf, b[:]...)
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU8LengthPrefixed() *byteBuilder {
return bb.createChild(1)
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU16LengthPrefixed() *byteBuilder {
return bb.createChild(2)
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU24LengthPrefixed() *byteBuilder {
return bb.createChild(3)
func (bb *byteBuilder) addU32LengthPrefixed() *byteBuilder {
return bb.createChild(4)
func (bb *byteBuilder) addBytes(b []byte) {
*bb.buf = append(*bb.buf, b...)
func (bb *byteBuilder) createChild(lengthPrefixSize int) *byteBuilder {
bb.child = &byteBuilder{
buf: bb.buf,
start: len(*bb.buf),
prefixLen: lengthPrefixSize,
for i := 0; i < lengthPrefixSize; i++ {
*bb.buf = append(*bb.buf, 0)
return bb.child
func (bb *byteBuilder) discardChild() {
if bb.child == nil {
*bb.buf = (*bb.buf)[:bb.child.start]
bb.child = nil
type byteReader []byte
func (br *byteReader) readInternal(out *byteReader, n int) bool {
if len(*br) < n {
return false
*out = (*br)[:n]
*br = (*br)[n:]
return true
func (br *byteReader) readBytes(out *[]byte, n int) bool {
var child byteReader
if !br.readInternal(&child, n) {
return false
*out = []byte(child)
return true
func (br *byteReader) readUint(out *uint64, n int) bool {
var b []byte
if !br.readBytes(&b, n) {
return false
*out = 0
for _, v := range b {
*out <<= 8
*out |= uint64(v)
return true
func (br *byteReader) readU8(out *uint8) bool {
var b []byte
if !br.readBytes(&b, 1) {
return false
*out = b[0]
return true
func (br *byteReader) readU16(out *uint16) bool {
var v uint64
if !br.readUint(&v, 2) {
return false
*out = uint16(v)
return true
func (br *byteReader) readU24(out *uint32) bool {
var v uint64
if !br.readUint(&v, 3) {
return false
*out = uint32(v)
return true
func (br *byteReader) readU32(out *uint32) bool {
var v uint64
if !br.readUint(&v, 4) {
return false
*out = uint32(v)
return true
func (br *byteReader) readU64(out *uint64) bool {
return br.readUint(out, 8)
func (br *byteReader) readLengthPrefixed(out *byteReader, n int) bool {
var length uint64
return br.readUint(&length, n) &&
uint64(len(*br)) >= length &&
br.readInternal(out, int(length))
func (br *byteReader) readLengthPrefixedBytes(out *[]byte, n int) bool {
var length uint64
return br.readUint(&length, n) &&
uint64(len(*br)) >= length &&
br.readBytes(out, int(length))
func (br *byteReader) readU8LengthPrefixed(out *byteReader) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixed(out, 1)
func (br *byteReader) readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(out *[]byte) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixedBytes(out, 1)
func (br *byteReader) readU16LengthPrefixed(out *byteReader) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixed(out, 2)
func (br *byteReader) readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(out *[]byte) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixedBytes(out, 2)
func (br *byteReader) readU24LengthPrefixed(out *byteReader) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixed(out, 3)
func (br *byteReader) readU24LengthPrefixedBytes(out *[]byte) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixedBytes(out, 3)
func (br *byteReader) readU32LengthPrefixed(out *byteReader) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixed(out, 4)
func (br *byteReader) readU32LengthPrefixedBytes(out *[]byte) bool {
return br.readLengthPrefixedBytes(out, 4)
type keyShareEntry struct {
group CurveID
keyExchange []byte
type pskIdentity struct {
ticket []uint8
obfuscatedTicketAge uint32
type HPKECipherSuite struct {
KDF uint16
AEAD uint16
type ECHConfig struct {
PublicName string
PublicKey []byte
KEM uint16
CipherSuites []HPKECipherSuite
MaxNameLen uint16
func MarshalECHConfig(e *ECHConfig) []byte {
bb := newByteBuilder()
// ECHConfig's wire format reuses the encrypted_client_hello extension
// codepoint as a version identifier.
contents := bb.addU16LengthPrefixed()
cipherSuites := contents.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, suite := range e.CipherSuites {
contents.addU16(0) // Empty extensions field
return bb.finish()
// The contents of a CH "encrypted_client_hello" extension.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-esni-09
type clientECH struct {
hpkeKDF uint16
hpkeAEAD uint16
configID []byte
enc []byte
payload []byte
type clientHelloMsg struct {
raw []byte
isDTLS bool
vers uint16
random []byte
sessionID []byte
cookie []byte
cipherSuites []uint16
compressionMethods []uint8
nextProtoNeg bool
serverName string
clientECH *clientECH
echIsInner []byte
ocspStapling bool
supportedCurves []CurveID
supportedPoints []uint8
hasKeyShares bool
keyShares []keyShareEntry
keySharesRaw []byte
trailingKeyShareData bool
pskIdentities []pskIdentity
pskKEModes []byte
pskBinders [][]uint8
hasEarlyData bool
tls13Cookie []byte
ticketSupported bool
sessionTicket []uint8
signatureAlgorithms []signatureAlgorithm
signatureAlgorithmsCert []signatureAlgorithm
supportedVersions []uint16
secureRenegotiation []byte
alpnProtocols []string
quicTransportParams []byte
quicTransportParamsLegacy []byte
duplicateExtension bool
channelIDSupported bool
tokenBindingParams []byte
tokenBindingVersion uint16
extendedMasterSecret bool
srtpProtectionProfiles []uint16
srtpMasterKeyIdentifier string
sctListSupported bool
customExtension string
hasGREASEExtension bool
omitExtensions bool
emptyExtensions bool
pad int
compressedCertAlgs []uint16
delegatedCredentials bool
alpsProtocols []string
prefixExtensions []uint16
func (m *clientHelloMsg) marshalKeyShares(bb *byteBuilder) {
keyShares := bb.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, keyShare := range m.keyShares {
keyExchange := keyShares.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.trailingKeyShareData {
func (m *clientHelloMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
handshakeMsg := newByteBuilder()
hello := handshakeMsg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
sessionID := hello.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if m.isDTLS {
cookie := hello.addU8LengthPrefixed()
cipherSuites := hello.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, suite := range m.cipherSuites {
compressionMethods := hello.addU8LengthPrefixed()
type extension struct {
id uint16
body []byte
var extensions []extension
if m.duplicateExtension {
// Add a duplicate bogus extension at the beginning and end.
extensions = append(extensions, extension{id: extensionDuplicate})
if m.nextProtoNeg {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{id: extensionNextProtoNeg})
if len(m.serverName) > 0 {
// RFC 3546, section 3.1
// struct {
// NameType name_type;
// select (name_type) {
// case host_name: HostName;
// } name;
// } ServerName;
// enum {
// host_name(0), (255)
// } NameType;
// opaque HostName<1..2^16-1>;
// struct {
// ServerName server_name_list<1..2^16-1>
// } ServerNameList;
serverNameList := newByteBuilder()
serverName := serverNameList.addU16LengthPrefixed()
serverName.addU8(0) // NameType host_name(0)
hostName := serverName.addU16LengthPrefixed()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionServerName,
body: serverNameList.finish(),
if m.clientECH != nil {
body := newByteBuilder()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionEncryptedClientHello,
body: body.finish(),
if m.echIsInner != nil {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionECHIsInner,
body: m.echIsInner,
if m.ocspStapling {
certificateStatusRequest := newByteBuilder()
// RFC 4366, section 3.6
certificateStatusRequest.addU8(1) // OCSP type
// Two zero valued uint16s for the two lengths.
certificateStatusRequest.addU16(0) // ResponderID length
certificateStatusRequest.addU16(0) // Extensions length
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionStatusRequest,
body: certificateStatusRequest.finish(),
if len(m.supportedCurves) > 0 {
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4492#section-5.1.1
supportedCurvesList := newByteBuilder()
supportedCurves := supportedCurvesList.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, curve := range m.supportedCurves {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionSupportedCurves,
body: supportedCurvesList.finish(),
if len(m.supportedPoints) > 0 {
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4492#section-5.1.2
supportedPointsList := newByteBuilder()
supportedPoints := supportedPointsList.addU8LengthPrefixed()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionSupportedPoints,
body: supportedPointsList.finish(),
if m.hasKeyShares {
keyShareList := newByteBuilder()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionKeyShare,
body: keyShareList.finish(),
if len(m.pskKEModes) > 0 {
pskModesExtension := newByteBuilder()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionPSKKeyExchangeModes,
body: pskModesExtension.finish(),
if m.hasEarlyData {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{id: extensionEarlyData})
if len(m.tls13Cookie) > 0 {
body := newByteBuilder()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionCookie,
body: body.finish(),
if m.ticketSupported {
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5077#section-3.2
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionSessionTicket,
body: m.sessionTicket,
if len(m.signatureAlgorithms) > 0 {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246#section-
signatureAlgorithmsExtension := newByteBuilder()
signatureAlgorithms := signatureAlgorithmsExtension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, sigAlg := range m.signatureAlgorithms {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionSignatureAlgorithms,
body: signatureAlgorithmsExtension.finish(),
if len(m.signatureAlgorithmsCert) > 0 {
signatureAlgorithmsCertExtension := newByteBuilder()
signatureAlgorithmsCert := signatureAlgorithmsCertExtension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, sigAlg := range m.signatureAlgorithmsCert {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionSignatureAlgorithmsCert,
body: signatureAlgorithmsCertExtension.finish(),
if len(m.supportedVersions) > 0 {
supportedVersionsExtension := newByteBuilder()
supportedVersions := supportedVersionsExtension.addU8LengthPrefixed()
for _, version := range m.supportedVersions {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionSupportedVersions,
body: supportedVersionsExtension.finish(),
if m.secureRenegotiation != nil {
secureRenegoExt := newByteBuilder()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionRenegotiationInfo,
body: secureRenegoExt.finish(),
if len(m.alpnProtocols) > 0 {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7301#section-3.1
alpnExtension := newByteBuilder()
protocolNameList := alpnExtension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, s := range m.alpnProtocols {
protocolName := protocolNameList.addU8LengthPrefixed()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionALPN,
body: alpnExtension.finish(),
if len(m.quicTransportParams) > 0 {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionQUICTransportParams,
body: m.quicTransportParams,
if len(m.quicTransportParamsLegacy) > 0 {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionQUICTransportParamsLegacy,
body: m.quicTransportParamsLegacy,
if m.channelIDSupported {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{id: extensionChannelID})
if m.tokenBindingParams != nil {
tokbindExtension := newByteBuilder()
tokbindParams := tokbindExtension.addU8LengthPrefixed()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionTokenBinding,
body: tokbindExtension.finish(),
if m.duplicateExtension {
// Add a duplicate bogus extension at the beginning and end.
extensions = append(extensions, extension{id: extensionDuplicate})
if m.extendedMasterSecret {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7627
extensions = append(extensions, extension{id: extensionExtendedMasterSecret})
if len(m.srtpProtectionProfiles) > 0 {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5764#section-4.1.1
useSrtpExt := newByteBuilder()
srtpProtectionProfiles := useSrtpExt.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, p := range m.srtpProtectionProfiles {
srtpMki := useSrtpExt.addU8LengthPrefixed()
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionUseSRTP,
body: useSrtpExt.finish(),
if m.sctListSupported {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{id: extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp})
if l := len(m.customExtension); l > 0 {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionCustom,
body: []byte(m.customExtension),
if len(m.compressedCertAlgs) > 0 {
body := newByteBuilder()
algIDs := body.addU8LengthPrefixed()
for _, v := range m.compressedCertAlgs {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionCompressedCertAlgs,
body: body.finish(),
if m.delegatedCredentials {
body := newByteBuilder()
signatureSchemeList := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, sigAlg := range m.signatureAlgorithms {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionDelegatedCredentials,
body: body.finish(),
if len(m.alpsProtocols) > 0 {
body := newByteBuilder()
protocolNameList := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, s := range m.alpsProtocols {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionApplicationSettings,
body: body.finish(),
// The PSK extension must be last. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#section-4.2.11
if len(m.pskIdentities) > 0 {
pskExtension := newByteBuilder()
pskIdentities := pskExtension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, psk := range m.pskIdentities {
pskBinders := pskExtension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, binder := range m.pskBinders {
extensions = append(extensions, extension{
id: extensionPreSharedKey,
body: pskExtension.finish(),
// Write each extension in |extensions| to the |hello| message, hoisting
// the extensions named in |m.prefixExtensions| to the front.
extensionsBB := hello.addU16LengthPrefixed()
extMap := make(map[uint16][]byte)
for _, ext := range extensions {
extMap[ext.id] = ext.body
// Write each of the prefix extensions, if we have it.
for _, extID := range m.prefixExtensions {
if body, ok := extMap[extID]; ok {
// Forget each of the prefix extensions. This loop is separate from the
// extension-writing loop because |m.prefixExtensions| may contain
// duplicates.
for _, extID := range m.prefixExtensions {
delete(extMap, extID)
// Write each of the remaining extensions in their original order.
for _, ext := range extensions {
if _, ok := extMap[ext.id]; ok {
if m.pad != 0 && hello.len()%m.pad != 0 {
padding := extensionsBB.addU16LengthPrefixed()
// Note hello.len() has changed at this point from the length
// prefix.
if l := hello.len() % m.pad; l != 0 {
padding.addBytes(make([]byte, m.pad-l))
if m.omitExtensions || m.emptyExtensions {
// Silently erase any extensions which were sent.
if m.emptyExtensions {
m.raw = handshakeMsg.finish()
// Sanity-check padding.
if m.pad != 0 && (len(m.raw)-4)%m.pad != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d is not a multiple of %d", len(m.raw)-4, m.pad))
return m.raw
func parseSignatureAlgorithms(reader *byteReader, out *[]signatureAlgorithm, allowEmpty bool) bool {
var sigAlgs byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&sigAlgs) {
return false
if !allowEmpty && len(sigAlgs) == 0 {
return false
*out = make([]signatureAlgorithm, 0, len(sigAlgs)/2)
for len(sigAlgs) > 0 {
var v uint16
if !sigAlgs.readU16(&v) {
return false
*out = append(*out, signatureAlgorithm(v))
return true
func checkDuplicateExtensions(extensions byteReader) bool {
seen := make(map[uint16]struct{})
for len(extensions) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensions.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensions.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
if _, ok := seen[extension]; ok {
return false
seen[extension] = struct{}{}
return true
func (m *clientHelloMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
if !reader.readU16(&m.vers) ||
!reader.readBytes(&m.random, 32) ||
!reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.sessionID) ||
len(m.sessionID) > 32 {
return false
if m.isDTLS {
if !reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.cookie) ||
len(m.cookie) > 32 {
return false
var cipherSuites byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&cipherSuites) ||
!reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.compressionMethods) {
return false
m.cipherSuites = make([]uint16, 0, len(cipherSuites)/2)
for len(cipherSuites) > 0 {
var v uint16
if !cipherSuites.readU16(&v) {
return false
m.cipherSuites = append(m.cipherSuites, v)
if v == scsvRenegotiation {
m.secureRenegotiation = []byte{}
m.nextProtoNeg = false
m.serverName = ""
m.ocspStapling = false
m.keyShares = nil
m.pskIdentities = nil
m.hasEarlyData = false
m.ticketSupported = false
m.sessionTicket = nil
m.signatureAlgorithms = nil
m.signatureAlgorithmsCert = nil
m.supportedVersions = nil
m.alpnProtocols = nil
m.extendedMasterSecret = false
m.customExtension = ""
m.delegatedCredentials = false
m.alpsProtocols = nil
if len(reader) == 0 {
// ClientHello is optionally followed by extension data
return true
var extensions byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) || len(reader) != 0 || !checkDuplicateExtensions(extensions) {
return false
for len(extensions) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensions.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensions.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionServerName:
var names byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&names) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
for len(names) > 0 {
var nameType byte
var name []byte
if !names.readU8(&nameType) ||
!names.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&name) {
return false
if nameType == 0 {
m.serverName = string(name)
case extensionEncryptedClientHello:
var ech clientECH
if !body.readU16(&ech.hpkeKDF) ||
!body.readU16(&ech.hpkeAEAD) ||
!body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&ech.configID) ||
!body.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&ech.enc) ||
len(ech.enc) == 0 ||
!body.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&ech.payload) ||
len(ech.payload) == 0 ||
len(body) > 0 {
return false
m.clientECH = &ech
case extensionNextProtoNeg:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.nextProtoNeg = true
case extensionStatusRequest:
m.ocspStapling = len(body) > 0 && body[0] == statusTypeOCSP
case extensionSupportedCurves:
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4492#section-5.5.1
var curves byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&curves) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.supportedCurves = make([]CurveID, 0, len(curves)/2)
for len(curves) > 0 {
var v uint16
if !curves.readU16(&v) {
return false
m.supportedCurves = append(m.supportedCurves, CurveID(v))
case extensionSupportedPoints:
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4492#section-5.5.2
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.supportedPoints) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionSessionTicket:
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5077#section-3.2
m.ticketSupported = true
m.sessionTicket = []byte(body)
case extensionKeyShare:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#section-4.2.8
m.hasKeyShares = true
m.keySharesRaw = body
var keyShares byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&keyShares) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
for len(keyShares) > 0 {
var entry keyShareEntry
var group uint16
if !keyShares.readU16(&group) ||
!keyShares.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&entry.keyExchange) {
return false
entry.group = CurveID(group)
m.keyShares = append(m.keyShares, entry)
case extensionPreSharedKey:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#section-4.2.11
var psks, binders byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&psks) ||
!body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&binders) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
for len(psks) > 0 {
var psk pskIdentity
if !psks.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&psk.ticket) ||
!psks.readU32(&psk.obfuscatedTicketAge) {
return false
m.pskIdentities = append(m.pskIdentities, psk)
for len(binders) > 0 {
var binder []byte
if !binders.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&binder) {
return false
m.pskBinders = append(m.pskBinders, binder)
// There must be the same number of identities as binders.
if len(m.pskIdentities) != len(m.pskBinders) {
return false
case extensionPSKKeyExchangeModes:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#section-4.2.9
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.pskKEModes) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionEarlyData:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#section-4.2.10
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.hasEarlyData = true
case extensionCookie:
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.tls13Cookie) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionSignatureAlgorithms:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246#section-
if !parseSignatureAlgorithms(&body, &m.signatureAlgorithms, false) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionSignatureAlgorithmsCert:
if !parseSignatureAlgorithms(&body, &m.signatureAlgorithmsCert, false) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionSupportedVersions:
var versions byteReader
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixed(&versions) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.supportedVersions = make([]uint16, 0, len(versions)/2)
for len(versions) > 0 {
var v uint16
if !versions.readU16(&v) {
return false
m.supportedVersions = append(m.supportedVersions, v)
case extensionRenegotiationInfo:
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.secureRenegotiation) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionALPN:
var protocols byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&protocols) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
for len(protocols) > 0 {
var protocol []byte
if !protocols.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&protocol) || len(protocol) == 0 {
return false
m.alpnProtocols = append(m.alpnProtocols, string(protocol))
case extensionQUICTransportParams:
m.quicTransportParams = body
case extensionQUICTransportParamsLegacy:
m.quicTransportParamsLegacy = body
case extensionChannelID:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.channelIDSupported = true
case extensionTokenBinding:
if !body.readU16(&m.tokenBindingVersion) ||
!body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.tokenBindingParams) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionExtendedMasterSecret:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.extendedMasterSecret = true
case extensionUseSRTP:
var profiles byteReader
var mki []byte
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&profiles) ||
!body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&mki) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.srtpProtectionProfiles = make([]uint16, 0, len(profiles)/2)
for len(profiles) > 0 {
var v uint16
if !profiles.readU16(&v) {
return false
m.srtpProtectionProfiles = append(m.srtpProtectionProfiles, v)
m.srtpMasterKeyIdentifier = string(mki)
case extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.sctListSupported = true
case extensionCustom:
m.customExtension = string(body)
case extensionCompressedCertAlgs:
var algIDs byteReader
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixed(&algIDs) {
return false
seen := make(map[uint16]struct{})
for len(algIDs) > 0 {
var algID uint16
if !algIDs.readU16(&algID) {
return false
if _, ok := seen[algID]; ok {
return false
seen[algID] = struct{}{}
m.compressedCertAlgs = append(m.compressedCertAlgs, algID)
case extensionPadding:
// Padding bytes must be all zero.
for _, b := range body {
if b != 0 {
return false
case extensionDelegatedCredentials:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.delegatedCredentials = true
case extensionApplicationSettings:
var protocols byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&protocols) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
for len(protocols) > 0 {
var protocol []byte
if !protocols.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&protocol) || len(protocol) == 0 {
return false
m.alpsProtocols = append(m.alpsProtocols, string(protocol))
if isGREASEValue(extension) {
m.hasGREASEExtension = true
return true
type serverHelloMsg struct {
raw []byte
isDTLS bool
vers uint16
versOverride uint16
supportedVersOverride uint16
omitSupportedVers bool
random []byte
sessionID []byte
cipherSuite uint16
hasKeyShare bool
keyShare keyShareEntry
hasPSKIdentity bool
pskIdentity uint16
compressionMethod uint8
customExtension string
unencryptedALPN string
omitExtensions bool
emptyExtensions bool
extensions serverExtensions
func (m *serverHelloMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
handshakeMsg := newByteBuilder()
hello := handshakeMsg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
// m.vers is used both to determine the format of the rest of the
// ServerHello and to override the value, so include a second version
// field.
vers, ok := wireToVersion(m.vers, m.isDTLS)
if !ok {
panic("unknown version")
if m.versOverride != 0 {
} else if vers >= VersionTLS13 {
} else {
sessionID := hello.addU8LengthPrefixed()
extensions := hello.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if vers >= VersionTLS13 {
if m.hasKeyShare {
keyShare := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
keyExchange := keyShare.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasPSKIdentity {
extensions.addU16(2) // Length
if !m.omitSupportedVers {
extensions.addU16(2) // Length
if m.supportedVersOverride != 0 {
} else {
if len(m.customExtension) > 0 {
customExt := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if len(m.unencryptedALPN) > 0 {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
protocolNameList := extension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
protocolName := protocolNameList.addU8LengthPrefixed()
} else {
if m.omitExtensions || m.emptyExtensions {
// Silently erasing server extensions will break the handshake. Instead,
// assert that tests which use this field also disable all features which
// would write an extension.
if extensions.len() != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ServerHello unexpectedly contained extensions: %x, %+v", extensions.data(), m))
if m.emptyExtensions {
m.raw = handshakeMsg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *serverHelloMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
if !reader.readU16(&m.vers) ||
!reader.readBytes(&m.random, 32) {
return false
vers, ok := wireToVersion(m.vers, m.isDTLS)
if !ok {
return false
if !reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.sessionID) ||
!reader.readU16(&m.cipherSuite) ||
!reader.readU8(&m.compressionMethod) {
return false
if len(reader) == 0 && m.vers < VersionTLS13 {
// Extension data is optional before TLS 1.3.
m.extensions = serverExtensions{}
m.omitExtensions = true
return true
var extensions byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) || len(reader) != 0 || !checkDuplicateExtensions(extensions) {
return false
// Parse out the version from supported_versions if available.
if m.vers == VersionTLS12 {
extensionsCopy := extensions
for len(extensionsCopy) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensionsCopy.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensionsCopy.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
if extension == extensionSupportedVersions {
if !body.readU16(&m.vers) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
vers, ok = wireToVersion(m.vers, m.isDTLS)
if !ok {
return false
if vers >= VersionTLS13 {
for len(extensions) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensions.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensions.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionKeyShare:
m.hasKeyShare = true
var group uint16
if !body.readU16(&group) ||
!body.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.keyShare.keyExchange) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.keyShare.group = CurveID(group)
case extensionPreSharedKey:
if !body.readU16(&m.pskIdentity) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.hasPSKIdentity = true
case extensionSupportedVersions:
// Parsed above.
// Only allow the 3 extensions that are sent in
// the clear in TLS 1.3.
return false
} else if !m.extensions.unmarshal(extensions, vers) {
return false
return true
// marshalForECHConf marshals |m|, but zeroes out the last 8 bytes of the
// ServerHello.random.
func (m *serverHelloMsg) marshalForECHConf() []byte {
serverHelloECHConf := *m
serverHelloECHConf.raw = nil
serverHelloECHConf.random = make([]byte, 32)
copy(serverHelloECHConf.random[:24], m.random)
return serverHelloECHConf.marshal()
type encryptedExtensionsMsg struct {
raw []byte
extensions serverExtensions
empty bool
func (m *encryptedExtensionsMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
encryptedExtensionsMsg := newByteBuilder()
encryptedExtensions := encryptedExtensionsMsg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
if !m.empty {
extensions := encryptedExtensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
m.raw = encryptedExtensionsMsg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *encryptedExtensionsMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
var extensions byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) || len(reader) != 0 {
return false
return m.extensions.unmarshal(extensions, VersionTLS13)
type serverExtensions struct {
nextProtoNeg bool
nextProtos []string
ocspStapling bool
ticketSupported bool
secureRenegotiation []byte
alpnProtocol string
alpnProtocolEmpty bool
duplicateExtension bool
channelIDRequested bool
tokenBindingParams []byte
tokenBindingVersion uint16
extendedMasterSecret bool
srtpProtectionProfile uint16
srtpMasterKeyIdentifier string
sctList []byte
customExtension string
npnAfterAlpn bool
hasKeyShare bool
hasEarlyData bool
keyShare keyShareEntry
supportedVersion uint16
supportedPoints []uint8
supportedCurves []CurveID
quicTransportParams []byte
quicTransportParamsLegacy []byte
serverNameAck bool
applicationSettings []byte
hasApplicationSettings bool
echRetryConfigs []byte
func (m *serverExtensions) marshal(extensions *byteBuilder) {
if m.duplicateExtension {
// Add a duplicate bogus extension at the beginning and end.
extensions.addU16(0) // length = 0 for empty extension
if m.nextProtoNeg && !m.npnAfterAlpn {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, v := range m.nextProtos {
if len(v) > 255 {
v = v[:255]
npn := extension.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if m.ocspStapling {
if m.ticketSupported {
if m.secureRenegotiation != nil {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
secureRenego := extension.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if len(m.alpnProtocol) > 0 || m.alpnProtocolEmpty {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
protocolNameList := extension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
protocolName := protocolNameList.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if m.channelIDRequested {
if m.tokenBindingParams != nil {
tokbindExtension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
tokbindParams := tokbindExtension.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if m.duplicateExtension {
// Add a duplicate bogus extension at the beginning and end.
if m.extendedMasterSecret {
if m.srtpProtectionProfile != 0 {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
srtpProtectionProfiles := extension.addU16LengthPrefixed()
srtpMki := extension.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if m.sctList != nil {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if l := len(m.customExtension); l > 0 {
customExt := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.nextProtoNeg && m.npnAfterAlpn {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, v := range m.nextProtos {
if len(v) > 255 {
v = v[0:255]
npn := extension.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasKeyShare {
keyShare := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
keyExchange := keyShare.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.supportedVersion != 0 {
extensions.addU16(2) // Length
if len(m.supportedPoints) > 0 {
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4492#section-5.1.2
supportedPointsList := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
supportedPoints := supportedPointsList.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if len(m.supportedCurves) > 0 {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#section-4.2.7
supportedCurvesList := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
supportedCurves := supportedCurvesList.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, curve := range m.supportedCurves {
if len(m.quicTransportParams) > 0 {
params := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if len(m.quicTransportParamsLegacy) > 0 {
params := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasEarlyData {
extensions.addBytes([]byte{0, 0})
if m.serverNameAck {
extensions.addU16(0) // zero length
if m.hasApplicationSettings {
if len(m.echRetryConfigs) > 0 {
body := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
echConfigs := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
func (m *serverExtensions) unmarshal(data byteReader, version uint16) bool {
// Reset all fields.
*m = serverExtensions{}
if !checkDuplicateExtensions(data) {
return false
for len(data) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !data.readU16(&extension) ||
!data.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionNextProtoNeg:
m.nextProtoNeg = true
for len(body) > 0 {
var protocol []byte
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&protocol) {
return false
m.nextProtos = append(m.nextProtos, string(protocol))
case extensionStatusRequest:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.ocspStapling = true
case extensionSessionTicket:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.ticketSupported = true
case extensionRenegotiationInfo:
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.secureRenegotiation) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionALPN:
var protocols, protocol byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&protocols) ||
len(body) != 0 ||
!protocols.readU8LengthPrefixed(&protocol) ||
len(protocols) != 0 {
return false
m.alpnProtocol = string(protocol)
m.alpnProtocolEmpty = len(protocol) == 0
case extensionChannelID:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.channelIDRequested = true
case extensionTokenBinding:
if !body.readU16(&m.tokenBindingVersion) ||
!body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.tokenBindingParams) ||
len(m.tokenBindingParams) != 1 ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionExtendedMasterSecret:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.extendedMasterSecret = true
case extensionUseSRTP:
var profiles, mki byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&profiles) ||
!profiles.readU16(&m.srtpProtectionProfile) ||
len(profiles) != 0 ||
!body.readU8LengthPrefixed(&mki) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.srtpMasterKeyIdentifier = string(mki)
case extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp:
m.sctList = []byte(body)
case extensionCustom:
m.customExtension = string(body)
case extensionServerName:
if len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.serverNameAck = true
case extensionSupportedPoints:
// supported_points is illegal in TLS 1.3.
if version >= VersionTLS13 {
return false
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4492#section-5.5.2
if !body.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.supportedPoints) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionSupportedCurves:
// The server can only send supported_curves in TLS 1.3.
if version < VersionTLS13 {
return false
case extensionQUICTransportParams:
m.quicTransportParams = body
case extensionQUICTransportParamsLegacy:
m.quicTransportParamsLegacy = body
case extensionEarlyData:
if version < VersionTLS13 || len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.hasEarlyData = true
case extensionApplicationSettings:
m.hasApplicationSettings = true
m.applicationSettings = body
case extensionEncryptedClientHello:
var echConfigs byteReader
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixed(&echConfigs) {
return false
for len(echConfigs) > 0 {
// Validate the ECHConfig with a top-level parse.
echConfigReader := echConfigs
var version uint16
var contents byteReader
if !echConfigReader.readU16(&version) ||
!echConfigReader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&contents) {
return false
m.echRetryConfigs = contents
if len(body) > 0 {
return false
// Unknown extensions are illegal from the server.
return false
return true
type clientEncryptedExtensionsMsg struct {
raw []byte
applicationSettings []byte
hasApplicationSettings bool
customExtension []byte
func (m *clientEncryptedExtensionsMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
builder := newByteBuilder()
body := builder.addU24LengthPrefixed()
extensions := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasApplicationSettings {
if len(m.customExtension) > 0 {
m.raw = builder.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *clientEncryptedExtensionsMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
var extensions byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) ||
len(reader) != 0 {
return false
if !checkDuplicateExtensions(extensions) {
return false
for len(extensions) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensions.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensions.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionApplicationSettings:
m.hasApplicationSettings = true
m.applicationSettings = body
// Unknown extensions are illegal in EncryptedExtensions.
return false
return true
type helloRetryRequestMsg struct {
raw []byte
vers uint16
isServerHello bool
sessionID []byte
cipherSuite uint16
compressionMethod uint8
hasSelectedGroup bool
selectedGroup CurveID
cookie []byte
customExtension string
duplicateExtensions bool
func (m *helloRetryRequestMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
retryRequestMsg := newByteBuilder()
retryRequest := retryRequestMsg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
sessionID := retryRequest.addU8LengthPrefixed()
extensions := retryRequest.addU16LengthPrefixed()
count := 1
if m.duplicateExtensions {
count = 2
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
extensions.addU16(2) // Length
if m.hasSelectedGroup {
extensions.addU16(2) // length
// m.cookie may be a non-nil empty slice for empty cookie tests.
if m.cookie != nil {
body := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if len(m.customExtension) > 0 {
m.raw = retryRequestMsg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *helloRetryRequestMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
if !reader.readU16(&m.vers) {
return false
if m.isServerHello {
var random []byte
var compressionMethod byte
if !reader.readBytes(&random, 32) ||
!reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.sessionID) ||
!reader.readU16(&m.cipherSuite) ||
!reader.readU8(&compressionMethod) ||
compressionMethod != 0 {
return false
} else if !reader.readU16(&m.cipherSuite) {
return false
var extensions byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) || len(reader) != 0 {
return false
extensionsCopy := extensions
for len(extensionsCopy) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensionsCopy.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensionsCopy.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionSupportedVersions:
if !m.isServerHello ||
!body.readU16(&m.vers) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
for len(extensions) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensions.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensions.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionSupportedVersions:
// Parsed above.
case extensionKeyShare:
var v uint16
if !body.readU16(&v) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.hasSelectedGroup = true
m.selectedGroup = CurveID(v)
case extensionCookie:
if !body.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.cookie) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
// Unknown extensions are illegal from the server.
return false
return true
type certificateEntry struct {
data []byte
ocspResponse []byte
sctList []byte
duplicateExtensions bool
extraExtension []byte
delegatedCredential *delegatedCredential
type delegatedCredential struct {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-subcerts-03#section-3
signedBytes []byte
lifetimeSecs uint32
expectedCertVerifyAlgo signatureAlgorithm
pkixPublicKey []byte
algorithm signatureAlgorithm
signature []byte
type certificateMsg struct {
raw []byte
hasRequestContext bool
requestContext []byte
certificates []certificateEntry
func (m *certificateMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
certMsg := newByteBuilder()
certificate := certMsg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasRequestContext {
context := certificate.addU8LengthPrefixed()
certificateList := certificate.addU24LengthPrefixed()
for _, cert := range m.certificates {
certEntry := certificateList.addU24LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasRequestContext {
extensions := certificateList.addU16LengthPrefixed()
count := 1
if cert.duplicateExtensions {
count = 2
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
if cert.ocspResponse != nil {
body := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
response := body.addU24LengthPrefixed()
if cert.sctList != nil {
extension := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if cert.extraExtension != nil {
m.raw = certMsg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *certificateMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
if m.hasRequestContext && !reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.requestContext) {
return false
var certs byteReader
if !reader.readU24LengthPrefixed(&certs) || len(reader) != 0 {
return false
m.certificates = nil
for len(certs) > 0 {
var cert certificateEntry
if !certs.readU24LengthPrefixedBytes(&cert.data) {
return false
if m.hasRequestContext {
var extensions byteReader
if !certs.readU16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) || !checkDuplicateExtensions(extensions) {
return false
for len(extensions) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensions.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensions.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionStatusRequest:
var statusType byte
if !body.readU8(&statusType) ||
statusType != statusTypeOCSP ||
!body.readU24LengthPrefixedBytes(&cert.ocspResponse) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp:
cert.sctList = []byte(body)
case extensionDelegatedCredentials:
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-subcerts-03#section-3
if cert.delegatedCredential != nil {
return false
dc := new(delegatedCredential)
origBody := body
var expectedCertVerifyAlgo, algorithm uint16
if !body.readU32(&dc.lifetimeSecs) ||
!body.readU16(&expectedCertVerifyAlgo) ||
!body.readU24LengthPrefixedBytes(&dc.pkixPublicKey) ||
!body.readU16(&algorithm) ||
!body.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&dc.signature) ||
len(body) != 0 {
return false
dc.expectedCertVerifyAlgo = signatureAlgorithm(expectedCertVerifyAlgo)
dc.algorithm = signatureAlgorithm(algorithm)
dc.signedBytes = []byte(origBody)[:4+2+3+len(dc.pkixPublicKey)]
cert.delegatedCredential = dc
return false
m.certificates = append(m.certificates, cert)
return true
type compressedCertificateMsg struct {
raw []byte
algID uint16
uncompressedLength uint32
compressed []byte
func (m *compressedCertificateMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
certMsg := newByteBuilder()
certificate := certMsg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
compressed := certificate.addU24LengthPrefixed()
m.raw = certMsg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *compressedCertificateMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
if !reader.readU16(&m.algID) ||
!reader.readU24(&m.uncompressedLength) ||
!reader.readU24LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.compressed) ||
len(reader) != 0 {
return false
if m.uncompressedLength >= 1<<17 {
return false
return true
type serverKeyExchangeMsg struct {
raw []byte
key []byte
func (m *serverKeyExchangeMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
msg := newByteBuilder()
m.raw = msg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *serverKeyExchangeMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
if len(data) < 4 {
return false
m.key = data[4:]
return true
type certificateStatusMsg struct {
raw []byte
statusType uint8
response []byte
func (m *certificateStatusMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
var x []byte
if m.statusType == statusTypeOCSP {
msg := newByteBuilder()
body := msg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
x = msg.finish()
} else {
x = []byte{typeCertificateStatus, 0, 0, 1, m.statusType}
m.raw = x
return x
func (m *certificateStatusMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
if !reader.readU8(&m.statusType) ||
m.statusType != statusTypeOCSP ||
!reader.readU24LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.response) ||
len(reader) != 0 {
return false
return true
type serverHelloDoneMsg struct{}
func (m *serverHelloDoneMsg) marshal() []byte {
x := make([]byte, 4)
x[0] = typeServerHelloDone
return x
func (m *serverHelloDoneMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
return len(data) == 4
type clientKeyExchangeMsg struct {
raw []byte
ciphertext []byte
func (m *clientKeyExchangeMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
msg := newByteBuilder()
m.raw = msg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *clientKeyExchangeMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
if len(data) < 4 {
return false
l := int(data[1])<<16 | int(data[2])<<8 | int(data[3])
if l != len(data)-4 {
return false
m.ciphertext = data[4:]
return true
type finishedMsg struct {
raw []byte
verifyData []byte
func (m *finishedMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
msg := newByteBuilder()
m.raw = msg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *finishedMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
if len(data) < 4 {
return false
m.verifyData = data[4:]
return true
type nextProtoMsg struct {
raw []byte
proto string
func (m *nextProtoMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
padding := 32 - (len(m.proto)+2)%32
msg := newByteBuilder()
body := msg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
body.addU8LengthPrefixed().addBytes(make([]byte, padding))
m.raw = msg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *nextProtoMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
var proto, padding []byte
if !reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&proto) ||
!reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&padding) ||
len(reader) != 0 {
return false
m.proto = string(proto)
// Padding is not meant to be checked normally, but as this is a testing
// implementation, we check the padding is as expected.
if len(padding) != 32-(len(m.proto)+2)%32 {
return false
for _, v := range padding {
if v != 0 {
return false
return true
type certificateRequestMsg struct {
raw []byte
vers uint16
// hasSignatureAlgorithm indicates whether this message includes a list
// of signature and hash functions. This change was introduced with TLS
// 1.2.
hasSignatureAlgorithm bool
// hasRequestContext indicates whether this message includes a context
// field instead of certificateTypes. This change was introduced with
// TLS 1.3.
hasRequestContext bool
certificateTypes []byte
requestContext []byte
signatureAlgorithms []signatureAlgorithm
signatureAlgorithmsCert []signatureAlgorithm
certificateAuthorities [][]byte
hasCAExtension bool
customExtension uint16
func (m *certificateRequestMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4346#section-7.4.4
builder := newByteBuilder()
body := builder.addU24LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasRequestContext {
requestContext := body.addU8LengthPrefixed()
extensions := newByteBuilder()
extensions = body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasSignatureAlgorithm {
signatureAlgorithms := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed().addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, sigAlg := range m.signatureAlgorithms {
if len(m.signatureAlgorithmsCert) > 0 {
signatureAlgorithmsCert := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed().addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, sigAlg := range m.signatureAlgorithmsCert {
if len(m.certificateAuthorities) > 0 {
certificateAuthorities := extensions.addU16LengthPrefixed().addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, ca := range m.certificateAuthorities {
caEntry := certificateAuthorities.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.customExtension > 0 {
} else {
certificateTypes := body.addU8LengthPrefixed()
if m.hasSignatureAlgorithm {
signatureAlgorithms := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, sigAlg := range m.signatureAlgorithms {
certificateAuthorities := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
for _, ca := range m.certificateAuthorities {
caEntry := certificateAuthorities.addU16LengthPrefixed()
m.raw = builder.finish()
return m.raw
func parseCAs(reader *byteReader, out *[][]byte) bool {
var cas byteReader
if !reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&cas) {
return false
for len(cas) > 0 {
var ca []byte
if !cas.readU16LengthPrefixedBytes(&ca) {
return false
*out = append(*out, ca)
return true
func (m *certificateRequestMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
reader := byteReader(data[4:])
if m.hasRequestContext {
var extensions byteReader
if !reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.requestContext) ||
!reader.readU16LengthPrefixed(&extensions) ||
len(reader) != 0 ||
!checkDuplicateExtensions(extensions) {
return false
for len(extensions) > 0 {
var extension uint16
var body byteReader
if !extensions.readU16(&extension) ||
!extensions.readU16LengthPrefixed(&body) {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionSignatureAlgorithms:
if !parseSignatureAlgorithms(&body, &m.signatureAlgorithms, false) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionSignatureAlgorithmsCert:
if !parseSignatureAlgorithms(&body, &m.signatureAlgorithmsCert, false) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
case extensionCertificateAuthorities:
if !parseCAs(&body, &m.certificateAuthorities) || len(body) != 0 {
return false
m.hasCAExtension = true
} else {
if !reader.readU8LengthPrefixedBytes(&m.certificateTypes) {
return false
// In TLS 1.2, the supported_signature_algorithms field in
// CertificateRequest may be empty.
if m.hasSignatureAlgorithm && !parseSignatureAlgorithms(&reader, &m.signatureAlgorithms, true) {
return false
if !parseCAs(&reader, &m.certificateAuthorities) ||
len(reader) != 0 {
return false
return true
type certificateVerifyMsg struct {
raw []byte
hasSignatureAlgorithm bool
signatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm
signature []byte
func (m *certificateVerifyMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4346#section-7.4.8
siglength := len(m.signature)
length := 2 + siglength
if m.hasSignatureAlgorithm {
length += 2
x = make([]byte, 4+length)
x[0] = typeCertificateVerify
x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
x[3] = uint8(length)
y := x[4:]
if m.hasSignatureAlgorithm {
y[0] = byte(m.signatureAlgorithm >> 8)
y[1] = byte(m.signatureAlgorithm)
y = y[2:]
y[0] = uint8(siglength >> 8)
y[1] = uint8(siglength)
copy(y[2:], m.signature)
m.raw = x
func (m *certificateVerifyMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
if len(data) < 6 {
return false
length := uint32(data[1])<<16 | uint32(data[2])<<8 | uint32(data[3])
if uint32(len(data))-4 != length {
return false
data = data[4:]
if m.hasSignatureAlgorithm {
m.signatureAlgorithm = signatureAlgorithm(data[0])<<8 | signatureAlgorithm(data[1])
data = data[2:]
if len(data) < 2 {
return false
siglength := int(data[0])<<8 + int(data[1])
data = data[2:]
if len(data) != siglength {
return false
m.signature = data
return true
type newSessionTicketMsg struct {
raw []byte
vers uint16
isDTLS bool
ticketLifetime uint32
ticketAgeAdd uint32
ticketNonce []byte
ticket []byte
maxEarlyDataSize uint32
customExtension string
duplicateEarlyDataExtension bool
hasGREASEExtension bool
func (m *newSessionTicketMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
version, ok := wireToVersion(m.vers, m.isDTLS)
if !ok {
panic("unknown version")
// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5077#section-3.3
ticketMsg := newByteBuilder()
body := ticketMsg.addU24LengthPrefixed()
if version >= VersionTLS13 {
ticket := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if version >= VersionTLS13 {
extensions := body.addU16LengthPrefixed()
if m.maxEarlyDataSize > 0 {
if m.duplicateEarlyDataExtension {
if len(m.customExtension) > 0 {
m.raw = ticketMsg.finish()
return m.raw
func (m *newSessionTicketMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
version, ok := wireToVersion(m.vers, m.isDTLS)
if !ok {
panic("unknown version")
if len(data) < 8 {
return false
m.ticketLifetime = uint32(data[4])<<24 | uint32(data[5])<<16 | uint32(data[6])<<8 | uint32(data[7])
data = data[8:]
if version >= VersionTLS13 {
if len(data) < 4 {
return false
m.ticketAgeAdd = uint32(data[0])<<24 | uint32(data[1])<<16 | uint32(data[2])<<8 | uint32(data[3])
data = data[4:]
nonceLen := int(data[0])
data = data[1:]
if len(data) < nonceLen {
return false
m.ticketNonce = data[:nonceLen]
data = data[nonceLen:]
if len(data) < 2 {
return false
ticketLen := int(data[0])<<8 + int(data[1])
data = data[2:]
if len(data) < ticketLen {
return false
if version >= VersionTLS13 && ticketLen == 0 {
return false
m.ticket = data[:ticketLen]
data = data[ticketLen:]
if version >= VersionTLS13 {
if len(data) < 2 {
return false
extensionsLength := int(data[0])<<8 | int(data[1])
data = data[2:]
if extensionsLength != len(data) {
return false
for len(data) != 0 {
if len(data) < 4 {
return false
extension := uint16(data[0])<<8 | uint16(data[1])
length := int(data[2])<<8 | int(data[3])
data = data[4:]
if len(data) < length {
return false
switch extension {
case extensionEarlyData:
if length != 4 {
return false
m.maxEarlyDataSize = uint32(data[0])<<24 | uint32(data[1])<<16 | uint32(data[2])<<8 | uint32(data[3])
if isGREASEValue(extension) {
m.hasGREASEExtension = true
data = data[length:]
if len(data) > 0 {
return false
return true
type v2ClientHelloMsg struct {
raw []byte
vers uint16
cipherSuites []uint16
sessionID []byte
challenge []byte
func (m *v2ClientHelloMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
length := 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + len(m.cipherSuites)*3 + len(m.sessionID) + len(m.challenge)
x := make([]byte, length)
x[0] = 1
x[1] = uint8(m.vers >> 8)
x[2] = uint8(m.vers)
x[3] = uint8((len(m.cipherSuites) * 3) >> 8)
x[4] = uint8(len(m.cipherSuites) * 3)
x[5] = uint8(len(m.sessionID) >> 8)
x[6] = uint8(len(m.sessionID))
x[7] = uint8(len(m.challenge) >> 8)
x[8] = uint8(len(m.challenge))
y := x[9:]
for i, spec := range m.cipherSuites {
y[i*3] = 0
y[i*3+1] = uint8(spec >> 8)
y[i*3+2] = uint8(spec)
y = y[len(m.cipherSuites)*3:]
copy(y, m.sessionID)
y = y[len(m.sessionID):]
copy(y, m.challenge)
m.raw = x
return x
type helloVerifyRequestMsg struct {
raw []byte
vers uint16
cookie []byte
func (m *helloVerifyRequestMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
length := 2 + 1 + len(m.cookie)
x := make([]byte, 4+length)
x[0] = typeHelloVerifyRequest
x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
x[3] = uint8(length)
vers := m.vers
x[4] = uint8(vers >> 8)
x[5] = uint8(vers)
x[6] = uint8(len(m.cookie))
copy(x[7:7+len(m.cookie)], m.cookie)
return x
func (m *helloVerifyRequestMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
if len(data) < 4+2+1 {
return false
m.raw = data
m.vers = uint16(data[4])<<8 | uint16(data[5])
cookieLen := int(data[6])
if cookieLen > 32 || len(data) != 7+cookieLen {
return false
m.cookie = data[7 : 7+cookieLen]
return true
type channelIDMsg struct {
raw []byte
channelID []byte
func (m *channelIDMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
length := 2 + 2 + len(m.channelID)
x := make([]byte, 4+length)
x[0] = typeChannelID
x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
x[3] = uint8(length)
x[4] = uint8(extensionChannelID >> 8)
x[5] = uint8(extensionChannelID & 0xff)
x[6] = uint8(len(m.channelID) >> 8)
x[7] = uint8(len(m.channelID) & 0xff)
copy(x[8:], m.channelID)
return x
func (m *channelIDMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
if len(data) != 4+2+2+128 {
return false
m.raw = data
if (uint16(data[4])<<8)|uint16(data[5]) != extensionChannelID {
return false
if int(data[6])<<8|int(data[7]) != 128 {
return false
m.channelID = data[4+2+2:]
return true
type helloRequestMsg struct {
func (*helloRequestMsg) marshal() []byte {
return []byte{typeHelloRequest, 0, 0, 0}
func (*helloRequestMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
return len(data) == 4
type keyUpdateMsg struct {
raw []byte
keyUpdateRequest byte
func (m *keyUpdateMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.raw != nil {
return m.raw
return []byte{typeKeyUpdate, 0, 0, 1, m.keyUpdateRequest}
func (m *keyUpdateMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
m.raw = data
if len(data) != 5 {
return false
length := int(data[1])<<16 | int(data[2])<<8 | int(data[3])
if len(data)-4 != length {
return false
m.keyUpdateRequest = data[4]
return m.keyUpdateRequest == keyUpdateNotRequested || m.keyUpdateRequest == keyUpdateRequested
type endOfEarlyDataMsg struct {
nonEmpty bool
func (m *endOfEarlyDataMsg) marshal() []byte {
if m.nonEmpty {
return []byte{typeEndOfEarlyData, 0, 0, 1, 42}
return []byte{typeEndOfEarlyData, 0, 0, 0}
func (*endOfEarlyDataMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
return len(data) == 4
// ssl3NoCertificateMsg is a dummy message to handle SSL 3.0 using a warning
// alert in the handshake.
type ssl3NoCertificateMsg struct{}