// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include <deque>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/base/dynamic_annotations.h"
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/container/btree_map.h"
#include "absl/container/btree_set.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/node_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
namespace {
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::Pair;
using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
TEST(Split, TraitsTest) {
!absl::strings_internal::SplitterIsConvertibleTo<std::string>::value, "");
std::map<std::string, std::string>>::value,
std::map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>::value,
std::map<int, std::string>>::value,
std::map<std::string, int>>::value,
// This tests the overall split API, which is made up of the absl::StrSplit()
// function and the Delimiter objects in the absl:: namespace.
// This TEST macro is outside of any namespace to require full specification of
// namespaces just like callers will need to use.
TEST(Split, APIExamples) {
// Passes string delimiter. Assumes the default of ByString.
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ","); // NOLINT
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Equivalent to...
using absl::ByString;
v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ByString(","));
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Equivalent to...
EXPECT_THAT(absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ByString(",")),
ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Same as above, but using a single character as the delimiter.
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Equivalent to...
using absl::ByChar;
v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ByChar(','));
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Uses the Literal string "=>" as the delimiter.
const std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a=>b=>c", "=>");
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// The substrings are returned as string_views, eliminating copying.
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Leading and trailing empty substrings.
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit(",a,b,c,", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("", "a", "b", "c", ""));
// Splits on a delimiter that is not found.
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("abc", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("abc"));
// Splits the input string into individual characters by using an empty
// string as the delimiter.
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("abc", "");
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Splits string data with embedded NUL characters, using NUL as the
// delimiter. A simple delimiter of "\0" doesn't work because strlen() will
// say that's the empty string when constructing the absl::string_view
// delimiter. Instead, a non-empty string containing NUL can be used as the
// delimiter.
std::string embedded_nulls("a\0b\0c", 5);
std::string null_delim("\0", 1);
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit(embedded_nulls, null_delim);
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Stores first two split strings as the members in a std::pair.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> p = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_EQ("a", p.first);
EXPECT_EQ("b", p.second);
// "c" is omitted because std::pair can hold only two elements.
// Results stored in std::set<std::string>
std::set<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c,a,b,c,a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Uses a non-const char* delimiter.
char a[] = ",";
char* d = a + 0;
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", d);
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Results split using either of , or ;
using absl::ByAnyChar;
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b;c", ByAnyChar(",;"));
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Uses the SkipWhitespace predicate.
using absl::SkipWhitespace;
std::vector<std::string> v =
absl::StrSplit(" a , ,,b,", ',', SkipWhitespace());
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre(" a ", "b"));
// Uses the ByLength delimiter.
using absl::ByLength;
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("abcdefg", ByLength(3));
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("abc", "def", "g"));
// Different forms of initialization / conversion.
std::vector<std::string> v1 = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v1, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
std::vector<std::string> v2(absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ','));
EXPECT_THAT(v2, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
auto v3 = std::vector<std::string>(absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ','));
EXPECT_THAT(v3, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
v3 = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v3, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Results stored in a std::map.
std::map<std::string, std::string> m = absl::StrSplit("a,1,b,2,a,3", ',');
EXPECT_EQ(2, m.size());
EXPECT_EQ("3", m["a"]);
EXPECT_EQ("2", m["b"]);
// Results stored in a std::multimap.
std::multimap<std::string, std::string> m =
absl::StrSplit("a,1,b,2,a,3", ',');
EXPECT_EQ(3, m.size());
auto it = m.find("a");
EXPECT_EQ("1", it->second);
EXPECT_EQ("3", it->second);
it = m.find("b");
EXPECT_EQ("2", it->second);
// Demonstrates use in a range-based for loop in C++11.
std::string s = "x,x,x,x,x,x,x";
for (absl::string_view sp : absl::StrSplit(s, ',')) {
EXPECT_EQ("x", sp);
// Demonstrates use with a Predicate in a range-based for loop.
using absl::SkipWhitespace;
std::string s = " ,x,,x,,x,x,x,,";
for (absl::string_view sp : absl::StrSplit(s, ',', SkipWhitespace())) {
EXPECT_EQ("x", sp);
// Demonstrates a "smart" split to std::map using two separate calls to
// absl::StrSplit. One call to split the records, and another call to split
// the keys and values. This also uses the Limit delimiter so that the
// std::string "a=b=c" will split to "a" -> "b=c".
std::map<std::string, std::string> m;
for (absl::string_view sp : absl::StrSplit("a=b=c,d=e,f=,g", ',')) {
m.insert(absl::StrSplit(sp, absl::MaxSplits('=', 1)));
EXPECT_EQ("b=c", m.find("a")->second);
EXPECT_EQ("e", m.find("d")->second);
EXPECT_EQ("", m.find("f")->second);
EXPECT_EQ("", m.find("g")->second);
// Tests for SplitIterator
TEST(SplitIterator, Basics) {
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit("a,b", ',');
auto it = splitter.begin();
auto end = splitter.end();
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
EXPECT_EQ("a", *it); // tests dereference
++it; // tests preincrement
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
std::string(it->data(), it->size())); // tests dereference as ptr
it++; // tests postincrement
EXPECT_EQ(it, end);
// Simple Predicate to skip a particular string.
class Skip {
explicit Skip(const std::string& s) : s_(s) {}
bool operator()(absl::string_view sp) { return sp != s_; }
std::string s_;
TEST(SplitIterator, Predicate) {
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',', Skip("b"));
auto it = splitter.begin();
auto end = splitter.end();
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
EXPECT_EQ("a", *it); // tests dereference
++it; // tests preincrement -- "b" should be skipped here.
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
std::string(it->data(), it->size())); // tests dereference as ptr
it++; // tests postincrement
EXPECT_EQ(it, end);
TEST(SplitIterator, EdgeCases) {
// Expected input and output, assuming a delimiter of ','
struct {
std::string in;
std::vector<std::string> expect;
} specs[] = {
{"", {""}},
{"foo", {"foo"}},
{",", {"", ""}},
{",foo", {"", "foo"}},
{"foo,", {"foo", ""}},
{",foo,", {"", "foo", ""}},
{"foo,bar", {"foo", "bar"}},
for (const auto& spec : specs) {
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit(spec.in, ',');
auto it = splitter.begin();
auto end = splitter.end();
for (const auto& expected : spec.expect) {
EXPECT_NE(it, end);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, *it++);
EXPECT_EQ(it, end);
TEST(Splitter, Const) {
const auto splitter = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(splitter, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
TEST(Split, EmptyAndNull) {
// Attention: Splitting a null absl::string_view is different than splitting
// an empty absl::string_view even though both string_views are considered
// equal. This behavior is likely surprising and undesirable. However, to
// maintain backward compatibility, there is a small "hack" in
// str_split_internal.h that preserves this behavior. If that behavior is ever
// changed/fixed, this test will need to be updated.
EXPECT_THAT(absl::StrSplit(absl::string_view(""), '-'), ElementsAre(""));
EXPECT_THAT(absl::StrSplit(absl::string_view(), '-'), ElementsAre());
TEST(SplitIterator, EqualityAsEndCondition) {
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
auto it = splitter.begin();
auto it2 = it;
// Increments it2 twice to point to "c" in the input text.
EXPECT_EQ("c", *it2);
// This test uses a non-end SplitIterator as the terminating condition in a
// for loop. This relies on SplitIterator equality for non-end SplitIterators
// working correctly. At this point it2 points to "c", and we use that as the
// "end" condition in this test.
std::vector<absl::string_view> v;
for (; it != it2; ++it) {
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
// Tests for Splitter
TEST(Splitter, RangeIterators) {
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
std::vector<absl::string_view> output;
for (const absl::string_view& p : splitter) {
EXPECT_THAT(output, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Some template functions for use in testing conversion operators
template <typename ContainerType, typename Splitter>
void TestConversionOperator(const Splitter& splitter) {
ContainerType output = splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(output, UnorderedElementsAre("a", "b", "c", "d"));
template <typename MapType, typename Splitter>
void TestMapConversionOperator(const Splitter& splitter) {
MapType m = splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(m, UnorderedElementsAre(Pair("a", "b"), Pair("c", "d")));
template <typename FirstType, typename SecondType, typename Splitter>
void TestPairConversionOperator(const Splitter& splitter) {
std::pair<FirstType, SecondType> p = splitter;
EXPECT_EQ(p, (std::pair<FirstType, SecondType>("a", "b")));
TEST(Splitter, ConversionOperator) {
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c,d", ',');
// Tests conversion to map-like objects.
TestMapConversionOperator<std::map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>(
TestMapConversionOperator<std::map<absl::string_view, std::string>>(splitter);
TestMapConversionOperator<std::map<std::string, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
TestMapConversionOperator<std::map<std::string, std::string>>(splitter);
std::multimap<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
TestMapConversionOperator<std::multimap<absl::string_view, std::string>>(
TestMapConversionOperator<std::multimap<std::string, absl::string_view>>(
TestMapConversionOperator<std::multimap<std::string, std::string>>(splitter);
absl::btree_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
TestMapConversionOperator<absl::btree_map<absl::string_view, std::string>>(
TestMapConversionOperator<absl::btree_map<std::string, absl::string_view>>(
TestMapConversionOperator<absl::btree_map<std::string, std::string>>(
absl::btree_multimap<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
absl::btree_multimap<absl::string_view, std::string>>(splitter);
absl::btree_multimap<std::string, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
TestMapConversionOperator<absl::btree_multimap<std::string, std::string>>(
TestMapConversionOperator<std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>>(
absl::node_hash_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
absl::node_hash_map<absl::string_view, std::string>>(splitter);
absl::node_hash_map<std::string, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, std::string>>(splitter);
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, absl::string_view>>(splitter);
// Tests conversion to std::pair
TestPairConversionOperator<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>(splitter);
TestPairConversionOperator<absl::string_view, std::string>(splitter);
TestPairConversionOperator<std::string, absl::string_view>(splitter);
TestPairConversionOperator<std::string, std::string>(splitter);
// A few additional tests for conversion to std::pair. This conversion is
// different from others because a std::pair always has exactly two elements:
// .first and .second. The split has to work even when the split has
// less-than, equal-to, and more-than 2 strings.
TEST(Splitter, ToPair) {
// Empty string
std::pair<std::string, std::string> p = absl::StrSplit("", ',');
EXPECT_EQ("", p.first);
EXPECT_EQ("", p.second);
// Only first
std::pair<std::string, std::string> p = absl::StrSplit("a", ',');
EXPECT_EQ("a", p.first);
EXPECT_EQ("", p.second);
// Only second
std::pair<std::string, std::string> p = absl::StrSplit(",b", ',');
EXPECT_EQ("", p.first);
EXPECT_EQ("b", p.second);
// First and second.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> p = absl::StrSplit("a,b", ',');
EXPECT_EQ("a", p.first);
EXPECT_EQ("b", p.second);
// First and second and then more stuff that will be ignored.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> p = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_EQ("a", p.first);
EXPECT_EQ("b", p.second);
// "c" is omitted.
TEST(Splitter, Predicates) {
static const char kTestChars[] = ",a, ,b,";
using absl::AllowEmpty;
using absl::SkipEmpty;
using absl::SkipWhitespace;
// No predicate. Does not skip empties.
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit(kTestChars, ',');
std::vector<std::string> v = splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("", "a", " ", "b", ""));
// Allows empty strings. Same behavior as no predicate at all.
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit(kTestChars, ',', AllowEmpty());
std::vector<std::string> v_allowempty = splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(v_allowempty, ElementsAre("", "a", " ", "b", ""));
// Ensures AllowEmpty equals the behavior with no predicate.
auto splitter_nopredicate = absl::StrSplit(kTestChars, ',');
std::vector<std::string> v_nopredicate = splitter_nopredicate;
EXPECT_EQ(v_allowempty, v_nopredicate);
// Skips empty strings.
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit(kTestChars, ',', SkipEmpty());
std::vector<std::string> v = splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", " ", "b"));
// Skips empty and all-whitespace strings.
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit(kTestChars, ',', SkipWhitespace());
std::vector<std::string> v = splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
// Tests for StrSplit()
TEST(Split, Basics) {
// Doesn't really do anything useful because the return value is ignored,
// but it should work.
absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
// Ensures that assignment works. This requires a little extra work with
// C++11 because of overloads with initializer_list.
std::vector<std::string> v;
v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b", "c"));
std::map<std::string, std::string> m;
m = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_EQ(2, m.size());
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> hm;
hm = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
EXPECT_EQ(2, hm.size());
absl::string_view ReturnStringView() { return "Hello World"; }
const char* ReturnConstCharP() { return "Hello World"; }
char* ReturnCharP() { return const_cast<char*>("Hello World"); }
TEST(Split, AcceptsCertainTemporaries) {
std::vector<std::string> v;
v = absl::StrSplit(ReturnStringView(), ' ');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("Hello", "World"));
v = absl::StrSplit(ReturnConstCharP(), ' ');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("Hello", "World"));
v = absl::StrSplit(ReturnCharP(), ' ');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("Hello", "World"));
TEST(Split, Temporary) {
// Use a std::string longer than the SSO length, so that when the temporary is
// destroyed, if the splitter keeps a reference to the string's contents,
// it'll reference freed memory instead of just dead on-stack memory.
const char input[] = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u";
EXPECT_LT(sizeof(std::string), ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(input))
<< "Input should be larger than fits on the stack.";
// This happens more often in C++11 as part of a range-based for loop.
auto splitter = absl::StrSplit(std::string(input), ',');
std::string expected = "a";
for (absl::string_view letter : splitter) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, letter);
EXPECT_EQ("v", expected);
// This happens more often in C++11 as part of a range-based for loop.
auto std_splitter = absl::StrSplit(std::string(input), ',');
expected = "a";
for (absl::string_view letter : std_splitter) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, letter);
EXPECT_EQ("v", expected);
template <typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<T> CopyToHeap(const T& value) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(value));
TEST(Split, LvalueCaptureIsCopyable) {
std::string input = "a,b";
auto heap_splitter = CopyToHeap(absl::StrSplit(input, ','));
auto stack_splitter = *heap_splitter;
std::vector<std::string> result = stack_splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(result, testing::ElementsAre("a", "b"));
TEST(Split, TemporaryCaptureIsCopyable) {
auto heap_splitter = CopyToHeap(absl::StrSplit(std::string("a,b"), ','));
auto stack_splitter = *heap_splitter;
std::vector<std::string> result = stack_splitter;
EXPECT_THAT(result, testing::ElementsAre("a", "b"));
TEST(Split, SplitterIsCopyableAndMoveable) {
auto a = absl::StrSplit("foo", '-');
// Ensures that the following expressions compile.
auto b = a; // Copy construct
auto c = std::move(a); // Move construct
b = c; // Copy assign
c = std::move(b); // Move assign
EXPECT_THAT(c, ElementsAre("foo"));
TEST(Split, StringDelimiter) {
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b", ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b", std::string(","));
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
std::vector<absl::string_view> v =
absl::StrSplit("a,b", absl::string_view(","));
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
#if !defined(__cpp_char8_t)
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++2a-compat"
TEST(Split, UTF8) {
// Tests splitting utf8 strings and utf8 delimiters.
std::string utf8_string = u8"\u03BA\u1F79\u03C3\u03BC\u03B5";
// A utf8 input string with an ascii delimiter.
std::string to_split = "a," + utf8_string;
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit(to_split, ',');
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", utf8_string));
// A utf8 input string and a utf8 delimiter.
std::string to_split = "a," + utf8_string + ",b";
std::string unicode_delimiter = "," + utf8_string + ",";
std::vector<absl::string_view> v =
absl::StrSplit(to_split, unicode_delimiter);
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
// A utf8 input string and ByAnyChar with ascii chars.
std::vector<absl::string_view> v =
absl::StrSplit(u8"Foo h\u00E4llo th\u4E1Ere", absl::ByAnyChar(" \t"));
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("Foo", u8"h\u00E4llo", u8"th\u4E1Ere"));
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#endif // !defined(__cpp_char8_t)
TEST(Split, EmptyStringDelimiter) {
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("", "");
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre(""));
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a", "");
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a"));
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("ab", "");
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a b", "");
EXPECT_THAT(v, ElementsAre("a", " ", "b"));
TEST(Split, SubstrDelimiter) {
std::vector<absl::string_view> results;
absl::string_view delim("//");
results = absl::StrSplit("", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre(""));
results = absl::StrSplit("//", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("", ""));
results = absl::StrSplit("ab", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("ab"));
results = absl::StrSplit("ab//", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("ab", ""));
results = absl::StrSplit("ab/", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("ab/"));
results = absl::StrSplit("a/b", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("a/b"));
results = absl::StrSplit("a//b", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("a", "b"));
results = absl::StrSplit("a///b", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("a", "/b"));
results = absl::StrSplit("a////b", delim);
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("a", "", "b"));
TEST(Split, EmptyResults) {
std::vector<absl::string_view> results;
results = absl::StrSplit("", '#');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre(""));
results = absl::StrSplit("#", '#');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("", ""));
results = absl::StrSplit("#cd", '#');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("", "cd"));
results = absl::StrSplit("ab#cd#", '#');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("ab", "cd", ""));
results = absl::StrSplit("ab##cd", '#');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("ab", "", "cd"));
results = absl::StrSplit("ab##", '#');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("ab", "", ""));
results = absl::StrSplit("ab#ab#", '#');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("ab", "ab", ""));
results = absl::StrSplit("aaaa", 'a');
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre("", "", "", "", ""));
results = absl::StrSplit("", '#', absl::SkipEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(results, ElementsAre());
template <typename Delimiter>
static bool IsFoundAtStartingPos(absl::string_view text, Delimiter d,
size_t starting_pos, int expected_pos) {
absl::string_view found = d.Find(text, starting_pos);
return found.data() != text.data() + text.size() &&
expected_pos == found.data() - text.data();
// Helper function for testing Delimiter objects. Returns true if the given
// Delimiter is found in the given string at the given position. This function
// tests two cases:
// 1. The actual text given, staring at position 0
// 2. The text given with leading padding that should be ignored
template <typename Delimiter>
static bool IsFoundAt(absl::string_view text, Delimiter d, int expected_pos) {
const std::string leading_text = ",x,y,z,";
return IsFoundAtStartingPos(text, d, 0, expected_pos) &&
IsFoundAtStartingPos(leading_text + std::string(text), d,
expected_pos + leading_text.length());
// Tests for ByString
// Tests using any delimiter that represents a single comma.
template <typename Delimiter>
void TestComma(Delimiter d) {
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(",", d, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,", d, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(",b", d, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,b", d, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,b,", d, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,b,c", d, 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("", d, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt(" ", d, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a", d, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a b c", d, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a;b;c", d, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt(";", d, -1));
TEST(Delimiter, ByString) {
using absl::ByString;
// Works as named variable.
ByString comma_string(",");
// The first occurrence of empty string ("") in a string is at position 0.
// There is a test below that demonstrates this for absl::string_view::find().
// If the ByString delimiter returned position 0 for this, there would
// be an infinite loop in the SplitIterator code. To avoid this, empty string
// is a special case in that it always returns the item at position 1.
absl::string_view abc("abc");
EXPECT_EQ(0, abc.find("")); // "" is found at position 0
ByString empty("");
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("", empty, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a", empty, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("ab", empty, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("abc", empty, 1));
TEST(Split, ByChar) {
using absl::ByChar;
// Works as named variable.
ByChar comma_char(',');
// Tests for ByAnyChar
TEST(Delimiter, ByAnyChar) {
using absl::ByAnyChar;
ByAnyChar one_delim(",");
// Found
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(",", one_delim, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,", one_delim, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,b", one_delim, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(",b", one_delim, 0));
// Not found
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("", one_delim, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt(" ", one_delim, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a", one_delim, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a;b;c", one_delim, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt(";", one_delim, -1));
ByAnyChar two_delims(",;");
// Found
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(",", two_delims, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(";", two_delims, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(",;", two_delims, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(";,", two_delims, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(",;b", two_delims, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt(";,b", two_delims, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a;,", two_delims, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,;", two_delims, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a;,b", two_delims, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a,;b", two_delims, 1));
// Not found
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("", two_delims, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt(" ", two_delims, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a", two_delims, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a=b=c", two_delims, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("=", two_delims, -1));
// ByAnyChar behaves just like ByString when given a delimiter of empty
// string. That is, it always returns a zero-length absl::string_view
// referring to the item at position 1, not position 0.
ByAnyChar empty("");
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("", empty, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a", empty, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("ab", empty, 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("abc", empty, 1));
// Tests for ByLength
TEST(Delimiter, ByLength) {
using absl::ByLength;
ByLength four_char_delim(4);
// Found
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("abcde", four_char_delim, 4));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", four_char_delim, 4));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsFoundAt("a b,c\nd", four_char_delim, 4));
// Not found
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("", four_char_delim, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("a", four_char_delim, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("ab", four_char_delim, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("abc", four_char_delim, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsFoundAt("abcd", four_char_delim, 0));
TEST(Split, WorksWithLargeStrings) {
Export of internal Abseil changes
f49e405201d2ffd5955503fa8ad0f08ec0cdfb2b by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add common [container.requirements] type definitions to `CharRange` and `ChunkRange`
The presence of these allow these range classes to be used in various utility functions which require some minimum type of container. For example, this change allows tests to use `EXPECT_THAT(cord.Chunks(), ElementsAre(...))`
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406941278
0c195f073632e21d9a4bce158047b2ba8551c2d1 by Evan Brown <ezb@google.com>:
Use explicit exponential growth in SubstituteAndAppendArray.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406931952
afb043bccd809a55cab78abadb7548a057d9eda0 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Use longer var names in macro to avoid clang-tidy warning
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406930978
80397e2604e6b3d929a34742c3a32581b34d3ac4 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add future kAppendBuffer and kPrependBuffer API trackers for Cordz sampling
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406912759
e910ce919ef83933f08a690e8b7325c7cc5b6d5d by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Implement Prepend(string_view) in terms of PrependArray(string_view, MethodIdentifier).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406891665
c9cff43d4c0568ed01f2fca0f6ef038ae03112b5 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add 'Rebuild' logic to CordRepBtree
There are btree hostile scenarios where an application could perform repeated split/insert/merge operations on a cord leading to a tree exceeding the maximum height. While this should be rare in practice, this change adds a Rebuild() method that will rebuild a tree with a 100% fill factor, and we will invoke this rebuild when a tree exceeds the maximum height. This basically follows the similar 'balance' logic in Concat trees (although the latter is common in Concat uses)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406875739
5b2b8fb88f1ebfdc1c670088152da2cb2ea4c376 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add 'in place' enabled RemoveSuffix
An in-place RemoveSuffix is more efficient than SubTree() as it can directly modify privately owned nodes and flats allowing easy re-use of free capacity in right-most flats that may turn into Substring edges when using SubTree.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406431230
f09903c0a3d7344f59aaf1380a16ea10829217d4 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406430373
9957af575c33bb18dc170572a4ee8cc5901df6b2 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Initial groundwork to allow storing checksum data inside CordRep instances.
This uses a RefcountAndFlags bit that was reserved for this purpose, and will be leveraged in a follow-up change to allow attaching checksums to a Cord's value.
This change splits RefcountAndFlags::IsOne() into two distinct operations:
* IsOne(): This returns true when the associated CordRep is not shared with other threads. This is useful for functions that consume CordRep instances; for example, code that consumes an unshared CordRep can assume ownership of its children without modifying those refcounts.
* IsMutable(): This returns true when the associated CordRep reference is not shared with other threads, *and* does not store an associated checksum value. This is useful for functions that modify a CordRep's contents: code may modify the bytes of a mutable-unshared CordRep without fear of races with other threads, or of invalidating a stored checksum.
The tricky part of this CL is ensuring that the correct choice between IsMutable() and IsOne() was made at each point. An incorrect application of IsOne() could lead to correctness bugs in the future. Code conditioned on IsOne() may delete the CordRep in question, or assume ownership of its children, but must not modify the CordRep's data without explicitly adjusting the CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406191103
686544814079e5ab6d4593cca0c068b510be400a by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Reduce the size in the LargeString test when running with Sanitizers
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406186945
735b4490bdb695c35731f06ce4b8de14ce2be6ed by Alex Strelnikov <strel@google.com>:
Release absl::SimpleHexAtoi.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406143188
GitOrigin-RevId: f49e405201d2ffd5955503fa8ad0f08ec0cdfb2b
Change-Id: Ic6527ac40fa03ea02ca813e8bb7868a219544de4
3 years ago
constexpr size_t kSize = (uint32_t{1} << 26) + 1; // 64M + 1 byte
constexpr size_t kSize = (uint32_t{1} << 31) + 1; // 2G + 1 byte
if (sizeof(size_t) > 4) {
Export of internal Abseil changes
f49e405201d2ffd5955503fa8ad0f08ec0cdfb2b by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add common [container.requirements] type definitions to `CharRange` and `ChunkRange`
The presence of these allow these range classes to be used in various utility functions which require some minimum type of container. For example, this change allows tests to use `EXPECT_THAT(cord.Chunks(), ElementsAre(...))`
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406941278
0c195f073632e21d9a4bce158047b2ba8551c2d1 by Evan Brown <ezb@google.com>:
Use explicit exponential growth in SubstituteAndAppendArray.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406931952
afb043bccd809a55cab78abadb7548a057d9eda0 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Use longer var names in macro to avoid clang-tidy warning
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406930978
80397e2604e6b3d929a34742c3a32581b34d3ac4 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add future kAppendBuffer and kPrependBuffer API trackers for Cordz sampling
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406912759
e910ce919ef83933f08a690e8b7325c7cc5b6d5d by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Implement Prepend(string_view) in terms of PrependArray(string_view, MethodIdentifier).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406891665
c9cff43d4c0568ed01f2fca0f6ef038ae03112b5 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add 'Rebuild' logic to CordRepBtree
There are btree hostile scenarios where an application could perform repeated split/insert/merge operations on a cord leading to a tree exceeding the maximum height. While this should be rare in practice, this change adds a Rebuild() method that will rebuild a tree with a 100% fill factor, and we will invoke this rebuild when a tree exceeds the maximum height. This basically follows the similar 'balance' logic in Concat trees (although the latter is common in Concat uses)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406875739
5b2b8fb88f1ebfdc1c670088152da2cb2ea4c376 by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Add 'in place' enabled RemoveSuffix
An in-place RemoveSuffix is more efficient than SubTree() as it can directly modify privately owned nodes and flats allowing easy re-use of free capacity in right-most flats that may turn into Substring edges when using SubTree.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406431230
f09903c0a3d7344f59aaf1380a16ea10829217d4 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406430373
9957af575c33bb18dc170572a4ee8cc5901df6b2 by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Initial groundwork to allow storing checksum data inside CordRep instances.
This uses a RefcountAndFlags bit that was reserved for this purpose, and will be leveraged in a follow-up change to allow attaching checksums to a Cord's value.
This change splits RefcountAndFlags::IsOne() into two distinct operations:
* IsOne(): This returns true when the associated CordRep is not shared with other threads. This is useful for functions that consume CordRep instances; for example, code that consumes an unshared CordRep can assume ownership of its children without modifying those refcounts.
* IsMutable(): This returns true when the associated CordRep reference is not shared with other threads, *and* does not store an associated checksum value. This is useful for functions that modify a CordRep's contents: code may modify the bytes of a mutable-unshared CordRep without fear of races with other threads, or of invalidating a stored checksum.
The tricky part of this CL is ensuring that the correct choice between IsMutable() and IsOne() was made at each point. An incorrect application of IsOne() could lead to correctness bugs in the future. Code conditioned on IsOne() may delete the CordRep in question, or assume ownership of its children, but must not modify the CordRep's data without explicitly adjusting the CRC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406191103
686544814079e5ab6d4593cca0c068b510be400a by Martijn Vels <mvels@google.com>:
Reduce the size in the LargeString test when running with Sanitizers
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406186945
735b4490bdb695c35731f06ce4b8de14ce2be6ed by Alex Strelnikov <strel@google.com>:
Release absl::SimpleHexAtoi.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 406143188
GitOrigin-RevId: f49e405201d2ffd5955503fa8ad0f08ec0cdfb2b
Change-Id: Ic6527ac40fa03ea02ca813e8bb7868a219544de4
3 years ago
std::string s(kSize, 'x');
s.back() = '-';
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit(s, '-');
EXPECT_EQ(2, v.size());
// The first element will contain 2G of 'x's.
// testing::StartsWith is too slow with a 2G string.
EXPECT_EQ('x', v[0][0]);
EXPECT_EQ('x', v[0][1]);
EXPECT_EQ('x', v[0][3]);
EXPECT_EQ("", v[1]);
TEST(SplitInternalTest, TypeTraits) {
(absl::strings_internal::HasMappedType<std::map<int, int>>::value));
(absl::strings_internal::HasValueType<std::map<int, int>>::value));
(absl::strings_internal::HasConstIterator<std::map<int, int>>::value));
} // namespace