@ -33,9 +33,10 @@ class TFConverter:
self . output_names = [ ]
self . name_node_dict = { }
self . edges = { }
self . conv_activations = { ' Relu ' : 0 , ' Tanh ' : 1 , ' Sigmoid ' : 2 , ' LeakyRelu ' : 4 }
self . conv_activations = { ' Relu ' : 0 , ' Tanh ' : 1 , ' Sigmoid ' : 2 , ' None ' : 3 , ' LeakyRelu' : 4 }
self . conv_paddings = { ' VALID ' : 0 , ' SAME ' : 1 }
self . converted_nodes = set ( )
self . conv2d_scope_names = set ( )
self . op2code = { ' Conv2D ' : 1 , ' DepthToSpace ' : 2 , ' MirrorPad ' : 3 }
self . mirrorpad_mode = { ' CONSTANT ' : 0 , ' REFLECT ' : 1 , ' SYMMETRIC ' : 2 }
@ -47,30 +48,45 @@ class TFConverter:
print ( ' graph saved, run " tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/graph " to see it ' )
def get_conv2d_params ( self , node ) :
knode = self . name_node_dict [ node . input [ 1 ] ]
bnode = None
activation = ' None '
next = self . edges [ node . name ] [ 0 ]
if next . op == ' BiasAdd ' :
self . converted_nodes . add ( next . name )
bnode = self . name_node_dict [ next . input [ 1 ] ]
next = self . edges [ next . name ] [ 0 ]
if next . op in self . conv_activations :
self . converted_nodes . add ( next . name )
activation = next . op
return knode , bnode , activation
def get_conv2d_params ( self , conv2d_scope_name ) :
knode = self . name_node_dict [ conv2d_scope_name + ' /kernel ' ]
bnode = self . name_node_dict [ conv2d_scope_name + ' /bias ' ]
if conv2d_scope_name + ' /dilation_rate ' in self . name_node_dict :
dnode = self . name_node_dict [ conv2d_scope_name + ' /dilation_rate ' ]
else :
dnode = None
# the BiasAdd name is possible be changed into the output name,
# if activation is None, and BiasAdd.next is the last op which is Identity
if conv2d_scope_name + ' /BiasAdd ' in self . edges :
activation = self . edges [ conv2d_scope_name + ' /BiasAdd ' ] [ 0 ]
activation = activation . op
else :
activation = ' None '
return knode , bnode , dnode , activation
def dump_conv2d_to_file ( self , node , f ) :
assert ( node . op == ' Conv2D ' )
self . layer_number = self . layer_number + 1
self . converted_nodes . add ( node . name )
knode , bnode , activation = self . get_conv2d_params ( node )
dilation = node . attr [ ' dilations ' ] . list . i [ 0 ]
padding = node . attr [ ' padding ' ] . s
padding = self . conv_paddings [ padding . decode ( " utf-8 " ) ]
scope_name = TFConverter . get_scope_name ( node . name )
#knode for kernel, bnode for bias, dnode for dilation
knode , bnode , dnode , activation = self . get_conv2d_params ( scope_name )
if dnode is not None :
dilation = struct . unpack ( ' i ' , dnode . attr [ ' value ' ] . tensor . tensor_content [ 0 : 4 ] ) [ 0 ]
else :
dilation = 1
padding = node . attr [ ' padding ' ] . s . decode ( " utf-8 " )
# conv2d with dilation > 1 generates tens of nodes, not easy to parse them, so use tricky.
if dilation > 1 and scope_name + ' /stack ' in self . name_node_dict :
if self . name_node_dict [ scope_name + ' /stack ' ] . op == " Const " :
padding = ' SAME '
padding = self . conv_paddings [ padding ]
ktensor = knode . attr [ ' value ' ] . tensor
filter_height = ktensor . tensor_shape . dim [ 0 ] . size
@ -126,9 +142,15 @@ class TFConverter:
for node in self . nodes :
if node . name in self . converted_nodes :
if node . op == ' Conv2D ' :
self . dump_conv2d_to_file ( node , f )
elif node . op == ' DepthToSpace ' :
# conv2d with dilation generates very complex nodes, so handle it in special
scope_name = TFConverter . get_scope_name ( node . name )
if scope_name in self . conv2d_scope_names :
if node . op == ' Conv2D ' :
self . dump_conv2d_to_file ( node , f )
if node . op == ' DepthToSpace ' :
self . dump_depth2space_to_file ( node , f )
elif node . op == ' MirrorPad ' :
self . dump_mirrorpad_to_file ( node , f )
@ -192,11 +214,27 @@ class TFConverter:
self . edges [ input ] = [ node ]
def get_scope_name ( name ) :
index = name . rfind ( ' / ' )
if index == - 1 :
return " "
return name [ 0 : index ]
def generate_conv2d_scope_names ( self ) :
for node in self . nodes :
if node . op == ' Conv2D ' :
scope = TFConverter . get_scope_name ( node . name )
self . conv2d_scope_names . add ( scope )
def run ( self ) :
self . generate_name_node_dict ( )
self . generate_output_names ( )
self . remove_identity ( )
self . generate_edges ( )
self . generate_conv2d_scope_names ( )
if self . dump4tb :
self . dump_for_tensorboard ( )