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@chapter Syntax |
@c man begin SYNTAX |
This section documents the syntax and formats employed by the FFmpeg |
libraries and tools. |
@anchor{quoting_and_escaping} |
@section Quoting and escaping |
FFmpeg adopts the following quoting and escaping mechanism, unless |
explicitly specified. The following rules are applied: |
@itemize |
@item |
@samp{'} and @samp{\} are special characters (respectively used for |
quoting and escaping). In addition to them, there might be other |
special characters depending on the specific syntax where the escaping |
and quoting are employed. |
@item |
A special character is escaped by prefixing it with a @samp{\}. |
@item |
All characters enclosed between @samp{''} are included literally in the |
parsed string. The quote character @samp{'} itself cannot be quoted, |
so you may need to close the quote and escape it. |
@item |
Leading and trailing whitespaces, unless escaped or quoted, are |
removed from the parsed string. |
@end itemize |
Note that you may need to add a second level of escaping when using |
the command line or a script, which depends on the syntax of the |
adopted shell language. |
The function @code{av_get_token} defined in |
@file{libavutil/avstring.h} can be used to parse a token quoted or |
escaped according to the rules defined above. |
The tool @file{tools/ffescape} in the FFmpeg source tree can be used |
to automatically quote or escape a string in a script. |
@subsection Examples |
@itemize |
@item |
Escape the string @code{Crime d'Amour} containing the @code{'} special |
character: |
@example |
Crime d\'Amour |
@end example |
@item |
The string above contains a quote, so the @code{'} needs to be escaped |
when quoting it: |
@example |
'Crime d'\''Amour' |
@end example |
@item |
Include leading or trailing whitespaces using quoting: |
@example |
' this string starts and ends with whitespaces ' |
@end example |
@item |
Escaping and quoting can be mixed together: |
@example |
' The string '\'string\'' is a string ' |
@end example |
@item |
To include a literal @samp{\} you can use either escaping or quoting: |
@example |
'c:\foo' can be written as c:\\foo |
@end example |
@end itemize |
@anchor{date syntax} |
@section Date |
The accepted syntax is: |
@example |
[(YYYY-MM-DD|YYYYMMDD)[T|t| ]]((HH:MM:SS[.m...]]])|(HHMMSS[.m...]]]))[Z] |
now |
@end example |
If the value is "now" it takes the current time. |
Time is local time unless Z is appended, in which case it is |
interpreted as UTC. |
If the year-month-day part is not specified it takes the current |
year-month-day. |
@anchor{time duration syntax} |
@section Time duration |
There are two accepted syntaxes for expressing time duration. |
@example |
[-][@var{HH}:]@var{MM}:@var{SS}[.@var{m}...] |
@end example |
@var{HH} expresses the number of hours, @var{MM} the number of minutes |
for a maximum of 2 digits, and @var{SS} the number of seconds for a |
maximum of 2 digits. The @var{m} at the end expresses decimal value for |
@var{SS}. |
@emph{or} |
@example |
[-]@var{S}+[.@var{m}...][s|ms|us] |
@end example |
@var{S} expresses the number of seconds, with the optional decimal part |
@var{m}. The optional literal suffixes @samp{s}, @samp{ms} or @samp{us} |
indicate to interpret the value as seconds, milliseconds or microseconds, |
respectively. |
In both expressions, the optional @samp{-} indicates negative duration. |
@subsection Examples |
The following examples are all valid time duration: |
@table @samp |
@item 55 |
55 seconds |
@item 0.2 |
0.2 seconds |
@item 200ms |
200 milliseconds, that's 0.2s |
@item 200000us |
200000 microseconds, that's 0.2s |
@item 12:03:45 |
12 hours, 03 minutes and 45 seconds |
@item 23.189 |
23.189 seconds |
@end table |
@anchor{video size syntax} |
@section Video size |
Specify the size of the sourced video, it may be a string of the form |
@var{width}x@var{height}, or the name of a size abbreviation. |
The following abbreviations are recognized: |
@table @samp |
@item ntsc |
720x480 |
@item pal |
720x576 |
@item qntsc |
352x240 |
@item qpal |
352x288 |
@item sntsc |
640x480 |
@item spal |
768x576 |
@item film |
352x240 |
@item ntsc-film |
352x240 |
@item sqcif |
128x96 |
@item qcif |
176x144 |
@item cif |
352x288 |
@item 4cif |
704x576 |
@item 16cif |
1408x1152 |
@item qqvga |
160x120 |
@item qvga |
320x240 |
@item vga |
640x480 |
@item svga |
800x600 |
@item xga |
1024x768 |
@item uxga |
1600x1200 |
@item qxga |
2048x1536 |
@item sxga |
1280x1024 |
@item qsxga |
2560x2048 |
@item hsxga |
5120x4096 |
@item wvga |
852x480 |
@item wxga |
1366x768 |
@item wsxga |
1600x1024 |
@item wuxga |
1920x1200 |
@item woxga |
2560x1600 |
@item wqsxga |
3200x2048 |
@item wquxga |
3840x2400 |
@item whsxga |
6400x4096 |
@item whuxga |
7680x4800 |
@item cga |
320x200 |
@item ega |
640x350 |
@item hd480 |
852x480 |
@item hd720 |
1280x720 |
@item hd1080 |
1920x1080 |
@item 2k |
2048x1080 |
@item 2kflat |
1998x1080 |
@item 2kscope |
2048x858 |
@item 4k |
4096x2160 |
@item 4kflat |
3996x2160 |
@item 4kscope |
4096x1716 |
@item nhd |
640x360 |
@item hqvga |
240x160 |
@item wqvga |
400x240 |
@item fwqvga |
432x240 |
@item hvga |
480x320 |
@item qhd |
960x540 |
@item 2kdci |
2048x1080 |
@item 4kdci |
4096x2160 |
@item uhd2160 |
3840x2160 |
@item uhd4320 |
7680x4320 |
@end table |
@anchor{video rate syntax} |
@section Video rate |
Specify the frame rate of a video, expressed as the number of frames |
generated per second. It has to be a string in the format |
@var{frame_rate_num}/@var{frame_rate_den}, an integer number, a float |
number or a valid video frame rate abbreviation. |
The following abbreviations are recognized: |
@table @samp |
@item ntsc |
30000/1001 |
@item pal |
25/1 |
@item qntsc |
30000/1001 |
@item qpal |
25/1 |
@item sntsc |
30000/1001 |
@item spal |
25/1 |
@item film |
24/1 |
@item ntsc-film |
24000/1001 |
@end table |
@anchor{ratio syntax} |
@section Ratio |
A ratio can be expressed as an expression, or in the form |
@var{numerator}:@var{denominator}. |
Note that a ratio with infinite (1/0) or negative value is |
considered valid, so you should check on the returned value if you |
want to exclude those values. |
The undefined value can be expressed using the "0:0" string. |
@anchor{color syntax} |
@section Color |
It can be the name of a color as defined below (case insensitive match) or a |
@code{[0x|#]RRGGBB[AA]} sequence, possibly followed by @@ and a string |
representing the alpha component. |
The alpha component may be a string composed by "0x" followed by an |
hexadecimal number or a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0, which |
represents the opacity value (@samp{0x00} or @samp{0.0} means completely |
transparent, @samp{0xff} or @samp{1.0} completely opaque). If the alpha |
component is not specified then @samp{0xff} is assumed. |
The string @samp{random} will result in a random color. |
The following names of colors are recognized: |
@table @samp |
@item AliceBlue |
0xF0F8FF |
@item AntiqueWhite |
0xFAEBD7 |
@item Aqua |
0x00FFFF |
@item Aquamarine |
0x7FFFD4 |
@item Azure |
0xF0FFFF |
@item Beige |
0xF5F5DC |
@item Bisque |
0xFFE4C4 |
@item Black |
0x000000 |
@item BlanchedAlmond |
@item Blue |
0x0000FF |
@item BlueViolet |
0x8A2BE2 |
@item Brown |
0xA52A2A |
@item BurlyWood |
0xDEB887 |
@item CadetBlue |
0x5F9EA0 |
@item Chartreuse |
0x7FFF00 |
@item Chocolate |
0xD2691E |
@item Coral |
0xFF7F50 |
@item CornflowerBlue |
0x6495ED |
@item Cornsilk |
0xFFF8DC |
@item Crimson |
0xDC143C |
@item Cyan |
0x00FFFF |
@item DarkBlue |
0x00008B |
@item DarkCyan |
0x008B8B |
@item DarkGoldenRod |
0xB8860B |
@item DarkGray |
0xA9A9A9 |
@item DarkGreen |
0x006400 |
@item DarkKhaki |
0xBDB76B |
@item DarkMagenta |
0x8B008B |
@item DarkOliveGreen |
0x556B2F |
@item Darkorange |
0xFF8C00 |
@item DarkOrchid |
0x9932CC |
@item DarkRed |
0x8B0000 |
@item DarkSalmon |
0xE9967A |
@item DarkSeaGreen |
0x8FBC8F |
@item DarkSlateBlue |
0x483D8B |
@item DarkSlateGray |
0x2F4F4F |
@item DarkTurquoise |
0x00CED1 |
@item DarkViolet |
0x9400D3 |
@item DeepPink |
0xFF1493 |
@item DeepSkyBlue |
0x00BFFF |
@item DimGray |
0x696969 |
@item DodgerBlue |
0x1E90FF |
@item FireBrick |
0xB22222 |
@item FloralWhite |
0xFFFAF0 |
@item ForestGreen |
0x228B22 |
@item Fuchsia |
0xFF00FF |
@item Gainsboro |
@item GhostWhite |
0xF8F8FF |
@item Gold |
0xFFD700 |
@item GoldenRod |
0xDAA520 |
@item Gray |
0x808080 |
@item Green |
0x008000 |
@item GreenYellow |
0xADFF2F |
@item HoneyDew |
0xF0FFF0 |
@item HotPink |
0xFF69B4 |
@item IndianRed |
0xCD5C5C |
@item Indigo |
0x4B0082 |
@item Ivory |
0xFFFFF0 |
@item Khaki |
0xF0E68C |
@item Lavender |
0xE6E6FA |
@item LavenderBlush |
0xFFF0F5 |
@item LawnGreen |
0x7CFC00 |
@item LemonChiffon |
@item LightBlue |
0xADD8E6 |
@item LightCoral |
0xF08080 |
@item LightCyan |
0xE0FFFF |
@item LightGoldenRodYellow |
0xFAFAD2 |
@item LightGreen |
0x90EE90 |
@item LightGrey |
0xD3D3D3 |
@item LightPink |
0xFFB6C1 |
@item LightSalmon |
0xFFA07A |
@item LightSeaGreen |
0x20B2AA |
@item LightSkyBlue |
0x87CEFA |
@item LightSlateGray |
0x778899 |
@item LightSteelBlue |
0xB0C4DE |
@item LightYellow |
0xFFFFE0 |
@item Lime |
0x00FF00 |
@item LimeGreen |
0x32CD32 |
@item Linen |
0xFAF0E6 |
@item Magenta |
0xFF00FF |
@item Maroon |
0x800000 |
@item MediumAquaMarine |
0x66CDAA |
@item MediumBlue |
0x0000CD |
@item MediumOrchid |
0xBA55D3 |
@item MediumPurple |
0x9370D8 |
@item MediumSeaGreen |
0x3CB371 |
@item MediumSlateBlue |
0x7B68EE |
@item MediumSpringGreen |
0x00FA9A |
@item MediumTurquoise |
0x48D1CC |
@item MediumVioletRed |
0xC71585 |
@item MidnightBlue |
0x191970 |
@item MintCream |
0xF5FFFA |
@item MistyRose |
0xFFE4E1 |
@item Moccasin |
0xFFE4B5 |
@item NavajoWhite |
@item Navy |
0x000080 |
@item OldLace |
0xFDF5E6 |
@item Olive |
0x808000 |
@item OliveDrab |
0x6B8E23 |
@item Orange |
0xFFA500 |
@item OrangeRed |
0xFF4500 |
@item Orchid |
0xDA70D6 |
@item PaleGoldenRod |
0xEEE8AA |
@item PaleGreen |
0x98FB98 |
@item PaleTurquoise |
@item PaleVioletRed |
0xD87093 |
@item PapayaWhip |
0xFFEFD5 |
@item PeachPuff |
0xFFDAB9 |
@item Peru |
0xCD853F |
@item Pink |
0xFFC0CB |
@item Plum |
0xDDA0DD |
@item PowderBlue |
0xB0E0E6 |
@item Purple |
0x800080 |
@item Red |
0xFF0000 |
@item RosyBrown |
0xBC8F8F |
@item RoyalBlue |
0x4169E1 |
@item SaddleBrown |
0x8B4513 |
@item Salmon |
0xFA8072 |
@item SandyBrown |
0xF4A460 |
@item SeaGreen |
0x2E8B57 |
@item SeaShell |
0xFFF5EE |
@item Sienna |
0xA0522D |
@item Silver |
0xC0C0C0 |
@item SkyBlue |
0x87CEEB |
@item SlateBlue |
0x6A5ACD |
@item SlateGray |
0x708090 |
@item Snow |
@item SpringGreen |
0x00FF7F |
@item SteelBlue |
0x4682B4 |
@item Tan |
0xD2B48C |
@item Teal |
0x008080 |
@item Thistle |
0xD8BFD8 |
@item Tomato |
0xFF6347 |
@item Turquoise |
0x40E0D0 |
@item Violet |
0xEE82EE |
@item Wheat |
0xF5DEB3 |
@item White |
@item WhiteSmoke |
0xF5F5F5 |
@item Yellow |
0xFFFF00 |
@item YellowGreen |
0x9ACD32 |
@end table |
@anchor{channel layout syntax} |
@section Channel Layout |
A channel layout specifies the spatial disposition of the channels in |
a multi-channel audio stream. To specify a channel layout, FFmpeg |
makes use of a special syntax. |
Individual channels are identified by an id, as given by the table |
below: |
@table @samp |
@item FL |
front left |
@item FR |
front right |
@item FC |
front center |
@item LFE |
low frequency |
@item BL |
back left |
@item BR |
back right |
@item FLC |
front left-of-center |
@item FRC |
front right-of-center |
@item BC |
back center |
@item SL |
side left |
@item SR |
side right |
@item TC |
top center |
@item TFL |
top front left |
@item TFC |
top front center |
@item TFR |
top front right |
@item TBL |
top back left |
@item TBC |
top back center |
@item TBR |
top back right |
@item DL |
downmix left |
@item DR |
downmix right |
@item WL |
wide left |
@item WR |
wide right |
@item SDL |
surround direct left |
@item SDR |
surround direct right |
@item LFE2 |
low frequency 2 |
@end table |
Standard channel layout compositions can be specified by using the |
following identifiers: |
@table @samp |
@item mono |
FC |
@item stereo |
@item 2.1 |
@item 3.0 |
@item 3.0(back) |
@item 4.0 |
@item quad |
@item quad(side) |
@item 3.1 |
@item 5.0 |
@item 5.0(side) |
@item 4.1 |
@item 5.1 |
@item 5.1(side) |
@item 6.0 |
@item 6.0(front) |
@item 3.1.2 |
@item hexagonal |
@item 6.1 |
@item 6.1 |
@item 6.1(front) |
@item 7.0 |
@item 7.0(front) |
@item 7.1 |
@item 7.1(wide) |
@item 7.1(wide-side) |
@item 5.1.2 |
@item octagonal |
@item cube |
@item 5.1.4 |
@item 7.1.2 |
@item 7.1.4 |
@item 7.2.3 |
@item 9.1.4 |
@item hexadecagonal |
@item downmix |
@item 22.2 |
@end table |
A custom channel layout can be specified as a sequence of terms, separated by '+'. |
Each term can be: |
@itemize |
@item |
the name of a single channel (e.g. @samp{FL}, @samp{FR}, @samp{FC}, @samp{LFE}, etc.), |
each optionally containing a custom name after a '@@', (e.g. @samp{FL@@Left}, |
@samp{FR@@Right}, @samp{FC@@Center}, @samp{LFE@@Low_Frequency}, etc.) |
@end itemize |
A standard channel layout can be specified by the following: |
@itemize |
@item |
the name of a single channel (e.g. @samp{FL}, @samp{FR}, @samp{FC}, @samp{LFE}, etc.) |
@item |
the name of a standard channel layout (e.g. @samp{mono}, |
@samp{stereo}, @samp{4.0}, @samp{quad}, @samp{5.0}, etc.) |
@item |
a number of channels, in decimal, followed by 'c', yielding the default channel |
layout for that number of channels (see the function |
@code{av_channel_layout_default}). Note that not all channel counts have a |
default layout. |
@item |
a number of channels, in decimal, followed by 'C', yielding an unknown channel |
layout with the specified number of channels. Note that not all channel layout |
specification strings support unknown channel layouts. |
@item |
a channel layout mask, in hexadecimal starting with "0x" (see the |
@code{AV_CH_*} macros in @file{libavutil/channel_layout.h}. |
@end itemize |
Before libavutil version 53 the trailing character "c" to specify a number of |
channels was optional, but now it is required, while a channel layout mask can |
also be specified as a decimal number (if and only if not followed by "c" or "C"). |
See also the function @code{av_channel_layout_from_string} defined in |
@file{libavutil/channel_layout.h}. |
@c man end SYNTAX |
@chapter Expression Evaluation |
When evaluating an arithmetic expression, FFmpeg uses an internal |
formula evaluator, implemented through the @file{libavutil/eval.h} |
interface. |
An expression may contain unary, binary operators, constants, and |
functions. |
Two expressions @var{expr1} and @var{expr2} can be combined to form |
another expression "@var{expr1};@var{expr2}". |
@var{expr1} and @var{expr2} are evaluated in turn, and the new |
expression evaluates to the value of @var{expr2}. |
The following binary operators are available: @code{+}, @code{-}, |
@code{*}, @code{/}, @code{^}. |
The following unary operators are available: @code{+}, @code{-}. |
The following functions are available: |
@table @option |
@item abs(x) |
Compute absolute value of @var{x}. |
@item acos(x) |
Compute arccosine of @var{x}. |
@item asin(x) |
Compute arcsine of @var{x}. |
@item atan(x) |
Compute arctangent of @var{x}. |
@item atan2(y, x) |
Compute principal value of the arc tangent of @var{y}/@var{x}. |
@item between(x, min, max) |
Return 1 if @var{x} is greater than or equal to @var{min} and lesser than or |
equal to @var{max}, 0 otherwise. |
@item bitand(x, y) |
@item bitor(x, y) |
Compute bitwise and/or operation on @var{x} and @var{y}. |
The results of the evaluation of @var{x} and @var{y} are converted to |
integers before executing the bitwise operation. |
Note that both the conversion to integer and the conversion back to |
floating point can lose precision. Beware of unexpected results for |
large numbers (usually 2^53 and larger). |
@item ceil(expr) |
Round the value of expression @var{expr} upwards to the nearest |
integer. For example, "ceil(1.5)" is "2.0". |
@item clip(x, min, max) |
Return the value of @var{x} clipped between @var{min} and @var{max}. |
@item cos(x) |
Compute cosine of @var{x}. |
@item cosh(x) |
Compute hyperbolic cosine of @var{x}. |
@item eq(x, y) |
Return 1 if @var{x} and @var{y} are equivalent, 0 otherwise. |
@item exp(x) |
Compute exponential of @var{x} (with base @code{e}, the Euler's number). |
@item floor(expr) |
Round the value of expression @var{expr} downwards to the nearest |
integer. For example, "floor(-1.5)" is "-2.0". |
@item gauss(x) |
Compute Gauss function of @var{x}, corresponding to |
@code{exp(-x*x/2) / sqrt(2*PI)}. |
@item gcd(x, y) |
Return the greatest common divisor of @var{x} and @var{y}. If both @var{x} and |
@var{y} are 0 or either or both are less than zero then behavior is undefined. |
@item gt(x, y) |
Return 1 if @var{x} is greater than @var{y}, 0 otherwise. |
@item gte(x, y) |
Return 1 if @var{x} is greater than or equal to @var{y}, 0 otherwise. |
@item hypot(x, y) |
This function is similar to the C function with the same name; it returns |
"sqrt(@var{x}*@var{x} + @var{y}*@var{y})", the length of the hypotenuse of a |
right triangle with sides of length @var{x} and @var{y}, or the distance of the |
point (@var{x}, @var{y}) from the origin. |
@item if(x, y) |
Evaluate @var{x}, and if the result is non-zero return the result of |
the evaluation of @var{y}, return 0 otherwise. |
@item if(x, y, z) |
Evaluate @var{x}, and if the result is non-zero return the evaluation |
result of @var{y}, otherwise the evaluation result of @var{z}. |
@item ifnot(x, y) |
Evaluate @var{x}, and if the result is zero return the result of the |
evaluation of @var{y}, return 0 otherwise. |
@item ifnot(x, y, z) |
Evaluate @var{x}, and if the result is zero return the evaluation |
result of @var{y}, otherwise the evaluation result of @var{z}. |
@item isinf(x) |
Return 1.0 if @var{x} is +/-INFINITY, 0.0 otherwise. |
@item isnan(x) |
Return 1.0 if @var{x} is NAN, 0.0 otherwise. |
@item ld(var) |
Load the value of the internal variable with number |
@var{var}, which was previously stored with st(@var{var}, @var{expr}). |
The function returns the loaded value. |
@item lerp(x, y, z) |
Return linear interpolation between @var{x} and @var{y} by amount of @var{z}. |
@item log(x) |
Compute natural logarithm of @var{x}. |
@item lt(x, y) |
Return 1 if @var{x} is lesser than @var{y}, 0 otherwise. |
@item lte(x, y) |
Return 1 if @var{x} is lesser than or equal to @var{y}, 0 otherwise. |
@item max(x, y) |
Return the maximum between @var{x} and @var{y}. |
@item min(x, y) |
Return the minimum between @var{x} and @var{y}. |
@item mod(x, y) |
Compute the remainder of division of @var{x} by @var{y}. |
@item not(expr) |
Return 1.0 if @var{expr} is zero, 0.0 otherwise. |
@item pow(x, y) |
Compute the power of @var{x} elevated @var{y}, it is equivalent to |
"(@var{x})^(@var{y})". |
@item print(t) |
@item print(t, l) |
Print the value of expression @var{t} with loglevel @var{l}. If |
@var{l} is not specified then a default log level is used. |
Returns the value of the expression printed. |
Prints t with loglevel l |
@item random(idx) |
Return a pseudo random value between 0.0 and 1.0. @var{idx} is the |
index of the internal variable which will be used to save the |
seed/state. |
@item randomi(idx, min, max) |
Return a pseudo random value in the interval between @var{min} and |
@var{max}. @var{idx} is the index of the internal variable which will |
be used to save the seed/state. |
@item root(expr, max) |
Find an input value for which the function represented by @var{expr} |
with argument @var{ld(0)} is 0 in the interval 0..@var{max}. |
The expression in @var{expr} must denote a continuous function or the |
result is undefined. |
@var{ld(0)} is used to represent the function input value, which means |
that the given expression will be evaluated multiple times with |
various input values that the expression can access through |
@code{ld(0)}. When the expression evaluates to 0 then the |
corresponding input value will be returned. |
@item round(expr) |
Round the value of expression @var{expr} to the nearest integer. For example, "round(1.5)" is "2.0". |
@item sgn(x) |
Compute sign of @var{x}. |
@item sin(x) |
Compute sine of @var{x}. |
@item sinh(x) |
Compute hyperbolic sine of @var{x}. |
@item sqrt(expr) |
Compute the square root of @var{expr}. This is equivalent to |
"(@var{expr})^.5". |
@item squish(x) |
Compute expression @code{1/(1 + exp(4*x))}. |
@item st(var, expr) |
Store the value of the expression @var{expr} in an internal |
variable. @var{var} specifies the number of the variable where to |
store the value, and it is a value ranging from 0 to 9. The function |
returns the value stored in the internal variable. |
Note, Variables are currently not shared between expressions. |
@item tan(x) |
Compute tangent of @var{x}. |
@item tanh(x) |
Compute hyperbolic tangent of @var{x}. |
@item taylor(expr, x) |
@item taylor(expr, x, id) |
Evaluate a Taylor series at @var{x}, given an expression representing |
the @code{ld(id)}-th derivative of a function at 0. |
When the series does not converge the result is undefined. |
@var{ld(id)} is used to represent the derivative order in @var{expr}, |
which means that the given expression will be evaluated multiple times |
with various input values that the expression can access through |
@code{ld(id)}. If @var{id} is not specified then 0 is assumed. |
Note, when you have the derivatives at y instead of 0, |
@code{taylor(expr, x-y)} can be used. |
@item time(0) |
Return the current (wallclock) time in seconds. |
@item trunc(expr) |
Round the value of expression @var{expr} towards zero to the nearest |
integer. For example, "trunc(-1.5)" is "-1.0". |
@item while(cond, expr) |
Evaluate expression @var{expr} while the expression @var{cond} is |
non-zero, and returns the value of the last @var{expr} evaluation, or |
NAN if @var{cond} was always false. |
@end table |
The following constants are available: |
@table @option |
@item PI |
area of the unit disc, approximately 3.14 |
@item E |
exp(1) (Euler's number), approximately 2.718 |
@item PHI |
golden ratio (1+sqrt(5))/2, approximately 1.618 |
@end table |
Assuming that an expression is considered "true" if it has a non-zero |
value, note that: |
@code{*} works like AND |
@code{+} works like OR |
For example the construct: |
@example |
if (A AND B) then C |
@end example |
is equivalent to: |
@example |
if(A*B, C) |
@end example |
In your C code, you can extend the list of unary and binary functions, |
and define recognized constants, so that they are available for your |
expressions. |
The evaluator also recognizes the International System unit prefixes. |
If 'i' is appended after the prefix, binary prefixes are used, which |
are based on powers of 1024 instead of powers of 1000. |
The 'B' postfix multiplies the value by 8, and can be appended after a |
unit prefix or used alone. This allows using for example 'KB', 'MiB', |
'G' and 'B' as number postfix. |
The list of available International System prefixes follows, with |
indication of the corresponding powers of 10 and of 2. |
@table @option |
@item y |
10^-24 / 2^-80 |
@item z |
10^-21 / 2^-70 |
@item a |
10^-18 / 2^-60 |
@item f |
10^-15 / 2^-50 |
@item p |
10^-12 / 2^-40 |
@item n |
10^-9 / 2^-30 |
@item u |
10^-6 / 2^-20 |
@item m |
10^-3 / 2^-10 |
@item c |
10^-2 |
@item d |
10^-1 |
@item h |
10^2 |
@item k |
10^3 / 2^10 |
@item K |
10^3 / 2^10 |
@item M |
10^6 / 2^20 |
@item G |
10^9 / 2^30 |
@item T |
10^12 / 2^40 |
@item P |
10^15 / 2^50 |
@item E |
10^18 / 2^60 |
@item Z |
10^21 / 2^70 |
@item Y |
10^24 / 2^80 |
@end table |