// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/base/config.h"
#include "absl/base/dynamic_annotations.h"
#if defined(ABSL_HAVE_STD_STRING_VIEW) || defined(__ANDROID__)
// We don't control the death messaging when using std::string_view.
// Android assert messages only go to system log, so death tests cannot inspect
// the message for matching.
#define ABSL_EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(statement, regex) \
#define ABSL_EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(statement, regex) \
namespace {
// A minimal allocator that uses malloc().
template <typename T>
struct Mallocator {
typedef T value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
size_type max_size() const {
return size_t(std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max()) / sizeof(value_type);
template <typename U>
struct rebind {
typedef Mallocator<U> other;
Mallocator() = default;
template <class U>
Mallocator(const Mallocator<U>&) {} // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
T* allocate(size_t n) { return static_cast<T*>(std::malloc(n * sizeof(T))); }
void deallocate(T* p, size_t) { std::free(p); }
template <typename T, typename U>
bool operator==(const Mallocator<T>&, const Mallocator<U>&) {
return true;
template <typename T, typename U>
bool operator!=(const Mallocator<T>&, const Mallocator<U>&) {
return false;
TEST(StringViewTest, Ctor) {
// Null.
absl::string_view s10;
EXPECT_TRUE(s10.data() == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(0, s10.length());
// const char* without length.
const char* hello = "hello";
absl::string_view s20(hello);
EXPECT_TRUE(s20.data() == hello);
EXPECT_EQ(5, s20.length());
// const char* with length.
absl::string_view s21(hello, 4);
EXPECT_TRUE(s21.data() == hello);
EXPECT_EQ(4, s21.length());
// Not recommended, but valid C++
absl::string_view s22(hello, 6);
EXPECT_TRUE(s22.data() == hello);
EXPECT_EQ(6, s22.length());
// std::string.
std::string hola = "hola";
absl::string_view s30(hola);
EXPECT_TRUE(s30.data() == hola.data());
EXPECT_EQ(4, s30.length());
// std::string with embedded '\0'.
absl::string_view s31(hola);
EXPECT_TRUE(s31.data() == hola.data());
EXPECT_EQ(8, s31.length());
using mstring =
std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Mallocator<char>>;
mstring str1("BUNGIE-JUMPING!");
const mstring str2("SLEEPING!");
absl::string_view s1(str1);
absl::string_view s2(str2);
EXPECT_EQ(s1, s2);
// TODO(mec): absl::string_view(const absl::string_view&);
TEST(StringViewTest, Swap) {
absl::string_view a("a");
absl::string_view b("bbb");
EXPECT_EQ(a, "bbb");
EXPECT_EQ(b, "a");
EXPECT_EQ(a, "a");
EXPECT_EQ(b, "bbb");
TEST(StringViewTest, STLComparator) {
std::string s1("foo");
std::string s2("bar");
std::string s3("baz");
absl::string_view p1(s1);
absl::string_view p2(s2);
absl::string_view p3(s3);
typedef std::map<absl::string_view, int> TestMap;
TestMap map;
map.insert(std::make_pair(p1, 0));
map.insert(std::make_pair(p2, 1));
map.insert(std::make_pair(p3, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(map.size(), 3);
TestMap::const_iterator iter = map.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(iter->second, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(iter->second, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(iter->second, 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == map.end());
TestMap::iterator new_iter = map.find("zot");
EXPECT_TRUE(new_iter == map.end());
new_iter = map.find("bar");
EXPECT_TRUE(new_iter != map.end());
EXPECT_EQ(map.size(), 2);
iter = map.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(iter->second, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(iter->second, 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == map.end());
#define COMPARE(result, op, x, y) \
EXPECT_EQ(result, absl::string_view((x)) op absl::string_view((y))); \
EXPECT_EQ(result, absl::string_view((x)).compare(absl::string_view((y))) op 0)
TEST(StringViewTest, ComparisonOperators) {
COMPARE(true, ==, "", "");
COMPARE(true, ==, "", absl::string_view());
COMPARE(true, ==, absl::string_view(), "");
COMPARE(true, ==, "a", "a");
COMPARE(true, ==, "aa", "aa");
COMPARE(false, ==, "a", "");
COMPARE(false, ==, "", "a");
COMPARE(false, ==, "a", "b");
COMPARE(false, ==, "a", "aa");
COMPARE(false, ==, "aa", "a");
COMPARE(false, !=, "", "");
COMPARE(false, !=, "a", "a");
COMPARE(false, !=, "aa", "aa");
COMPARE(true, !=, "a", "");
COMPARE(true, !=, "", "a");
COMPARE(true, !=, "a", "b");
COMPARE(true, !=, "a", "aa");
COMPARE(true, !=, "aa", "a");
COMPARE(true, <, "a", "b");
COMPARE(true, <, "a", "aa");
COMPARE(true, <, "aa", "b");
COMPARE(true, <, "aa", "bb");
COMPARE(false, <, "a", "a");
COMPARE(false, <, "b", "a");
COMPARE(false, <, "aa", "a");
COMPARE(false, <, "b", "aa");
COMPARE(false, <, "bb", "aa");
COMPARE(true, <=, "a", "a");
COMPARE(true, <=, "a", "b");
COMPARE(true, <=, "a", "aa");
COMPARE(true, <=, "aa", "b");
COMPARE(true, <=, "aa", "bb");
COMPARE(false, <=, "b", "a");
COMPARE(false, <=, "aa", "a");
COMPARE(false, <=, "b", "aa");
COMPARE(false, <=, "bb", "aa");
COMPARE(false, >=, "a", "b");
COMPARE(false, >=, "a", "aa");
COMPARE(false, >=, "aa", "b");
COMPARE(false, >=, "aa", "bb");
COMPARE(true, >=, "a", "a");
COMPARE(true, >=, "b", "a");
COMPARE(true, >=, "aa", "a");
COMPARE(true, >=, "b", "aa");
COMPARE(true, >=, "bb", "aa");
COMPARE(false, >, "a", "a");
COMPARE(false, >, "a", "b");
COMPARE(false, >, "a", "aa");
COMPARE(false, >, "aa", "b");
COMPARE(false, >, "aa", "bb");
COMPARE(true, >, "b", "a");
COMPARE(true, >, "aa", "a");
COMPARE(true, >, "b", "aa");
COMPARE(true, >, "bb", "aa");
TEST(StringViewTest, ComparisonOperatorsByCharacterPosition) {
std::string x;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
x += 'a';
std::string y = x;
COMPARE(true, ==, x, y);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
std::string z = x;
z[j] = 'b'; // Differs in position 'j'
COMPARE(false, ==, x, z);
COMPARE(true, <, x, z);
COMPARE(true, >, z, x);
if (j + 1 < i) {
z[j + 1] = 'A'; // Differs in position 'j+1' as well
COMPARE(false, ==, x, z);
COMPARE(true, <, x, z);
COMPARE(true, >, z, x);
z[j + 1] = 'z'; // Differs in position 'j+1' as well
COMPARE(false, ==, x, z);
COMPARE(true, <, x, z);
COMPARE(true, >, z, x);
#undef COMPARE
// Sadly, our users often confuse std::string::npos with
// absl::string_view::npos; So much so that we test here that they are the same.
// They need to both be unsigned, and both be the maximum-valued integer of
// their type.
template <typename T>
struct is_type {
template <typename U>
static bool same(U) {
return false;
static bool same(T) { return true; }
TEST(StringViewTest, NposMatchesStdStringView) {
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view::npos, std::string::npos);
// Make sure absl::string_view::npos continues to be a header constant.
char test[absl::string_view::npos & 1] = {0};
EXPECT_EQ(0, test[0]);
TEST(StringViewTest, STL1) {
const absl::string_view a("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
const absl::string_view b("abc");
const absl::string_view c("xyz");
const absl::string_view d("foobar");
const absl::string_view e;
std::string temp("123");
temp += '\0';
temp += "456";
const absl::string_view f(temp);
EXPECT_EQ(a[6], 'g');
EXPECT_EQ(b[0], 'a');
EXPECT_EQ(c[2], 'z');
EXPECT_EQ(f[3], '\0');
EXPECT_EQ(f[5], '5');
EXPECT_EQ(*d.data(), 'f');
EXPECT_EQ(d.data()[5], 'r');
EXPECT_TRUE(e.data() == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(*a.begin(), 'a');
EXPECT_EQ(*(b.begin() + 2), 'c');
EXPECT_EQ(*(c.end() - 1), 'z');
EXPECT_EQ(*a.rbegin(), 'z');
EXPECT_EQ(*(b.rbegin() + 2), 'a');
EXPECT_EQ(*(c.rend() - 1), 'x');
EXPECT_TRUE(a.rbegin() + 26 == a.rend());
EXPECT_EQ(a.size(), 26);
EXPECT_EQ(b.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(c.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(d.size(), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(e.size(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(f.size(), 7);
EXPECT_TRUE(d.begin() != d.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(d.begin() + 6 == d.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(e.begin() == e.end());
char buf[4] = { '%', '%', '%', '%' };
EXPECT_EQ(a.copy(buf, 4), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[0], a[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[1], a[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[2], a[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[3], a[3]);
EXPECT_EQ(a.copy(buf, 3, 7), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[0], a[7]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[1], a[8]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[2], a[9]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[3], a[3]);
EXPECT_EQ(c.copy(buf, 99), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[0], c[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[1], c[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[2], c[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(buf[3], a[3]);
EXPECT_THROW(a.copy(buf, 1, 27), std::out_of_range);
ABSL_EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(a.copy(buf, 1, 27), "absl::string_view::copy");
// Separated from STL1() because some compilers produce an overly
// large stack frame for the combined function.
TEST(StringViewTest, STL2) {
const absl::string_view a("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
const absl::string_view b("abc");
const absl::string_view c("xyz");
absl::string_view d("foobar");
const absl::string_view e;
const absl::string_view f(
d = absl::string_view();
EXPECT_EQ(d.size(), 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(d.data() == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(d.begin() == d.end());
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(b), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(b, 1), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(c), 23);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(c, 9), 23);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(c, absl::string_view::npos), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(b.find(c), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(b.find(c, absl::string_view::npos), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(d), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(e), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(d, 12), 12);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(e, 17), 17);
absl::string_view g("xx not found bb");
EXPECT_EQ(a.find(g), absl::string_view::npos);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(d.find(b), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find(b), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find(b, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find(b, 7), absl::string_view::npos);
size_t empty_search_pos = std::string().find(std::string());
EXPECT_EQ(d.find(d), empty_search_pos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find(e), empty_search_pos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find(d), empty_search_pos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find(e), empty_search_pos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find(d, 4), std::string().find(std::string(), 4));
EXPECT_EQ(d.find(e, 4), std::string().find(std::string(), 4));
EXPECT_EQ(e.find(d, 4), std::string().find(std::string(), 4));
EXPECT_EQ(e.find(e, 4), std::string().find(std::string(), 4));
EXPECT_EQ(a.find('a'), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find('c'), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find('z'), 25);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find('$'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find('\0'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find('\0'), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find('3'), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find('5'), 5);
EXPECT_EQ(g.find('o'), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(g.find('o', 4), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(g.find('o', 5), 8);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find('b', 5), absl::string_view::npos);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(d.find('\0'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find('\0'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find('\0', 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find('\0', 7), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find('x'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find('x'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find('x', 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find('x', 7), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(b), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(b, 1), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(c), 23);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(c, 22), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(c, 1), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(c, 0), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(b.rfind(c), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(b.rfind(c, 0), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(d), std::string(a).rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(e), std::string(a).rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(d, 12), 12);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(e, 17), 17);
EXPECT_EQ(a.rfind(g), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind(b), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind(b), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind(b, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind(b, 7), absl::string_view::npos);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind(d, 4), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind(d, 7), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind(e, 4), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind(e, 7), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind(d), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind(d), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind(e), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind(e), std::string().rfind(std::string()));
EXPECT_EQ(g.rfind('o'), 8);
EXPECT_EQ(g.rfind('q'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(g.rfind('o', 8), 8);
EXPECT_EQ(g.rfind('o', 7), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(g.rfind('o', 3), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.rfind('\0'), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(f.rfind('\0', 12), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(f.rfind('3'), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(f.rfind('5'), 5);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind('o'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind('o'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.rfind('o', 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.rfind('o', 7), absl::string_view::npos);
// Continued from STL2
TEST(StringViewTest, STL2FindFirst) {
const absl::string_view a("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
const absl::string_view b("abc");
const absl::string_view c("xyz");
absl::string_view d("foobar");
const absl::string_view e;
const absl::string_view f(
absl::string_view g("xx not found bb");
d = absl::string_view();
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(b), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(b, 0), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(b, 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(b, 2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(b, 3), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(c), 23);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(c, 23), 23);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(c, 24), 24);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(c, 25), 25);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(c, 26), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(g.find_first_of(b), 13);
EXPECT_EQ(g.find_first_of(c), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(f), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_first_of(a), absl::string_view::npos);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_of(b), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_of(b), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(b), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(c), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(b.find_first_not_of(a), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(c.find_first_not_of(a), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_first_not_of(a), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(f), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(d), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(e), 0);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(d), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(e), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(d, 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(e, 1), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(d, a.size() - 1), a.size() - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(e, a.size() - 1), a.size() - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(d, a.size()), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(e, a.size()), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(d, absl::string_view::npos),
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_first_not_of(e, absl::string_view::npos),
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_not_of(a), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_not_of(a), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_not_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_not_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_not_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_not_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
absl::string_view h("====");
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_first_not_of('='), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_first_not_of('=', 3), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_first_not_of('\0'), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g.find_first_not_of('x'), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_first_not_of('\0'), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_first_not_of('\0', 3), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_first_not_of('\0', 2), 2);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_not_of('x'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_not_of('x'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_first_not_of('\0'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_first_not_of('\0'), absl::string_view::npos);
// Continued from STL2
TEST(StringViewTest, STL2FindLast) {
const absl::string_view a("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
const absl::string_view b("abc");
const absl::string_view c("xyz");
absl::string_view d("foobar");
const absl::string_view e;
const absl::string_view f(
absl::string_view g("xx not found bb");
absl::string_view h("====");
absl::string_view i("56");
d = absl::string_view();
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_last_of(a), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(g.find_last_of(a), g.size()-1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of(b), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of(c), a.size()-1);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(i), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('a'), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('b'), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('z'), 25);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('a', 5), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('b', 5), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('b', 0), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('z', 25), 25);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_of('z', 24), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(i, 5), 5);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(i, 6), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(a, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(d, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_of(e, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_of(f), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_of(f), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_of(d, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_of(e, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_of(d, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_of(e, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_of(f, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_of(f, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_not_of(b), a.size()-1);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_not_of(c), 22);
EXPECT_EQ(b.find_last_not_of(a), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(b.find_last_not_of(b), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_not_of(i), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_not_of(c, 24), 22);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_not_of(b, 3), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(a.find_last_not_of(b, 2), absl::string_view::npos);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_not_of(d), f.size()-1);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_not_of(e), f.size()-1);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_not_of(d, 4), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(f.find_last_not_of(e, 4), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of(d), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of(e), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of(f), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of(f), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of(d, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of(e, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of(d, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of(e, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of(f, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of(f, 4), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_last_not_of('x'), h.size() - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_last_not_of('='), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(b.find_last_not_of('c'), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_last_not_of('x', 2), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(h.find_last_not_of('=', 2), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(b.find_last_not_of('b', 1), 0);
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of('x'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of('x'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(d.find_last_not_of('\0'), absl::string_view::npos);
EXPECT_EQ(e.find_last_not_of('\0'), absl::string_view::npos);
// Continued from STL2
TEST(StringViewTest, STL2Substr) {
const absl::string_view a("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
const absl::string_view b("abc");
const absl::string_view c("xyz");
absl::string_view d("foobar");
const absl::string_view e;
d = absl::string_view();
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(0, 3), b);
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(23), c);
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(23, 3), c);
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(23, 99), c);
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(0), a);
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(3, 2), "de");
// empty string nonsense
EXPECT_EQ(d.substr(0, 99), e);
// use of npos
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(0, absl::string_view::npos), a);
EXPECT_EQ(a.substr(23, absl::string_view::npos), c);
// throw exception
EXPECT_THROW((void)a.substr(99, 2), std::out_of_range);
ABSL_EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED((void)a.substr(99, 2),
TEST(StringViewTest, TruncSubstr) {
const absl::string_view hi("hi");
EXPECT_EQ("", absl::ClippedSubstr(hi, 0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("h", absl::ClippedSubstr(hi, 0, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("hi", absl::ClippedSubstr(hi, 0));
EXPECT_EQ("i", absl::ClippedSubstr(hi, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("", absl::ClippedSubstr(hi, 2));
EXPECT_EQ("", absl::ClippedSubstr(hi, 3)); // truncation
EXPECT_EQ("", absl::ClippedSubstr(hi, 3, 2)); // truncation
TEST(StringViewTest, UTF8) {
std::string utf8 = "\u00E1";
std::string utf8_twice = utf8 + " " + utf8;
int utf8_len = strlen(utf8.data());
EXPECT_EQ(utf8_len, absl::string_view(utf8_twice).find_first_of(" "));
EXPECT_EQ(utf8_len, absl::string_view(utf8_twice).find_first_of(" \t"));
TEST(StringViewTest, FindConformance) {
struct {
std::string haystack;
std::string needle;
} specs[] = {
{"", ""},
{"", "a"},
{"a", ""},
{"a", "a"},
{"a", "b"},
{"aa", ""},
{"aa", "a"},
{"aa", "b"},
{"ab", "a"},
{"ab", "b"},
{"abcd", ""},
{"abcd", "a"},
{"abcd", "d"},
{"abcd", "ab"},
{"abcd", "bc"},
{"abcd", "cd"},
{"abcd", "abcd"},
for (const auto& s : specs) {
std::string st = s.haystack;
absl::string_view sp = s.haystack;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= sp.size(); ++i) {
size_t pos = (i == sp.size()) ? absl::string_view::npos : i;
EXPECT_EQ(sp.find(s.needle, pos),
st.find(s.needle, pos));
EXPECT_EQ(sp.rfind(s.needle, pos),
st.rfind(s.needle, pos));
EXPECT_EQ(sp.find_first_of(s.needle, pos),
st.find_first_of(s.needle, pos));
EXPECT_EQ(sp.find_first_not_of(s.needle, pos),
st.find_first_not_of(s.needle, pos));
EXPECT_EQ(sp.find_last_of(s.needle, pos),
st.find_last_of(s.needle, pos));
EXPECT_EQ(sp.find_last_not_of(s.needle, pos),
st.find_last_not_of(s.needle, pos));
TEST(StringViewTest, Remove) {
absl::string_view a("foobar");
std::string s1("123");
s1 += '\0';
s1 += "456";
absl::string_view e;
std::string s2;
// remove_prefix
absl::string_view c(a);
EXPECT_EQ(c, "bar");
c = a;
EXPECT_EQ(c, a);
EXPECT_EQ(c, e);
// remove_suffix
c = a;
EXPECT_EQ(c, "foo");
c = a;
EXPECT_EQ(c, a);
EXPECT_EQ(c, e);
TEST(StringViewTest, Set) {
absl::string_view a("foobar");
absl::string_view empty;
absl::string_view b;
// set
b = absl::string_view("foobar", 6);
EXPECT_EQ(b, a);
b = absl::string_view("foobar", 0);
EXPECT_EQ(b, empty);
b = absl::string_view("foobar", 7);
EXPECT_NE(b, a);
b = absl::string_view("foobar");
EXPECT_EQ(b, a);
TEST(StringViewTest, FrontBack) {
static const char arr[] = "abcd";
const absl::string_view csp(arr, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(&arr[0], &csp.front());
EXPECT_EQ(&arr[3], &csp.back());
TEST(StringViewTest, FrontBackSingleChar) {
static const char c = 'a';
const absl::string_view csp(&c, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(&c, &csp.front());
EXPECT_EQ(&c, &csp.back());
TEST(StringViewTest, FrontBackEmpty) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Abseil's string_view implementation has debug assertions that check that
// front() and back() are not called on an empty string_view.
absl::string_view sv;
// `std::string_view::string_view(const char*)` calls
// `std::char_traits<char>::length(const char*)` to get the string length. In
// libc++, it doesn't allow `nullptr` in the constexpr context, with the error
// "read of dereferenced null pointer is not allowed in a constant expression".
// At run time, the behavior of `std::char_traits::length()` on `nullptr` is
// undefined by the standard and usually results in crash with libc++.
// GCC also started rejected this in libstdc++ starting in GCC9.
// In MSVC, creating a constexpr string_view from nullptr also triggers an
// "unevaluable pointer value" error. This compiler implementation conforms
// to the standard, but `absl::string_view` implements a different
// behavior for historical reasons. We work around tests that construct
// `string_view` from `nullptr` when using libc++.
Export of internal Abseil changes
2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
docs: fix typo
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/397
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277504420
f2bed362c1c12d3fa9c22d11f2b918668e8c37b7 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277502334
e33de894ffd49848b9e088f59acc9743d1661948 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Update rules_cc version. The mirror.bazel.build URL does not exist
(cache expiration?)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277498394
b23757b0747c64634d2d701433782c969effef19 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/394.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277491405
54c75b8b29813531c52d67cf0ba7063baae4a4f3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix comment typos: waker => waiter.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277376952
874eeaa3b3af808fc88b6355245f643674f5e36e by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Don't use atomic ops on waiter and wakeup counts in CONDVAR waiter mode.
Just guard the waiter and wakeup counts with the mutex. This eliminates the
Also fix a typo in the error message for pthread_cond_timedwait.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277366017
ce8c9a63109214519b5a7eaecef2c663c4d566df by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement the config options for our four main C++ forward compatibility types.
These options control whether the names `any`, `optional`, `string_view`, and `variant` in namespace `absl` are aliases to the corresponding C++17 types in namespace `std`. By default, we continue to auto-detect the configuration of the compiler being run.
These options are not intended to be modified on the command line (as -D flags, say). Instead, the options.h file can be modified by distributors of Abseil (e.g., binary packagers, maintainers of local copies of Abseil, etc.)
Changing options will change Abseil in an ODR sense. Any program must only link in a single version of Abseil. Linking libraries that use Abseil configured with different options is an error: there is no ABI compatibility guarantee when linking different configurations, even if the Abseil versions used are otherwise exactly identical.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277364298
5ed3ad42ae43a05862070f92f9ffd07f5c1f2b81 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Suppress -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion.
On recent builds of Clang, this is an error/warning.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277346168
9b9b0055243c705189bb27d912e6d45a7789cdee by Eric Fiselier <ericwf@google.com>:
Allow building Abseil as a shared library with CMake.
By default CMake's `add_library` creates the target as a static
library. However, users can override the default using the builtin
This changes Abseil's CMake to respect this configuration option
by removing the explicit `STATIC` in our usages of `add_library`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277337753
63a8b7b8ede3a9d851916929d6b8537f4f2508ca by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Improve AlphaNum Hex performance by using absl::numbers_internal::FastHexToBufferZeroPad16.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277318108
dd047f7e92032682d94b27732df0e4d0670e24a4 by CJ Johnson <johnsoncj@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277316913
d19ee7074929fed08973cc5b40a844573ce1e0a6 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Handle invoking [[nodiscard]] functions correctly in our tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277301500
5373f3737894ba9b8481e95e5f58c7957c00d26a by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
For internal reasons, loosen visibility restrictions of `//absl/base:malloc_internal`.
As an internal-namespace interface, this module remains unsupported. We
reserve the right to change, delete, or re-restrict visibility to this target
at any time.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277118689
44e4f6655e05393a375d09b3625c192b1fde5909 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix error in example civil day comment.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277103315
7657392b4ce48469106f11cdb952a0bc76a28df3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277056076
c75bda76f40b01fa249b75b5a70c1f5907e56c76 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Suppress lifetime constant-initialization tests when building with MSVC versions > 19.0.
These are broken due to non-compliant initialization order in these versions:
We don't know when Microsoft will fix this bug.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277049770
16c3b9bf2a1796efa57f97b00bcd6227fbccca1f by Matt Calabrese <calabrese@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277048670
e91003fa3ee6026d9b80624a23fc144fa5d74810 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Fix -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warning in latest clang
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276771618
53087ca6603e86ad815f3dd9ab795cc0f79792c1 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Add documentation on absl::SNPrintF.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276694032
a9426af8cbd4c3a8f9053e7446c821852e41ff61 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Stop including kern/OSByteOrder.h in order to support __APPLE__
Apple compiles with clang now anyway, and clang has support for the
built-in compiler swap functions that are much faster than any function call to
the OS.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276625231
df974be5aa5b4dc1b09c356cb8816edfc7867e63 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Fix the build for Android x86-64 builds, where __SSE4_2__ is defined but
_bswap64 is not.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276542642
d99dc092b3a5ad17643005e55f3b3cb6b9187ccc by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Remove a byteswap from the non-SSE path of FastHexToBufferZeroPad16
Remove the need for including absl/base/internal/endian.h from the SSE case
(since if we have the Intel SSE intrinsics, then clearly we also have the
Intel Byte-Swap intrinsics.)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276532608
d67b106dc930d8558810ae3983613bb2ab1e0d36 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Use explicit static_cast<double> for int64_t to double conversion
This uses an explicit static_cast<double>() in the int64_t to double comparisons in duration.cc's SafeAddRepHi. This satisfies clang's -Wimplicit-int-to-float-conversion warning (with https://reviews.llvm.org/D64666). This may also make it easier for humans to realize that the comparison is happening between two floating point double precision values. It should have no impact on the behavior or generated code.
No behavior change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276529211
GitOrigin-RevId: 2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f
Change-Id: I71e0781893ce219960b8290d54b20532779cb0ff
5 years ago
#if !defined(ABSL_USES_STD_STRING_VIEW) || \
(!(defined(_GLIBCXX_RELEASE) && _GLIBCXX_RELEASE >= 9) && \
!defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && !defined(_MSC_VER))
TEST(StringViewTest, NULLInput) {
absl::string_view s;
EXPECT_EQ(s.data(), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(s.size(), 0);
s = absl::string_view(nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(s.data(), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(s.size(), 0);
// .ToString() on a absl::string_view with nullptr should produce the empty
// string.
EXPECT_EQ("", std::string(s));
TEST(StringViewTest, Comparisons2) {
// The `compare` member has 6 overloads (v: string_view, s: const char*):
// (1) compare(v)
// (2) compare(pos1, count1, v)
// (3) compare(pos1, count1, v, pos2, count2)
// (4) compare(s)
// (5) compare(pos1, count1, s)
// (6) compare(pos1, count1, s, count2)
absl::string_view abc("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
// check comparison operations on strings longer than 4 bytes.
EXPECT_EQ(abc, absl::string_view("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
EXPECT_EQ(abc.compare(absl::string_view("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")), 0);
EXPECT_LT(abc, absl::string_view("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzz"));
EXPECT_LT(abc.compare(absl::string_view("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzz")), 0);
EXPECT_GT(abc, absl::string_view("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyy"));
EXPECT_GT(abc.compare(absl::string_view("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyy")), 0);
// The "substr" variants of `compare`.
absl::string_view digits("0123456789");
auto npos = absl::string_view::npos;
// Taking string_view
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(3, npos, absl::string_view("3456789")), 0); // 2
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(3, 4, absl::string_view("3456")), 0); // 2
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(10, 0, absl::string_view()), 0); // 2
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(3, 4, absl::string_view("0123456789"), 3, 4),
0); // 3
EXPECT_LT(digits.compare(3, 4, absl::string_view("0123456789"), 3, 5),
0); // 3
EXPECT_LT(digits.compare(0, npos, absl::string_view("0123456789"), 3, 5),
0); // 3
// Taking const char*
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(3, 4, "3456"), 0); // 5
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(3, npos, "3456789"), 0); // 5
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(10, 0, ""), 0); // 5
EXPECT_EQ(digits.compare(3, 4, "0123456789", 3, 4), 0); // 6
EXPECT_LT(digits.compare(3, 4, "0123456789", 3, 5), 0); // 6
EXPECT_LT(digits.compare(0, npos, "0123456789", 3, 5), 0); // 6
TEST(StringViewTest, At) {
absl::string_view abc = "abc";
EXPECT_EQ(abc.at(0), 'a');
EXPECT_EQ(abc.at(1), 'b');
EXPECT_EQ(abc.at(2), 'c');
EXPECT_THROW(abc.at(3), std::out_of_range);
ABSL_EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(abc.at(3), "absl::string_view::at");
struct MyCharAlloc : std::allocator<char> {};
TEST(StringViewTest, ExplicitConversionOperator) {
absl::string_view sp = "hi";
EXPECT_EQ(sp, std::string(sp));
TEST(StringViewTest, NullSafeStringView) {
absl::string_view s = absl::NullSafeStringView(nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, s.data());
EXPECT_EQ(0, s.size());
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view(), s);
static const char kHi[] = "hi";
absl::string_view s = absl::NullSafeStringView(kHi);
EXPECT_EQ(kHi, s.data());
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(kHi), s.size());
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view("hi"), s);
TEST(StringViewTest, ConstexprNullSafeStringView) {
constexpr absl::string_view s = absl::NullSafeStringView(nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, s.data());
EXPECT_EQ(0, s.size());
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view(), s);
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1910
// MSVC 2017+ is required for good constexpr string_view support.
// See the implementation of `absl::string_view::StrlenInternal()`.
static constexpr char kHi[] = "hi";
absl::string_view s = absl::NullSafeStringView(kHi);
EXPECT_EQ(kHi, s.data());
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(kHi), s.size());
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view("hi"), s);
constexpr absl::string_view s = absl::NullSafeStringView("hello");
EXPECT_EQ(s.size(), 5);
EXPECT_EQ("hello", s);
TEST(StringViewTest, ConstexprCompiles) {
constexpr absl::string_view sp;
constexpr absl::string_view cstr(nullptr);
constexpr absl::string_view cstr_len("cstr", 4);
Export of internal Abseil changes
2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
docs: fix typo
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/397
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277504420
f2bed362c1c12d3fa9c22d11f2b918668e8c37b7 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277502334
e33de894ffd49848b9e088f59acc9743d1661948 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Update rules_cc version. The mirror.bazel.build URL does not exist
(cache expiration?)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277498394
b23757b0747c64634d2d701433782c969effef19 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/394.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277491405
54c75b8b29813531c52d67cf0ba7063baae4a4f3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix comment typos: waker => waiter.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277376952
874eeaa3b3af808fc88b6355245f643674f5e36e by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Don't use atomic ops on waiter and wakeup counts in CONDVAR waiter mode.
Just guard the waiter and wakeup counts with the mutex. This eliminates the
Also fix a typo in the error message for pthread_cond_timedwait.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277366017
ce8c9a63109214519b5a7eaecef2c663c4d566df by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement the config options for our four main C++ forward compatibility types.
These options control whether the names `any`, `optional`, `string_view`, and `variant` in namespace `absl` are aliases to the corresponding C++17 types in namespace `std`. By default, we continue to auto-detect the configuration of the compiler being run.
These options are not intended to be modified on the command line (as -D flags, say). Instead, the options.h file can be modified by distributors of Abseil (e.g., binary packagers, maintainers of local copies of Abseil, etc.)
Changing options will change Abseil in an ODR sense. Any program must only link in a single version of Abseil. Linking libraries that use Abseil configured with different options is an error: there is no ABI compatibility guarantee when linking different configurations, even if the Abseil versions used are otherwise exactly identical.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277364298
5ed3ad42ae43a05862070f92f9ffd07f5c1f2b81 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Suppress -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion.
On recent builds of Clang, this is an error/warning.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277346168
9b9b0055243c705189bb27d912e6d45a7789cdee by Eric Fiselier <ericwf@google.com>:
Allow building Abseil as a shared library with CMake.
By default CMake's `add_library` creates the target as a static
library. However, users can override the default using the builtin
This changes Abseil's CMake to respect this configuration option
by removing the explicit `STATIC` in our usages of `add_library`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277337753
63a8b7b8ede3a9d851916929d6b8537f4f2508ca by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Improve AlphaNum Hex performance by using absl::numbers_internal::FastHexToBufferZeroPad16.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277318108
dd047f7e92032682d94b27732df0e4d0670e24a4 by CJ Johnson <johnsoncj@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277316913
d19ee7074929fed08973cc5b40a844573ce1e0a6 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Handle invoking [[nodiscard]] functions correctly in our tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277301500
5373f3737894ba9b8481e95e5f58c7957c00d26a by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
For internal reasons, loosen visibility restrictions of `//absl/base:malloc_internal`.
As an internal-namespace interface, this module remains unsupported. We
reserve the right to change, delete, or re-restrict visibility to this target
at any time.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277118689
44e4f6655e05393a375d09b3625c192b1fde5909 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix error in example civil day comment.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277103315
7657392b4ce48469106f11cdb952a0bc76a28df3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277056076
c75bda76f40b01fa249b75b5a70c1f5907e56c76 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Suppress lifetime constant-initialization tests when building with MSVC versions > 19.0.
These are broken due to non-compliant initialization order in these versions:
We don't know when Microsoft will fix this bug.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277049770
16c3b9bf2a1796efa57f97b00bcd6227fbccca1f by Matt Calabrese <calabrese@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277048670
e91003fa3ee6026d9b80624a23fc144fa5d74810 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Fix -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warning in latest clang
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276771618
53087ca6603e86ad815f3dd9ab795cc0f79792c1 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Add documentation on absl::SNPrintF.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276694032
a9426af8cbd4c3a8f9053e7446c821852e41ff61 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Stop including kern/OSByteOrder.h in order to support __APPLE__
Apple compiles with clang now anyway, and clang has support for the
built-in compiler swap functions that are much faster than any function call to
the OS.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276625231
df974be5aa5b4dc1b09c356cb8816edfc7867e63 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Fix the build for Android x86-64 builds, where __SSE4_2__ is defined but
_bswap64 is not.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276542642
d99dc092b3a5ad17643005e55f3b3cb6b9187ccc by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Remove a byteswap from the non-SSE path of FastHexToBufferZeroPad16
Remove the need for including absl/base/internal/endian.h from the SSE case
(since if we have the Intel SSE intrinsics, then clearly we also have the
Intel Byte-Swap intrinsics.)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276532608
d67b106dc930d8558810ae3983613bb2ab1e0d36 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Use explicit static_cast<double> for int64_t to double conversion
This uses an explicit static_cast<double>() in the int64_t to double comparisons in duration.cc's SafeAddRepHi. This satisfies clang's -Wimplicit-int-to-float-conversion warning (with https://reviews.llvm.org/D64666). This may also make it easier for humans to realize that the comparison is happening between two floating point double precision values. It should have no impact on the behavior or generated code.
No behavior change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276529211
GitOrigin-RevId: 2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f
Change-Id: I71e0781893ce219960b8290d54b20532779cb0ff
5 years ago
// In libstdc++ (as of 7.2), `std::string_view::string_view(const char*)`
// calls `std::char_traits<char>::length(const char*)` to get the string
// length, but it is not marked constexpr yet. See GCC bug:
// https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=78156
// Also, there is a LWG issue that adds constexpr to length() which was just
// resolved 2017-06-02. See
// http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/lwg-defects.html#2232
// TODO(zhangxy): Update the condition when libstdc++ adopts the constexpr
// length().
#if !defined(__GLIBCXX__)
#endif // !__GLIBCXX__
Export of internal Abseil changes
2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
docs: fix typo
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/397
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277504420
f2bed362c1c12d3fa9c22d11f2b918668e8c37b7 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277502334
e33de894ffd49848b9e088f59acc9743d1661948 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Update rules_cc version. The mirror.bazel.build URL does not exist
(cache expiration?)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277498394
b23757b0747c64634d2d701433782c969effef19 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/394.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277491405
54c75b8b29813531c52d67cf0ba7063baae4a4f3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix comment typos: waker => waiter.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277376952
874eeaa3b3af808fc88b6355245f643674f5e36e by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Don't use atomic ops on waiter and wakeup counts in CONDVAR waiter mode.
Just guard the waiter and wakeup counts with the mutex. This eliminates the
Also fix a typo in the error message for pthread_cond_timedwait.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277366017
ce8c9a63109214519b5a7eaecef2c663c4d566df by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement the config options for our four main C++ forward compatibility types.
These options control whether the names `any`, `optional`, `string_view`, and `variant` in namespace `absl` are aliases to the corresponding C++17 types in namespace `std`. By default, we continue to auto-detect the configuration of the compiler being run.
These options are not intended to be modified on the command line (as -D flags, say). Instead, the options.h file can be modified by distributors of Abseil (e.g., binary packagers, maintainers of local copies of Abseil, etc.)
Changing options will change Abseil in an ODR sense. Any program must only link in a single version of Abseil. Linking libraries that use Abseil configured with different options is an error: there is no ABI compatibility guarantee when linking different configurations, even if the Abseil versions used are otherwise exactly identical.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277364298
5ed3ad42ae43a05862070f92f9ffd07f5c1f2b81 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Suppress -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion.
On recent builds of Clang, this is an error/warning.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277346168
9b9b0055243c705189bb27d912e6d45a7789cdee by Eric Fiselier <ericwf@google.com>:
Allow building Abseil as a shared library with CMake.
By default CMake's `add_library` creates the target as a static
library. However, users can override the default using the builtin
This changes Abseil's CMake to respect this configuration option
by removing the explicit `STATIC` in our usages of `add_library`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277337753
63a8b7b8ede3a9d851916929d6b8537f4f2508ca by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Improve AlphaNum Hex performance by using absl::numbers_internal::FastHexToBufferZeroPad16.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277318108
dd047f7e92032682d94b27732df0e4d0670e24a4 by CJ Johnson <johnsoncj@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277316913
d19ee7074929fed08973cc5b40a844573ce1e0a6 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Handle invoking [[nodiscard]] functions correctly in our tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277301500
5373f3737894ba9b8481e95e5f58c7957c00d26a by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
For internal reasons, loosen visibility restrictions of `//absl/base:malloc_internal`.
As an internal-namespace interface, this module remains unsupported. We
reserve the right to change, delete, or re-restrict visibility to this target
at any time.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277118689
44e4f6655e05393a375d09b3625c192b1fde5909 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix error in example civil day comment.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277103315
7657392b4ce48469106f11cdb952a0bc76a28df3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277056076
c75bda76f40b01fa249b75b5a70c1f5907e56c76 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Suppress lifetime constant-initialization tests when building with MSVC versions > 19.0.
These are broken due to non-compliant initialization order in these versions:
We don't know when Microsoft will fix this bug.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277049770
16c3b9bf2a1796efa57f97b00bcd6227fbccca1f by Matt Calabrese <calabrese@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277048670
e91003fa3ee6026d9b80624a23fc144fa5d74810 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Fix -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warning in latest clang
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276771618
53087ca6603e86ad815f3dd9ab795cc0f79792c1 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Add documentation on absl::SNPrintF.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276694032
a9426af8cbd4c3a8f9053e7446c821852e41ff61 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Stop including kern/OSByteOrder.h in order to support __APPLE__
Apple compiles with clang now anyway, and clang has support for the
built-in compiler swap functions that are much faster than any function call to
the OS.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276625231
df974be5aa5b4dc1b09c356cb8816edfc7867e63 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Fix the build for Android x86-64 builds, where __SSE4_2__ is defined but
_bswap64 is not.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276542642
d99dc092b3a5ad17643005e55f3b3cb6b9187ccc by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Remove a byteswap from the non-SSE path of FastHexToBufferZeroPad16
Remove the need for including absl/base/internal/endian.h from the SSE case
(since if we have the Intel SSE intrinsics, then clearly we also have the
Intel Byte-Swap intrinsics.)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276532608
d67b106dc930d8558810ae3983613bb2ab1e0d36 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Use explicit static_cast<double> for int64_t to double conversion
This uses an explicit static_cast<double>() in the int64_t to double comparisons in duration.cc's SafeAddRepHi. This satisfies clang's -Wimplicit-int-to-float-conversion warning (with https://reviews.llvm.org/D64666). This may also make it easier for humans to realize that the comparison is happening between two floating point double precision values. It should have no impact on the behavior or generated code.
No behavior change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276529211
GitOrigin-RevId: 2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f
Change-Id: I71e0781893ce219960b8290d54b20532779cb0ff
5 years ago
// This duplicates the check for __builtin_strlen in the header.
#if ABSL_HAVE_BUILTIN(__builtin_strlen) || \
(defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__))
#elif defined(__GNUC__) // GCC or clang
#error GCC/clang should have constexpr string_view.
// MSVC 2017+ should be able to construct a constexpr string_view from a cstr.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1910
Export of internal Abseil changes
2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
docs: fix typo
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/397
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277504420
f2bed362c1c12d3fa9c22d11f2b918668e8c37b7 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277502334
e33de894ffd49848b9e088f59acc9743d1661948 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Update rules_cc version. The mirror.bazel.build URL does not exist
(cache expiration?)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277498394
b23757b0747c64634d2d701433782c969effef19 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/394.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277491405
54c75b8b29813531c52d67cf0ba7063baae4a4f3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix comment typos: waker => waiter.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277376952
874eeaa3b3af808fc88b6355245f643674f5e36e by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Don't use atomic ops on waiter and wakeup counts in CONDVAR waiter mode.
Just guard the waiter and wakeup counts with the mutex. This eliminates the
Also fix a typo in the error message for pthread_cond_timedwait.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277366017
ce8c9a63109214519b5a7eaecef2c663c4d566df by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement the config options for our four main C++ forward compatibility types.
These options control whether the names `any`, `optional`, `string_view`, and `variant` in namespace `absl` are aliases to the corresponding C++17 types in namespace `std`. By default, we continue to auto-detect the configuration of the compiler being run.
These options are not intended to be modified on the command line (as -D flags, say). Instead, the options.h file can be modified by distributors of Abseil (e.g., binary packagers, maintainers of local copies of Abseil, etc.)
Changing options will change Abseil in an ODR sense. Any program must only link in a single version of Abseil. Linking libraries that use Abseil configured with different options is an error: there is no ABI compatibility guarantee when linking different configurations, even if the Abseil versions used are otherwise exactly identical.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277364298
5ed3ad42ae43a05862070f92f9ffd07f5c1f2b81 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Suppress -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion.
On recent builds of Clang, this is an error/warning.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277346168
9b9b0055243c705189bb27d912e6d45a7789cdee by Eric Fiselier <ericwf@google.com>:
Allow building Abseil as a shared library with CMake.
By default CMake's `add_library` creates the target as a static
library. However, users can override the default using the builtin
This changes Abseil's CMake to respect this configuration option
by removing the explicit `STATIC` in our usages of `add_library`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277337753
63a8b7b8ede3a9d851916929d6b8537f4f2508ca by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Improve AlphaNum Hex performance by using absl::numbers_internal::FastHexToBufferZeroPad16.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277318108
dd047f7e92032682d94b27732df0e4d0670e24a4 by CJ Johnson <johnsoncj@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277316913
d19ee7074929fed08973cc5b40a844573ce1e0a6 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Handle invoking [[nodiscard]] functions correctly in our tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277301500
5373f3737894ba9b8481e95e5f58c7957c00d26a by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
For internal reasons, loosen visibility restrictions of `//absl/base:malloc_internal`.
As an internal-namespace interface, this module remains unsupported. We
reserve the right to change, delete, or re-restrict visibility to this target
at any time.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277118689
44e4f6655e05393a375d09b3625c192b1fde5909 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix error in example civil day comment.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277103315
7657392b4ce48469106f11cdb952a0bc76a28df3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277056076
c75bda76f40b01fa249b75b5a70c1f5907e56c76 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Suppress lifetime constant-initialization tests when building with MSVC versions > 19.0.
These are broken due to non-compliant initialization order in these versions:
We don't know when Microsoft will fix this bug.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277049770
16c3b9bf2a1796efa57f97b00bcd6227fbccca1f by Matt Calabrese <calabrese@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277048670
e91003fa3ee6026d9b80624a23fc144fa5d74810 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Fix -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warning in latest clang
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276771618
53087ca6603e86ad815f3dd9ab795cc0f79792c1 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Add documentation on absl::SNPrintF.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276694032
a9426af8cbd4c3a8f9053e7446c821852e41ff61 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Stop including kern/OSByteOrder.h in order to support __APPLE__
Apple compiles with clang now anyway, and clang has support for the
built-in compiler swap functions that are much faster than any function call to
the OS.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276625231
df974be5aa5b4dc1b09c356cb8816edfc7867e63 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Fix the build for Android x86-64 builds, where __SSE4_2__ is defined but
_bswap64 is not.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276542642
d99dc092b3a5ad17643005e55f3b3cb6b9187ccc by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Remove a byteswap from the non-SSE path of FastHexToBufferZeroPad16
Remove the need for including absl/base/internal/endian.h from the SSE case
(since if we have the Intel SSE intrinsics, then clearly we also have the
Intel Byte-Swap intrinsics.)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276532608
d67b106dc930d8558810ae3983613bb2ab1e0d36 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Use explicit static_cast<double> for int64_t to double conversion
This uses an explicit static_cast<double>() in the int64_t to double comparisons in duration.cc's SafeAddRepHi. This satisfies clang's -Wimplicit-int-to-float-conversion warning (with https://reviews.llvm.org/D64666). This may also make it easier for humans to realize that the comparison is happening between two floating point double precision values. It should have no impact on the behavior or generated code.
No behavior change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276529211
GitOrigin-RevId: 2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f
Change-Id: I71e0781893ce219960b8290d54b20532779cb0ff
5 years ago
constexpr absl::string_view cstr_strlen("foo");
EXPECT_EQ(cstr_strlen.length(), 3);
constexpr absl::string_view cstr_strlen2 = "bar";
EXPECT_EQ(cstr_strlen2, "bar");
Export of internal Abseil changes
f13697e3d33803f9667d124072da4f6dd8bfbf85 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Addressing https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/314, fixing
CMakeLists.txt to reference ABSL_TEST_COPTS rather than ABSL_DEFAULT_COPTS.
ABSL_TEST_COPTS should be preferred for all tests so that they are configured consistently (moreover, CMake should agree with Bazel).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274932312
c31c24a1fa6bb98136adf51ef37c0818ac366690 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Silence MSAN in the stack consumption test utility
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274912950
2412913c05a246cd527cd4c31452f126e9129f3a by CJ Johnson <johnsoncj@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274847103
75e984a93b5760873501b96ac3229ccfd955daf8 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Reformat BUILD file to current standards.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274815392
a2780e085f1df1e4ca2c814a58c893d1b78a1d9c by Samuel Benzaquen <sbenza@google.com>:
Fix invalid result regarding leading zeros in the exponent.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274808017
dd402e1cb5c4ebacb576372ae24bf289d729d323 by Samuel Benzaquen <sbenza@google.com>:
Make string_view's relational operators constexpr when possible.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274807873
b4ef32565653a5da1cb8bb8d0351586d23519658 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal rework.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274787159
70d81971c5914e6785b8e8a9d4f6eb2655dd62c0 by Gennadiy Rozental <rogeeff@google.com>:
Internal rework.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274715557
14f5b0440e353b899cafaaa15b53e77f98f401af by Gennadiy Rozental <rogeeff@google.com>:
Make deprecated statements about ParseFLag/UnparseFlag consistent in a file.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274668123
2e85adbdbb92612e4d750bc34fbca3333128b42d by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Allow absl::c_equal to be used with arrays.
This is achieved by allowing container size computation for arrays.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274426830
219719f107226d328773e6cec99fb473f5d3119c by Gennadiy Rozental <rogeeff@google.com>:
Release correct extension interfaces to support usage of absl::Time and absl::Duration as ABSL_FLAG
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274273788
47a77f93fda23b69b4a6bdbd506fe643c69a5579 by Gennadiy Rozental <rogeeff@google.com>:
Rework of flags persistence/FlagSaver internals.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274225213
7807be3fe757c19e3b0c487298387683d4c9f5b3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Switch reference to sdkddkver.h to lowercase, matching conventions used in the Windows SDK and other uses. This helps to avoid confusion on case-sensitive filesystems.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274061877
561304090087a19f1d10f0475f564fe132ebf06e by Andy Getzendanner <durandal@google.com>:
Fix ABSL_WAITER_MODE detection for mingw
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/342
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274030071
9b3caac2cf202b9d440dfa1b4ffd538ac4bf715b by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Support using Abseil with the musl libc implementation.
Only test changes were required:
* Workaround for a bug in sigaltstack() on musl
* printf-style pointer formatting (%p) is implementation defined,
so verify StrFromat produces something compatible
* Fix detection of feenableexcept()
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274011666
73e8a938fc139e1cc8670d4513a445bacc855539 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
nvcc workaround: explicitly specify the definition of node_handle::Base
PiperOrigin-RevId: 274011392
ab9cc6d042aca7d48e16c504ab10eab39433f4b2 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273996318
e567c4979ca99c7e71821ec1523b8f5edd2c76ac by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Introduce a type alias to work around an nvcc bug.
On the previous code, nvcc gets confused thinking that T has to be a parameter
pack, as IsDecomposable accepts one.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273980472
105b6e6339b77a32f4432de05f44cd3f9c436751 by Eric Fiselier <ericwf@google.com>:
Import of CCTZ from GitHub.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273955589
8feb87ff1d7e721fe094855e67c19539d5e582b7 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Avoid dual-exporting scheduling_mode.h
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273825112
fbc37854776d295dae98fb9d06a541f296daab95 by Andy Getzendanner <durandal@google.com>:
Fix ABSL_HAVE_ALARM check on mingw
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/341
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273817839
6aedcd63a735b9133e143b043744ba0a25407f6f by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Remove bit_gen_view.h now that all callers have been migrated to bit_gen_ref.h
TGP - https://test.corp.google.com/ui#id=OCL:273762409:BASE:273743370:1570639020744:3001bcb5
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273810331
6573de24a66ba715c579f7f32b5c48a1d743c7f8 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal change.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273589963
91c8c28b6dca26d98b39e8e06a8ed17c701ff793 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Update macro name for `ABSL_GUARDED_BY()` in the example section.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273286983
0ff7d1a93d70f8ecd693f8dbb98b7a4a016ca2a4 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix potential integer overflow in the absl time library.
In absl::FromTM, the tm.tm_year is added by 1900 regarding that tm.tm_year represents the years since 1900. This change checks integer overflow before doing the arithmetic operation.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 273092952
b41c2a1310086807be09a833099ae6d4009f037c by Gennadiy Rozental <rogeeff@google.com>:
Correctly Unlock the global mutex in case of concurrent flag initialization.
Fixes #386
PiperOrigin-RevId: 272979749
c53103e71b2a6063af3c6d4ff68aa2d8f9ae9e06 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Try to become idle only when there is no wakeup.
Immediately after waking up (when futex wait returns), the current thread tries
to become idle doing bunch of memory loads and a branch. Problem is that there
is a good chance that we woke up due to a wakeup, especially for actively used
threads. For such wakeups, calling MaybeBecomeIdle() would be a waste of
Instead, call MaybeBecomeIdle() only when we are sure there is no wakeup. For
idle threads the net effect should be the same. For active, threads this will
be more efficient.
Moreover, since MaybeBecomeIdle() is called before waiting on the futex, the
current thread will try to become idle before sleeping. This should result
in more accurate idleness and more efficient release of thread resources.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 272940381
GitOrigin-RevId: f13697e3d33803f9667d124072da4f6dd8bfbf85
Change-Id: I36de05aec12595183725652dd362dfa58fb095d0
5 years ago
#if ABSL_HAVE_BUILTIN(__builtin_memcmp) || \
(defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__))
constexpr absl::string_view foo = "foo";
constexpr absl::string_view bar = "bar";
constexpr bool foo_eq_bar = foo == bar;
constexpr bool foo_ne_bar = foo != bar;
constexpr bool foo_lt_bar = foo < bar;
constexpr bool foo_le_bar = foo <= bar;
constexpr bool foo_gt_bar = foo > bar;
constexpr bool foo_ge_bar = foo >= bar;
constexpr int foo_compare_bar = foo.compare(bar);
EXPECT_GT(foo_compare_bar, 0);
#if !defined(__clang__) || 3 < __clang_major__ || \
(3 == __clang_major__ && 4 < __clang_minor__)
// older clang versions (< 3.5) complain that:
// "cannot perform pointer arithmetic on null pointer"
constexpr absl::string_view::iterator const_begin_empty = sp.begin();
constexpr absl::string_view::iterator const_end_empty = sp.end();
EXPECT_EQ(const_begin_empty, const_end_empty);
constexpr absl::string_view::iterator const_begin_nullptr = cstr.begin();
constexpr absl::string_view::iterator const_end_nullptr = cstr.end();
EXPECT_EQ(const_begin_nullptr, const_end_nullptr);
#endif // !defined(__clang__) || ...
constexpr absl::string_view::iterator const_begin = cstr_len.begin();
constexpr absl::string_view::iterator const_end = cstr_len.end();
constexpr absl::string_view::size_type const_size = cstr_len.size();
constexpr absl::string_view::size_type const_length = cstr_len.length();
static_assert(const_begin + const_size == const_end,
"pointer arithmetic check");
static_assert(const_begin + const_length == const_end,
"pointer arithmetic check");
#ifndef _MSC_VER
// MSVC has bugs doing constexpr pointer arithmetic.
// https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/482192/bad-pointer-arithmetic-in-constepxr-2019-rc1-svc1.html
EXPECT_EQ(const_begin + const_size, const_end);
EXPECT_EQ(const_begin + const_length, const_end);
constexpr bool isempty = sp.empty();
constexpr const char c = cstr_len[2];
EXPECT_EQ(c, 't');
constexpr const char cfront = cstr_len.front();
constexpr const char cback = cstr_len.back();
EXPECT_EQ(cfront, 'c');
EXPECT_EQ(cback, 'r');
constexpr const char* np = sp.data();
constexpr const char* cstr_ptr = cstr_len.data();
EXPECT_EQ(np, nullptr);
EXPECT_NE(cstr_ptr, nullptr);
constexpr size_t sp_npos = sp.npos;
EXPECT_EQ(sp_npos, -1);
TEST(StringViewTest, ConstexprSubstr) {
constexpr absl::string_view foobar("foobar", 6);
constexpr absl::string_view foo = foobar.substr(0, 3);
constexpr absl::string_view bar = foobar.substr(3);
EXPECT_EQ(foo, "foo");
EXPECT_EQ(bar, "bar");
TEST(StringViewTest, Noexcept) {
const std::string&>::value));
const std::string&>::value));
constexpr absl::string_view sp;
TEST(StringViewTest, BoundsCheck) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Abseil's string_view implementation has bounds-checking in debug mode.
absl::string_view h = "hello";
TEST(ComparisonOpsTest, StringCompareNotAmbiguous) {
EXPECT_EQ("hello", std::string("hello"));
EXPECT_LT("hello", std::string("world"));
TEST(ComparisonOpsTest, HeterogenousStringViewEquals) {
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view("hello"), std::string("hello"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello", absl::string_view("hello"));
TEST(FindOneCharTest, EdgeCases) {
absl::string_view a("xxyyyxx");
// Set a = "xyyyx".
EXPECT_EQ(0, a.find('x'));
EXPECT_EQ(0, a.find('x', 0));
EXPECT_EQ(4, a.find('x', 1));
EXPECT_EQ(4, a.find('x', 4));
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view::npos, a.find('x', 5));
EXPECT_EQ(4, a.rfind('x'));
EXPECT_EQ(4, a.rfind('x', 5));
EXPECT_EQ(4, a.rfind('x', 4));
EXPECT_EQ(0, a.rfind('x', 3));
EXPECT_EQ(0, a.rfind('x', 0));
// Set a = "yyy".
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view::npos, a.find('x'));
EXPECT_EQ(absl::string_view::npos, a.rfind('x'));
#ifndef THREAD_SANITIZER // Allocates too much memory for tsan.
TEST(HugeStringView, TwoPointTwoGB) {
if (sizeof(size_t) <= 4 || RunningOnValgrind())
// Try a huge string piece.
const size_t size = size_t{2200} * 1000 * 1000;
std::string s(size, 'a');
absl::string_view sp(s);
EXPECT_EQ(size, sp.length());
EXPECT_EQ(size - 1, sp.length());
EXPECT_EQ(size - 1 - 2, sp.length());
Export of internal Abseil changes
2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
docs: fix typo
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/397
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277504420
f2bed362c1c12d3fa9c22d11f2b918668e8c37b7 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277502334
e33de894ffd49848b9e088f59acc9743d1661948 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Update rules_cc version. The mirror.bazel.build URL does not exist
(cache expiration?)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277498394
b23757b0747c64634d2d701433782c969effef19 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/394.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277491405
54c75b8b29813531c52d67cf0ba7063baae4a4f3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix comment typos: waker => waiter.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277376952
874eeaa3b3af808fc88b6355245f643674f5e36e by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Don't use atomic ops on waiter and wakeup counts in CONDVAR waiter mode.
Just guard the waiter and wakeup counts with the mutex. This eliminates the
Also fix a typo in the error message for pthread_cond_timedwait.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277366017
ce8c9a63109214519b5a7eaecef2c663c4d566df by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement the config options for our four main C++ forward compatibility types.
These options control whether the names `any`, `optional`, `string_view`, and `variant` in namespace `absl` are aliases to the corresponding C++17 types in namespace `std`. By default, we continue to auto-detect the configuration of the compiler being run.
These options are not intended to be modified on the command line (as -D flags, say). Instead, the options.h file can be modified by distributors of Abseil (e.g., binary packagers, maintainers of local copies of Abseil, etc.)
Changing options will change Abseil in an ODR sense. Any program must only link in a single version of Abseil. Linking libraries that use Abseil configured with different options is an error: there is no ABI compatibility guarantee when linking different configurations, even if the Abseil versions used are otherwise exactly identical.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277364298
5ed3ad42ae43a05862070f92f9ffd07f5c1f2b81 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Suppress -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion.
On recent builds of Clang, this is an error/warning.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277346168
9b9b0055243c705189bb27d912e6d45a7789cdee by Eric Fiselier <ericwf@google.com>:
Allow building Abseil as a shared library with CMake.
By default CMake's `add_library` creates the target as a static
library. However, users can override the default using the builtin
This changes Abseil's CMake to respect this configuration option
by removing the explicit `STATIC` in our usages of `add_library`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277337753
63a8b7b8ede3a9d851916929d6b8537f4f2508ca by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Improve AlphaNum Hex performance by using absl::numbers_internal::FastHexToBufferZeroPad16.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277318108
dd047f7e92032682d94b27732df0e4d0670e24a4 by CJ Johnson <johnsoncj@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277316913
d19ee7074929fed08973cc5b40a844573ce1e0a6 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Handle invoking [[nodiscard]] functions correctly in our tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277301500
5373f3737894ba9b8481e95e5f58c7957c00d26a by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
For internal reasons, loosen visibility restrictions of `//absl/base:malloc_internal`.
As an internal-namespace interface, this module remains unsupported. We
reserve the right to change, delete, or re-restrict visibility to this target
at any time.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277118689
44e4f6655e05393a375d09b3625c192b1fde5909 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix error in example civil day comment.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277103315
7657392b4ce48469106f11cdb952a0bc76a28df3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277056076
c75bda76f40b01fa249b75b5a70c1f5907e56c76 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Suppress lifetime constant-initialization tests when building with MSVC versions > 19.0.
These are broken due to non-compliant initialization order in these versions:
We don't know when Microsoft will fix this bug.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277049770
16c3b9bf2a1796efa57f97b00bcd6227fbccca1f by Matt Calabrese <calabrese@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277048670
e91003fa3ee6026d9b80624a23fc144fa5d74810 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Fix -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warning in latest clang
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276771618
53087ca6603e86ad815f3dd9ab795cc0f79792c1 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Add documentation on absl::SNPrintF.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276694032
a9426af8cbd4c3a8f9053e7446c821852e41ff61 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Stop including kern/OSByteOrder.h in order to support __APPLE__
Apple compiles with clang now anyway, and clang has support for the
built-in compiler swap functions that are much faster than any function call to
the OS.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276625231
df974be5aa5b4dc1b09c356cb8816edfc7867e63 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Fix the build for Android x86-64 builds, where __SSE4_2__ is defined but
_bswap64 is not.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276542642
d99dc092b3a5ad17643005e55f3b3cb6b9187ccc by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Remove a byteswap from the non-SSE path of FastHexToBufferZeroPad16
Remove the need for including absl/base/internal/endian.h from the SSE case
(since if we have the Intel SSE intrinsics, then clearly we also have the
Intel Byte-Swap intrinsics.)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276532608
d67b106dc930d8558810ae3983613bb2ab1e0d36 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Use explicit static_cast<double> for int64_t to double conversion
This uses an explicit static_cast<double>() in the int64_t to double comparisons in duration.cc's SafeAddRepHi. This satisfies clang's -Wimplicit-int-to-float-conversion warning (with https://reviews.llvm.org/D64666). This may also make it easier for humans to realize that the comparison is happening between two floating point double precision values. It should have no impact on the behavior or generated code.
No behavior change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276529211
GitOrigin-RevId: 2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f
Change-Id: I71e0781893ce219960b8290d54b20532779cb0ff
5 years ago
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(ABSL_USES_STD_STRING_VIEW)
TEST(NonNegativeLenTest, NonNegativeLen) {
ABSL_EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(absl::string_view("xyz", -1),
"len <= kMaxSize");
TEST(LenExceedsMaxSizeTest, LenExceedsMaxSize) {
auto max_size = absl::string_view().max_size();
// This should construct ok (although the view itself is obviously invalid).
absl::string_view ok_view("", max_size);
// Adding one to the max should trigger an assertion.
ABSL_EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(absl::string_view("", max_size + 1),
"len <= kMaxSize");
Export of internal Abseil changes
2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
docs: fix typo
Import of https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/397
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277504420
f2bed362c1c12d3fa9c22d11f2b918668e8c37b7 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277502334
e33de894ffd49848b9e088f59acc9743d1661948 by Derek Mauro <dmauro@google.com>:
Update rules_cc version. The mirror.bazel.build URL does not exist
(cache expiration?)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277498394
b23757b0747c64634d2d701433782c969effef19 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/394.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277491405
54c75b8b29813531c52d67cf0ba7063baae4a4f3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix comment typos: waker => waiter.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277376952
874eeaa3b3af808fc88b6355245f643674f5e36e by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Don't use atomic ops on waiter and wakeup counts in CONDVAR waiter mode.
Just guard the waiter and wakeup counts with the mutex. This eliminates the
Also fix a typo in the error message for pthread_cond_timedwait.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277366017
ce8c9a63109214519b5a7eaecef2c663c4d566df by Greg Falcon <gfalcon@google.com>:
Implement the config options for our four main C++ forward compatibility types.
These options control whether the names `any`, `optional`, `string_view`, and `variant` in namespace `absl` are aliases to the corresponding C++17 types in namespace `std`. By default, we continue to auto-detect the configuration of the compiler being run.
These options are not intended to be modified on the command line (as -D flags, say). Instead, the options.h file can be modified by distributors of Abseil (e.g., binary packagers, maintainers of local copies of Abseil, etc.)
Changing options will change Abseil in an ODR sense. Any program must only link in a single version of Abseil. Linking libraries that use Abseil configured with different options is an error: there is no ABI compatibility guarantee when linking different configurations, even if the Abseil versions used are otherwise exactly identical.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277364298
5ed3ad42ae43a05862070f92f9ffd07f5c1f2b81 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Suppress -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion.
On recent builds of Clang, this is an error/warning.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277346168
9b9b0055243c705189bb27d912e6d45a7789cdee by Eric Fiselier <ericwf@google.com>:
Allow building Abseil as a shared library with CMake.
By default CMake's `add_library` creates the target as a static
library. However, users can override the default using the builtin
This changes Abseil's CMake to respect this configuration option
by removing the explicit `STATIC` in our usages of `add_library`.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277337753
63a8b7b8ede3a9d851916929d6b8537f4f2508ca by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Improve AlphaNum Hex performance by using absl::numbers_internal::FastHexToBufferZeroPad16.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277318108
dd047f7e92032682d94b27732df0e4d0670e24a4 by CJ Johnson <johnsoncj@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277316913
d19ee7074929fed08973cc5b40a844573ce1e0a6 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Handle invoking [[nodiscard]] functions correctly in our tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277301500
5373f3737894ba9b8481e95e5f58c7957c00d26a by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
For internal reasons, loosen visibility restrictions of `//absl/base:malloc_internal`.
As an internal-namespace interface, this module remains unsupported. We
reserve the right to change, delete, or re-restrict visibility to this target
at any time.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277118689
44e4f6655e05393a375d09b3625c192b1fde5909 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Fix error in example civil day comment.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277103315
7657392b4ce48469106f11cdb952a0bc76a28df3 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Internal change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277056076
c75bda76f40b01fa249b75b5a70c1f5907e56c76 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Suppress lifetime constant-initialization tests when building with MSVC versions > 19.0.
These are broken due to non-compliant initialization order in these versions:
We don't know when Microsoft will fix this bug.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277049770
16c3b9bf2a1796efa57f97b00bcd6227fbccca1f by Matt Calabrese <calabrese@google.com>:
Avoid our is_[copy/move]_assignable workarounds in MSVC 19.20 and on, since that release introduces a regression that breaks our workaround. We should ideally use the std forms in more cases, but branching when our workarounds fail is simpler to maintain.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 277048670
e91003fa3ee6026d9b80624a23fc144fa5d74810 by Chris Kennelly <ckennelly@google.com>:
Fix -Wimplicit-int-float-conversion warning in latest clang
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276771618
53087ca6603e86ad815f3dd9ab795cc0f79792c1 by Andy Soffer <asoffer@google.com>:
Add documentation on absl::SNPrintF.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276694032
a9426af8cbd4c3a8f9053e7446c821852e41ff61 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Stop including kern/OSByteOrder.h in order to support __APPLE__
Apple compiles with clang now anyway, and clang has support for the
built-in compiler swap functions that are much faster than any function call to
the OS.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276625231
df974be5aa5b4dc1b09c356cb8816edfc7867e63 by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Fix the build for Android x86-64 builds, where __SSE4_2__ is defined but
_bswap64 is not.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276542642
d99dc092b3a5ad17643005e55f3b3cb6b9187ccc by Jorg Brown <jorg@google.com>:
Remove a byteswap from the non-SSE path of FastHexToBufferZeroPad16
Remove the need for including absl/base/internal/endian.h from the SSE case
(since if we have the Intel SSE intrinsics, then clearly we also have the
Intel Byte-Swap intrinsics.)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276532608
d67b106dc930d8558810ae3983613bb2ab1e0d36 by Abseil Team <absl-team@google.com>:
Use explicit static_cast<double> for int64_t to double conversion
This uses an explicit static_cast<double>() in the int64_t to double comparisons in duration.cc's SafeAddRepHi. This satisfies clang's -Wimplicit-int-to-float-conversion warning (with https://reviews.llvm.org/D64666). This may also make it easier for humans to realize that the comparison is happening between two floating point double precision values. It should have no impact on the behavior or generated code.
No behavior change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 276529211
GitOrigin-RevId: 2f49cb9009386bc67bf54a2908c8720b749c8b7f
Change-Id: I71e0781893ce219960b8290d54b20532779cb0ff
5 years ago
#endif // !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(ABSL_USES_STD_STRING_VIEW)
class StringViewStreamTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Set negative 'width' for right justification.
template <typename T>
std::string Pad(const T& s, int width, char fill = 0) {
std::ostringstream oss;
if (fill != 0) {
oss << std::setfill(fill);
if (width < 0) {
width = -width;
oss << std::right;
oss << std::setw(width) << s;
return oss.str();
TEST_F(StringViewStreamTest, Padding) {
std::string s("hello");
absl::string_view sp(s);
for (int w = -64; w < 64; ++w) {
EXPECT_EQ(Pad(s, w), Pad(sp, w));
for (int w = -64; w < 64; ++w) {
EXPECT_EQ(Pad(s, w, '#'), Pad(sp, w, '#'));
TEST_F(StringViewStreamTest, ResetsWidth) {
// Width should reset after one formatted write.
// If we weren't resetting width after formatting the string_view,
// we'd have width=5 carrying over to the printing of the "]",
// creating "[###hi####]".
std::string s = "hi";
absl::string_view sp = s;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "[" << std::setfill('#') << std::setw(5) << s << "]";
ASSERT_EQ("[###hi]", oss.str());
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "[" << std::setfill('#') << std::setw(5) << sp << "]";
EXPECT_EQ("[###hi]", oss.str());
} // namespace