@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class TFConverter:
return knode , bnode , dnode , anode
def dump_conv2d_to_file ( self , node , f ) :
def dump_complex_co nv2d_to_file ( self , node , f ) :
assert ( node . op == ' Conv2D ' )
self . layer_number = self . layer_number + 1
self . converted_nodes . add ( node . name )
@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ class TFConverter:
kernel = kernel . reshape ( filter_height , filter_width , in_channels , out_channels )
kernel = np . transpose ( kernel , [ 3 , 0 , 1 , 2 ] )
np . array ( [ self . op2code [ node . op ] , dilation , padding , self . conv_activations [ activation ] , in_channels , out_channels , filter_height ] , dtype = np . uint32 ) . tofile ( f )
has_bias = 1
np . array ( [ self . op2code [ node . op ] , dilation , padding , self . conv_activations [ activation ] , in_channels , out_channels , filter_height , has_bias ] , dtype = np . uint32 ) . tofile ( f )
kernel . tofile ( f )
btensor = bnode . attr [ ' value ' ] . tensor
@ -173,6 +174,41 @@ class TFConverter:
np . array ( [ input_operand_index , output_operand_index ] , dtype = np . uint32 ) . tofile ( f )
def dump_simple_conv2d_to_file ( self , node , f ) :
assert ( node . op == ' Conv2D ' )
self . layer_number = self . layer_number + 1
self . converted_nodes . add ( node . name )
node0 = self . name_node_dict [ node . input [ 0 ] ]
node1 = self . name_node_dict [ node . input [ 1 ] ]
if node0 . op == ' Const ' :
knode = node0
input_name = node . input [ 1 ]
else :
knode = node1
input_name = node . input [ 0 ]
ktensor = knode . attr [ ' value ' ] . tensor
filter_height = ktensor . tensor_shape . dim [ 0 ] . size
filter_width = ktensor . tensor_shape . dim [ 1 ] . size
in_channels = ktensor . tensor_shape . dim [ 2 ] . size
out_channels = ktensor . tensor_shape . dim [ 3 ] . size
kernel = np . frombuffer ( ktensor . tensor_content , dtype = np . float32 )
kernel = kernel . reshape ( filter_height , filter_width , in_channels , out_channels )
kernel = np . transpose ( kernel , [ 3 , 0 , 1 , 2 ] )
has_bias = 0
dilation = 1
padding = node . attr [ ' padding ' ] . s . decode ( " utf-8 " )
np . array ( [ self . op2code [ node . op ] , dilation , self . conv_paddings [ padding ] , self . conv_activations [ ' None ' ] ,
in_channels , out_channels , filter_height , has_bias ] , dtype = np . uint32 ) . tofile ( f )
kernel . tofile ( f )
input_operand_index = self . add_operand ( input_name , Operand . IOTYPE_INPUT )
output_operand_index = self . add_operand ( node . name , Operand . IOTYPE_OUTPUT )
np . array ( [ input_operand_index , output_operand_index ] , dtype = np . uint32 ) . tofile ( f )
def dump_depth2space_to_file ( self , node , f ) :
assert ( node . op == ' DepthToSpace ' )
self . layer_number = self . layer_number + 1
@ -222,10 +258,12 @@ class TFConverter:
scope_name = TFConverter . get_scope_name ( node . name )
if scope_name in self . conv2d_scope_names :
if node . op == ' Conv2D ' :
self . dump_conv2d_to_file ( node , f )
self . dump_complex_co nv2d_to_file ( node , f )
if node . op == ' DepthToSpace ' :
if node . op == ' Conv2D ' :
self . dump_simple_conv2d_to_file ( node , f )
elif node . op == ' DepthToSpace ' :
self . dump_depth2space_to_file ( node , f )
elif node . op == ' MirrorPad ' :
self . dump_mirrorpad_to_file ( node , f )
@ -312,10 +350,16 @@ class TFConverter:
def generate_conv2d_scope_info ( self ) :
# conv2d is a sub block in graph, get the scope name
# mostly, conv2d is a sub block in graph, get the scope name
for node in self . nodes :
if node . op == ' Conv2D ' :
scope = TFConverter . get_scope_name ( node . name )
# for the case tf.nn.conv2d is called directly
if scope == ' ' :
# for the case tf.nn.conv2d is called within a scope
if scope + ' /kernel ' not in self . name_node_dict :
self . conv2d_scope_names . add ( scope )
# get the input name to the conv2d sub block