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include $(SUBDIR)../config.mak
NAME = swscale
FFLIBS = avutil
HEADERS = swscale.h
OBJS = rgb2rgb.o swscale.o swscale_avoption.o yuv2rgb2.o
OBJS-$(ARCH_BFIN) += internal_bfin.o swscale_bfin.o yuv2rgb_bfin.o
OBJS-$(CONFIG_MLIB) += yuv2rgb_mlib.o
OBJS-$(HAVE_ALTIVEC) += yuv2rgb_altivec.o
OBJS-$(HAVE_VIS) += yuv2rgb_vis.o
TESTS = cs_test swscale-example
CLEANFILES = cs_test swscale-example
include $(SUBDIR)../subdir.mak
$(SUBDIR)cs_test: $(SUBDIR)cs_test.o $(SUBDIR)$(LIBNAME)
$(SUBDIR)swscale-example: $(SUBDIR)swscale-example.o $(SUBDIR)$(LIBNAME)
$(SUBDIR)swscale-example: EXTRALIBS += -lm