FATE_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERFRAMECRC, COLOR) += fate-ffmpeg-filter_complex fate-ffmpeg-filter_complex: CMD = framecrc -filter_complex color=d=1:r=5 -fflags +bitexact # Ticket 6603 FATE_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERFRAMECRC, AEVALSRC ASETNSAMPLES ARESAMPLE, AC3_FIXED_ENCODER) += fate-ffmpeg-filter_complex_audio fate-ffmpeg-filter_complex_audio: CMD = framecrc -auto_conversion_filters -filter_complex "aevalsrc=0:d=0.1,asetnsamples=1537" -c ac3_fixed # Ticket 6375, use case of NoX FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, MOV, PNG ALAC, ARESAMPLE_FILTER) += fate-ffmpeg-attached_pics fate-ffmpeg-attached_pics: CMD = threads=2 framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/lossless-audio/inside.m4a -threads 1 -max_muxing_queue_size 16 -af aresample FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERDEMDEC, COLORKEY OVERLAY SCALE, MPEGPS IMAGE_PPM_PIPE, CAVS PPM, CAVSVIDEO_PARSER) += fate-ffmpeg-filter_colorkey fate-ffmpeg-filter_colorkey: tests/data/filtergraphs/colorkey fate-ffmpeg-filter_colorkey: CMD = framecrc -auto_conversion_filters -idct simple -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/cavs/cavs.mpg -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/lena.pnm -an -/filter_complex $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/filtergraphs/colorkey -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -qscale 2 -frames:v 10 FATE_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERFRAMECRC, COLOR) += fate-ffmpeg-lavfi fate-ffmpeg-lavfi: CMD = framecrc -lavfi color=d=1:r=5 -fflags +bitexact FATE_FFMPEG-$(call ENCDEC2, MPEG4, RAWVIDEO, AVI, RAWVIDEO_DEMUXER FRAMECRC_MUXER) += fate-force_key_frames fate-force_key_frames: tests/data/vsynth1.yuv fate-force_key_frames: CMD = enc_dec \ "rawvideo -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p" tests/data/vsynth1.yuv \ avi "-c mpeg4 -g 240 -qscale 10 -force_key_frames 0.5,0:00:01.5" \ framecrc "" "-skip_frame nokey" # test -force_key_frames source with and without framerate conversion # * we don't care about the actual video content, so replace it with # a 2x2 black square to speed up encoding # * force mpeg2video to only emit keyframes when explicitly requested fate-force_key_frames-source: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/h264/intra_refresh.h264 \ -vf crop=2:2,drawbox=color=black:t=fill \ -c:v mpeg2video -g 400 -sc_threshold 99999 \ -force_key_frames source fate-force_key_frames-source-drop: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/h264/intra_refresh.h264 \ -vf crop=2:2,drawbox=color=black:t=fill \ -c:v mpeg2video -g 400 -sc_threshold 99999 \ -force_key_frames source -r 1 fate-force_key_frames-source-dup: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/h264/intra_refresh.h264 \ -vf crop=2:2,drawbox=color=black:t=fill \ -c:v mpeg2video -g 400 -sc_threshold 99999 \ -force_key_frames source -r 39 -force_fps -strict experimental FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call ENCDEC, MPEG2VIDEO H264, FRAMECRC H264, CROP_FILTER DRAWBOX_FILTER) += \ fate-force_key_frames-source fate-force_key_frames-source-drop fate-force_key_frames-source-dup # Tests that the video is properly autorotated using the contained # display matrix and that the generated file does not contain # a display matrix any more. FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG_FFPROBE-$(call TRANSCODE, MPEG2VIDEO, MOV, H264_DECODER AAC_FIXED_DECODER AC3_FIXED_ENCODER EXTRACT_EXTRADATA_BSF) += fate-autorotate fate-autorotate: CMD = transcode "mov -c:a aac_fixed" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/filter/sample-in-issue-505.mov mov "-c:v mpeg2video -c:a ac3_fixed" "-c copy -t 0.5" "-show_entries stream_side_data_list" FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERDEMDEC, OVERLAY SCALE, RAWVIDEO VOBSUB, RAWVIDEO DVDSUB, DVDSUB_ENCODER) += fate-sub2video fate-sub2video: tests/data/vsynth_lena.yuv fate-sub2video: CMD = framecrc -auto_conversion_filters \ -f rawvideo -r 5 -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/vsynth_lena.yuv \ -ss 132 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/sub/vobsub.idx \ -filter_complex "sws_flags=+accurate_rnd+bitexact\;[0:0]scale=720:480[v]\;[v][1:0]overlay[v2]" \ -map "[v2]" -c:v rawvideo -threads 1 -map 1:s -c:s dvdsub # Very basic sub2video example, decode and convert to AVFrame with sub2video. # Attempt to not touch timestamps. FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, VOBSUB, DVDSUB, SCALE_FILTER) += fate-sub2video_basic fate-sub2video_basic: CMD = framecrc -auto_conversion_filters \ -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/sub/vobsub.idx \ -fps_mode passthrough -copyts \ -filter_complex "sws_flags=+accurate_rnd+bitexact\;[0:s:0]scale" \ -c:v rawvideo -threads 1 # Time-limited run with a sample that doesn't require seeking and # contains samples within the initial period. FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, SUP, PGSSUB, SCALE_FILTER RAWVIDEO_ENCODER) += fate-sub2video_time_limited fate-sub2video_time_limited: CMD = framecrc -auto_conversion_filters \ -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/sub/pgs_sub.sup \ -fps_mode passthrough -copyts \ -t 15 \ -filter_complex "sws_flags=+accurate_rnd+bitexact\;[0:s:0]scale" \ -c:v rawvideo -threads 1 FATE_FFMPEG-$(call ENCDEC, PCM_S16LE, PCM_S16LE) += fate-unknown_layout-pcm fate-unknown_layout-pcm: $(AREF) fate-unknown_layout-pcm: CMD = md5 \ -guess_layout_max 0 -f s16le -ac 1 -ar 44100 -i $(TARGET_PATH)/$(AREF) -f s16le FATE_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERDEMDECENCMUX, ARESAMPLE, PCM_S32LE, PCM_S32LE, AC3_FIXED, AC3) += fate-unknown_layout-ac3 fate-unknown_layout-ac3: $(AREF) fate-unknown_layout-ac3: CMD = md5 -auto_conversion_filters \ -guess_layout_max 0 -f s32le -ac 1 -ar 44100 -i $(TARGET_PATH)/$(AREF) \ -f ac3 -flags +bitexact -c ac3_fixed FATE_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERDEMDEC, AMIX ARESAMPLE SINE, RAWVIDEO, \ PCM_S16LE RAWVIDEO, LAVFI_INDEV \ MPEG4_ENCODER AC3_FIXED_ENCODER) \ += fate-shortest fate-shortest: tests/data/vsynth1.yuv fate-shortest: CMD = framecrc -auto_conversion_filters -f lavfi -i "sine=3000:d=10" -f lavfi -i "sine=1000:d=1" -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -idct simple -f rawvideo -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/vsynth1.yuv -filter_complex "[0:a:0][1:a:0]amix=inputs=2[audio]" -map 2:v:0 -map "[audio]" -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -idct simple -dct fastint -qscale 10 -threads 1 -c:v mpeg4 -c:a ac3_fixed -shortest # test interleaving video with a sparse subtitle stream FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call ALLYES, COLOR_FILTER, VOBSUB_DEMUXER, MATROSKA_DEMUXER,, \ RAWVIDEO_ENCODER, MATROSKA_MUXER, FRAMECRC_MUXER) += fate-shortest-sub fate-shortest-sub: CMD = transcode \ vobsub $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/sub/vobsub.idx matroska \ "-filter_complex 'color=s=1x1:rate=1:duration=400' -pix_fmt rgb24 -allow_raw_vfw 1 -c:s copy -c:v rawvideo" \ "-map 0 -c copy -shortest -shortest_buf_duration 40 -max_delay 1" # Basic test for fix_sub_duration, which calculates duration based on the # following subtitle's pts. FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERDEMDECENCMUX, MOVIE, MPEGVIDEO, \ MPEG2VIDEO, SUBRIP, SRT, LAVFI_INDEV \ MPEGVIDEO_PARSER CCAPTION_DECODER PIPE_PROTOCOL) \ += fate-ffmpeg-fix_sub_duration fate-ffmpeg-fix_sub_duration: CMD = fmtstdout srt -fix_sub_duration \ -real_time 1 -f lavfi \ -i "movie=$(TARGET_SAMPLES)/sub/Closedcaption_rollup.m2v[out0+subcc]" # Basic test for fix_sub_duration_heartbeat, which causes a buffered subtitle # to be pushed out when a video keyframe is received from an encoder. FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FILTERDEMDECENCMUX, MOVIE, MPEGVIDEO, \ MPEG2VIDEO, SUBRIP, SRT, LAVFI_INDEV \ MPEGVIDEO_PARSER CCAPTION_DECODER \ MPEG2VIDEO_ENCODER NULL_MUXER PIPE_PROTOCOL) \ += fate-ffmpeg-fix_sub_duration_heartbeat fate-ffmpeg-fix_sub_duration_heartbeat: CMD = fmtstdout srt -fix_sub_duration \ -real_time 1 -f lavfi \ -i "movie=$(TARGET_SAMPLES)/sub/Closedcaption_rollup.m2v[out0+subcc]" \ -map 0:v -map 0:s -fix_sub_duration_heartbeat:v:0 \ -c:v mpeg2video -b:v 2M -g 30 -sc_threshold 1000000000 \ -c:s srt \ -f null - # FIXME: the integer AAC decoder does not produce the same output on all platforms # so until that is fixed we use the volume filter to silence the data FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, MATROSKA, H264 AAC_FIXED, PCM_S32LE_ENCODER VOLUME_FILTER ARESAMPLE_FILTER) += fate-ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av fate-ffmpeg-streamloop-transcode-av: CMD = \ framecrc -auto_conversion_filters -stream_loop 3 -c:a aac_fixed -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mkv/1242-small.mkv \ -af volume=0:precision=fixed -c:a pcm_s32le FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call REMUX, MP4 MOV, EAC3_DEMUXER) += fate-copy-trac3074 fate-copy-trac3074: CMD = transcode eac3 $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/eac3/csi_miami_stereo_128_spx.eac3\ mp4 "-codec copy -map 0" "-codec copy" FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call TRANSCODE, RAWVIDEO DVVIDEO, MOV, PCM_S16LE_DECODER) += fate-copy-trac236 fate-copy-trac236: CMD = transcode mov $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mov/fcp_export8-236.mov\ mov "-codec copy -map 0" FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call TRANSCODE, RAWVIDEO MPEG2VIDEO, MXF, MPEGTS_DEMUXER MPEGVIDEO_PARSER MPEGAUDIO_PARSER MP2_DECODER ARESAMPLE_FILTER PCM_S16LE_DECODER) += fate-copy-trac4914 fate-copy-trac4914: CMD = transcode mpegts $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mpeg2/xdcam8mp2-1s_small.ts\ mxf "-c:a pcm_s16le -af aresample -c:v copy" FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call TRANSCODE, RAWVIDEO MPEG2VIDEO, AVI, MPEGTS_DEMUXER MPEGVIDEO_PARSER MPEGAUDIO_PARSER EXTRACT_EXTRADATA_BSF MP2_DECODER ARESAMPLE_FILTER) += fate-copy-trac4914-avi fate-copy-trac4914-avi: CMD = transcode mpegts $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mpeg2/xdcam8mp2-1s_small.ts\ avi "-c:a copy -c:v copy" "-af aresample" FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call TRANSCODE, RAWVIDEO H264, AVI, H264_DEMUXER H264_PARSER EXTRACT_EXTRADATA_BSF) += fate-copy-trac2211-avi fate-copy-trac2211-avi: CMD = transcode "h264 -r 14" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/h264/bbc2.sample.h264\ avi "-c:v copy" ifneq (,$(filter fate-lavf-apng,$(FATE_LAVF_VIDEO))) FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call TRANSCODE, RAWVIDEO APNG, APNG) += fate-copy-apng endif fate-copy-apng: fate-lavf-apng fate-lavf-apng: KEEP_FILES ?= 1 fate-copy-apng: CMD = transcode apng tests/data/lavf/lavf.apng apng "-c:v copy" FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call DEMMUX, OGG, OGG) += fate-limited_input_seek fate-limited_input_seek-copyts fate-limited_input_seek: CMD = md5 -ss 1.5 -t 1.3 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vorbis/moog_small.ogg -c:a copy -fflags +bitexact -f ogg fate-limited_input_seek-copyts: CMD = md5 -ss 1.5 -t 1.3 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vorbis/moog_small.ogg -c:a copy -copyts -fflags +bitexact -f ogg FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call REMUX, PSP MOV, H264_PARSER H264_DECODER) += fate-copy-psp fate-copy-psp: CMD = transcode "mov" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/h264/wwwq_cut.mp4\ psp "-c copy" "-codec copy" FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call FRAMEMD5, FLV, H264) += fate-ffmpeg-streamloop-copy fate-ffmpeg-streamloop-copy: CMD = framemd5 -stream_loop 2 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/flv/streamloop.flv -c copy tests/data/audio_shorter_than_video.nut: TAG = GEN tests/data/audio_shorter_than_video.nut: tests/data/vsynth_lena.yuv tests/data/audio_shorter_than_video.nut: ffmpeg$(PROGSSUF)$(EXESUF) | tests/data $(M)$(TARGET_EXEC) $(TARGET_PATH)/$< -nostdin \ -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -idct simple -f rawvideo -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/vsynth_lena.yuv \ -f lavfi -i "sine=1000:d=1" \ -sws_flags +accurate_rnd+bitexact -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -idct simple -dct fastint -qscale 10 -c:v mpeg4 -threads 1 -c:a pcm_s16le -bitexact \ -y $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/audio_shorter_than_video.nut 2>/dev/null FATE_STREAMCOPY-$(call FRAMEMD5, NUT, RAWVIDEO PCM_S16LE MPEG4, \ RAWVIDEO_DEMUXER LAVFI_INDEV \ MPEG4_ENCODER PCM_S16LE_ENCODER \ SINE_FILTER ARESAMPLE_FILTER AMIX_FILTER \ NUT_MUXER AC3_FIXED_ENCODER) \ += fate-copy-shortest1 fate-copy-shortest2 fate-copy-shortest1 fate-copy-shortest2: tests/data/audio_shorter_than_video.nut fate-copy-shortest1: CMD = framemd5 -auto_conversion_filters -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -f lavfi -i "sine=3000:d=10" -f lavfi -i "sine=1000:d=1" -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/audio_shorter_than_video.nut -filter_complex "[0:a:0][1:a:0]amix=inputs=2[audio]" -map 2:v:0 -map "[audio]" -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -c:v copy -c:a ac3_fixed -shortest fate-copy-shortest2: CMD = framemd5 -auto_conversion_filters -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -f lavfi -i "sine=3000:d=10" -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/audio_shorter_than_video.nut -filter_complex "[0:a:0][1:a:0]amix=inputs=2[audio]" -map 1:v:0 -map "[audio]" -fflags +bitexact -flags +bitexact -c:v copy -c:a ac3_fixed -shortest fate-streamcopy: $(FATE_STREAMCOPY-yes) FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-yes += $(FATE_STREAMCOPY-yes) FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call TRANSCODE, RAWVIDEO, MATROSKA, MOV_DEMUXER QTRLE_DECODER) += fate-rgb24-mkv fate-rgb24-mkv: CMD = transcode "mov" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/qtrle/aletrek-rle.mov\ matroska "-c:v rawvideo -threads 1 -pix_fmt rgb24 -allow_raw_vfw 1 -frames:v 1" FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call REMUX, MOV, AAC_DEMUXER AAC_DECODER AAC_PARSER AAC_ADTSTOASC_BSF) += fate-adtstoasc_ticket3715 fate-adtstoasc_ticket3715: CMD = transcode "aac" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/aac/foo.aac\ mov "-c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc" "-codec copy" FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call REMUX, H264, MOV_DEMUXER H264_MP4TOANNEXB_BSF H264_PARSER H264_DECODER EXTRACT_EXTRADATA_BSF) += fate-h264_mp4toannexb_ticket2991 fate-h264_mp4toannexb_ticket2991: CMD = transcode "mp4" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/h264/wwwq_cut.mp4\ h264 "-c:v copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb" "-codec copy" FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call TRANSCODE, MPEG4 MPEG2VIDEO, AVI, MPEGPS_DEMUXER MPEGVIDEO_DEMUXER MPEGVIDEO_PARSER EXTRACT_EXTRADATA_BSF REMOVE_EXTRADATA_BSF) += fate-ffmpeg-bsf-remove-k fate-ffmpeg-bsf-remove-r fate-ffmpeg-bsf-remove-e fate-ffmpeg-bsf-remove-k: CMD = transcode "mpeg" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mpeg2/matrixbench_mpeg2.lq1.mpg\ avi "-bsf:v remove_extra=k" "-codec copy" fate-ffmpeg-bsf-remove-r: CMD = transcode "mpeg" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mpeg2/matrixbench_mpeg2.lq1.mpg\ avi "-bsf:v remove_extra=keyframe" "-codec copy" fate-ffmpeg-bsf-remove-e: CMD = transcode "mpeg" $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mpeg2/matrixbench_mpeg2.lq1.mpg\ avi "-bsf:v remove_extra=e" "-codec copy" FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call DEMMUX, APNG, FRAMECRC, SETTS_BSF PIPE_PROTOCOL) += fate-ffmpeg-setts-bsf fate-ffmpeg-setts-bsf: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/apng/clock.png -c:v copy -bsf:v "setts=duration=if(eq(NEXT_PTS\,NOPTS)\,PREV_OUTDURATION\,(NEXT_PTS-PTS)/2):ts=PTS/2" -fflags +bitexact FATE_TIME_BASE-$(call PARSERDEMDEC, MPEGVIDEO, MPEGPS, MPEG2VIDEO, MPEGVIDEO_DEMUXER MXF_MUXER) += fate-time_base fate-time_base: CMD = md5 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mpeg2/dvd_single_frame.vob -an -sn -c:v copy -r 25 -time_base 1001:30000 -fflags +bitexact -f mxf FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-yes += $(FATE_TIME_BASE-yes) # test -r used as an input option fate-ffmpeg-input-r: CMD = framecrc -r 27 -idct simple -bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mpeg2/sony-ct3.bs FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, MPEGVIDEO, MPEG2VIDEO) += fate-ffmpeg-input-r # file with completely undecodable TTA audio stream # by default should exit with error code 69 fate-ffmpeg-error-rate-fail: CMD = ffmpeg -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mkv/h264_tta_undecodable.mkv -c:v copy -f null -; test $$? -eq 69 fate-ffmpeg-error-rate-pass: CMD = ffmpeg -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/mkv/h264_tta_undecodable.mkv -c:v copy -f null - -max_error_rate 1 FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call ENCDEC, PCM_S16LE TTA, NULL MATROSKA) += fate-ffmpeg-error-rate-fail fate-ffmpeg-error-rate-pass # test input -bsf # use -stream_loop, because it tests flushing bsfs fate-ffmpeg-bsf-input: CMD = framecrc -stream_loop 2 -bsf setts=PTS*2 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/hevc/extradata-reload-multi-stsd.mov -c copy FATE_SAMPLES_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, MOV, , SETTS_BSF) += fate-ffmpeg-bsf-input # Test behaviour when a complex filtergraph returns EOF on one of its inputs, # but other inputs are still active. # cf. #10803 fate-ffmpeg-filter-in-eof: tests/data/vsynth1.yuv fate-ffmpeg-filter-in-eof: CMD = framecrc \ -f rawvideo -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p -t 1 -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/vsynth1.yuv \ -f rawvideo -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p -t 1 -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/vsynth1.yuv \ -filter_complex "[0][1]concat" -c:v rawvideo FATE_FFMPEG-$(call FRAMECRC, RAWVIDEO, RAWVIDEO, CONCAT_FILTER) += fate-ffmpeg-filter-in-eof # Test termination on streamcopy with -t as an output option. fate-ffmpeg-streamcopy-t: tests/data/vsynth1.yuv fate-ffmpeg-streamcopy-t: CMP = null fate-ffmpeg-streamcopy-t: CMD = ffmpeg \ -stream_loop -1 -f rawvideo -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/vsynth1.yuv \ -c copy -f null -t 1 - FATE_FFMPEG-$(call REMUX, RAWVIDEO) += fate-ffmpeg-streamcopy-t # Test loopback decoding and passing the output to a complex graph. fate-ffmpeg-loopback-decoding: tests/data/vsynth1.yuv fate-ffmpeg-loopback-decoding: CMD = transcode \ "rawvideo -s 352x288 -pix_fmt yuv420p" $(TARGET_PATH)/tests/data/vsynth1.yuv nut \ "-map 0:v:0 -c:v mpeg2video -f null - -flags +bitexact -idct simple -threads $$threads -dec 0:0 -filter_complex '[0:v][dec:0]hstack[stack]' -map '[stack]' -c:v ffv1" "" FATE_FFMPEG-$(call ENCDEC2, MPEG2VIDEO, FFV1, NUT, HSTACK_FILTER PIPE_PROTOCOL FRAMECRC_MUXER) += fate-ffmpeg-loopback-decoding