// Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
namespace absl {
namespace inlined_vector_internal {
// GCC does not deal very well with the below code
#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
template <typename A>
using AllocatorTraits = std::allocator_traits<A>;
template <typename A>
using ValueType = typename AllocatorTraits<A>::value_type;
template <typename A>
using SizeType = typename AllocatorTraits<A>::size_type;
template <typename A>
using Pointer = typename AllocatorTraits<A>::pointer;
template <typename A>
using ConstPointer = typename AllocatorTraits<A>::const_pointer;
template <typename A>
using SizeType = typename AllocatorTraits<A>::size_type;
template <typename A>
using DifferenceType = typename AllocatorTraits<A>::difference_type;
template <typename A>
using Reference = ValueType<A>&;
template <typename A>
using ConstReference = const ValueType<A>&;
template <typename A>
using Iterator = Pointer<A>;
template <typename A>
using ConstIterator = ConstPointer<A>;
template <typename A>
using ReverseIterator = typename std::reverse_iterator<Iterator<A>>;
template <typename A>
using ConstReverseIterator = typename std::reverse_iterator<ConstIterator<A>>;
template <typename A>
using MoveIterator = typename std::move_iterator<Iterator<A>>;
template <typename Iterator>
using IsAtLeastForwardIterator = std::is_convertible<
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category,
template <typename A>
using IsMemcpyOk =
absl::conjunction<std::is_same<A, std::allocator<ValueType<A>>>,
template <typename A>
using IsMoveAssignOk = std::is_move_assignable<ValueType<A>>;
template <typename T>
struct TypeIdentity {
using type = T;
// Used for function arguments in template functions to prevent ADL by forcing
// callers to explicitly specify the template parameter.
template <typename T>
using NoTypeDeduction = typename TypeIdentity<T>::type;
template <typename A, bool IsTriviallyDestructible =
struct DestroyAdapter;
template <typename A>
struct DestroyAdapter<A, /* IsTriviallyDestructible */ false> {
static void DestroyElements(A& allocator, Pointer<A> destroy_first,
SizeType<A> destroy_size) {
for (SizeType<A> i = destroy_size; i != 0;) {
AllocatorTraits<A>::destroy(allocator, destroy_first + i);
template <typename A>
struct DestroyAdapter<A, /* IsTriviallyDestructible */ true> {
static void DestroyElements(A& allocator, Pointer<A> destroy_first,
SizeType<A> destroy_size) {
template <typename A>
struct Allocation {
Pointer<A> data;
SizeType<A> capacity;
template <typename A,
bool IsOverAligned =
struct MallocAdapter {
static Allocation<A> Allocate(A& allocator, SizeType<A> requested_capacity) {
return {AllocatorTraits<A>::allocate(allocator, requested_capacity),
static void Deallocate(A& allocator, Pointer<A> pointer,
SizeType<A> capacity) {
AllocatorTraits<A>::deallocate(allocator, pointer, capacity);
template <typename A, typename ValueAdapter>
void ConstructElements(NoTypeDeduction<A>& allocator,
Pointer<A> construct_first, ValueAdapter& values,
SizeType<A> construct_size) {
for (SizeType<A> i = 0; i < construct_size; ++i) {
ABSL_INTERNAL_TRY { values.ConstructNext(allocator, construct_first + i); }
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(allocator, construct_first, i);
template <typename A, typename ValueAdapter>
void AssignElements(Pointer<A> assign_first, ValueAdapter& values,
SizeType<A> assign_size) {
for (SizeType<A> i = 0; i < assign_size; ++i) {
values.AssignNext(assign_first + i);
template <typename A>
struct StorageView {
Pointer<A> data;
SizeType<A> size;
SizeType<A> capacity;
template <typename A, typename Iterator>
class IteratorValueAdapter {
explicit IteratorValueAdapter(const Iterator& it) : it_(it) {}
void ConstructNext(A& allocator, Pointer<A> construct_at) {
AllocatorTraits<A>::construct(allocator, construct_at, *it_);
void AssignNext(Pointer<A> assign_at) {
*assign_at = *it_;
Iterator it_;
template <typename A>
class CopyValueAdapter {
explicit CopyValueAdapter(ConstPointer<A> p) : ptr_(p) {}
void ConstructNext(A& allocator, Pointer<A> construct_at) {
AllocatorTraits<A>::construct(allocator, construct_at, *ptr_);
void AssignNext(Pointer<A> assign_at) { *assign_at = *ptr_; }
ConstPointer<A> ptr_;
template <typename A>
class DefaultValueAdapter {
explicit DefaultValueAdapter() {}
void ConstructNext(A& allocator, Pointer<A> construct_at) {
AllocatorTraits<A>::construct(allocator, construct_at);
void AssignNext(Pointer<A> assign_at) { *assign_at = ValueType<A>(); }
template <typename A>
class AllocationTransaction {
explicit AllocationTransaction(A& allocator)
: allocator_data_(allocator, nullptr), capacity_(0) {}
~AllocationTransaction() {
if (DidAllocate()) {
MallocAdapter<A>::Deallocate(GetAllocator(), GetData(), GetCapacity());
AllocationTransaction(const AllocationTransaction&) = delete;
void operator=(const AllocationTransaction&) = delete;
A& GetAllocator() { return allocator_data_.template get<0>(); }
Pointer<A>& GetData() { return allocator_data_.template get<1>(); }
SizeType<A>& GetCapacity() { return capacity_; }
bool DidAllocate() { return GetData() != nullptr; }
Pointer<A> Allocate(SizeType<A> requested_capacity) {
Allocation<A> result =
MallocAdapter<A>::Allocate(GetAllocator(), requested_capacity);
GetData() = result.data;
GetCapacity() = result.capacity;
return result.data;
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT Allocation<A> Release() && {
Allocation<A> result = {GetData(), GetCapacity()};
return result;
void Reset() {
GetData() = nullptr;
GetCapacity() = 0;
container_internal::CompressedTuple<A, Pointer<A>> allocator_data_;
SizeType<A> capacity_;
template <typename A>
class ConstructionTransaction {
explicit ConstructionTransaction(A& allocator)
: allocator_data_(allocator, nullptr), size_(0) {}
~ConstructionTransaction() {
if (DidConstruct()) {
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(GetAllocator(), GetData(), GetSize());
ConstructionTransaction(const ConstructionTransaction&) = delete;
void operator=(const ConstructionTransaction&) = delete;
A& GetAllocator() { return allocator_data_.template get<0>(); }
Pointer<A>& GetData() { return allocator_data_.template get<1>(); }
SizeType<A>& GetSize() { return size_; }
bool DidConstruct() { return GetData() != nullptr; }
template <typename ValueAdapter>
void Construct(Pointer<A> data, ValueAdapter& values, SizeType<A> size) {
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), data, values, size);
GetData() = data;
GetSize() = size;
void Commit() && {
GetData() = nullptr;
GetSize() = 0;
container_internal::CompressedTuple<A, Pointer<A>> allocator_data_;
SizeType<A> size_;
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
class Storage {
static SizeType<A> NextCapacity(SizeType<A> current_capacity) {
return current_capacity * 2;
static SizeType<A> ComputeCapacity(SizeType<A> current_capacity,
SizeType<A> requested_capacity) {
return (std::max)(NextCapacity(current_capacity), requested_capacity);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage Constructors and Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Storage() : metadata_(A(), /* size and is_allocated */ 0u) {}
explicit Storage(const A& allocator)
: metadata_(allocator, /* size and is_allocated */ 0u) {}
~Storage() {
if (GetSizeAndIsAllocated() == 0) {
// Empty and not allocated; nothing to do.
} else if (IsMemcpyOk<A>::value) {
// No destructors need to be run; just deallocate if necessary.
} else {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage Member Accessors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SizeType<A>& GetSizeAndIsAllocated() { return metadata_.template get<1>(); }
const SizeType<A>& GetSizeAndIsAllocated() const {
return metadata_.template get<1>();
SizeType<A> GetSize() const { return GetSizeAndIsAllocated() >> 1; }
bool GetIsAllocated() const { return GetSizeAndIsAllocated() & 1; }
Pointer<A> GetAllocatedData() { return data_.allocated.allocated_data; }
ConstPointer<A> GetAllocatedData() const {
return data_.allocated.allocated_data;
Pointer<A> GetInlinedData() {
return reinterpret_cast<Pointer<A>>(
ConstPointer<A> GetInlinedData() const {
return reinterpret_cast<ConstPointer<A>>(
SizeType<A> GetAllocatedCapacity() const {
return data_.allocated.allocated_capacity;
SizeType<A> GetInlinedCapacity() const { return static_cast<SizeType<A>>(N); }
StorageView<A> MakeStorageView() {
return GetIsAllocated() ? StorageView<A>{GetAllocatedData(), GetSize(),
: StorageView<A>{GetInlinedData(), GetSize(),
A& GetAllocator() { return metadata_.template get<0>(); }
const A& GetAllocator() const { return metadata_.template get<0>(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Storage Member Mutators
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void InitFrom(const Storage& other);
template <typename ValueAdapter>
void Initialize(ValueAdapter values, SizeType<A> new_size);
template <typename ValueAdapter>
void Assign(ValueAdapter values, SizeType<A> new_size);
template <typename ValueAdapter>
void Resize(ValueAdapter values, SizeType<A> new_size);
template <typename ValueAdapter>
Iterator<A> Insert(ConstIterator<A> pos, ValueAdapter values,
SizeType<A> insert_count);
template <typename... Args>
Reference<A> EmplaceBack(Args&&... args);
Iterator<A> Erase(ConstIterator<A> from, ConstIterator<A> to);
void Reserve(SizeType<A> requested_capacity);
void ShrinkToFit();
void Swap(Storage* other_storage_ptr);
void SetIsAllocated() {
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() |= static_cast<SizeType<A>>(1);
void UnsetIsAllocated() {
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() &= ((std::numeric_limits<SizeType<A>>::max)() - 1);
void SetSize(SizeType<A> size) {
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() =
(size << 1) | static_cast<SizeType<A>>(GetIsAllocated());
void SetAllocatedSize(SizeType<A> size) {
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() = (size << 1) | static_cast<SizeType<A>>(1);
void SetInlinedSize(SizeType<A> size) {
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() = size << static_cast<SizeType<A>>(1);
void AddSize(SizeType<A> count) {
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() += count << static_cast<SizeType<A>>(1);
void SubtractSize(SizeType<A> count) {
Export of internal Abseil changes
83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Revert the crc addition to RefcountAndFlags, and restore related comments to their original state.
In development, the implementation of SetExpectedCrc() changed, and there is no longer a need to track the CRC status in the refcount.
Since the distinction between IsOne() and IsMutable() is subtle *and unused*, removing it now can help avoid subtle bugs in the future. This distinction can always be added back later, if it proves necessary.
Keep the reserved bit for now; all it costs is one extra mask instruction in the refcount checks, and space for extra state in Cord is always hard to find.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408647038
ee67585cf66954176615271f50f8b278119dd138 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement Cord::SetExpectedChecksum() and Cord::ExpectedChecksum().
SetExpectedChecksum() will store a uint32_t out-of-band alongside a Cord's data. This value persists through copies and assignments. Mutating operations on a Cord cause the value to be forgotten. ExpectedChecksum() retrieves the stored value, if present.
This API is intended for storing a CRC32C checksum alongside data, allowing checksums to be passed through dataflows and validated at the final step. However, this API is agnostic to the meaning of the stored value. No CRC32C validation is performed by these new APIs.
This implementation adds a new CordRep node, CordRepCrc. A CordRepCrc may (currently) only live at the top of a tree. This allows traversal logic to be agnostic to these nodes, instead putting the needed branches at the mutation level. This also implements the property requested from API review, that any mutation is guaranteed to permanently forget the stored CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408611221
a86f592402b37c854ebdc77d2b9b425451a7a675 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Move 'ExtractResult' into CordRep
The result of an extract operation is logically identical for any tree implementation, and having a single type makes 'tree independent' implementation in cord.cc more concise.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408332408
baa7647e21db59a87f75af9cac62172ce38a0f71 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Replace usages of `assert` macros with `ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408272133
c7658133d8662c39fa5035fc93a364c7c3d327e0 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepBtree::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407944179
5775100363b5890ebfe710fadebf040445eab991 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepConcat::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407932968
9f520ba1600a93352c78f644a369c7c76195ee86 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Add cordz tracking for crc nodes.
This also adds a new kSetExpectedChecksum method to the list of tracked methods. This is presently unused but will be used soon.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407884120
GitOrigin-RevId: 83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6
Change-Id: I134ace2d87215813eaa60a282996a33884676c06
3 years ago
ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(count <= GetSize());
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() -= count << static_cast<SizeType<A>>(1);
void SetAllocation(Allocation<A> allocation) {
data_.allocated.allocated_data = allocation.data;
data_.allocated.allocated_capacity = allocation.capacity;
void MemcpyFrom(const Storage& other_storage) {
Export of internal Abseil changes
83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Revert the crc addition to RefcountAndFlags, and restore related comments to their original state.
In development, the implementation of SetExpectedCrc() changed, and there is no longer a need to track the CRC status in the refcount.
Since the distinction between IsOne() and IsMutable() is subtle *and unused*, removing it now can help avoid subtle bugs in the future. This distinction can always be added back later, if it proves necessary.
Keep the reserved bit for now; all it costs is one extra mask instruction in the refcount checks, and space for extra state in Cord is always hard to find.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408647038
ee67585cf66954176615271f50f8b278119dd138 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement Cord::SetExpectedChecksum() and Cord::ExpectedChecksum().
SetExpectedChecksum() will store a uint32_t out-of-band alongside a Cord's data. This value persists through copies and assignments. Mutating operations on a Cord cause the value to be forgotten. ExpectedChecksum() retrieves the stored value, if present.
This API is intended for storing a CRC32C checksum alongside data, allowing checksums to be passed through dataflows and validated at the final step. However, this API is agnostic to the meaning of the stored value. No CRC32C validation is performed by these new APIs.
This implementation adds a new CordRep node, CordRepCrc. A CordRepCrc may (currently) only live at the top of a tree. This allows traversal logic to be agnostic to these nodes, instead putting the needed branches at the mutation level. This also implements the property requested from API review, that any mutation is guaranteed to permanently forget the stored CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408611221
a86f592402b37c854ebdc77d2b9b425451a7a675 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Move 'ExtractResult' into CordRep
The result of an extract operation is logically identical for any tree implementation, and having a single type makes 'tree independent' implementation in cord.cc more concise.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408332408
baa7647e21db59a87f75af9cac62172ce38a0f71 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Replace usages of `assert` macros with `ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408272133
c7658133d8662c39fa5035fc93a364c7c3d327e0 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepBtree::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407944179
5775100363b5890ebfe710fadebf040445eab991 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepConcat::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407932968
9f520ba1600a93352c78f644a369c7c76195ee86 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Add cordz tracking for crc nodes.
This also adds a new kSetExpectedChecksum method to the list of tracked methods. This is presently unused but will be used soon.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407884120
GitOrigin-RevId: 83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6
Change-Id: I134ace2d87215813eaa60a282996a33884676c06
3 years ago
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() = other_storage.GetSizeAndIsAllocated();
data_ = other_storage.data_;
void DeallocateIfAllocated() {
if (GetIsAllocated()) {
MallocAdapter<A>::Deallocate(GetAllocator(), GetAllocatedData(),
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void DestroyContents();
using Metadata = container_internal::CompressedTuple<A, SizeType<A>>;
struct Allocated {
Pointer<A> allocated_data;
SizeType<A> allocated_capacity;
struct Inlined {
alignas(ValueType<A>) char inlined_data[sizeof(ValueType<A>[N])];
union Data {
Allocated allocated;
Inlined inlined;
template <typename... Args>
ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE Reference<A> EmplaceBackSlow(Args&&... args);
Metadata metadata_;
Data data_;
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
void Storage<T, N, A>::DestroyContents() {
Pointer<A> data = GetIsAllocated() ? GetAllocatedData() : GetInlinedData();
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(GetAllocator(), data, GetSize());
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
void Storage<T, N, A>::InitFrom(const Storage& other) {
const SizeType<A> n = other.GetSize();
Export of internal Abseil changes
83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Revert the crc addition to RefcountAndFlags, and restore related comments to their original state.
In development, the implementation of SetExpectedCrc() changed, and there is no longer a need to track the CRC status in the refcount.
Since the distinction between IsOne() and IsMutable() is subtle *and unused*, removing it now can help avoid subtle bugs in the future. This distinction can always be added back later, if it proves necessary.
Keep the reserved bit for now; all it costs is one extra mask instruction in the refcount checks, and space for extra state in Cord is always hard to find.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408647038
ee67585cf66954176615271f50f8b278119dd138 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement Cord::SetExpectedChecksum() and Cord::ExpectedChecksum().
SetExpectedChecksum() will store a uint32_t out-of-band alongside a Cord's data. This value persists through copies and assignments. Mutating operations on a Cord cause the value to be forgotten. ExpectedChecksum() retrieves the stored value, if present.
This API is intended for storing a CRC32C checksum alongside data, allowing checksums to be passed through dataflows and validated at the final step. However, this API is agnostic to the meaning of the stored value. No CRC32C validation is performed by these new APIs.
This implementation adds a new CordRep node, CordRepCrc. A CordRepCrc may (currently) only live at the top of a tree. This allows traversal logic to be agnostic to these nodes, instead putting the needed branches at the mutation level. This also implements the property requested from API review, that any mutation is guaranteed to permanently forget the stored CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408611221
a86f592402b37c854ebdc77d2b9b425451a7a675 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Move 'ExtractResult' into CordRep
The result of an extract operation is logically identical for any tree implementation, and having a single type makes 'tree independent' implementation in cord.cc more concise.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408332408
baa7647e21db59a87f75af9cac62172ce38a0f71 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Replace usages of `assert` macros with `ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408272133
c7658133d8662c39fa5035fc93a364c7c3d327e0 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepBtree::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407944179
5775100363b5890ebfe710fadebf040445eab991 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepConcat::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407932968
9f520ba1600a93352c78f644a369c7c76195ee86 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Add cordz tracking for crc nodes.
This also adds a new kSetExpectedChecksum method to the list of tracked methods. This is presently unused but will be used soon.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407884120
GitOrigin-RevId: 83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6
Change-Id: I134ace2d87215813eaa60a282996a33884676c06
3 years ago
ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(n > 0); // Empty sources handled handled in caller.
ConstPointer<A> src;
Pointer<A> dst;
if (!other.GetIsAllocated()) {
dst = GetInlinedData();
src = other.GetInlinedData();
} else {
// Because this is only called from the `InlinedVector` constructors, it's
// safe to take on the allocation with size `0`. If `ConstructElements(...)`
// throws, deallocation will be automatically handled by `~Storage()`.
SizeType<A> requested_capacity = ComputeCapacity(GetInlinedCapacity(), n);
Allocation<A> allocation =
MallocAdapter<A>::Allocate(GetAllocator(), requested_capacity);
dst = allocation.data;
src = other.GetAllocatedData();
if (IsMemcpyOk<A>::value) {
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(src), n * sizeof(ValueType<A>));
} else {
auto values = IteratorValueAdapter<A, ConstPointer<A>>(src);
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), dst, values, n);
GetSizeAndIsAllocated() = other.GetSizeAndIsAllocated();
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
template <typename ValueAdapter>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::Initialize(ValueAdapter values, SizeType<A> new_size)
-> void {
// Only callable from constructors!
Export of internal Abseil changes
83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Revert the crc addition to RefcountAndFlags, and restore related comments to their original state.
In development, the implementation of SetExpectedCrc() changed, and there is no longer a need to track the CRC status in the refcount.
Since the distinction between IsOne() and IsMutable() is subtle *and unused*, removing it now can help avoid subtle bugs in the future. This distinction can always be added back later, if it proves necessary.
Keep the reserved bit for now; all it costs is one extra mask instruction in the refcount checks, and space for extra state in Cord is always hard to find.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408647038
ee67585cf66954176615271f50f8b278119dd138 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement Cord::SetExpectedChecksum() and Cord::ExpectedChecksum().
SetExpectedChecksum() will store a uint32_t out-of-band alongside a Cord's data. This value persists through copies and assignments. Mutating operations on a Cord cause the value to be forgotten. ExpectedChecksum() retrieves the stored value, if present.
This API is intended for storing a CRC32C checksum alongside data, allowing checksums to be passed through dataflows and validated at the final step. However, this API is agnostic to the meaning of the stored value. No CRC32C validation is performed by these new APIs.
This implementation adds a new CordRep node, CordRepCrc. A CordRepCrc may (currently) only live at the top of a tree. This allows traversal logic to be agnostic to these nodes, instead putting the needed branches at the mutation level. This also implements the property requested from API review, that any mutation is guaranteed to permanently forget the stored CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408611221
a86f592402b37c854ebdc77d2b9b425451a7a675 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Move 'ExtractResult' into CordRep
The result of an extract operation is logically identical for any tree implementation, and having a single type makes 'tree independent' implementation in cord.cc more concise.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408332408
baa7647e21db59a87f75af9cac62172ce38a0f71 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Replace usages of `assert` macros with `ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408272133
c7658133d8662c39fa5035fc93a364c7c3d327e0 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepBtree::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407944179
5775100363b5890ebfe710fadebf040445eab991 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepConcat::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407932968
9f520ba1600a93352c78f644a369c7c76195ee86 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Add cordz tracking for crc nodes.
This also adds a new kSetExpectedChecksum method to the list of tracked methods. This is presently unused but will be used soon.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407884120
GitOrigin-RevId: 83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6
Change-Id: I134ace2d87215813eaa60a282996a33884676c06
3 years ago
Pointer<A> construct_data;
if (new_size > GetInlinedCapacity()) {
// Because this is only called from the `InlinedVector` constructors, it's
// safe to take on the allocation with size `0`. If `ConstructElements(...)`
// throws, deallocation will be automatically handled by `~Storage()`.
SizeType<A> requested_capacity =
ComputeCapacity(GetInlinedCapacity(), new_size);
Allocation<A> allocation =
MallocAdapter<A>::Allocate(GetAllocator(), requested_capacity);
construct_data = allocation.data;
} else {
construct_data = GetInlinedData();
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), construct_data, values, new_size);
// Since the initial size was guaranteed to be `0` and the allocated bit is
// already correct for either case, *adding* `new_size` gives us the correct
// result faster than setting it directly.
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
template <typename ValueAdapter>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::Assign(ValueAdapter values, SizeType<A> new_size)
-> void {
StorageView<A> storage_view = MakeStorageView();
AllocationTransaction<A> allocation_tx(GetAllocator());
absl::Span<ValueType<A>> assign_loop;
absl::Span<ValueType<A>> construct_loop;
absl::Span<ValueType<A>> destroy_loop;
if (new_size > storage_view.capacity) {
SizeType<A> requested_capacity =
ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, new_size);
construct_loop = {allocation_tx.Allocate(requested_capacity), new_size};
destroy_loop = {storage_view.data, storage_view.size};
} else if (new_size > storage_view.size) {
assign_loop = {storage_view.data, storage_view.size};
construct_loop = {storage_view.data + storage_view.size,
new_size - storage_view.size};
} else {
assign_loop = {storage_view.data, new_size};
destroy_loop = {storage_view.data + new_size, storage_view.size - new_size};
AssignElements<A>(assign_loop.data(), values, assign_loop.size());
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), construct_loop.data(), values,
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(GetAllocator(), destroy_loop.data(),
if (allocation_tx.DidAllocate()) {
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
template <typename ValueAdapter>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::Resize(ValueAdapter values, SizeType<A> new_size)
-> void {
StorageView<A> storage_view = MakeStorageView();
Pointer<A> const base = storage_view.data;
const SizeType<A> size = storage_view.size;
A& alloc = GetAllocator();
if (new_size <= size) {
// Destroy extra old elements.
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(alloc, base + new_size, size - new_size);
} else if (new_size <= storage_view.capacity) {
// Construct new elements in place.
ConstructElements<A>(alloc, base + size, values, new_size - size);
} else {
// Steps:
// a. Allocate new backing store.
// b. Construct new elements in new backing store.
// c. Move existing elements from old backing store to new backing store.
// d. Destroy all elements in old backing store.
// Use transactional wrappers for the first two steps so we can roll
// back if necessary due to exceptions.
AllocationTransaction<A> allocation_tx(alloc);
SizeType<A> requested_capacity =
ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, new_size);
Pointer<A> new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(requested_capacity);
ConstructionTransaction<A> construction_tx(alloc);
construction_tx.Construct(new_data + size, values, new_size - size);
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
ConstructElements<A>(alloc, new_data, move_values, size);
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(alloc, base, size);
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
template <typename ValueAdapter>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::Insert(ConstIterator<A> pos, ValueAdapter values,
SizeType<A> insert_count) -> Iterator<A> {
StorageView<A> storage_view = MakeStorageView();
auto insert_index = static_cast<SizeType<A>>(
std::distance(ConstIterator<A>(storage_view.data), pos));
SizeType<A> insert_end_index = insert_index + insert_count;
SizeType<A> new_size = storage_view.size + insert_count;
if (new_size > storage_view.capacity) {
AllocationTransaction<A> allocation_tx(GetAllocator());
ConstructionTransaction<A> construction_tx(GetAllocator());
ConstructionTransaction<A> move_construction_tx(GetAllocator());
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
SizeType<A> requested_capacity =
ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, new_size);
Pointer<A> new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(requested_capacity);
construction_tx.Construct(new_data + insert_index, values, insert_count);
move_construction_tx.Construct(new_data, move_values, insert_index);
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), new_data + insert_end_index,
move_values, storage_view.size - insert_index);
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(GetAllocator(), storage_view.data,
return Iterator<A>(new_data + insert_index);
} else {
SizeType<A> move_construction_destination_index =
(std::max)(insert_end_index, storage_view.size);
ConstructionTransaction<A> move_construction_tx(GetAllocator());
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_construction_values(
MoveIterator<A>(storage_view.data +
(move_construction_destination_index - insert_count)));
absl::Span<ValueType<A>> move_construction = {
storage_view.data + move_construction_destination_index,
new_size - move_construction_destination_index};
Pointer<A> move_assignment_values = storage_view.data + insert_index;
absl::Span<ValueType<A>> move_assignment = {
storage_view.data + insert_end_index,
move_construction_destination_index - insert_end_index};
absl::Span<ValueType<A>> insert_assignment = {move_assignment_values,
absl::Span<ValueType<A>> insert_construction = {
insert_assignment.data() + insert_assignment.size(),
insert_count - insert_assignment.size()};
for (Pointer<A>
destination = move_assignment.data() + move_assignment.size(),
last_destination = move_assignment.data(),
source = move_assignment_values + move_assignment.size();
;) {
if (destination < last_destination) break;
*destination = std::move(*source);
AssignElements<A>(insert_assignment.data(), values,
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), insert_construction.data(), values,
return Iterator<A>(storage_view.data + insert_index);
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
template <typename... Args>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::EmplaceBack(Args&&... args) -> Reference<A> {
StorageView<A> storage_view = MakeStorageView();
const SizeType<A> n = storage_view.size;
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(n != storage_view.capacity)) {
// Fast path; new element fits.
Pointer<A> last_ptr = storage_view.data + n;
AllocatorTraits<A>::construct(GetAllocator(), last_ptr,
return *last_ptr;
// TODO(b/173712035): Annotate with musttail attribute to prevent regression.
return EmplaceBackSlow(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
template <typename... Args>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::EmplaceBackSlow(Args&&... args) -> Reference<A> {
StorageView<A> storage_view = MakeStorageView();
AllocationTransaction<A> allocation_tx(GetAllocator());
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
SizeType<A> requested_capacity = NextCapacity(storage_view.capacity);
Pointer<A> construct_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(requested_capacity);
Pointer<A> last_ptr = construct_data + storage_view.size;
// Construct new element.
AllocatorTraits<A>::construct(GetAllocator(), last_ptr,
// Move elements from old backing store to new backing store.
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), allocation_tx.GetData(), move_values,
AllocatorTraits<A>::destroy(GetAllocator(), last_ptr);
// Destroy elements in old backing store.
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(GetAllocator(), storage_view.data,
return *last_ptr;
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::Erase(ConstIterator<A> from, ConstIterator<A> to)
-> Iterator<A> {
StorageView<A> storage_view = MakeStorageView();
auto erase_size = static_cast<SizeType<A>>(std::distance(from, to));
auto erase_index = static_cast<SizeType<A>>(
std::distance(ConstIterator<A>(storage_view.data), from));
SizeType<A> erase_end_index = erase_index + erase_size;
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
MoveIterator<A>(storage_view.data + erase_end_index));
AssignElements<A>(storage_view.data + erase_index, move_values,
storage_view.size - erase_end_index);
GetAllocator(), storage_view.data + (storage_view.size - erase_size),
return Iterator<A>(storage_view.data + erase_index);
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::Reserve(SizeType<A> requested_capacity) -> void {
StorageView<A> storage_view = MakeStorageView();
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(requested_capacity <= storage_view.capacity)) return;
AllocationTransaction<A> allocation_tx(GetAllocator());
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
SizeType<A> new_requested_capacity =
ComputeCapacity(storage_view.capacity, requested_capacity);
Pointer<A> new_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(new_requested_capacity);
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), new_data, move_values,
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(GetAllocator(), storage_view.data,
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::ShrinkToFit() -> void {
// May only be called on allocated instances!
Export of internal Abseil changes
83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Revert the crc addition to RefcountAndFlags, and restore related comments to their original state.
In development, the implementation of SetExpectedCrc() changed, and there is no longer a need to track the CRC status in the refcount.
Since the distinction between IsOne() and IsMutable() is subtle *and unused*, removing it now can help avoid subtle bugs in the future. This distinction can always be added back later, if it proves necessary.
Keep the reserved bit for now; all it costs is one extra mask instruction in the refcount checks, and space for extra state in Cord is always hard to find.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408647038
ee67585cf66954176615271f50f8b278119dd138 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement Cord::SetExpectedChecksum() and Cord::ExpectedChecksum().
SetExpectedChecksum() will store a uint32_t out-of-band alongside a Cord's data. This value persists through copies and assignments. Mutating operations on a Cord cause the value to be forgotten. ExpectedChecksum() retrieves the stored value, if present.
This API is intended for storing a CRC32C checksum alongside data, allowing checksums to be passed through dataflows and validated at the final step. However, this API is agnostic to the meaning of the stored value. No CRC32C validation is performed by these new APIs.
This implementation adds a new CordRep node, CordRepCrc. A CordRepCrc may (currently) only live at the top of a tree. This allows traversal logic to be agnostic to these nodes, instead putting the needed branches at the mutation level. This also implements the property requested from API review, that any mutation is guaranteed to permanently forget the stored CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408611221
a86f592402b37c854ebdc77d2b9b425451a7a675 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Move 'ExtractResult' into CordRep
The result of an extract operation is logically identical for any tree implementation, and having a single type makes 'tree independent' implementation in cord.cc more concise.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408332408
baa7647e21db59a87f75af9cac62172ce38a0f71 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Replace usages of `assert` macros with `ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408272133
c7658133d8662c39fa5035fc93a364c7c3d327e0 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepBtree::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407944179
5775100363b5890ebfe710fadebf040445eab991 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepConcat::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407932968
9f520ba1600a93352c78f644a369c7c76195ee86 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Add cordz tracking for crc nodes.
This also adds a new kSetExpectedChecksum method to the list of tracked methods. This is presently unused but will be used soon.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407884120
GitOrigin-RevId: 83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6
Change-Id: I134ace2d87215813eaa60a282996a33884676c06
3 years ago
StorageView<A> storage_view{GetAllocatedData(), GetSize(),
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(storage_view.size == storage_view.capacity)) return;
AllocationTransaction<A> allocation_tx(GetAllocator());
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
Pointer<A> construct_data;
if (storage_view.size > GetInlinedCapacity()) {
SizeType<A> requested_capacity = storage_view.size;
construct_data = allocation_tx.Allocate(requested_capacity);
if (allocation_tx.GetCapacity() >= storage_view.capacity) {
// Already using the smallest available heap allocation.
} else {
construct_data = GetInlinedData();
ConstructElements<A>(GetAllocator(), construct_data, move_values,
SetAllocation({storage_view.data, storage_view.capacity});
DestroyAdapter<A>::DestroyElements(GetAllocator(), storage_view.data,
MallocAdapter<A>::Deallocate(GetAllocator(), storage_view.data,
if (allocation_tx.DidAllocate()) {
} else {
template <typename T, size_t N, typename A>
auto Storage<T, N, A>::Swap(Storage* other_storage_ptr) -> void {
using std::swap;
Export of internal Abseil changes
83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Revert the crc addition to RefcountAndFlags, and restore related comments to their original state.
In development, the implementation of SetExpectedCrc() changed, and there is no longer a need to track the CRC status in the refcount.
Since the distinction between IsOne() and IsMutable() is subtle *and unused*, removing it now can help avoid subtle bugs in the future. This distinction can always be added back later, if it proves necessary.
Keep the reserved bit for now; all it costs is one extra mask instruction in the refcount checks, and space for extra state in Cord is always hard to find.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408647038
ee67585cf66954176615271f50f8b278119dd138 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement Cord::SetExpectedChecksum() and Cord::ExpectedChecksum().
SetExpectedChecksum() will store a uint32_t out-of-band alongside a Cord's data. This value persists through copies and assignments. Mutating operations on a Cord cause the value to be forgotten. ExpectedChecksum() retrieves the stored value, if present.
This API is intended for storing a CRC32C checksum alongside data, allowing checksums to be passed through dataflows and validated at the final step. However, this API is agnostic to the meaning of the stored value. No CRC32C validation is performed by these new APIs.
This implementation adds a new CordRep node, CordRepCrc. A CordRepCrc may (currently) only live at the top of a tree. This allows traversal logic to be agnostic to these nodes, instead putting the needed branches at the mutation level. This also implements the property requested from API review, that any mutation is guaranteed to permanently forget the stored CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408611221
a86f592402b37c854ebdc77d2b9b425451a7a675 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Move 'ExtractResult' into CordRep
The result of an extract operation is logically identical for any tree implementation, and having a single type makes 'tree independent' implementation in cord.cc more concise.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408332408
baa7647e21db59a87f75af9cac62172ce38a0f71 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Replace usages of `assert` macros with `ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 408272133
c7658133d8662c39fa5035fc93a364c7c3d327e0 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepBtree::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407944179
5775100363b5890ebfe710fadebf040445eab991 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add CordRepConcat::ExtractAppendBuffer
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407932968
9f520ba1600a93352c78f644a369c7c76195ee86 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Add cordz tracking for crc nodes.
This also adds a new kSetExpectedChecksum method to the list of tracked methods. This is presently unused but will be used soon.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 407884120
GitOrigin-RevId: 83e4cdf03a4d702b30e69204060de09e462e23c6
Change-Id: I134ace2d87215813eaa60a282996a33884676c06
3 years ago
ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(this != other_storage_ptr);
if (GetIsAllocated() && other_storage_ptr->GetIsAllocated()) {
swap(data_.allocated, other_storage_ptr->data_.allocated);
} else if (!GetIsAllocated() && !other_storage_ptr->GetIsAllocated()) {
Storage* small_ptr = this;
Storage* large_ptr = other_storage_ptr;
if (small_ptr->GetSize() > large_ptr->GetSize()) swap(small_ptr, large_ptr);
for (SizeType<A> i = 0; i < small_ptr->GetSize(); ++i) {
swap(small_ptr->GetInlinedData()[i], large_ptr->GetInlinedData()[i]);
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
MoveIterator<A>(large_ptr->GetInlinedData() + small_ptr->GetSize()));
small_ptr->GetInlinedData() + small_ptr->GetSize(),
large_ptr->GetSize() - small_ptr->GetSize());
large_ptr->GetInlinedData() + small_ptr->GetSize(),
large_ptr->GetSize() - small_ptr->GetSize());
} else {
Storage* allocated_ptr = this;
Storage* inlined_ptr = other_storage_ptr;
if (!allocated_ptr->GetIsAllocated()) swap(allocated_ptr, inlined_ptr);
StorageView<A> allocated_storage_view{
allocated_ptr->GetAllocatedData(), allocated_ptr->GetSize(),
IteratorValueAdapter<A, MoveIterator<A>> move_values(
allocated_ptr->GetInlinedData(), move_values,
allocated_storage_view.data, allocated_storage_view.capacity});
swap(GetSizeAndIsAllocated(), other_storage_ptr->GetSizeAndIsAllocated());
swap(GetAllocator(), other_storage_ptr->GetAllocator());
// End ignore "array-bounds"
#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
} // namespace inlined_vector_internal
} // namespace absl