Adds a `-hls_flags +temp_file` which will write segment data to
filename.tmp, and then rename to filename when the segment is complete.
This patch is similar in spirit to one used in Plex's ffmpeg fork, and
allows a transcoding webserver to ensure incomplete segment files are
never served up accidentally.
Reviewed-by: Hendrik Leppkes <>
Reviewed-by: Bodecs Bela <>
Signed-off-by: Aman Gupta <>
Signed-off-by: Steven Liu <>
Detecting a leap second depends on a lot of things, segment time, segment
offset, system leap second implementation, the removed part is a huge
simplification which can be misleading, so it is best to remove it.
Signed-off-by: Marton Balint <>
Clarify that setting loop=0 is required to make the stream loop infinitely, rather than saying that a value "less than 1" is needed.
Signed-off-by: Lou Logan <>
For a pure video tile effect, and enabling better integration of playback windows
into other programs. It would improve the looks in many situations and avoid ugly
hacks like this:
Signed-off-by: Lucas Sandery <>
Signed-off-by: Marton Balint <>
Name and purpose are more appropriate there since the code isn't
an ideal example.
Reviewed-by: wm4 <>
Signed-off-by: Rostislav Pehlivanov <>
This allows testing EC and non EC. Avoids spending most time in EC on
high res samples and reduces the likelyhood of hitting timeouts
Fixes: Timeout in 467/fuzz-2-ffmpeg_VIDEO_AV_CODEC_ID_H263_fuzzer
Found-by: continuous fuzzing process
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <>
Return a channel layout and the number of channels based on the specified name.
This function is similar to av_get_channel_layout(), but can also parse unknown
channel layout specifications.
Unknown channel layout specifications are a decimal number and a capital 'C'
suffix, in order to not break compatibility with the lowercase 'c' suffix,
which is used for a guessed channel layout with the specified number of
Signed-off-by: Marton Balint <>
add line_spacing parameter to set the space between two lines
Based on an idea by: Leandro Santiago <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Niedermayer <>
Signed-off-by: Steven Liu <>
start_number option starts the playlist sequence number
(#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE) from the specified number. Unless hls_flags
single_file is set, it also specifies starting sequence numbers of
segment and subtitle filenames. Sometimes it is usefull to have unique
starting numbers at each run, but currently it is only achiveable by
setting this parameter manually.
This patch enables to specify start_number source parameter by
introducing hls_start_number_source with 3 possible values:
generic/epoch/datetime. This ensures to set start sequence number
automatically for practically unique numbers. Generic option is the
default and this is the curent behaviour: start_number option value
specifies the start sequence number. (start_number default value is 0)
If hls_start_number_source is set to epoch, then the start number will
be the seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00). If set to datetime,
then the start sequence number will be based on the current date/time
value as YYYYmmddHHMMSS. e.g. 20161231235659.
Hls speficication allows 64 bit integers as sequence numbers. This patch
also changes some code where only 32 bit integer values were handled
Reviewed-by: Moritz Barsnick <>
Signed-off-by: Bela Bodecs <>
Signed-off-by: Steven Liu <>
This commit adds the avio_get_dyn_buf function which allows accessing
content of a DynBuffer without destroying it.
This is required in matroskaenc for preliminary writing (correct) mkv
Context for this change is fixing regression bug #5977.
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <>
This patch makes it possible to put actual segment file size (measured
in bytes) and/or duration (calculated in microseconds) into segment
filenames. This feature is useful when post-processing live streaming
access log files. New behaviour works only when -use_localtime option
is set and second_level_segment_size or/and
second_level_segment_duration new hls_flags are specified. %%s is the
placeholder for size and %%t for duration in hls_segment_filename
option. Fix sized trailing zeropadding also works eg. %%09s or %%023t.
A command to test new features:
./ffmpeg -loglevel info -y -f lavfi -i color=c=red:size=640x480:r=25 -f
lavfi -i sine=f=440:b=4:r=44100 -c:v mpeg2video -g 25 -acodec aac
-cutoff 20000 -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 192k -f hls -hls_time 3 -hls_list_size
5 -hls_flags
-use_localtime 1 -use_localtime_mkdir 1 -hls_segment_filename
"segment_%Y%m%d%H%M%S_%%04d_%%08s_%%013t.ts" stream.m3u8
doc/muxers: beside second_level_segment_duration and second_level_segment_size,
added some more details and example to hls_segment_filename,
use_localtime, use_localtime_mkdir, hls_flags. hls_flags option list
reformatted to table
Signed-off-by: Bela Bodecs <>
Signed-off-by: Steven Liu <>
cutoff is implemented as an option global to lavc, but supported only
by a few encoders. This fact is now reflected in its documentation. ac3's
support of this option is added for completeness.
Signed-off-by: Moritz Barsnick <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <>
Pass the cutoff option from lavc's avcodec_options[] to libmp3lame's
lowpass option, without allowing to adjust its default behavior.
Signed-off-by: Moritz Barsnick <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <>
in filenames
Putting date/time values into segment filenames is very usefull.
But to produce non-conflicting segment filenames with -use_localtime
option with date/time
values in hls_segment_filename option, sometimes is not enough.
Like in cases when multiple segments produced in the same second.
But hlsenc currently does not make possible to use segment index (%d) at
same time whe use_localtime is in effect, due to identifier conflict.
This patch makes possible to use strftime identifiers and still put
segment index (%d) at same time in segment filenames by introducing
second_level_segment_index flag. When -use_localtime is active,
identifier %d is for month day index, so %%d is the segment index
placeholder. This enhanced behaviour only exists when new
second_level_segment_index flag is specified.
For instance putting 'segment_%Y%m%d%H%M%S_%%05d.ts' value into
-hls_segment_filename option and specifing -hls_flags
second_level_segment_index and -use_localtime 1, may produce segment
filename as 'segment_20161230235758_00002.ts'
An example:
ffmpeg -loglevel info -y -f lavfi -i color=c=red:size=640x480:r=25 -f
lavfi -i anullsrc=r=44100:cl=stereo -c:v mpeg2video -g 25 -acodec aac
-cutoff 20000 -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 192k -f hls -hls_time 3 -hls_list_size
5 -hls_flags delete_segments+second_level_segment_index -use_localtime 1
-hls_segment_filename "segment_%Y%m%d%H%M%S_%%05d.ts" stream.m3u8
will produce segments filenames:
Signed-off-by: Bela Bodecs <>