This function wouldn't benefit from VSX instructions, so I put it
under altivec.
./ffmpeg_g -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s hd1080 -i /dev/zero -pix_fmt grayf32le \
-f null -vframes 100 -v error -nostats -
3743 UNITS in planar1, 65495 runs, 41 skips
-cpuflags 0
23511 UNITS in planar1, 65530 runs, 6 skips
4647 UNITS in planar1, 65449 runs, 87 skips
-cpuflags 0
28608 UNITS in planar1, 65530 runs, 6 skips
The native speedup is 6.28133, and the bswapping one 6.15623.
Fate passes, each format tested with an image to video conversion.
Signed-off-by: Lauri Kasanen <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <>