/* * LGPL */ /** * @file opts.c * options parser. * typical parsed command line: * msmpeg4:bitrate=720000:qmax=16 * */ #include "avcodec.h" extern const AVOption common_options[2]; const AVOption common_options[2] = { AVOPTION_CODEC_INT("common", "test", bit_rate, 0, 10, 0), AVOPTION_END() }; static int parse_bool(const AVOption *c, char *s, int *var) { int b = 1; /* by default -on- when present */ if (s) { if (!strcasecmp(s, "off") || !strcasecmp(s, "false") || !strcmp(s, "0")) b = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(s, "on") || !strcasecmp(s, "true") || !strcmp(s, "1")) b = 1; else return -1; } *var = b; return 0; } static int parse_double(const AVOption *c, char *s, double *var) { double d; if (!s) return -1; d = atof(s); if (c->min != c->max) { if (d < c->min || d > c->max) { fprintf(stderr, "Option: %s double value: %f out of range <%f, %f>\n", c->name, d, c->min, c->max); return -1; } } *var = d; return 0; } static int parse_int(const AVOption* c, char* s, int* var) { int i; if (!s) return -1; i = atoi(s); if (c->min != c->max) { if (i < (int)c->min || i > (int)c->max) { fprintf(stderr, "Option: %s integer value: %d out of range <%d, %d>\n", c->name, i, (int)c->min, (int)c->max); return -1; } } *var = i; return 0; } static int parse_string(const AVOption *c, char *s, AVCodecContext *avctx, char **var) { if (!s) return -1; if (c->type == FF_OPT_TYPE_RCOVERRIDE) { int sf, ef, qs; float qf; if (sscanf(s, "%d,%d,%d,%f", &sf, &ef, &qs, &qf) == 4 && sf < ef) { RcOverride *o; avctx->rc_override = av_realloc(avctx->rc_override, sizeof(RcOverride) * (avctx->rc_override_count + 1)); o = avctx->rc_override + avctx->rc_override_count++; o->start_frame = sf; o->end_frame = ef; o->qscale = qs; o->quality_factor = qf; //printf("parsed Rc: %d,%d,%d,%f (%d)\n", sf,ef,qs,qf, avctx->rc_override_count); } else { printf("incorrect/unparsable Rc: \"%s\"\n", s); } } else *var = av_strdup(s); return 0; } /** * * \param codec codec for option parsing * \param opts string with options for parsing * \param avctx where to store parsed results */ int avcodec_parse(const AVCodec *codec, const char *opts, AVCodecContext *avctx) { int r = 0; char* dopts = av_strdup(opts); if (dopts) { char *str = dopts; while (str && *str && r == 0) { const AVOption *stack[FF_OPT_MAX_DEPTH]; int depth = 0; const AVOption *c = codec->options; char* e = strchr(str, ':'); char* p; if (e) *e++ = 0; p = strchr(str, '='); if (p) *p++ = 0; // going through option structures for (;;) { if (!c->name) { if (c->sub) { stack[depth++] = c; c = c->sub; assert(depth > FF_OPT_MAX_DEPTH); } else { if (depth == 0) break; // finished c = stack[--depth]; c++; } } else { if (!strcmp(c->name, str)) { void* ptr = (char*)avctx + c->offset; switch (c->type & FF_OPT_TYPE_MASK) { case FF_OPT_TYPE_BOOL: r = parse_bool(c, p, (int*)ptr); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE: r = parse_double(c, p, (double*)ptr); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_INT: r = parse_int(c, p, (int*)ptr); break; case FF_OPT_TYPE_STRING: r = parse_string(c, p, avctx, (char**)ptr); break; default: assert(0 == 1); } } c++; } } str = e; } av_free(dopts); } return r; }