@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ Choose a different codec with the -vcodec command line option. |
Try a 'make distclean' in the ffmpeg source directory. If this does not help see |
(@url{ffmpeg-bugreport.html}). |
@section How do I encode XviD or DIVX video with ffmpeg? |
Both XviD and DIVX (version 4+) are implementations of the ISO MPEG-4 |
standard (note that there are many other coding formats that use this |
same standard). Thus, use '-vcodec mpeg4' to encode these formats. The |
default fourcc stored in a MPEG-4-coded file will be 'DIVX'. If you want |
a different fourcc, use the '-vtag' option. E.g., '-vtag xvid' will |
force the fourcc 'xvid' to be stored as the video fourcc rather than the |
default. |
@chapter Development |
@section Are there examples illustrating how to use the FFmpeg libraries, particularly libavcodec and libavformat ? |