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247 lines
8.9 KiB
247 lines
8.9 KiB
Testing av_parse_video_rate() |
'-inf' -> -1/0 ERROR |
'inf' -> 1/0 ERROR |
'nan' -> 0/0 ERROR |
'123/0' -> 1/0 ERROR |
'-123 / 0' -> -1/0 ERROR |
'' -> 0/0 ERROR |
'/' -> 0/0 ERROR |
' 123 / 321' -> 41/107 OK |
'foo/foo' -> 0/0 ERROR |
'foo/1' -> 0/0 ERROR |
'1/foo' -> 1/0 ERROR |
'0/0' -> 0/0 ERROR |
'/0' -> 0/0 ERROR |
'1/' -> 1/0 ERROR |
'1' -> 1/1 OK |
'0' -> 0/1 ERROR |
'-123/123' -> -1/1 ERROR |
'-foo' -> 0/0 ERROR |
'123.23' -> 12323/100 OK |
'.23' -> 23/100 OK |
'-.23' -> -23/100 ERROR |
'-0.234' -> -117/500 ERROR |
'-0.0000001' -> -1/10000000 ERROR |
' 21332.2324 ' -> 917286/43 OK |
' -21332.2324 ' -> -917286/43 ERROR |
Testing av_parse_color() |
bikeshed -> R(80) G(64) B(140) A(59) |
RaNdOm -> R(185) G(88) B(148) A(94) |
foo -> error |
red -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
Red -> error |
RED -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
Violet -> R(238) G(130) B(238) A(255) |
Yellow -> R(255) G(255) B(0) A(255) |
Red -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
0x000000 -> R(0) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
0x0000000 -> error |
0xff000000 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(0) |
0x3e34ff -> R(62) G(52) B(255) A(255) |
0x3e34ffaa -> R(62) G(52) B(255) A(170) |
0xffXXee -> error |
0xfoobar -> error |
0xffffeeeeeeee -> error |
#ff0000 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
#ffXX00 -> error |
ff0000 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
ffXX00 -> error |
red@foo -> error |
random@10 -> error |
0xff0000@1.0 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
red@ -> error |
red@0xfff -> error |
red@0xf -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(15) |
red@2 -> error |
red@0.1 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(25) |
red@-1 -> error |
red@0.5 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(127) |
red@1.0 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(255) |
red@256 -> error |
red@10foo -> error |
red@-1.0 -> error |
red@-0.0 -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(0) |
Testing av_small_strptime() |
fmt:'%Y-%m-%d' spec:'2012-12-21' -> 2012-12-21 00:00:00 |
fmt:'%Y - %m - %d' spec:'2012-12-21' -> 2012-12-21 00:00:00 |
fmt:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' spec:'2012-12-21 20:12:21' -> 2012-12-21 20:12:21 |
fmt:' %Y - %m - %d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - 12 - 21 20 : 12 : 21' -> 2012-12-21 20:12:21 |
fmt:' %Y - %b - %d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - nOV - 21 20 : 12 : 21' -> 2012-11-21 20:12:21 |
fmt:' %Y - %B - %d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - nOVemBeR - 21 20 : 12 : 21' -> 2012-11-21 20:12:21 |
fmt:' %Y - %B%d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - may21 20 : 12 : 21' -> 2012-05-21 20:12:21 |
fmt:' %Y - %B%d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - mby21 20 : 12 : 21' -> error |
fmt:' %Y - %B - %d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - JunE - 21 20 : 12 : 21' -> 2012-06-21 20:12:21 |
fmt:' %Y - %B - %d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - Jane - 21 20 : 12 : 21' -> error |
fmt:' %Y - %B - %d %H : %M : %S' spec:' 2012 - January - 21 20 : 12 : 21' -> 2012-01-21 20:12:21 |
Testing av_parse_time() |
(now is 2012-03-17 09:14:13.2 +0100, local time is UTC+1) |
now -> 1331972053.200000 = 2012-03-17T08:14:13Z |
12:35:46 -> 1331984146.000000 = 2012-03-17T11:35:46Z |
2000-12-20 0:02:47.5z -> 977270567.500000 = 2000-12-20T00:02:47Z |
2012 - 02-22 17:44:07 -> 1329929047.000000 = 2012-02-22T16:44:07Z |
2000-12-20T010247.6 -> 977270567.600000 = 2000-12-20T00:02:47Z |
2000-12-12 1:35:46+05:30 -> 976565146.000000 = 2000-12-11T20:05:46Z |
2002-12-12 22:30:40-02 -> 1039739440.000000 = 2002-12-13T00:30:40Z |
2:34:56.79 -> +9296790000 |
-1:23:45.67 -> -5025670000 |
42.1729 -> +42172900 |
-1729.42 -> -1729420000 |
12:34 -> +754000000 |
2147483648s -> +2147483648000000 |
4294967296ms -> +4294967296000 |
8589934592us -> +8589934592 |
9223372036854775808us -> error |
Testing av_get_known_color_name() |
AliceBlue -> R(240) G(248) B(255) A(0) |
AntiqueWhite -> R(250) G(235) B(215) A(0) |
Aqua -> R(0) G(255) B(255) A(0) |
Aquamarine -> R(127) G(255) B(212) A(0) |
Azure -> R(240) G(255) B(255) A(0) |
Beige -> R(245) G(245) B(220) A(0) |
Bisque -> R(255) G(228) B(196) A(0) |
Black -> R(0) G(0) B(0) A(0) |
BlanchedAlmond -> R(255) G(235) B(205) A(0) |
Blue -> R(0) G(0) B(255) A(0) |
BlueViolet -> R(138) G(43) B(226) A(0) |
Brown -> R(165) G(42) B(42) A(0) |
BurlyWood -> R(222) G(184) B(135) A(0) |
CadetBlue -> R(95) G(158) B(160) A(0) |
Chartreuse -> R(127) G(255) B(0) A(0) |
Chocolate -> R(210) G(105) B(30) A(0) |
Coral -> R(255) G(127) B(80) A(0) |
CornflowerBlue -> R(100) G(149) B(237) A(0) |
Cornsilk -> R(255) G(248) B(220) A(0) |
Crimson -> R(220) G(20) B(60) A(0) |
Cyan -> R(0) G(255) B(255) A(0) |
DarkBlue -> R(0) G(0) B(139) A(0) |
DarkCyan -> R(0) G(139) B(139) A(0) |
DarkGoldenRod -> R(184) G(134) B(11) A(0) |
DarkGray -> R(169) G(169) B(169) A(0) |
DarkGreen -> R(0) G(100) B(0) A(0) |
DarkKhaki -> R(189) G(183) B(107) A(0) |
DarkMagenta -> R(139) G(0) B(139) A(0) |
DarkOliveGreen -> R(85) G(107) B(47) A(0) |
Darkorange -> R(255) G(140) B(0) A(0) |
DarkOrchid -> R(153) G(50) B(204) A(0) |
DarkRed -> R(139) G(0) B(0) A(0) |
DarkSalmon -> R(233) G(150) B(122) A(0) |
DarkSeaGreen -> R(143) G(188) B(143) A(0) |
DarkSlateBlue -> R(72) G(61) B(139) A(0) |
DarkSlateGray -> R(47) G(79) B(79) A(0) |
DarkTurquoise -> R(0) G(206) B(209) A(0) |
DarkViolet -> R(148) G(0) B(211) A(0) |
DeepPink -> R(255) G(20) B(147) A(0) |
DeepSkyBlue -> R(0) G(191) B(255) A(0) |
DimGray -> R(105) G(105) B(105) A(0) |
DodgerBlue -> R(30) G(144) B(255) A(0) |
FireBrick -> R(178) G(34) B(34) A(0) |
FloralWhite -> R(255) G(250) B(240) A(0) |
ForestGreen -> R(34) G(139) B(34) A(0) |
Fuchsia -> R(255) G(0) B(255) A(0) |
Gainsboro -> R(220) G(220) B(220) A(0) |
GhostWhite -> R(248) G(248) B(255) A(0) |
Gold -> R(255) G(215) B(0) A(0) |
GoldenRod -> R(218) G(165) B(32) A(0) |
Gray -> R(128) G(128) B(128) A(0) |
Green -> R(0) G(128) B(0) A(0) |
GreenYellow -> R(173) G(255) B(47) A(0) |
HoneyDew -> R(240) G(255) B(240) A(0) |
HotPink -> R(255) G(105) B(180) A(0) |
IndianRed -> R(205) G(92) B(92) A(0) |
Indigo -> R(75) G(0) B(130) A(0) |
Ivory -> R(255) G(255) B(240) A(0) |
Khaki -> R(240) G(230) B(140) A(0) |
Lavender -> R(230) G(230) B(250) A(0) |
LavenderBlush -> R(255) G(240) B(245) A(0) |
LawnGreen -> R(124) G(252) B(0) A(0) |
LemonChiffon -> R(255) G(250) B(205) A(0) |
LightBlue -> R(173) G(216) B(230) A(0) |
LightCoral -> R(240) G(128) B(128) A(0) |
LightCyan -> R(224) G(255) B(255) A(0) |
LightGoldenRodYellow -> R(250) G(250) B(210) A(0) |
LightGreen -> R(144) G(238) B(144) A(0) |
LightGrey -> R(211) G(211) B(211) A(0) |
LightPink -> R(255) G(182) B(193) A(0) |
LightSalmon -> R(255) G(160) B(122) A(0) |
LightSeaGreen -> R(32) G(178) B(170) A(0) |
LightSkyBlue -> R(135) G(206) B(250) A(0) |
LightSlateGray -> R(119) G(136) B(153) A(0) |
LightSteelBlue -> R(176) G(196) B(222) A(0) |
LightYellow -> R(255) G(255) B(224) A(0) |
Lime -> R(0) G(255) B(0) A(0) |
LimeGreen -> R(50) G(205) B(50) A(0) |
Linen -> R(250) G(240) B(230) A(0) |
Magenta -> R(255) G(0) B(255) A(0) |
Maroon -> R(128) G(0) B(0) A(0) |
MediumAquaMarine -> R(102) G(205) B(170) A(0) |
MediumBlue -> R(0) G(0) B(205) A(0) |
MediumOrchid -> R(186) G(85) B(211) A(0) |
MediumPurple -> R(147) G(112) B(216) A(0) |
MediumSeaGreen -> R(60) G(179) B(113) A(0) |
MediumSlateBlue -> R(123) G(104) B(238) A(0) |
MediumSpringGreen -> R(0) G(250) B(154) A(0) |
MediumTurquoise -> R(72) G(209) B(204) A(0) |
MediumVioletRed -> R(199) G(21) B(133) A(0) |
MidnightBlue -> R(25) G(25) B(112) A(0) |
MintCream -> R(245) G(255) B(250) A(0) |
MistyRose -> R(255) G(228) B(225) A(0) |
Moccasin -> R(255) G(228) B(181) A(0) |
NavajoWhite -> R(255) G(222) B(173) A(0) |
Navy -> R(0) G(0) B(128) A(0) |
OldLace -> R(253) G(245) B(230) A(0) |
Olive -> R(128) G(128) B(0) A(0) |
OliveDrab -> R(107) G(142) B(35) A(0) |
Orange -> R(255) G(165) B(0) A(0) |
OrangeRed -> R(255) G(69) B(0) A(0) |
Orchid -> R(218) G(112) B(214) A(0) |
PaleGoldenRod -> R(238) G(232) B(170) A(0) |
PaleGreen -> R(152) G(251) B(152) A(0) |
PaleTurquoise -> R(175) G(238) B(238) A(0) |
PaleVioletRed -> R(216) G(112) B(147) A(0) |
PapayaWhip -> R(255) G(239) B(213) A(0) |
PeachPuff -> R(255) G(218) B(185) A(0) |
Peru -> R(205) G(133) B(63) A(0) |
Pink -> R(255) G(192) B(203) A(0) |
Plum -> R(221) G(160) B(221) A(0) |
PowderBlue -> R(176) G(224) B(230) A(0) |
Purple -> R(128) G(0) B(128) A(0) |
Red -> R(255) G(0) B(0) A(0) |
RosyBrown -> R(188) G(143) B(143) A(0) |
RoyalBlue -> R(65) G(105) B(225) A(0) |
SaddleBrown -> R(139) G(69) B(19) A(0) |
Salmon -> R(250) G(128) B(114) A(0) |
SandyBrown -> R(244) G(164) B(96) A(0) |
SeaGreen -> R(46) G(139) B(87) A(0) |
SeaShell -> R(255) G(245) B(238) A(0) |
Sienna -> R(160) G(82) B(45) A(0) |
Silver -> R(192) G(192) B(192) A(0) |
SkyBlue -> R(135) G(206) B(235) A(0) |
SlateBlue -> R(106) G(90) B(205) A(0) |
SlateGray -> R(112) G(128) B(144) A(0) |
Snow -> R(255) G(250) B(250) A(0) |
SpringGreen -> R(0) G(255) B(127) A(0) |
SteelBlue -> R(70) G(130) B(180) A(0) |
Tan -> R(210) G(180) B(140) A(0) |
Teal -> R(0) G(128) B(128) A(0) |
Thistle -> R(216) G(191) B(216) A(0) |
Tomato -> R(255) G(99) B(71) A(0) |
Turquoise -> R(64) G(224) B(208) A(0) |
Violet -> R(238) G(130) B(238) A(0) |
Wheat -> R(245) G(222) B(179) A(0) |
White -> R(255) G(255) B(255) A(0) |
WhiteSmoke -> R(245) G(245) B(245) A(0) |
Yellow -> R(255) G(255) B(0) A(0) |
YellowGreen -> R(154) G(205) B(50) A(0) |
Testing av_find_info_tag() |
0. tag1 found: val1 |
1. tag2 found: val2 |
2. tag3 found: val3 |
3. tag4 not found |
4. tag41 found: value 41 |
5. 41 not found |
6. random1 not found