Please set you own librarys in [`CMakeLists.txt`](../csrc/segment/simple/CMakeLists.txt) and modify you own config in [`main.cpp`](../csrc/segment/simple/main.cpp) such as `CLASS_NAMES`, `COLORS`, `MASK_COLORS` and postprocess parameters .
If you have build OpenCV(>=4.7.0) by yourself, it provides a new api [`cv::dnn::NMSBoxesBatched`]( .
It is a gread api about efficient in-class nms . It will be used by default!
After executing the above command, you will get an engine named `yolov8s-seg.engine` too.
## Inference with c++
You can infer with c++ in [`csrc/segment/normal`](../csrc/segment/normal) .
### Build:
Please set you own librarys in [`CMakeLists.txt`](../csrc/segment/normal/CMakeLists.txt) and modify `CLASS_NAMES` and `COLORS` in [`main.cpp`](../csrc/segment/normal/main.cpp).
Besides, you can modify the postprocess parameters such as `num_labels` and `score_thres` and `iou_thres` and `topk` in [`main.cpp`](../csrc/segment/normal/main.cpp).
int topk = 100;
int seg_h = 160; // yolov8 model proto height
int seg_w = 160; // yolov8 model proto width
int seg_channels = 32; // yolov8 model proto channels
float score_thres = 0.25f;
float iou_thres = 0.65f;
And build:
``` shell
export root=${PWD}
cd src/segment/normal
mkdir build
cmake ..
mv yolov8-seg ${root}
cd ${root}
``` shell
# infer image
./yolov8-seg yolov8s-seg.engine data/bus.jpg
# infer images
./yolov8-seg yolov8s-seg.engine data
# infer video
./yolov8-seg yolov8s-seg.engine data/test.mp4 # the video path