@ -94,23 +94,20 @@ namespace absl {
namespace any_internal {
// FastTypeId<Type>() evaluates at compile/link-time to a unique integer for the
// passed in type. Their values are neither contiguous nor small, making them
// unfit for using as an index into a vector, but a good match for keys into
// maps or straight up comparisons.
// Note that on 64-bit (unix) systems size_t is 64-bit while int is 32-bit and
// the compiler will happily and quietly assign such a 64-bit value to a
// 32-bit integer. While a client should never do that it SHOULD still be safe,
// assuming the BSS segment doesn't span more than 4GiB.
template < typename Type >
struct TypeTag {
constexpr static char dummy_var = 0 ;
} ;
template < typename Type >
constexpr char TypeTag < Type > : : dummy_var ;
// FastTypeId<Type>() evaluates at compile/link-time to a unique pointer for the
// passed in type. These are meant to be good match for keys into maps or straight
// up comparisons.
template < typename Type >
inline size_t FastTypeId ( ) {
static_assert ( sizeof ( char * ) < = sizeof ( size_t ) ,
" ptr size too large for size_t " ) ;
// This static variable isn't actually used, only its address, so there are
// no concurrency issues.
static char dummy_var ;
return reinterpret_cast < size_t > ( & dummy_var ) ;
constexpr inline const void * FastTypeId ( ) {
return & TypeTag < Type > : : dummy_var ;
} // namespace any_internal
@ -382,10 +379,20 @@ class any {
public :
virtual ~ ObjInterface ( ) = default ;
virtual std : : unique_ptr < ObjInterface > Clone ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual size_t type_i d( ) const noexcept = 0 ;
virtual const void * ObjTypeI d( ) const noexcept = 0 ;
virtual const std : : type_info & Type ( ) const noexcept = 0 ;
// Note that on 64-bit (unix) systems size_t is 64-bit while int is 32-bit and
// the compiler will happily and quietly assign such a 64-bit value to a
// 32-bit integer. While a client should never do that it SHOULD still be safe,
// assuming the BSS segment doesn't span more than 4GiB.
size_t type_id ( ) const noexcept {
static_assert ( sizeof ( void * ) < = sizeof ( size_t ) ,
" ptr size too large for size_t " ) ;
return reinterpret_cast < size_t > ( ObjTypeId ( ) ) ;
} ;
// Hold a value of some queryable type, with an ability to Clone it.
@ -400,7 +407,7 @@ class any {
return std : : unique_ptr < ObjInterface > ( new Obj ( in_place , value ) ) ;
size_t type_i d( ) const noexcept final { return IdForType < T > ( ) ; }
const void * ObjTypeI d( ) const noexcept final { return IdForType < T > ( ) ; }
const std : : type_info & Type ( ) const noexcept final { return typeid ( T ) ; }
@ -415,7 +422,7 @@ class any {
template < typename T >
static size_t IdForType ( ) {
constexpr static const void * IdForType ( ) {
// Note: This type dance is to make the behavior consistent with typeid.
using NormalizedType =
typename std : : remove_cv < typename std : : remove_reference < T > : : type > : : type ;
@ -423,8 +430,9 @@ class any {
return any_internal : : FastTypeId < NormalizedType > ( ) ;
size_t GetObjTypeId ( ) const {
return obj_ = = nullptr ? any_internal : : FastTypeId < void > ( ) : obj_ - > type_id ( ) ;
const void * GetObjTypeId ( ) const {
return obj_ = = nullptr ? any_internal : : FastTypeId < void > ( )
: obj_ - > ObjTypeId ( ) ;
// `absl::any` nonmember functions //