Changes imported from Abseil "staging" branch:

- 6e88015f26885b66ce9b11696eb9c8d96ef7c0f6 Add ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT to absl::StripPrefix and absl::S... by Mark Barolak <>
  - 47d8de97748da346ad2a962f27389e0380a7a716 Fix missing header include when compiling with _GLIBCXX_D... by Alex Strelnikov <>

GitOrigin-RevId: 6e88015f26885b66ce9b11696eb9c8d96ef7c0f6
Change-Id: I8698c77d9eab81455b209a6bef4bb2d5b32ebd65
Abseil Team 7 years ago committed by Jon Cohen
parent 6365d1744b
commit 0271cd3557
  1. 1
  2. 1
  3. 213
  4. 24
  5. 12
  6. 8

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ cc_library(


@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Thie file provides the IsStrictlyBaseOfAndConvertibleToSTLContainer type
// trait metafunction to assist in working with the _GLIBCXX_DEBUG debug
// wrappers of STL containers.
// DO NOT INCLUDE THIS FILE DIRECTLY. Use this file by including
// absl/strings/str_split.h.
// IWYU pragma: private, include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <deque>
#include <forward_list>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
namespace absl {
namespace strings_internal {
template <typename C, template <typename...> class T>
struct IsSpecializationImpl : std::false_type {};
template <template <typename...> class T, typename... Args>
struct IsSpecializationImpl<T<Args...>, T> : std::true_type {};
template <typename C, template <typename...> class T>
using IsSpecialization = IsSpecializationImpl<absl::decay_t<C>, T>;
template <typename C>
struct IsArrayImpl : std::false_type {};
template <template <typename, size_t> class A, typename T, size_t N>
struct IsArrayImpl<A<T, N>> : std::is_same<A<T, N>, std::array<T, N>> {};
template <typename C>
using IsArray = IsArrayImpl<absl::decay_t<C>>;
template <typename C>
struct IsBitsetImpl : std::false_type {};
template <template <size_t> class B, size_t N>
struct IsBitsetImpl<B<N>> : std::is_same<B<N>, std::bitset<N>> {};
template <typename C>
using IsBitset = IsBitsetImpl<absl::decay_t<C>>;
template <typename C>
struct IsSTLContainer
: absl::disjunction<
IsArray<C>, IsBitset<C>, IsSpecialization<C, std::deque>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::forward_list>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::list>, IsSpecialization<C, std::map>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::multimap>, IsSpecialization<C, std::set>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::multiset>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::unordered_map>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::unordered_multimap>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::unordered_set>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::unordered_multiset>,
IsSpecialization<C, std::vector>> {};
template <typename C, template <typename...> class T, typename = void>
struct IsBaseOfSpecializationImpl : std::false_type {};
// IsBaseOfSpecializationImpl must have three partial specializations,
// because we must only compare templates that take the same number of
// arguments. Otherwise, for example, std::vector can be compared with std::map,
// and fail to compile because of too few or too many template arguments.
// We must also SFINAE on the existence of an allocator_type. Otherwise, we may
// try to compare, for example, a std::pair<std::string, std::string> with a
// std::vector<std::string, std:std::string>. This would fail to compile, because
// of expected properties of the type passed in as the allocator.
template <template <typename, typename> class U,
template <typename, typename> class T, typename... Args>
struct IsBaseOfSpecializationImpl<
U<Args...>, T, absl::void_t<typename U<Args...>::allocator_type>>
: std::is_base_of<U<Args...>, T<Args...>> {};
template <template <typename, typename, typename> class U,
template <typename, typename, typename> class T, typename... Args>
struct IsBaseOfSpecializationImpl<
U<Args...>, T, absl::void_t<typename U<Args...>::allocator_type>>
: std::is_base_of<U<Args...>, T<Args...>> {};
template <template <typename, typename, typename, typename> class U,
template <typename, typename, typename, typename> class T,
typename... Args>
struct IsBaseOfSpecializationImpl<
U<Args...>, T, absl::void_t<typename U<Args...>::allocator_type>>
: std::is_base_of<U<Args...>, T<Args...>> {};
template <typename C, template <typename...> class T>
using IsBaseOfSpecialization = IsBaseOfSpecializationImpl<absl::decay_t<C>, T>;
template <typename C>
struct IsBaseOfArrayImpl : std::false_type {};
template <template <typename, size_t> class A, typename T, size_t N>
struct IsBaseOfArrayImpl<A<T, N>> : std::is_base_of<A<T, N>, std::array<T, N>> {
template <typename C>
using IsBaseOfArray = IsBaseOfArrayImpl<absl::decay_t<C>>;
template <typename C>
struct IsBaseOfBitsetImpl : std::false_type {};
template <template <size_t> class B, size_t N>
struct IsBaseOfBitsetImpl<B<N>> : std::is_base_of<B<N>, std::bitset<N>> {};
template <typename C>
using IsBaseOfBitset = IsBaseOfBitsetImpl<absl::decay_t<C>>;
template <typename C>
struct IsBaseOfSTLContainer
: absl::disjunction<IsBaseOfArray<C>, IsBaseOfBitset<C>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::deque>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::forward_list>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::list>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::map>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::multimap>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::set>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::multiset>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::unordered_map>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::unordered_multimap>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::unordered_set>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::unordered_multiset>,
IsBaseOfSpecialization<C, std::vector>> {};
template <typename C, template <typename...> class T, typename = void>
struct IsConvertibleToSpecializationImpl : std::false_type {};
// IsConvertibleToSpecializationImpl must have three partial specializations,
// because we must only compare templates that take the same number of
// arguments. Otherwise, for example, std::vector can be compared with std::map,
// and fail to compile because of too few or too many template arguments.
// We must also SFINAE on the existence of an allocator_type. Otherwise, we may
// try to compare, for example, a std::pair<std::string, std::string> with a
// std::vector<std::string, std:std::string>. This would fail to compile, because
// of expected properties of the type passed in as the allocator.
template <template <typename, typename> class U,
template <typename, typename> class T, typename... Args>
struct IsConvertibleToSpecializationImpl<
U<Args...>, T, absl::void_t<typename U<Args...>::allocator_type>>
: std::is_convertible<U<Args...>, T<Args...>> {};
template <template <typename, typename, typename> class U,
template <typename, typename, typename> class T, typename... Args>
struct IsConvertibleToSpecializationImpl<
U<Args...>, T, absl::void_t<typename U<Args...>::allocator_type>>
: std::is_convertible<U<Args...>, T<Args...>> {};
template <template <typename, typename, typename, typename> class U,
template <typename, typename, typename, typename> class T,
typename... Args>
struct IsConvertibleToSpecializationImpl<
U<Args...>, T, absl::void_t<typename U<Args...>::allocator_type>>
: std::is_convertible<U<Args...>, T<Args...>> {};
template <typename C, template <typename...> class T>
using IsConvertibleToSpecialization =
IsConvertibleToSpecializationImpl<absl::decay_t<C>, T>;
template <typename C>
struct IsConvertibleToArrayImpl : std::false_type {};
template <template <typename, size_t> class A, typename T, size_t N>
struct IsConvertibleToArrayImpl<A<T, N>>
: std::is_convertible<A<T, N>, std::array<T, N>> {};
template <typename C>
using IsConvertibleToArray = IsConvertibleToArrayImpl<absl::decay_t<C>>;
template <typename C>
struct IsConvertibleToBitsetImpl : std::false_type {};
template <template <size_t> class B, size_t N>
struct IsConvertibleToBitsetImpl<B<N>>
: std::is_convertible<B<N>, std::bitset<N>> {};
template <typename C>
using IsConvertibleToBitset = IsConvertibleToBitsetImpl<absl::decay_t<C>>;
template <typename C>
struct IsConvertibleToSTLContainer
: absl::disjunction<
IsConvertibleToArray<C>, IsConvertibleToBitset<C>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::deque>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::forward_list>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::list>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::map>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::multimap>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::set>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::multiset>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::unordered_map>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::unordered_multimap>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::unordered_set>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::unordered_multiset>,
IsConvertibleToSpecialization<C, std::vector>> {};
template <typename C>
struct IsStrictlyBaseOfAndConvertibleToSTLContainer
: absl::conjunction<absl::negation<IsSTLContainer<C>>,
IsConvertibleToSTLContainer<C>> {};
} // namespace strings_internal
} // namespace absl

@ -29,10 +29,6 @@
#include <glibcxx_debug_traits.h>
#endif // _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
#include <array>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
@ -46,15 +42,13 @@
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
namespace absl {
namespace strings_internal {
using ::glibcxx_debug_traits::IsStrictlyDebugWrapperBase;
template <typename T> struct IsStrictlyDebugWrapperBase : std::false_type {};
#include "absl/strings/internal/stl_type_traits.h"
#endif // _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
namespace absl {
namespace strings_internal {
// This class is implicitly constructible from everything that absl::string_view
// is implicitly constructible from. If it's constructed from a temporary
// std::string, the data is moved into a data member so its lifetime matches that of
@ -237,10 +231,12 @@ struct IsInitializerList
template <typename C>
struct SplitterIsConvertibleTo
: std::enable_if<
!IsStrictlyDebugWrapperBase<C>::value &&
!IsInitializerList<C>::value &&
HasValueType<C>::value &&
HasConstIterator<C>::value> {};
!IsStrictlyBaseOfAndConvertibleToSTLContainer<C>::value &&
#endif // _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
!IsInitializerList<C>::value && HasValueType<C>::value &&
HasConstIterator<C>::value> {
// This class implements the range that is returned by absl::StrSplit(). This
// class has templated conversion operators that allow it to be implicitly

@ -165,6 +165,18 @@ TEST(Split, APIExamples) {
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("abc", "def", "g"));
// Different forms of initialization / conversion.
std::vector<std::string> v1 = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v1, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
std::vector<std::string> v2(absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ','));
EXPECT_THAT(v2, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
auto v3 = std::vector<std::string>(absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ','));
EXPECT_THAT(v3, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
v3 = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v3, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Results stored in a std::map.
std::map<std::string, std::string> m = absl::StrSplit("a,1,b,2,a,3", ',');

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ inline bool ConsumeSuffix(absl::string_view* str, absl::string_view expected) {
// Returns a view into the input std::string 'str' with the given 'prefix' removed,
// but leaving the original std::string intact. If the prefix does not match at the
// start of the std::string, returns the original std::string instead.
inline absl::string_view StripPrefix(absl::string_view str,
absl::string_view prefix) {
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT inline absl::string_view StripPrefix(
absl::string_view str, absl::string_view prefix) {
if (absl::StartsWith(str, prefix)) str.remove_prefix(prefix.size());
return str;
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ inline absl::string_view StripPrefix(absl::string_view str,
// Returns a view into the input std::string 'str' with the given 'suffix' removed,
// but leaving the original std::string intact. If the suffix does not match at the
// end of the std::string, returns the original std::string instead.
inline absl::string_view StripSuffix(absl::string_view str,
absl::string_view suffix) {
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT inline absl::string_view StripSuffix(
absl::string_view str, absl::string_view suffix) {
if (absl::EndsWith(str, suffix)) str.remove_suffix(suffix.size());
return str;
