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// Copyright 2018 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// An open-addressing
// hashtable with quadratic probing.
// This is a low level hashtable on top of which different interfaces can be
// implemented, like flat_hash_set, node_hash_set, string_hash_set, etc.
// The table interface is similar to that of std::unordered_set. Notable
// differences are that most member functions support heterogeneous keys when
// BOTH the hash and eq functions are marked as transparent. They do so by
// providing a typedef called `is_transparent`.
// When heterogeneous lookup is enabled, functions that take key_type act as if
// they have an overload set like:
// iterator find(const key_type& key);
// template <class K>
// iterator find(const K& key);
// size_type erase(const key_type& key);
// template <class K>
// size_type erase(const K& key);
// std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key);
// template <class K>
// std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const K& key);
// When heterogeneous lookup is disabled, only the explicit `key_type` overloads
// exist.
// find() also supports passing the hash explicitly:
// iterator find(const key_type& key, size_t hash);
// template <class U>
// iterator find(const U& key, size_t hash);
// In addition the pointer to element and iterator stability guarantees are
// weaker: all iterators and pointers are invalidated after a new element is
// inserted.
// # Table Layout
// A raw_hash_set's backing array consists of control bytes followed by slots
// that may or may not contain objects.
// The layout of the backing array, for `capacity` slots, is thus, as a
// pseudo-struct:
// struct BackingArray {
// // Control bytes for the "real" slots.
// ctrl_t ctrl[capacity];
// // Always `ctrl_t::kSentinel`. This is used by iterators to find when to
// // stop and serves no other purpose.
// ctrl_t sentinel;
// // A copy of the first `kWidth - 1` elements of `ctrl`. This is used so
// // that if a probe sequence picks a value near the end of `ctrl`,
// // `Group` will have valid control bytes to look at.
// ctrl_t clones[kWidth - 1];
// // The actual slot data.
// slot_type slots[capacity];
// };
// The length of this array is computed by `AllocSize()` below.
// Control bytes (`ctrl_t`) are bytes (collected into groups of a
// platform-specific size) that define the state of the corresponding slot in
// the slot array. Group manipulation is tightly optimized to be as efficient
// as possible: SSE and friends on x86, clever bit operations on other arches.
// Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
// +---------------+---------------+---------------+
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// +---------------+---------------+---------------+
// Each control byte is either a special value for empty slots, deleted slots
// (sometimes called *tombstones*), and a special end-of-table marker used by
// iterators, or, if occupied, seven bits (H2) from the hash of the value in the
// corresponding slot.
// Storing control bytes in a separate array also has beneficial cache effects,
// since more logical slots will fit into a cache line.
// # Hashing
// We compute two separate hashes, `H1` and `H2`, from the hash of an object.
// `H1(hash(x))` is an index into `slots`, and essentially the starting point
// for the probe sequence. `H2(hash(x))` is a 7-bit value used to filter out
// objects that cannot possibly be the one we are looking for.
// # Table operations.
// The key operations are `insert`, `find`, and `erase`.
// Since `insert` and `erase` are implemented in terms of `find`, we describe
// `find` first. To `find` a value `x`, we compute `hash(x)`. From
// `H1(hash(x))` and the capacity, we construct a `probe_seq` that visits every
// group of slots in some interesting order.
// We now walk through these indices. At each index, we select the entire group
// starting with that index and extract potential candidates: occupied slots
// with a control byte equal to `H2(hash(x))`. If we find an empty slot in the
// group, we stop and return an error. Each candidate slot `y` is compared with
// `x`; if `x == y`, we are done and return `&y`; otherwise we contine to the
// next probe index. Tombstones effectively behave like full slots that never
// match the value we're looking for.
// The `H2` bits ensure when we compare a slot to an object with `==`, we are
// likely to have actually found the object. That is, the chance is low that
// `==` is called and returns `false`. Thus, when we search for an object, we
// are unlikely to call `==` many times. This likelyhood can be analyzed as
// follows (assuming that H2 is a random enough hash function).
// Let's assume that there are `k` "wrong" objects that must be examined in a
// probe sequence. For example, when doing a `find` on an object that is in the
// table, `k` is the number of objects between the start of the probe sequence
// and the final found object (not including the final found object). The
// expected number of objects with an H2 match is then `k/128`. Measurements
// and analysis indicate that even at high load factors, `k` is less than 32,
// meaning that the number of "false positive" comparisons we must perform is
// less than 1/8 per `find`.
// `insert` is implemented in terms of `unchecked_insert`, which inserts a
// value presumed to not be in the table (violating this requirement will cause
// the table to behave erratically). Given `x` and its hash `hash(x)`, to insert
// it, we construct a `probe_seq` once again, and use it to find the first
// group with an unoccupied (empty *or* deleted) slot. We place `x` into the
// first such slot in the group and mark it as full with `x`'s H2.
// To `insert`, we compose `unchecked_insert` with `find`. We compute `h(x)` and
// perform a `find` to see if it's already present; if it is, we're done. If
// it's not, we may decide the table is getting overcrowded (i.e. the load
// factor is greater than 7/8 for big tables; `is_small()` tables use a max load
// factor of 1); in this case, we allocate a bigger array, `unchecked_insert`
// each element of the table into the new array (we know that no insertion here
// will insert an already-present value), and discard the old backing array. At
// this point, we may `unchecked_insert` the value `x`.
// Below, `unchecked_insert` is partly implemented by `prepare_insert`, which
// presents a viable, initialized slot pointee to the caller.
// `erase` is implemented in terms of `erase_at`, which takes an index to a
// slot. Given an offset, we simply create a tombstone and destroy its contents.
// If we can prove that the slot would not appear in a probe sequence, we can
// make the slot as empty, instead. We can prove this by observing that if a
// group has any empty slots, it has never been full (assuming we never create
// an empty slot in a group with no empties, which this heuristic guarantees we
// never do) and find would stop at this group anyways (since it does not probe
// beyond groups with empties).
// `erase` is `erase_at` composed with `find`: if we
// have a value `x`, we can perform a `find`, and then `erase_at` the resulting
// slot.
// To iterate, we simply traverse the array, skipping empty and deleted slots
// and stopping when we hit a `kSentinel`.
#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <emmintrin.h>
#ifdef __SSSE3__
#include <tmmintrin.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/endian.h"
#include "absl/base/internal/prefetch.h"
#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
#include "absl/base/port.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/common.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/container_memory.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/hash_policy_traits.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/hashtable_debug_hooks.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/hashtablez_sampler.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/numeric/bits.h"
#include "absl/utility/utility.h"
namespace absl {
namespace container_internal {
template <typename AllocType>
void SwapAlloc(AllocType& lhs, AllocType& rhs,
std::true_type /* propagate_on_container_swap */) {
using std::swap;
swap(lhs, rhs);
template <typename AllocType>
void SwapAlloc(AllocType& /*lhs*/, AllocType& /*rhs*/,
std::false_type /* propagate_on_container_swap */) {}
// The state for a probe sequence.
// Currently, the sequence is a triangular progression of the form
// p(i) := Width * (i^2 + i)/2 + hash (mod mask + 1)
// The use of `Width` ensures that each probe step does not overlap groups;
// the sequence effectively outputs the addresses of *groups* (although not
// necessarily aligned to any boundary). The `Group` machinery allows us
// to check an entire group with minimal branching.
// Wrapping around at `mask + 1` is important, but not for the obvious reason.
// As described above, the first few entries of the control byte array
// are mirrored at the end of the array, which `Group` will find and use
// for selecting candidates. However, when those candidates' slots are
// actually inspected, there are no corresponding slots for the cloned bytes,
// so we need to make sure we've treated those offsets as "wrapping around".
// It turns out that this probe sequence visits every group exactly once if the
// number of groups is a power of two, since (i^2+i)/2 is a bijection in
// Z/(2^m). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_probing
template <size_t Width>
class probe_seq {
// Creates a new probe sequence using `hash` as the initial value of the
// sequence and `mask` (usually the capacity of the table) as the mask to
// apply to each value in the progression.
probe_seq(size_t hash, size_t mask) {
assert(((mask + 1) & mask) == 0 && "not a mask");
mask_ = mask;
offset_ = hash & mask_;
// The offset within the table, i.e., the value `p(i)` above.
size_t offset() const { return offset_; }
size_t offset(size_t i) const { return (offset_ + i) & mask_; }
void next() {
index_ += Width;
offset_ += index_;
offset_ &= mask_;
// 0-based probe index, a multiple of `Width`.
size_t index() const { return index_; }
size_t mask_;
size_t offset_;
size_t index_ = 0;
template <class ContainerKey, class Hash, class Eq>
struct RequireUsableKey {
template <class PassedKey, class... Args>
decltype(std::declval<const Hash&>()(std::declval<const PassedKey&>())),
decltype(std::declval<const Eq&>()(std::declval<const ContainerKey&>(),
std::declval<const PassedKey&>()))>*
operator()(const PassedKey&, const Args&...) const;
template <class E, class Policy, class Hash, class Eq, class... Ts>
struct IsDecomposable : std::false_type {};
template <class Policy, class Hash, class Eq, class... Ts>
struct IsDecomposable<
RequireUsableKey<typename Policy::key_type, Hash, Eq>(),
Policy, Hash, Eq, Ts...> : std::true_type {};
// TODO(alkis): Switch to std::is_nothrow_swappable when gcc/clang supports it.
template <class T>
constexpr bool IsNoThrowSwappable(std::true_type = {} /* is_swappable */) {
using std::swap;
return noexcept(swap(std::declval<T&>(), std::declval<T&>()));
template <class T>
constexpr bool IsNoThrowSwappable(std::false_type /* is_swappable */) {
return false;
template <typename T>
uint32_t TrailingZeros(T x) {
ABSL_ASSUME(x != 0);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(countr_zero(x));
// An abstract bitmask, such as that emitted by a SIMD instruction.
// Specifically, this type implements a simple bitset whose representation is
// controlled by `SignificantBits` and `Shift`. `SignificantBits` is the number
// of abstract bits in the bitset, while `Shift` is the log-base-two of the
// width of an abstract bit in the representation.
// For example, when `SignificantBits` is 16 and `Shift` is zero, this is just
// an ordinary 16-bit bitset occupying the low 16 bits of `mask`. When
// `SignificantBits` is 8 and `Shift` is 3, abstract bits are represented as
// the bytes `0x00` and `0x80`, and it occupies all 64 bits of the bitmask.
// For example:
// for (int i : BitMask<uint32_t, 16>(0b101)) -> yields 0, 2
// for (int i : BitMask<uint64_t, 8, 3>(0x0000000080800000)) -> yields 2, 3
template <class T, int SignificantBits, int Shift = 0>
class BitMask {
static_assert(std::is_unsigned<T>::value, "");
static_assert(Shift == 0 || Shift == 3, "");
// BitMask is an iterator over the indices of its abstract bits.
using value_type = int;
using iterator = BitMask;
using const_iterator = BitMask;
explicit BitMask(T mask) : mask_(mask) {}
BitMask& operator++() {
mask_ &= (mask_ - 1);
return *this;
explicit operator bool() const { return mask_ != 0; }
uint32_t operator*() const { return LowestBitSet(); }
BitMask begin() const { return *this; }
BitMask end() const { return BitMask(0); }
// Returns the index of the lowest *abstract* bit set in `self`.
uint32_t LowestBitSet() const {
return container_internal::TrailingZeros(mask_) >> Shift;
// Returns the index of the highest *abstract* bit set in `self`.
uint32_t HighestBitSet() const {
return static_cast<uint32_t>((bit_width(mask_) - 1) >> Shift);
// Return the number of trailing zero *abstract* bits.
uint32_t TrailingZeros() const {
return container_internal::TrailingZeros(mask_) >> Shift;
// Return the number of leading zero *abstract* bits.
uint32_t LeadingZeros() const {
constexpr int total_significant_bits = SignificantBits << Shift;
constexpr int extra_bits = sizeof(T) * 8 - total_significant_bits;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(countl_zero(mask_ << extra_bits)) >> Shift;
friend bool operator==(const BitMask& a, const BitMask& b) {
return a.mask_ == b.mask_;
friend bool operator!=(const BitMask& a, const BitMask& b) {
return a.mask_ != b.mask_;
T mask_;
using h2_t = uint8_t;
// The values here are selected for maximum performance. See the static asserts
// below for details.
// A `ctrl_t` is a single control byte, which can have one of four
// states: empty, deleted, full (which has an associated seven-bit h2_t value)
// and the sentinel. They have the following bit patterns:
// empty: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// deleted: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
// full: 0 h h h h h h h // h represents the hash bits.
// sentinel: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// These values are specifically tuned for SSE-flavored SIMD.
// The static_asserts below detail the source of these choices.
// We use an enum class so that when strict aliasing is enabled, the compiler
// knows ctrl_t doesn't alias other types.
enum class ctrl_t : int8_t {
kEmpty = -128, // 0b10000000
kDeleted = -2, // 0b11111110
kSentinel = -1, // 0b11111111
(static_cast<int8_t>(ctrl_t::kEmpty) &
static_cast<int8_t>(ctrl_t::kDeleted) &
static_cast<int8_t>(ctrl_t::kSentinel) & 0x80) != 0,
"Special markers need to have the MSB to make checking for them efficient");
ctrl_t::kEmpty < ctrl_t::kSentinel && ctrl_t::kDeleted < ctrl_t::kSentinel,
"ctrl_t::kEmpty and ctrl_t::kDeleted must be smaller than "
"ctrl_t::kSentinel to make the SIMD test of IsEmptyOrDeleted() efficient");
ctrl_t::kSentinel == static_cast<ctrl_t>(-1),
"ctrl_t::kSentinel must be -1 to elide loading it from memory into SIMD "
"registers (pcmpeqd xmm, xmm)");
static_assert(ctrl_t::kEmpty == static_cast<ctrl_t>(-128),
"ctrl_t::kEmpty must be -128 to make the SIMD check for its "
"existence efficient (psignb xmm, xmm)");
(~static_cast<int8_t>(ctrl_t::kEmpty) &
~static_cast<int8_t>(ctrl_t::kDeleted) &
static_cast<int8_t>(ctrl_t::kSentinel) & 0x7F) != 0,
"ctrl_t::kEmpty and ctrl_t::kDeleted must share an unset bit that is not "
"shared by ctrl_t::kSentinel to make the scalar test for "
"MatchEmptyOrDeleted() efficient");
static_assert(ctrl_t::kDeleted == static_cast<ctrl_t>(-2),
"ctrl_t::kDeleted must be -2 to make the implementation of "
"ConvertSpecialToEmptyAndFullToDeleted efficient");
ABSL_DLL extern const ctrl_t kEmptyGroup[16];
// Returns a pointer to a control byte group that can be used by empty tables.
inline ctrl_t* EmptyGroup() {
// Const must be cast away here; no uses of this function will actually write
// to it, because it is only used for empty tables.
return const_cast<ctrl_t*>(kEmptyGroup);
// Mixes a randomly generated per-process seed with `hash` and `ctrl` to
// randomize insertion order within groups.
bool ShouldInsertBackwards(size_t hash, const ctrl_t* ctrl);
// Returns a per-table, hash salt, which changes on resize. This gets mixed into
// H1 to randomize iteration order per-table.
// The seed consists of the ctrl_ pointer, which adds enough entropy to ensure
// non-determinism of iteration order in most cases.
inline size_t PerTableSalt(const ctrl_t* ctrl) {
// The low bits of the pointer have little or no entropy because of
// alignment. We shift the pointer to try to use higher entropy bits. A
// good number seems to be 12 bits, because that aligns with page size.
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ctrl) >> 12;
// Extracts the H1 portion of a hash: 57 bits mixed with a per-table salt.
inline size_t H1(size_t hash, const ctrl_t* ctrl) {
return (hash >> 7) ^ PerTableSalt(ctrl);
// Extracts the H2 portion of a hash: the 7 bits not used for H1.
// These are used as an occupied control byte.
inline h2_t H2(size_t hash) { return hash & 0x7F; }
// Helpers for checking the state of a control byte.
inline bool IsEmpty(ctrl_t c) { return c == ctrl_t::kEmpty; }
inline bool IsFull(ctrl_t c) { return c >= static_cast<ctrl_t>(0); }
inline bool IsDeleted(ctrl_t c) { return c == ctrl_t::kDeleted; }
inline bool IsEmptyOrDeleted(ctrl_t c) { return c < ctrl_t::kSentinel; }
// Quick reference guide for intrinsics used below:
// * __m128i: An XMM (128-bit) word.
// * _mm_setzero_si128: Returns a zero vector.
// * _mm_set1_epi8: Returns a vector with the same i8 in each lane.
// * _mm_subs_epi8: Saturating-subtracts two i8 vectors.
// * _mm_and_si128: Ands two i128s together.
// * _mm_or_si128: Ors two i128s together.
// * _mm_andnot_si128: And-nots two i128s together.
// * _mm_cmpeq_epi8: Component-wise compares two i8 vectors for equality,
// filling each lane with 0x00 or 0xff.
// * _mm_cmpgt_epi8: Same as above, but using > rather than ==.
// * _mm_loadu_si128: Performs an unaligned load of an i128.
// * _mm_storeu_si128: Performs an unaligned store of an i128.
// * _mm_sign_epi8: Retains, negates, or zeroes each i8 lane of the first
// argument if the corresponding lane of the second
// argument is positive, negative, or zero, respectively.
// * _mm_movemask_epi8: Selects the sign bit out of each i8 lane and produces a
// bitmask consisting of those bits.
// * _mm_shuffle_epi8: Selects i8s from the first argument, using the low
// four bits of each i8 lane in the second argument as
// indices.
// https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/209
// https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=87853
// _mm_cmpgt_epi8 is broken under GCC with -funsigned-char
// Work around this by using the portable implementation of Group
// when using -funsigned-char under GCC.
inline __m128i _mm_cmpgt_epi8_fixed(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
if (std::is_unsigned<char>::value) {
const __m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi8(0x80);
const __m128i diff = _mm_subs_epi8(b, a);
return _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(diff, mask), mask);
return _mm_cmpgt_epi8(a, b);
struct GroupSse2Impl {
static constexpr size_t kWidth = 16; // the number of slots per group
explicit GroupSse2Impl(const ctrl_t* pos) {
ctrl = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(pos));
// Returns a bitmask representing the positions of slots that match hash.
BitMask<uint32_t, kWidth> Match(h2_t hash) const {
auto match = _mm_set1_epi8(hash);
return BitMask<uint32_t, kWidth>(
static_cast<uint32_t>(_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(match, ctrl))));
// Returns a bitmask representing the positions of empty slots.
BitMask<uint32_t, kWidth> MatchEmpty() const {
// This only works because ctrl_t::kEmpty is -128.
return BitMask<uint32_t, kWidth>(
static_cast<uint32_t>(_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_sign_epi8(ctrl, ctrl))));
return Match(static_cast<h2_t>(ctrl_t::kEmpty));
// Returns a bitmask representing the positions of empty or deleted slots.
BitMask<uint32_t, kWidth> MatchEmptyOrDeleted() const {
auto special = _mm_set1_epi8(static_cast<uint8_t>(ctrl_t::kSentinel));
return BitMask<uint32_t, kWidth>(static_cast<uint32_t>(
_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpgt_epi8_fixed(special, ctrl))));
// Returns the number of trailing empty or deleted elements in the group.
uint32_t CountLeadingEmptyOrDeleted() const {
auto special = _mm_set1_epi8(static_cast<uint8_t>(ctrl_t::kSentinel));
return TrailingZeros(static_cast<uint32_t>(
_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpgt_epi8_fixed(special, ctrl)) + 1));
void ConvertSpecialToEmptyAndFullToDeleted(ctrl_t* dst) const {
auto msbs = _mm_set1_epi8(static_cast<char>(-128));
auto x126 = _mm_set1_epi8(126);
auto res = _mm_or_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(x126, ctrl), msbs);
auto zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
auto special_mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi8_fixed(zero, ctrl);
auto res = _mm_or_si128(msbs, _mm_andnot_si128(special_mask, x126));
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst), res);
__m128i ctrl;
struct GroupPortableImpl {
static constexpr size_t kWidth = 8;
explicit GroupPortableImpl(const ctrl_t* pos)
: ctrl(little_endian::Load64(pos)) {}
BitMask<uint64_t, kWidth, 3> Match(h2_t hash) const {
// For the technique, see:
// http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html##ValueInWord
// (Determine if a word has a byte equal to n).
// Caveat: there are false positives but:
// - they only occur if there is a real match
// - they never occur on ctrl_t::kEmpty, ctrl_t::kDeleted, ctrl_t::kSentinel
// - they will be handled gracefully by subsequent checks in code
// Example:
// v = 0x1716151413121110
// hash = 0x12
// retval = (v - lsbs) & ~v & msbs = 0x0000000080800000
constexpr uint64_t msbs = 0x8080808080808080ULL;
constexpr uint64_t lsbs = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
auto x = ctrl ^ (lsbs * hash);
return BitMask<uint64_t, kWidth, 3>((x - lsbs) & ~x & msbs);
BitMask<uint64_t, kWidth, 3> MatchEmpty() const {
constexpr uint64_t msbs = 0x8080808080808080ULL;
return BitMask<uint64_t, kWidth, 3>((ctrl & (~ctrl << 6)) & msbs);
BitMask<uint64_t, kWidth, 3> MatchEmptyOrDeleted() const {
constexpr uint64_t msbs = 0x8080808080808080ULL;
return BitMask<uint64_t, kWidth, 3>((ctrl & (~ctrl << 7)) & msbs);
uint32_t CountLeadingEmptyOrDeleted() const {
constexpr uint64_t gaps = 0x00FEFEFEFEFEFEFEULL;
return (TrailingZeros(((~ctrl & (ctrl >> 7)) | gaps) + 1) + 7) >> 3;
void ConvertSpecialToEmptyAndFullToDeleted(ctrl_t* dst) const {
constexpr uint64_t msbs = 0x8080808080808080ULL;
constexpr uint64_t lsbs = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
auto x = ctrl & msbs;
auto res = (~x + (x >> 7)) & ~lsbs;
little_endian::Store64(dst, res);
uint64_t ctrl;
using Group = GroupSse2Impl;
using Group = GroupPortableImpl;
// Returns he number of "cloned control bytes".
// This is the number of control bytes that are present both at the beginning
// of the control byte array and at the end, such that we can create a
// `Group::kWidth`-width probe window starting from any control byte.
constexpr size_t NumClonedBytes() { return Group::kWidth - 1; }
template <class Policy, class Hash, class Eq, class Alloc>
class raw_hash_set;
// Returns whether `n` is a valid capacity (i.e., number of slots).
// A valid capacity is a non-zero integer `2^m - 1`.
inline bool IsValidCapacity(size_t n) { return ((n + 1) & n) == 0 && n > 0; }
// Applies the following mapping to every byte in the control array:
// * kDeleted -> kEmpty
// * kEmpty -> kEmpty
// * _ -> kDeleted
// IsValidCapacity(capacity)
// ctrl[capacity] == ctrl_t::kSentinel
// ctrl[i] != ctrl_t::kSentinel for all i < capacity
void ConvertDeletedToEmptyAndFullToDeleted(ctrl_t* ctrl, size_t capacity);
// Converts `n` into the next valid capacity, per `IsValidCapacity`.
inline size_t NormalizeCapacity(size_t n) {
return n ? ~size_t{} >> countl_zero(n) : 1;
// General notes on capacity/growth methods below:
// - We use 7/8th as maximum load factor. For 16-wide groups, that gives an
// average of two empty slots per group.
// - For (capacity+1) >= Group::kWidth, growth is 7/8*capacity.
// - For (capacity+1) < Group::kWidth, growth == capacity. In this case, we
// never need to probe (the whole table fits in one group) so we don't need a
// load factor less than 1.
// Given `capacity`, applies the load factor; i.e., it returns the maximum
// number of values we should put into the table before a resizing rehash.
inline size_t CapacityToGrowth(size_t capacity) {
// `capacity*7/8`
if (Group::kWidth == 8 && capacity == 7) {
// x-x/8 does not work when x==7.
return 6;
return capacity - capacity / 8;
// Given `growth`, "unapplies" the load factor to find how large the capacity
// should be to stay within the load factor.
// This might not be a valid capacity and `NormalizeCapacity()` should be
// called on this.
inline size_t GrowthToLowerboundCapacity(size_t growth) {
// `growth*8/7`
if (Group::kWidth == 8 && growth == 7) {
// x+(x-1)/7 does not work when x==7.
return 8;
return growth + static_cast<size_t>((static_cast<int64_t>(growth) - 1) / 7);
template <class InputIter>
size_t SelectBucketCountForIterRange(InputIter first, InputIter last,
size_t bucket_count) {
if (bucket_count != 0) {
return bucket_count;
using InputIterCategory =
typename std::iterator_traits<InputIter>::iterator_category;
if (std::is_base_of<std::random_access_iterator_tag,
InputIterCategory>::value) {
return GrowthToLowerboundCapacity(
static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(first, last)));
return 0;
#define ABSL_INTERNAL_ASSERT_IS_FULL(ctrl, msg) \
ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT((ctrl != nullptr && IsFull(*ctrl)) && msg)
inline void AssertIsValid(ctrl_t* ctrl) {
(ctrl == nullptr || IsFull(*ctrl)) &&
"Invalid operation on iterator. The element might have "
"been erased, the table might have rehashed, or this may "
"be an end() iterator.");
struct FindInfo {
size_t offset;
size_t probe_length;
// Whether a table is "small". A small table fits entirely into a probing
// group, i.e., has a capacity < `Group::kWidth`.
// In small mode we are able to use the whole capacity. The extra control
// bytes give us at least one "empty" control byte to stop the iteration.
// This is important to make 1 a valid capacity.
// In small mode only the first `capacity` control bytes after the sentinel
// are valid. The rest contain dummy ctrl_t::kEmpty values that do not
// represent a real slot. This is important to take into account on
// `find_first_non_full()`, where we never try
// `ShouldInsertBackwards()` for small tables.
inline bool is_small(size_t capacity) { return capacity < Group::kWidth - 1; }
// Begins a probing operation on `ctrl`, using `hash`.
inline probe_seq<Group::kWidth> probe(const ctrl_t* ctrl, size_t hash,
size_t capacity) {
return probe_seq<Group::kWidth>(H1(hash, ctrl), capacity);
// Probes an array of control bits using a probe sequence derived from `hash`,
// and returns the offset corresponding to the first deleted or empty slot.
// Behavior when the entire table is full is undefined.
// NOTE: this function must work with tables having both empty and deleted
// slots in the same group. Such tables appear during `erase()`.
template <typename = void>
inline FindInfo find_first_non_full(const ctrl_t* ctrl, size_t hash,
size_t capacity) {
auto seq = probe(ctrl, hash, capacity);
while (true) {
Group g{ctrl + seq.offset()};
auto mask = g.MatchEmptyOrDeleted();
if (mask) {
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// We want to add entropy even when ASLR is not enabled.
// In debug build we will randomly insert in either the front or back of
// the group.
// TODO(kfm,sbenza): revisit after we do unconditional mixing
if (!is_small(capacity) && ShouldInsertBackwards(hash, ctrl)) {
return {seq.offset(mask.HighestBitSet()), seq.index()};
return {seq.offset(mask.LowestBitSet()), seq.index()};
assert(seq.index() <= capacity && "full table!");
// Extern template for inline function keep possibility of inlining.
// When compiler decided to not inline, no symbols will be added to the
// corresponding translation unit.
extern template FindInfo find_first_non_full(const ctrl_t*, size_t, size_t);
// Sets `ctrl` to `{kEmpty, kSentinel, ..., kEmpty}`, marking the entire
// array as marked as empty.
inline void ResetCtrl(size_t capacity, ctrl_t* ctrl, const void* slot,
size_t slot_size) {
std::memset(ctrl, static_cast<int8_t>(ctrl_t::kEmpty),
capacity + 1 + NumClonedBytes());
ctrl[capacity] = ctrl_t::kSentinel;
SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion(slot, slot_size * capacity);
// Sets `ctrl[i]` to `h`.
// Unlike setting it directly, this function will perform bounds checks and
// mirror the value to the cloned tail if necessary.
inline void SetCtrl(size_t i, ctrl_t h, size_t capacity, ctrl_t* ctrl,
const void* slot, size_t slot_size) {
assert(i < capacity);
auto* slot_i = static_cast<const char*>(slot) + i * slot_size;
if (IsFull(h)) {
SanitizerUnpoisonMemoryRegion(slot_i, slot_size);
} else {
SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion(slot_i, slot_size);
ctrl[i] = h;
ctrl[((i - NumClonedBytes()) & capacity) + (NumClonedBytes() & capacity)] = h;
// Overload for setting to an occupied `h2_t` rather than a special `ctrl_t`.
inline void SetCtrl(size_t i, h2_t h, size_t capacity, ctrl_t* ctrl,
const void* slot, size_t slot_size) {
SetCtrl(i, static_cast<ctrl_t>(h), capacity, ctrl, slot, slot_size);
// Given the capacity of a table, computes the offset (from the start of the
// backing allocation) at which the slots begin.
inline size_t SlotOffset(size_t capacity, size_t slot_align) {
const size_t num_control_bytes = capacity + 1 + NumClonedBytes();
return (num_control_bytes + slot_align - 1) & (~slot_align + 1);
// Given the capacity of a table, computes the total size of the backing
// array.
inline size_t AllocSize(size_t capacity, size_t slot_size, size_t slot_align) {
return SlotOffset(capacity, slot_align) + capacity * slot_size;
// A SwissTable.
// Policy: a policy defines how to perform different operations on
// the slots of the hashtable (see hash_policy_traits.h for the full interface
// of policy).
// Hash: a (possibly polymorphic) functor that hashes keys of the hashtable. The
// functor should accept a key and return size_t as hash. For best performance
// it is important that the hash function provides high entropy across all bits
// of the hash.
// Eq: a (possibly polymorphic) functor that compares two keys for equality. It
// should accept two (of possibly different type) keys and return a bool: true
// if they are equal, false if they are not. If two keys compare equal, then
// their hash values as defined by Hash MUST be equal.
// Allocator: an Allocator
// [https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/Allocator] with which
// the storage of the hashtable will be allocated and the elements will be
// constructed and destroyed.
template <class Policy, class Hash, class Eq, class Alloc>
class raw_hash_set {
using PolicyTraits = hash_policy_traits<Policy>;
using KeyArgImpl =
KeyArg<IsTransparent<Eq>::value && IsTransparent<Hash>::value>;
using init_type = typename PolicyTraits::init_type;
using key_type = typename PolicyTraits::key_type;
// TODO(sbenza): Hide slot_type as it is an implementation detail. Needs user
// code fixes!
using slot_type = typename PolicyTraits::slot_type;
using allocator_type = Alloc;
using size_type = size_t;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using hasher = Hash;
using key_equal = Eq;
using policy_type = Policy;
using value_type = typename PolicyTraits::value_type;
using reference = value_type&;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
using pointer = typename absl::allocator_traits<
allocator_type>::template rebind_traits<value_type>::pointer;
using const_pointer = typename absl::allocator_traits<
allocator_type>::template rebind_traits<value_type>::const_pointer;
// Alias used for heterogeneous lookup functions.
// `key_arg<K>` evaluates to `K` when the functors are transparent and to
// `key_type` otherwise. It permits template argument deduction on `K` for the
// transparent case.
template <class K>
using key_arg = typename KeyArgImpl::template type<K, key_type>;
// Give an early error when key_type is not hashable/eq.
auto KeyTypeCanBeHashed(const Hash& h, const key_type& k) -> decltype(h(k));
auto KeyTypeCanBeEq(const Eq& eq, const key_type& k) -> decltype(eq(k, k));
using AllocTraits = absl::allocator_traits<allocator_type>;
using SlotAlloc = typename absl::allocator_traits<
allocator_type>::template rebind_alloc<slot_type>;
using SlotAllocTraits = typename absl::allocator_traits<
allocator_type>::template rebind_traits<slot_type>;
"Policy::element() must return a reference");
template <typename T>
struct SameAsElementReference
: std::is_same<typename std::remove_cv<
typename std::remove_reference<reference>::type>::type,
typename std::remove_cv<
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type> {};
// An enabler for insert(T&&): T must be convertible to init_type or be the
// same as [cv] value_type [ref].
// Note: we separate SameAsElementReference into its own type to avoid using
// reference unless we need to. MSVC doesn't seem to like it in some
// cases.
template <class T>
using RequiresInsertable = typename std::enable_if<
absl::disjunction<std::is_convertible<T, init_type>,
// RequiresNotInit is a workaround for gcc prior to 7.1.
// See https://godbolt.org/g/Y4xsUh.
template <class T>
using RequiresNotInit =
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, init_type>::value, int>::type;
template <class... Ts>
using IsDecomposable = IsDecomposable<void, PolicyTraits, Hash, Eq, Ts...>;
static_assert(std::is_same<pointer, value_type*>::value,
"Allocators with custom pointer types are not supported");
static_assert(std::is_same<const_pointer, const value_type*>::value,
"Allocators with custom pointer types are not supported");
class iterator {
friend class raw_hash_set;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = typename raw_hash_set::value_type;
using reference =
const value_type&, value_type&>;
using pointer = absl::remove_reference_t<reference>*;
using difference_type = typename raw_hash_set::difference_type;
iterator() {}
// PRECONDITION: not an end() iterator.
reference operator*() const {
"operator*() called on invalid iterator.");
return PolicyTraits::element(slot_);
// PRECONDITION: not an end() iterator.
pointer operator->() const {
"operator-> called on invalid iterator.");
return &operator*();
// PRECONDITION: not an end() iterator.
iterator& operator++() {
"operator++ called on invalid iterator.");
return *this;
// PRECONDITION: not an end() iterator.
iterator operator++(int) {
auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
friend bool operator==(const iterator& a, const iterator& b) {
return a.ctrl_ == b.ctrl_;
friend bool operator!=(const iterator& a, const iterator& b) {
return !(a == b);
iterator(ctrl_t* ctrl, slot_type* slot) : ctrl_(ctrl), slot_(slot) {
// This assumption helps the compiler know that any non-end iterator is
// not equal to any end iterator.
ABSL_ASSUME(ctrl != nullptr);
// Fixes up `ctrl_` to point to a full by advancing it and `slot_` until
// they reach one.
// If a sentinel is reached, we null both of them out instead.
void skip_empty_or_deleted() {
while (IsEmptyOrDeleted(*ctrl_)) {
uint32_t shift = Group{ctrl_}.CountLeadingEmptyOrDeleted();
ctrl_ += shift;
slot_ += shift;
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(*ctrl_ == ctrl_t::kSentinel)) ctrl_ = nullptr;
ctrl_t* ctrl_ = nullptr;
// To avoid uninitialized member warnings, put slot_ in an anonymous union.
// The member is not initialized on singleton and end iterators.
union {
slot_type* slot_;
class const_iterator {
friend class raw_hash_set;
using iterator_category = typename iterator::iterator_category;
using value_type = typename raw_hash_set::value_type;
using reference = typename raw_hash_set::const_reference;
using pointer = typename raw_hash_set::const_pointer;
using difference_type = typename raw_hash_set::difference_type;
const_iterator() {}
// Implicit construction from iterator.
const_iterator(iterator i) : inner_(std::move(i)) {}
reference operator*() const { return *inner_; }
pointer operator->() const { return inner_.operator->(); }
const_iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
const_iterator operator++(int) { return inner_++; }
friend bool operator==(const const_iterator& a, const const_iterator& b) {
return a.inner_ == b.inner_;
friend bool operator!=(const const_iterator& a, const const_iterator& b) {
return !(a == b);
const_iterator(const ctrl_t* ctrl, const slot_type* slot)
: inner_(const_cast<ctrl_t*>(ctrl), const_cast<slot_type*>(slot)) {}
iterator inner_;
using node_type = node_handle<Policy, hash_policy_traits<Policy>, Alloc>;
using insert_return_type = InsertReturnType<iterator, node_type>;
raw_hash_set() noexcept(
std::is_nothrow_default_constructible<allocator_type>::value) {}
explicit raw_hash_set(size_t bucket_count, const hasher& hash = hasher(),
const key_equal& eq = key_equal(),
const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
: ctrl_(EmptyGroup()),
settings_(0, HashtablezInfoHandle(), hash, eq, alloc) {
if (bucket_count) {
capacity_ = NormalizeCapacity(bucket_count);
raw_hash_set(size_t bucket_count, const hasher& hash,
const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(bucket_count, hash, key_equal(), alloc) {}
raw_hash_set(size_t bucket_count, const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(bucket_count, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
explicit raw_hash_set(const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(0, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
template <class InputIter>
raw_hash_set(InputIter first, InputIter last, size_t bucket_count = 0,
const hasher& hash = hasher(), const key_equal& eq = key_equal(),
const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
: raw_hash_set(SelectBucketCountForIterRange(first, last, bucket_count),
hash, eq, alloc) {
insert(first, last);
template <class InputIter>
raw_hash_set(InputIter first, InputIter last, size_t bucket_count,
const hasher& hash, const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(first, last, bucket_count, hash, key_equal(), alloc) {}
template <class InputIter>
raw_hash_set(InputIter first, InputIter last, size_t bucket_count,
const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(first, last, bucket_count, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
template <class InputIter>
raw_hash_set(InputIter first, InputIter last, const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(first, last, 0, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
// Instead of accepting std::initializer_list<value_type> as the first
// argument like std::unordered_set<value_type> does, we have two overloads
// that accept std::initializer_list<T> and std::initializer_list<init_type>.
// This is advantageous for performance.
// // Turns {"abc", "def"} into std::initializer_list<std::string>, then
// // copies the strings into the set.
// std::unordered_set<std::string> s = {"abc", "def"};
// // Turns {"abc", "def"} into std::initializer_list<const char*>, then
// // copies the strings into the set.
// absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> s = {"abc", "def"};
// The same trick is used in insert().
// The enabler is necessary to prevent this constructor from triggering where
// the copy constructor is meant to be called.
// absl::flat_hash_set<int> a, b{a};
// RequiresNotInit<T> is a workaround for gcc prior to 7.1.
template <class T, RequiresNotInit<T> = 0, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0>
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<T> init, size_t bucket_count = 0,
const hasher& hash = hasher(), const key_equal& eq = key_equal(),
const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
: raw_hash_set(init.begin(), init.end(), bucket_count, hash, eq, alloc) {}
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<init_type> init, size_t bucket_count = 0,
const hasher& hash = hasher(), const key_equal& eq = key_equal(),
const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
: raw_hash_set(init.begin(), init.end(), bucket_count, hash, eq, alloc) {}
template <class T, RequiresNotInit<T> = 0, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0>
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<T> init, size_t bucket_count,
const hasher& hash, const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(init, bucket_count, hash, key_equal(), alloc) {}
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<init_type> init, size_t bucket_count,
const hasher& hash, const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(init, bucket_count, hash, key_equal(), alloc) {}
template <class T, RequiresNotInit<T> = 0, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0>
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<T> init, size_t bucket_count,
const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(init, bucket_count, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<init_type> init, size_t bucket_count,
const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(init, bucket_count, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
template <class T, RequiresNotInit<T> = 0, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0>
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<T> init, const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(init, 0, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
raw_hash_set(std::initializer_list<init_type> init,
const allocator_type& alloc)
: raw_hash_set(init, 0, hasher(), key_equal(), alloc) {}
raw_hash_set(const raw_hash_set& that)
: raw_hash_set(that, AllocTraits::select_on_container_copy_construction(
that.alloc_ref())) {}
raw_hash_set(const raw_hash_set& that, const allocator_type& a)
: raw_hash_set(0, that.hash_ref(), that.eq_ref(), a) {
// Because the table is guaranteed to be empty, we can do something faster
// than a full `insert`.
for (const auto& v : that) {
const size_t hash = PolicyTraits::apply(HashElement{hash_ref()}, v);
auto target = find_first_non_full(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
SetCtrl(target.offset, H2(hash), capacity_, ctrl_, slots_,
emplace_at(target.offset, v);
infoz().RecordInsert(hash, target.probe_length);
size_ = that.size();
growth_left() -= that.size();
raw_hash_set(raw_hash_set&& that) noexcept(
: ctrl_(absl::exchange(that.ctrl_, EmptyGroup())),
slots_(absl::exchange(that.slots_, nullptr)),
size_(absl::exchange(that.size_, 0)),
capacity_(absl::exchange(that.capacity_, 0)),
// Hash, equality and allocator are copied instead of moved because
// `that` must be left valid. If Hash is std::function<Key>, moving it
// would create a nullptr functor that cannot be called.
settings_(absl::exchange(that.growth_left(), 0),
absl::exchange(that.infoz(), HashtablezInfoHandle()),
that.hash_ref(), that.eq_ref(), that.alloc_ref()) {}
raw_hash_set(raw_hash_set&& that, const allocator_type& a)
: ctrl_(EmptyGroup()),
settings_(0, HashtablezInfoHandle(), that.hash_ref(), that.eq_ref(),
a) {
if (a == that.alloc_ref()) {
std::swap(ctrl_, that.ctrl_);
std::swap(slots_, that.slots_);
std::swap(size_, that.size_);
std::swap(capacity_, that.capacity_);
std::swap(growth_left(), that.growth_left());
std::swap(infoz(), that.infoz());
} else {
// Note: this will copy elements of dense_set and unordered_set instead of
// moving them. This can be fixed if it ever becomes an issue.
for (auto& elem : that) insert(std::move(elem));
raw_hash_set& operator=(const raw_hash_set& that) {
raw_hash_set tmp(that,
? that.alloc_ref()
: alloc_ref());
return *this;
raw_hash_set& operator=(raw_hash_set&& that) noexcept(
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<key_equal>::value) {
// TODO(sbenza): We should only use the operations from the noexcept clause
// to make sure we actually adhere to that contract.
return move_assign(
typename AllocTraits::propagate_on_container_move_assignment());
~raw_hash_set() { destroy_slots(); }
iterator begin() {
auto it = iterator_at(0);
return it;
iterator end() { return {}; }
const_iterator begin() const {
return const_cast<raw_hash_set*>(this)->begin();
const_iterator end() const { return {}; }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }
bool empty() const { return !size(); }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
size_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
size_t max_size() const { return (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)(); }
// Iterating over this container is O(bucket_count()). When bucket_count()
// is much greater than size(), iteration becomes prohibitively expensive.
// For clear() it is more important to reuse the allocated array when the
// container is small because allocation takes comparatively long time
// compared to destruction of the elements of the container. So we pick the
// largest bucket_count() threshold for which iteration is still fast and
// past that we simply deallocate the array.
if (capacity_ > 127) {
} else if (capacity_) {
for (size_t i = 0; i != capacity_; ++i) {
if (IsFull(ctrl_[i])) {
PolicyTraits::destroy(&alloc_ref(), slots_ + i);
size_ = 0;
ResetCtrl(capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
infoz().RecordStorageChanged(0, capacity_);
// This overload kicks in when the argument is an rvalue of insertable and
// decomposable type other than init_type.
// flat_hash_map<std::string, int> m;
// m.insert(std::make_pair("abc", 42));
// TODO(cheshire): A type alias T2 is introduced as a workaround for the nvcc
// bug.
template <class T, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0, class T2 = T,
typename std::enable_if<IsDecomposable<T2>::value, int>::type = 0,
T* = nullptr>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(T&& value) {
return emplace(std::forward<T>(value));
// This overload kicks in when the argument is a bitfield or an lvalue of
// insertable and decomposable type.
// union { int n : 1; };
// flat_hash_set<int> s;
// s.insert(n);
// flat_hash_set<std::string> s;
// const char* p = "hello";
// s.insert(p);
// TODO(romanp): Once we stop supporting gcc 5.1 and below, replace
// RequiresInsertable<T> with RequiresInsertable<const T&>.
// We are hitting this bug: https://godbolt.org/g/1Vht4f.
template <
class T, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0,
typename std::enable_if<IsDecomposable<const T&>::value, int>::type = 0>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const T& value) {
return emplace(value);
// This overload kicks in when the argument is an rvalue of init_type. Its
// purpose is to handle brace-init-list arguments.
// flat_hash_map<std::string, int> s;
// s.insert({"abc", 42});
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(init_type&& value) {
return emplace(std::move(value));
// TODO(cheshire): A type alias T2 is introduced as a workaround for the nvcc
// bug.
template <class T, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0, class T2 = T,
typename std::enable_if<IsDecomposable<T2>::value, int>::type = 0,
T* = nullptr>
iterator insert(const_iterator, T&& value) {
return insert(std::forward<T>(value)).first;
// TODO(romanp): Once we stop supporting gcc 5.1 and below, replace
// RequiresInsertable<T> with RequiresInsertable<const T&>.
// We are hitting this bug: https://godbolt.org/g/1Vht4f.
template <
class T, RequiresInsertable<T> = 0,
typename std::enable_if<IsDecomposable<const T&>::value, int>::type = 0>
iterator insert(const_iterator, const T& value) {
return insert(value).first;
iterator insert(const_iterator, init_type&& value) {
return insert(std::move(value)).first;
template <class InputIt>
void insert(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
for (; first != last; ++first) emplace(*first);
template <class T, RequiresNotInit<T> = 0, RequiresInsertable<const T&> = 0>
void insert(std::initializer_list<T> ilist) {
insert(ilist.begin(), ilist.end());
void insert(std::initializer_list<init_type> ilist) {
insert(ilist.begin(), ilist.end());
insert_return_type insert(node_type&& node) {
if (!node) return {end(), false, node_type()};
const auto& elem = PolicyTraits::element(CommonAccess::GetSlot(node));
auto res = PolicyTraits::apply(
InsertSlot<false>{*this, std::move(*CommonAccess::GetSlot(node))},
if (res.second) {
return {res.first, true, node_type()};
} else {
return {res.first, false, std::move(node)};
iterator insert(const_iterator, node_type&& node) {
auto res = insert(std::move(node));
node = std::move(res.node);
return res.position;
// This overload kicks in if we can deduce the key from args. This enables us
// to avoid constructing value_type if an entry with the same key already
// exists.
// For example:
// flat_hash_map<std::string, std::string> m = {{"abc", "def"}};
// // Creates no std::string copies and makes no heap allocations.
// m.emplace("abc", "xyz");
template <class... Args, typename std::enable_if<
IsDecomposable<Args...>::value, int>::type = 0>
std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args&&... args) {
return PolicyTraits::apply(EmplaceDecomposable{*this},
// This overload kicks in if we cannot deduce the key from args. It constructs
// value_type unconditionally and then either moves it into the table or
// destroys.
template <class... Args, typename std::enable_if<
!IsDecomposable<Args...>::value, int>::type = 0>
std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args&&... args) {
alignas(slot_type) unsigned char raw[sizeof(slot_type)];
slot_type* slot = reinterpret_cast<slot_type*>(&raw);
PolicyTraits::construct(&alloc_ref(), slot, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
const auto& elem = PolicyTraits::element(slot);
return PolicyTraits::apply(InsertSlot<true>{*this, std::move(*slot)}, elem);
template <class... Args>
iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator, Args&&... args) {
return emplace(std::forward<Args>(args)...).first;
// Extension API: support for lazy emplace.
// Looks up key in the table. If found, returns the iterator to the element.
// Otherwise calls `f` with one argument of type `raw_hash_set::constructor`.
// `f` must abide by several restrictions:
// - it MUST call `raw_hash_set::constructor` with arguments as if a
// `raw_hash_set::value_type` is constructed,
// - it MUST NOT access the container before the call to
// `raw_hash_set::constructor`, and
// - it MUST NOT erase the lazily emplaced element.
// Doing any of these is undefined behavior.
// For example:
// std::unordered_set<ArenaString> s;
// // Makes ArenaStr even if "abc" is in the map.
// s.insert(ArenaString(&arena, "abc"));
// flat_hash_set<ArenaStr> s;
// // Makes ArenaStr only if "abc" is not in the map.
// s.lazy_emplace("abc", [&](const constructor& ctor) {
// ctor(&arena, "abc");
// });
// WARNING: This API is currently experimental. If there is a way to implement
// the same thing with the rest of the API, prefer that.
class constructor {
friend class raw_hash_set;
template <class... Args>
void operator()(Args&&... args) const {
PolicyTraits::construct(alloc_, *slot_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
*slot_ = nullptr;
constructor(allocator_type* a, slot_type** slot) : alloc_(a), slot_(slot) {}
allocator_type* alloc_;
slot_type** slot_;
template <class K = key_type, class F>
iterator lazy_emplace(const key_arg<K>& key, F&& f) {
auto res = find_or_prepare_insert(key);
if (res.second) {
slot_type* slot = slots_ + res.first;
std::forward<F>(f)(constructor(&alloc_ref(), &slot));
return iterator_at(res.first);
// Extension API: support for heterogeneous keys.
// std::unordered_set<std::string> s;
// // Turns "abc" into std::string.
// s.erase("abc");
// flat_hash_set<std::string> s;
// // Uses "abc" directly without copying it into std::string.
// s.erase("abc");
template <class K = key_type>
size_type erase(const key_arg<K>& key) {
auto it = find(key);
if (it == end()) return 0;
return 1;
// Erases the element pointed to by `it`. Unlike `std::unordered_set::erase`,
// this method returns void to reduce algorithmic complexity to O(1). The
// iterator is invalidated, so any increment should be done before calling
// erase. In order to erase while iterating across a map, use the following
// idiom (which also works for standard containers):
// for (auto it = m.begin(), end = m.end(); it != end;) {
// // `erase()` will invalidate `it`, so advance `it` first.
// auto copy_it = it++;
// if (<pred>) {
// m.erase(copy_it);
// }
// }
void erase(const_iterator cit) { erase(cit.inner_); }
// This overload is necessary because otherwise erase<K>(const K&) would be
// a better match if non-const iterator is passed as an argument.
void erase(iterator it) {
"erase() called on invalid iterator.");
PolicyTraits::destroy(&alloc_ref(), it.slot_);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
while (first != last) {
return last.inner_;
// Moves elements from `src` into `this`.
// If the element already exists in `this`, it is left unmodified in `src`.
template <typename H, typename E>
void merge(raw_hash_set<Policy, H, E, Alloc>& src) { // NOLINT
assert(this != &src);
for (auto it = src.begin(), e = src.end(); it != e;) {
auto next = std::next(it);
if (PolicyTraits::apply(InsertSlot<false>{*this, std::move(*it.slot_)},
.second) {
it = next;
template <typename H, typename E>
void merge(raw_hash_set<Policy, H, E, Alloc>&& src) {
node_type extract(const_iterator position) {
"extract() called on invalid iterator.");
auto node =
CommonAccess::Transfer<node_type>(alloc_ref(), position.inner_.slot_);
return node;
template <
class K = key_type,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<K, iterator>::value, int>::type = 0>
node_type extract(const key_arg<K>& key) {
auto it = find(key);
return it == end() ? node_type() : extract(const_iterator{it});
void swap(raw_hash_set& that) noexcept(
IsNoThrowSwappable<hasher>() && IsNoThrowSwappable<key_equal>() &&
typename AllocTraits::propagate_on_container_swap{})) {
using std::swap;
swap(ctrl_, that.ctrl_);
swap(slots_, that.slots_);
swap(size_, that.size_);
swap(capacity_, that.capacity_);
swap(growth_left(), that.growth_left());
swap(hash_ref(), that.hash_ref());
swap(eq_ref(), that.eq_ref());
swap(infoz(), that.infoz());
SwapAlloc(alloc_ref(), that.alloc_ref(),
typename AllocTraits::propagate_on_container_swap{});
void rehash(size_t n) {
if (n == 0 && capacity_ == 0) return;
if (n == 0 && size_ == 0) {
infoz().RecordStorageChanged(0, 0);
// bitor is a faster way of doing `max` here. We will round up to the next
// power-of-2-minus-1, so bitor is good enough.
auto m = NormalizeCapacity(n | GrowthToLowerboundCapacity(size()));
// n == 0 unconditionally rehashes as per the standard.
if (n == 0 || m > capacity_) {
// This is after resize, to ensure that we have completed the allocation
// and have potentially sampled the hashtable.
void reserve(size_t n) {
if (n > size() + growth_left()) {
size_t m = GrowthToLowerboundCapacity(n);
// This is after resize, to ensure that we have completed the allocation
// and have potentially sampled the hashtable.
// Extension API: support for heterogeneous keys.
// std::unordered_set<std::string> s;
// // Turns "abc" into std::string.
// s.count("abc");
// ch_set<std::string> s;
// // Uses "abc" directly without copying it into std::string.
// s.count("abc");
template <class K = key_type>
size_t count(const key_arg<K>& key) const {
return find(key) == end() ? 0 : 1;
// Issues CPU prefetch instructions for the memory needed to find or insert
// a key. Like all lookup functions, this support heterogeneous keys.
// NOTE: This is a very low level operation and should not be used without
// specific benchmarks indicating its importance.
template <class K = key_type>
void prefetch(const key_arg<K>& key) const {
// Avoid probing if we won't be able to prefetch the addresses received.
auto seq = probe(ctrl_, hash_ref()(key), capacity_);
base_internal::PrefetchT0(ctrl_ + seq.offset());
base_internal::PrefetchT0(slots_ + seq.offset());
// The API of find() has two extensions.
// 1. The hash can be passed by the user. It must be equal to the hash of the
// key.
// 2. The type of the key argument doesn't have to be key_type. This is so
// called heterogeneous key support.
template <class K = key_type>
iterator find(const key_arg<K>& key, size_t hash) {
auto seq = probe(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
while (true) {
Group g{ctrl_ + seq.offset()};
for (uint32_t i : g.Match(H2(hash))) {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(PolicyTraits::apply(
EqualElement<K>{key, eq_ref()},
PolicyTraits::element(slots_ + seq.offset(i)))))
return iterator_at(seq.offset(i));
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(g.MatchEmpty())) return end();
assert(seq.index() <= capacity_ && "full table!");
template <class K = key_type>
iterator find(const key_arg<K>& key) {
return find(key, hash_ref()(key));
template <class K = key_type>
const_iterator find(const key_arg<K>& key, size_t hash) const {
return const_cast<raw_hash_set*>(this)->find(key, hash);
template <class K = key_type>
const_iterator find(const key_arg<K>& key) const {
return find(key, hash_ref()(key));
template <class K = key_type>
bool contains(const key_arg<K>& key) const {
return find(key) != end();
template <class K = key_type>
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_arg<K>& key) {
auto it = find(key);
if (it != end()) return {it, std::next(it)};
return {it, it};
template <class K = key_type>
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(
const key_arg<K>& key) const {
auto it = find(key);
if (it != end()) return {it, std::next(it)};
return {it, it};
size_t bucket_count() const { return capacity_; }
float load_factor() const {
return capacity_ ? static_cast<double>(size()) / capacity_ : 0.0;
float max_load_factor() const { return 1.0f; }
void max_load_factor(float) {
// Does nothing.
hasher hash_function() const { return hash_ref(); }
key_equal key_eq() const { return eq_ref(); }
allocator_type get_allocator() const { return alloc_ref(); }
friend bool operator==(const raw_hash_set& a, const raw_hash_set& b) {
if (a.size() != b.size()) return false;
const raw_hash_set* outer = &a;
const raw_hash_set* inner = &b;
if (outer->capacity() > inner->capacity()) std::swap(outer, inner);
for (const value_type& elem : *outer)
if (!inner->has_element(elem)) return false;
return true;
friend bool operator!=(const raw_hash_set& a, const raw_hash_set& b) {
return !(a == b);
template <typename H>
friend typename std::enable_if<H::template is_hashable<value_type>::value,
AbslHashValue(H h, const raw_hash_set& s) {
return H::combine(H::combine_unordered(std::move(h), s.begin(), s.end()),
friend void swap(raw_hash_set& a,
raw_hash_set& b) noexcept(noexcept(a.swap(b))) {
template <class Container, typename Enabler>
friend struct absl::container_internal::hashtable_debug_internal::
struct FindElement {
template <class K, class... Args>
const_iterator operator()(const K& key, Args&&...) const {
return s.find(key);
const raw_hash_set& s;
struct HashElement {
template <class K, class... Args>
size_t operator()(const K& key, Args&&...) const {
return h(key);
const hasher& h;
template <class K1>
struct EqualElement {
template <class K2, class... Args>
bool operator()(const K2& lhs, Args&&...) const {
return eq(lhs, rhs);
const K1& rhs;
const key_equal& eq;
struct EmplaceDecomposable {
template <class K, class... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> operator()(const K& key, Args&&... args) const {
auto res = s.find_or_prepare_insert(key);
if (res.second) {
s.emplace_at(res.first, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return {s.iterator_at(res.first), res.second};
raw_hash_set& s;
template <bool do_destroy>
struct InsertSlot {
template <class K, class... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> operator()(const K& key, Args&&...) && {
auto res = s.find_or_prepare_insert(key);
if (res.second) {
PolicyTraits::transfer(&s.alloc_ref(), s.slots_ + res.first, &slot);
} else if (do_destroy) {
PolicyTraits::destroy(&s.alloc_ref(), &slot);
return {s.iterator_at(res.first), res.second};
raw_hash_set& s;
// Constructed slot. Either moved into place or destroyed.
slot_type&& slot;
// Erases, but does not destroy, the value pointed to by `it`.
// This merely updates the pertinent control byte. This can be used in
// conjunction with Policy::transfer to move the object to another place.
void erase_meta_only(const_iterator it) {
assert(IsFull(*it.inner_.ctrl_) && "erasing a dangling iterator");
const size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(it.inner_.ctrl_ - ctrl_);
const size_t index_before = (index - Group::kWidth) & capacity_;
const auto empty_after = Group(it.inner_.ctrl_).MatchEmpty();
const auto empty_before = Group(ctrl_ + index_before).MatchEmpty();
// We count how many consecutive non empties we have to the right and to the
// left of `it`. If the sum is >= kWidth then there is at least one probe
// window that might have seen a full group.
bool was_never_full =
empty_before && empty_after &&
static_cast<size_t>(empty_after.TrailingZeros() +
empty_before.LeadingZeros()) < Group::kWidth;
SetCtrl(index, was_never_full ? ctrl_t::kEmpty : ctrl_t::kDeleted,
capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
growth_left() += was_never_full;
// Allocates a backing array for `self` and initializes its control bytes.
// This reads `capacity_` and updates all other fields based on the result of
// the allocation.
// This does not free the currently held array; `capacity_` must be nonzero.
void initialize_slots() {
// Folks with custom allocators often make unwarranted assumptions about the
// behavior of their classes vis-a-vis trivial destructability and what
// calls they will or wont make. Avoid sampling for people with custom
// allocators to get us out of this mess. This is not a hard guarantee but
// a workaround while we plan the exact guarantee we want to provide.
// People are often sloppy with the exact type of their allocator (sometimes
// it has an extra const or is missing the pair, but rebinds made it work
// anyway). To avoid the ambiguity, we work off SlotAlloc which we have
// bound more carefully.
if (std::is_same<SlotAlloc, std::allocator<slot_type>>::value &&
slots_ == nullptr) {
infoz() = Sample(sizeof(slot_type));
char* mem = static_cast<char*>(Allocate<alignof(slot_type)>(
AllocSize(capacity_, sizeof(slot_type), alignof(slot_type))));
ctrl_ = reinterpret_cast<ctrl_t*>(mem);
slots_ = reinterpret_cast<slot_type*>(
mem + SlotOffset(capacity_, alignof(slot_type)));
ResetCtrl(capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
infoz().RecordStorageChanged(size_, capacity_);
// Destroys all slots in the backing array, frees the backing array, and
// clears all top-level book-keeping data.
// This essentially implements `map = raw_hash_set();`.
void destroy_slots() {
if (!capacity_) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i != capacity_; ++i) {
if (IsFull(ctrl_[i])) {
PolicyTraits::destroy(&alloc_ref(), slots_ + i);
// Unpoison before returning the memory to the allocator.
SanitizerUnpoisonMemoryRegion(slots_, sizeof(slot_type) * capacity_);
&alloc_ref(), ctrl_,
AllocSize(capacity_, sizeof(slot_type), alignof(slot_type)));
ctrl_ = EmptyGroup();
slots_ = nullptr;
size_ = 0;
capacity_ = 0;
growth_left() = 0;
void resize(size_t new_capacity) {
auto* old_ctrl = ctrl_;
auto* old_slots = slots_;
const size_t old_capacity = capacity_;
capacity_ = new_capacity;
size_t total_probe_length = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i != old_capacity; ++i) {
if (IsFull(old_ctrl[i])) {
size_t hash = PolicyTraits::apply(HashElement{hash_ref()},
PolicyTraits::element(old_slots + i));
auto target = find_first_non_full(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
size_t new_i = target.offset;
total_probe_length += target.probe_length;
SetCtrl(new_i, H2(hash), capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
PolicyTraits::transfer(&alloc_ref(), slots_ + new_i, old_slots + i);
if (old_capacity) {
sizeof(slot_type) * old_capacity);
&alloc_ref(), old_ctrl,
AllocSize(old_capacity, sizeof(slot_type), alignof(slot_type)));
// Prunes control bytes to remove as many tombstones as possible.
// See the comment on `rehash_and_grow_if_necessary()`.
void drop_deletes_without_resize() ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE {
// Algorithm:
// - mark all DELETED slots as EMPTY
// - mark all FULL slots as DELETED
// - for each slot marked as DELETED
// hash = Hash(element)
// target = find_first_non_full(hash)
// if target is in the same group
// mark slot as FULL
// else if target is EMPTY
// transfer element to target
// mark slot as EMPTY
// mark target as FULL
// else if target is DELETED
// swap current element with target element
// mark target as FULL
// repeat procedure for current slot with moved from element (target)
ConvertDeletedToEmptyAndFullToDeleted(ctrl_, capacity_);
alignas(slot_type) unsigned char raw[sizeof(slot_type)];
size_t total_probe_length = 0;
slot_type* slot = reinterpret_cast<slot_type*>(&raw);
for (size_t i = 0; i != capacity_; ++i) {
if (!IsDeleted(ctrl_[i])) continue;
const size_t hash = PolicyTraits::apply(
HashElement{hash_ref()}, PolicyTraits::element(slots_ + i));
const FindInfo target = find_first_non_full(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
const size_t new_i = target.offset;
total_probe_length += target.probe_length;
// Verify if the old and new i fall within the same group wrt the hash.
// If they do, we don't need to move the object as it falls already in the
// best probe we can.
const size_t probe_offset = probe(ctrl_, hash, capacity_).offset();
const auto probe_index = [probe_offset, this](size_t pos) {
return ((pos - probe_offset) & capacity_) / Group::kWidth;
// Element doesn't move.
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(probe_index(new_i) == probe_index(i))) {
SetCtrl(i, H2(hash), capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
if (IsEmpty(ctrl_[new_i])) {
// Transfer element to the empty spot.
// SetCtrl poisons/unpoisons the slots so we have to call it at the
// right time.
SetCtrl(new_i, H2(hash), capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
PolicyTraits::transfer(&alloc_ref(), slots_ + new_i, slots_ + i);
SetCtrl(i, ctrl_t::kEmpty, capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
} else {
SetCtrl(new_i, H2(hash), capacity_, ctrl_, slots_, sizeof(slot_type));
// Until we are done rehashing, DELETED marks previously FULL slots.
// Swap i and new_i elements.
PolicyTraits::transfer(&alloc_ref(), slot, slots_ + i);
PolicyTraits::transfer(&alloc_ref(), slots_ + i, slots_ + new_i);
PolicyTraits::transfer(&alloc_ref(), slots_ + new_i, slot);
--i; // repeat
// Called whenever the table *might* need to conditionally grow.
// This function is an optimization opportunity to perform a rehash even when
// growth is unnecessary, because vacating tombstones is beneficial for
// performance in the long-run.
void rehash_and_grow_if_necessary() {
if (capacity_ == 0) {
} else if (capacity_ > Group::kWidth &&
// Do these calcuations in 64-bit to avoid overflow.
size() * uint64_t{32} <= capacity_ * uint64_t{25}) {
// Squash DELETED without growing if there is enough capacity.
// Rehash in place if the current size is <= 25/32 of capacity_.
// Rationale for such a high factor: 1) drop_deletes_without_resize() is
// faster than resize, and 2) it takes quite a bit of work to add
// tombstones. In the worst case, seems to take approximately 4
// insert/erase pairs to create a single tombstone and so if we are
// rehashing because of tombstones, we can afford to rehash-in-place as
// long as we are reclaiming at least 1/8 the capacity without doing more
// than 2X the work. (Where "work" is defined to be size() for rehashing
// or rehashing in place, and 1 for an insert or erase.) But rehashing in
// place is faster per operation than inserting or even doubling the size
// of the table, so we actually afford to reclaim even less space from a
// resize-in-place. The decision is to rehash in place if we can reclaim
// at about 1/8th of the usable capacity (specifically 3/28 of the
// capacity) which means that the total cost of rehashing will be a small
// fraction of the total work.
// Here is output of an experiment using the BM_CacheInSteadyState
// benchmark running the old case (where we rehash-in-place only if we can
// reclaim at least 7/16*capacity_) vs. this code (which rehashes in place
// if we can recover 3/32*capacity_).
// Note that although in the worst-case number of rehashes jumped up from
// 15 to 190, but the number of operations per second is almost the same.
// Abridged output of running BM_CacheInSteadyState benchmark from
// raw_hash_set_benchmark. N is the number of insert/erase operations.
// | OLD (recover >= 7/16 | NEW (recover >= 3/32)
// size | N/s LoadFactor NRehashes | N/s LoadFactor NRehashes
// 448 | 145284 0.44 18 | 140118 0.44 19
// 493 | 152546 0.24 11 | 151417 0.48 28
// 538 | 151439 0.26 11 | 151152 0.53 38
// 583 | 151765 0.28 11 | 150572 0.57 50
// 628 | 150241 0.31 11 | 150853 0.61 66
// 672 | 149602 0.33 12 | 150110 0.66 90
// 717 | 149998 0.35 12 | 149531 0.70 129
// 762 | 149836 0.37 13 | 148559 0.74 190
// 807 | 149736 0.39 14 | 151107 0.39 14
// 852 | 150204 0.42 15 | 151019 0.42 15
} else {
// Otherwise grow the container.
resize(capacity_ * 2 + 1);
bool has_element(const value_type& elem) const {
size_t hash = PolicyTraits::apply(HashElement{hash_ref()}, elem);
auto seq = probe(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
while (true) {
Group g{ctrl_ + seq.offset()};
for (uint32_t i : g.Match(H2(hash))) {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(PolicyTraits::element(slots_ + seq.offset(i)) ==
return true;
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(g.MatchEmpty())) return false;
assert(seq.index() <= capacity_ && "full table!");
return false;
// TODO(alkis): Optimize this assuming *this and that don't overlap.
raw_hash_set& move_assign(raw_hash_set&& that, std::true_type) {
raw_hash_set tmp(std::move(that));
return *this;
raw_hash_set& move_assign(raw_hash_set&& that, std::false_type) {
raw_hash_set tmp(std::move(that), alloc_ref());
return *this;
// Attempts to find `key` in the table; if it isn't found, returns a slot that
// the value can be inserted into, with the control byte already set to
// `key`'s H2.
template <class K>
std::pair<size_t, bool> find_or_prepare_insert(const K& key) {
auto hash = hash_ref()(key);
auto seq = probe(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
while (true) {
Group g{ctrl_ + seq.offset()};
for (uint32_t i : g.Match(H2(hash))) {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(PolicyTraits::apply(
EqualElement<K>{key, eq_ref()},
PolicyTraits::element(slots_ + seq.offset(i)))))
return {seq.offset(i), false};
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(g.MatchEmpty())) break;
assert(seq.index() <= capacity_ && "full table!");
return {prepare_insert(hash), true};
// Given the hash of a value not currently in the table, finds the next
// viable slot index to insert it at.
// REQUIRES: At least one non-full slot available.
size_t prepare_insert(size_t hash) ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE {
auto target = find_first_non_full(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(growth_left() == 0 &&
!IsDeleted(ctrl_[target.offset]))) {
target = find_first_non_full(ctrl_, hash, capacity_);
growth_left() -= IsEmpty(ctrl_[target.offset]);
SetCtrl(target.offset, H2(hash), capacity_, ctrl_, slots_,
infoz().RecordInsert(hash, target.probe_length);
return target.offset;
// Constructs the value in the space pointed by the iterator. This only works
// after an unsuccessful find_or_prepare_insert() and before any other
// modifications happen in the raw_hash_set.
// PRECONDITION: i is an index returned from find_or_prepare_insert(k), where
// k is the key decomposed from `forward<Args>(args)...`, and the bool
// returned by find_or_prepare_insert(k) was true.
// POSTCONDITION: *m.iterator_at(i) == value_type(forward<Args>(args)...).
template <class... Args>
void emplace_at(size_t i, Args&&... args) {
PolicyTraits::construct(&alloc_ref(), slots_ + i,
assert(PolicyTraits::apply(FindElement{*this}, *iterator_at(i)) ==
iterator_at(i) &&
"constructed value does not match the lookup key");
iterator iterator_at(size_t i) { return {ctrl_ + i, slots_ + i}; }
const_iterator iterator_at(size_t i) const { return {ctrl_ + i, slots_ + i}; }
friend struct RawHashSetTestOnlyAccess;
void reset_growth_left() {
growth_left() = CapacityToGrowth(capacity()) - size_;
// The number of slots we can still fill without needing to rehash.
// This is stored separately due to tombstones: we do not include tombstones
// in the growth capacity, because we'd like to rehash when the table is
// otherwise filled with tombstones: otherwise, probe sequences might get
// unacceptably long without triggering a rehash. Callers can also force a
// rehash via the standard `rehash(0)`, which will recompute this value as a
// side-effect.
// See `CapacityToGrowth()`.
size_t& growth_left() { return settings_.template get<0>(); }
// Prefetch the heap-allocated memory region to resolve potential TLB misses.
// This is intended to overlap with execution of calculating the hash for a
// key.
void prefetch_heap_block() const {
HashtablezInfoHandle& infoz() { return settings_.template get<1>(); }
hasher& hash_ref() { return settings_.template get<2>(); }
const hasher& hash_ref() const { return settings_.template get<2>(); }
key_equal& eq_ref() { return settings_.template get<3>(); }
const key_equal& eq_ref() const { return settings_.template get<3>(); }
allocator_type& alloc_ref() { return settings_.template get<4>(); }
const allocator_type& alloc_ref() const {
return settings_.template get<4>();
// TODO(alkis): Investigate removing some of these fields:
// - ctrl/slots can be derived from each other
// - size can be moved into the slot array
// The control bytes (and, also, a pointer to the base of the backing array).
// This contains `capacity_ + 1 + NumClonedBytes()` entries, even
// when the table is empty (hence EmptyGroup).
ctrl_t* ctrl_ = EmptyGroup();
// The beginning of the slots, located at `SlotOffset()` bytes after
// `ctrl_`. May be null for empty tables.
slot_type* slots_ = nullptr;
// The number of filled slots.
size_t size_ = 0;
// The total number of available slots.
size_t capacity_ = 0;
absl::container_internal::CompressedTuple<size_t /* growth_left */,
HashtablezInfoHandle, hasher,
key_equal, allocator_type>
settings_{0u, HashtablezInfoHandle{}, hasher{}, key_equal{},
// Erases all elements that satisfy the predicate `pred` from the container `c`.
template <typename P, typename H, typename E, typename A, typename Predicate>
typename raw_hash_set<P, H, E, A>::size_type EraseIf(
Predicate& pred, raw_hash_set<P, H, E, A>* c) {
const auto initial_size = c->size();
for (auto it = c->begin(), last = c->end(); it != last;) {
if (pred(*it)) {
} else {
return initial_size - c->size();
namespace hashtable_debug_internal {
template <typename Set>
struct HashtableDebugAccess<Set, absl::void_t<typename Set::raw_hash_set>> {
using Traits = typename Set::PolicyTraits;
using Slot = typename Traits::slot_type;
static size_t GetNumProbes(const Set& set,
const typename Set::key_type& key) {
size_t num_probes = 0;
size_t hash = set.hash_ref()(key);
auto seq = probe(set.ctrl_, hash, set.capacity_);
while (true) {
container_internal::Group g{set.ctrl_ + seq.offset()};
for (uint32_t i : g.Match(container_internal::H2(hash))) {
if (Traits::apply(
typename Set::template EqualElement<typename Set::key_type>{
key, set.eq_ref()},
Traits::element(set.slots_ + seq.offset(i))))
return num_probes;
if (g.MatchEmpty()) return num_probes;
static size_t AllocatedByteSize(const Set& c) {
size_t capacity = c.capacity_;
if (capacity == 0) return 0;
size_t m = AllocSize(capacity, sizeof(Slot), alignof(Slot));
size_t per_slot = Traits::space_used(static_cast<const Slot*>(nullptr));
if (per_slot != ~size_t{}) {
m += per_slot * c.size();
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i != capacity; ++i) {
if (container_internal::IsFull(c.ctrl_[i])) {
m += Traits::space_used(c.slots_ + i);
return m;
static size_t LowerBoundAllocatedByteSize(size_t size) {
size_t capacity = GrowthToLowerboundCapacity(size);
if (capacity == 0) return 0;
size_t m =
AllocSize(NormalizeCapacity(capacity), sizeof(Slot), alignof(Slot));
size_t per_slot = Traits::space_used(static_cast<const Slot*>(nullptr));
if (per_slot != ~size_t{}) {
m += per_slot * size;
return m;
} // namespace hashtable_debug_internal
} // namespace container_internal
} // namespace absl