is invalid (e.g. truncated file) we might end up reading the whole file
since trying to seek beyond the end of file does not set EOF.
Originally committed as revision 19709 to svn://
Patch by Matti Hamalainen (mhamalai@students.oamk.+358)
Thread: [PATCH] 6/6 Add parsing of ID3v2 tags in Musepack SV7 demuxer
Originally committed as revision 19631 to svn://
Patch by Matti Hamalainen (to get his mail address remove common endings from
Thread: [PATCH]5/6 Add APE tag metadata reading support in Musepack SV7 demuxer
Originally committed as revision 19630 to svn://
Based on patch by Matti Hamalainen (mhamalai<mot>students<punkt>oamk<punkt>)
Originally committed as revision 19629 to svn://
Patch by Matti Hamalainen, mail = reverse("if.kmao.stneduts@ialamahm")
Thread: [PATCH] 2/6 Fix broken APE tag key handling
Originally committed as revision 19628 to svn://
Patch by Matti Hamalainen (mhamalai <luona> students <piste> oamk <piste> fi)
Thread: [PATCH] 1/6 Remove incorrect APE tag size adjustment based on flags
Originally committed as revision 19627 to svn://
used to return packet data, which might update the flags/timestamp to be
used for the next packet data returned by the demuxer. However, that was
separated out into a new function, and the flags/timestamp are thus never
updated within ff_rm_parse_packet() anymore, and thus do not need to be
a pointer.
Originally committed as revision 19539 to svn://
implement RTCP/bye. See "[PATCH] rtsp.c: EOS support" thread from a few
months back.
Originally committed as revision 19517 to svn://
discussion in "[PATCH] RTSP-MS 14/15: ASF packet parsing" thread on mailinglist.
Originally committed as revision 19516 to svn://
This is:
- what Posix says (-1 on error, >=0 on success)
- fixing a bug on winCE (<0 sometimes)
Patch by Martin Storsjö: martin martin st
Originally committed as revision 19513 to svn://
(wherein av_open_input_file assumes memory ownership).
Patch by Art Clarke a<surname> xuggle com
Originally committed as revision 19436 to svn://
If ff_neterrno() is checked instead of errno, that's probably what should be
used in the return value.
As a sideeffect, this gives better compatibility with Windows (CE), where
network errors aren't visible in errno.)
patch by Martin Storsjö, martin martin st
Originally committed as revision 19433 to svn://
This fixes compilation on WinCE, which does not support _lseeki64.
patch by Ismail Dönmez, ismail namtrac org
Originally committed as revision 19425 to svn://