You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
370 lines
11 KiB
370 lines
11 KiB
#! /bin/sh |
export LC_ALL=C |
base=$(dirname $0) |
. "${base}/" |
base64=tests/base64 |
test="${1#fate-}" |
target_samples=$2 |
target_exec=$3 |
target_path=$4 |
command=$5 |
cmp=${6:-diff} |
ref=${7:-"${base}/ref/fate/${test}"} |
fuzz=${8:-1} |
threads=${9:-1} |
thread_type=${10:-frame+slice} |
cpuflags=${11:-all} |
cmp_shift=${12:-0} |
cmp_target=${13:-0} |
size_tolerance=${14:-0} |
cmp_unit=${15:-2} |
gen=${16:-no} |
hwaccel=${17:-none} |
outdir="tests/data/fate" |
outfile="${outdir}/${test}" |
errfile="${outdir}/${test}.err" |
cmpfile="${outdir}/${test}.diff" |
repfile="${outdir}/${test}.rep" |
target_path(){ |
test ${1} = ${1#/} && p=${target_path}/ |
echo ${p}${1} |
} |
# $1=value1, $2=value2, $3=threshold |
# prints 0 if absolute difference between value1 and value2 is <= threshold |
compare(){ |
awk "BEGIN { v = $1 - $2; printf ((v < 0 ? -v : v) > $3) }" |
} |
do_tiny_psnr(){ |
psnr=$(tests/tiny_psnr "$1" "$2" $cmp_unit $cmp_shift 0) || return 1 |
val=$(expr "$psnr" : ".*$3: *\([0-9.]*\)") |
size1=$(expr "$psnr" : '.*bytes: *\([0-9]*\)') |
size2=$(expr "$psnr" : '.*bytes:[ 0-9]*/ *\([0-9]*\)') |
val_cmp=$(compare $val $cmp_target $fuzz) |
size_cmp=$(compare $size1 $size2 $size_tolerance) |
if [ "$val_cmp" != 0 ] || [ "$size_cmp" != 0 ]; then |
echo "$psnr" |
if [ "$val_cmp" != 0 ]; then |
echo "$3: |$val - $cmp_target| >= $fuzz" |
fi |
if [ "$size_cmp" != 0 ]; then |
echo "size: |$size1 - $size2| >= $size_tolerance" |
fi |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
oneoff(){ |
do_tiny_psnr "$1" "$2" MAXDIFF |
} |
stddev(){ |
do_tiny_psnr "$1" "$2" stddev |
} |
oneline(){ |
printf '%s\n' "$1" | diff -u -b - "$2" |
} |
run(){ |
test "${V:-0}" -gt 0 && echo "$target_exec" $target_path/"$@" >&3 |
$target_exec $target_path/"$@" |
} |
runecho(){ |
test "${V:-0}" -gt 0 && echo "$target_exec" $target_path/"$@" >&3 |
$target_exec $target_path/"$@" >&3 |
} |
probefmt(){ |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -show_entries format=format_name -print_format default=nw=1:nk=1 -v 0 "$@" |
} |
runlocal(){ |
test "${V:-0}" -gt 0 && echo ${base}/"$@" ${base} >&3 |
${base}/"$@" ${base} |
} |
probeframes(){ |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -show_frames -v 0 "$@" |
} |
probechapters(){ |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -show_chapters -v 0 "$@" |
} |
probegaplessinfo(){ |
filename="$1" |
shift |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -bitexact -select_streams a -show_entries format=start_time,duration:stream=index,start_pts,duration_ts -v 0 "$filename" "$@" |
pktfile1="${outdir}/${test}.pkts" |
framefile1="${outdir}/${test}.frames" |
cleanfiles="$cleanfiles $pktfile1 $framefile1" |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -bitexact -select_streams a -of compact -count_packets -show_entries packet=pts,dts,duration:stream=nb_read_packets -v 0 "$filename" "$@" > "$pktfile1" |
head -n 8 "$pktfile1" |
tail -n 9 "$pktfile1" |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -bitexact -select_streams a -of compact -count_frames -show_entries frame=pkt_pts,pkt_dts,best_effort_timestamp,pkt_duration,nb_samples:stream=nb_read_frames -v 0 "$filename" "$@" > "$framefile1" |
head -n 8 "$framefile1" |
tail -n 9 "$framefile1" |
} |
ffmpeg(){ |
dec_opts="-hwaccel $hwaccel -threads $threads -thread_type $thread_type" |
ffmpeg_args="-nostdin -nostats -cpuflags $cpuflags" |
for arg in $@; do |
[ x${arg} = x-i ] && ffmpeg_args="${ffmpeg_args} ${dec_opts}" |
ffmpeg_args="${ffmpeg_args} ${arg}" |
done |
run ffmpeg${PROGSUF} ${ffmpeg_args} |
} |
framecrc(){ |
ffmpeg "$@" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -f framecrc - |
} |
framemd5(){ |
ffmpeg "$@" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -f framemd5 - |
} |
crc(){ |
ffmpeg "$@" -f crc - |
} |
md5(){ |
ffmpeg "$@" md5: |
} |
pcm(){ |
ffmpeg "$@" -vn -f s16le - |
} |
fmtstdout(){ |
fmt=$1 |
shift 1 |
ffmpeg -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact "$@" -f $fmt - |
} |
enc_dec_pcm(){ |
out_fmt=$1 |
dec_fmt=$2 |
pcm_fmt=$3 |
src_file=$(target_path $4) |
shift 4 |
encfile="${outdir}/${test}.${out_fmt}" |
cleanfiles=$encfile |
encfile=$(target_path ${encfile}) |
ffmpeg -i $src_file "$@" -f $out_fmt -y ${encfile} || return |
ffmpeg -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -i ${encfile} -c:a pcm_${pcm_fmt} -fflags +bitexact -f ${dec_fmt} - |
} |
FLAGS="-flags +bitexact -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -fflags +bitexact" |
DEC_OPTS="-threads $threads -idct simple $FLAGS" |
ENC_OPTS="-threads 1 -idct simple -dct fastint" |
enc_dec(){ |
src_fmt=$1 |
srcfile=$2 |
enc_fmt=$3 |
enc_opt=$4 |
dec_fmt=$5 |
dec_opt=$6 |
encfile="${outdir}/${test}.${enc_fmt}" |
decfile="${outdir}/${test}.out.${dec_fmt}" |
cleanfiles="$cleanfiles $decfile" |
test "$7" = -keep || cleanfiles="$cleanfiles $encfile" |
tsrcfile=$(target_path $srcfile) |
tencfile=$(target_path $encfile) |
tdecfile=$(target_path $decfile) |
ffmpeg -f $src_fmt $DEC_OPTS -i $tsrcfile $ENC_OPTS $enc_opt $FLAGS \ |
-f $enc_fmt -y $tencfile || return |
do_md5sum $encfile |
echo $(wc -c $encfile) |
ffmpeg $8 $DEC_OPTS -i $tencfile $ENC_OPTS $dec_opt $FLAGS \ |
-f $dec_fmt -y $tdecfile || return |
do_md5sum $decfile |
tests/tiny_psnr $srcfile $decfile $cmp_unit $cmp_shift |
} |
lavffatetest(){ |
t="${test#lavf-fate-}" |
ref=${base}/ref/lavf-fate/$t |
${base}/ $t lavf-fate tests/vsynth1 "$target_exec" "$target_path" "$threads" "$thread_type" "$cpuflags" "$target_samples" |
} |
lavftest(){ |
t="${test#lavf-}" |
ref=${base}/ref/lavf/$t |
${base}/ $t lavf tests/vsynth1 "$target_exec" "$target_path" "$threads" "$thread_type" "$cpuflags" "$target_samples" |
} |
video_filter(){ |
filters=$1 |
shift |
label=${test#filter-} |
raw_src="${target_path}/tests/vsynth1/%02d.pgm" |
printf '%-20s' $label |
ffmpeg $DEC_OPTS -f image2 -vcodec pgmyuv -i $raw_src \ |
$FLAGS $ENC_OPTS -vf "$filters" -vcodec rawvideo -frames:v 5 $* -f nut md5: |
} |
pixfmts(){ |
filter=${test#filter-pixfmts-} |
filter=${filter%_*} |
filter_args=$1 |
prefilter_chain=$2 |
nframes=${3:-1} |
showfiltfmts="$target_exec $target_path/libavfilter/filtfmts-test" |
scale_exclude_fmts=${outfile}_scale_exclude_fmts |
scale_in_fmts=${outfile}_scale_in_fmts |
scale_out_fmts=${outfile}_scale_out_fmts |
in_fmts=${outfile}_in_fmts |
# exclude pixel formats which are not supported as input |
$showfiltfmts scale | awk -F '[ \r]' '/^INPUT/{ fmt=substr($3, 5); print fmt }' | sort >$scale_in_fmts |
$showfiltfmts scale | awk -F '[ \r]' '/^OUTPUT/{ fmt=substr($3, 5); print fmt }' | sort >$scale_out_fmts |
comm -12 $scale_in_fmts $scale_out_fmts >$scale_exclude_fmts |
$showfiltfmts $filter | awk -F '[ \r]' '/^INPUT/{ fmt=substr($3, 5); print fmt }' | sort >$in_fmts |
pix_fmts=$(comm -12 $scale_exclude_fmts $in_fmts) |
outertest=$test |
for pix_fmt in $pix_fmts; do |
test=$pix_fmt |
video_filter "${prefilter_chain}format=$pix_fmt,$filter=$filter_args" -pix_fmt $pix_fmt -frames:v $nframes |
done |
rm $in_fmts $scale_in_fmts $scale_out_fmts $scale_exclude_fmts |
test=$outertest |
} |
gapless(){ |
sample=$(target_path $1) |
extra_args=$2 |
decfile1="${outdir}/${test}.out-1" |
decfile2="${outdir}/${test}.out-2" |
decfile3="${outdir}/${test}.out-3" |
cleanfiles="$cleanfiles $decfile1 $decfile2 $decfile3" |
# test packet data |
ffmpeg $extra_args -i "$sample" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -c:a copy -f framecrc -y $decfile1 |
do_md5sum $decfile1 |
# test decoded (and cut) data |
ffmpeg $extra_args -i "$sample" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -f wav md5: |
# the same as above again, with seeking to the start |
ffmpeg $extra_args -ss 0 -seek_timestamp 1 -i "$sample" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -c:a copy -f framecrc -y $decfile2 |
do_md5sum $decfile2 |
ffmpeg $extra_args -ss 0 -seek_timestamp 1 -i "$sample" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -f wav md5: |
# test packet data, with seeking to a specific position |
ffmpeg $extra_args -ss 5 -seek_timestamp 1 -i "$sample" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -c:a copy -f framecrc -y $decfile3 |
do_md5sum $decfile3 |
} |
gaplessenc(){ |
sample=$(target_path $1) |
format=$2 |
codec=$3 |
file1="${outdir}/${test}.out-1" |
cleanfiles="$cleanfiles $file1" |
# test data after reencoding |
ffmpeg -i "$sample" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact -map 0:a -c:a $codec -f $format -y "$file1" |
probegaplessinfo "$file1" |
} |
audio_match(){ |
sample=$(target_path $1) |
trefile=$(target_path $2) |
extra_args=$3 |
decfile="${outdir}/${test}.wav" |
cleanfiles="$cleanfiles $decfile" |
ffmpeg -i "$sample" -flags +bitexact -fflags +bitexact $extra_args -y $decfile |
tests/audiomatch $decfile $trefile |
} |
concat(){ |
template=$1 |
sample=$2 |
mode=$3 |
extra_args=$4 |
concatfile="${outdir}/${test}.ffconcat" |
packetfile="${outdir}/${test}.ffprobe" |
cleanfiles="$concatfile $packetfile" |
awk "{gsub(/%SRCFILE%/, \"$sample\"); print}" $template > $concatfile |
if [ "$mode" = "md5" ]; then |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -bitexact -show_streams -show_packets -v 0 -fflags keepside -safe 0 $extra_args $concatfile | tr -d '\r' > $packetfile |
do_md5sum $packetfile |
else |
run ffprobe${PROGSUF} -bitexact -show_streams -show_packets -v 0 -of compact=p=0:nk=1 -fflags keepside -safe 0 $extra_args $concatfile |
fi |
} |
mkdir -p "$outdir" |
# Disable globbing: command arguments may contain globbing characters and |
# must be kept verbatim |
set -f |
exec 3>&2 |
eval $command >"$outfile" 2>$errfile |
err=$? |
if [ $err -gt 128 ]; then |
sig=$(kill -l $err 2>/dev/null) |
test "${sig}" = "${sig%[!A-Za-z]*}" || unset sig |
fi |
if test -e "$ref" || test $cmp = "oneline" ; then |
case $cmp in |
diff) diff -u -b "$ref" "$outfile" >$cmpfile ;; |
rawdiff)diff -u "$ref" "$outfile" >$cmpfile ;; |
oneoff) oneoff "$ref" "$outfile" >$cmpfile ;; |
stddev) stddev "$ref" "$outfile" >$cmpfile ;; |
oneline)oneline "$ref" "$outfile" >$cmpfile ;; |
null) cat "$outfile" >$cmpfile ;; |
esac |
cmperr=$? |
test $err = 0 && err=$cmperr |
test $err = 0 || cat $cmpfile |
else |
echo "reference file '$ref' not found" |
err=1 |
fi |
if [ $err -eq 0 ]; then |
unset cmpo erro |
else |
cmpo="$($base64 <$cmpfile)" |
erro="$($base64 <$errfile)" |
fi |
echo "${test}:${sig:-$err}:$cmpo:$erro" >$repfile |
if test $err != 0 && test $gen != "no" ; then |
echo "GEN $ref" |
cp -f "$outfile" "$ref" |
err=$? |
fi |
if test $err = 0; then |
rm -f $outfile $errfile $cmpfile $cleanfiles |
elif test $gen = "no"; then |
echo "Test $test failed. Look at $errfile for details." |
test "${V:-0}" -gt 0 && cat $errfile |
else |
echo "Updating reference failed, possibly no output file was generated." |
fi |
exit $err