@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ static int dv_write_pack(enum dv_pack_type pack_id, DVMuxContext *c, uint8_t* bu |
case dv_timecode: |
ct = (time_t)(c->frames / ((float)c->sys->frame_rate /
(float)c->sys->frame_rate_base)); |
localtime_r(&ct, &tc); |
gmtime_r(&ct, &tc); |
* LTC drop-frame frame counter drops two frames (0 and 1) every
* minute, unless it is exactly divisible by 10 |
@ -253,14 +253,15 @@ static int dv_write_pack(enum dv_pack_type pack_id, DVMuxContext *c, uint8_t* bu |
case dv_viedo_recdate: /* VAUX recording date */ |
ct = c->start_time + (time_t)(c->frames /
((float)c->sys->frame_rate / (float)c->sys->frame_rate_base)); |
localtime_r(&ct, &tc); |
gmtime_r(&ct, &tc); |
buf[1] = 0xff; /* ds, tm, tens of time zone, units of time zone */ |
/* 0xff is very likely to be "unknown" */ |
buf[2] = (3 << 6) | /* reserved -- always 1 */ |
((tc.tm_mday / 10) << 4) | /* Tens of day */ |
(tc.tm_mday % 10); /* Units of day */ |
buf[3] = /* we set high 4 bits to 0, shouldn't we set them to week? */ |
(tc.tm_mon % 10); /* Units of month */ |
(((tc.tm_mon + 1) / 10) << 4) | /* Tens of month */ |
((tc.tm_mon + 1) % 10); /* Units of month */ |
buf[4] = (((tc.tm_year % 100) / 10) << 4) | /* Tens of year */ |
(tc.tm_year % 10); /* Units of year */ |
break; |
@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ static int dv_write_pack(enum dv_pack_type pack_id, DVMuxContext *c, uint8_t* bu |
case dv_video_rectime: /* VAUX recording time */ |
ct = c->start_time + (time_t)(c->frames /
((float)c->sys->frame_rate / (float)c->sys->frame_rate_base)); |
localtime_r(&ct, &tc); |
gmtime_r(&ct, &tc); |
buf[1] = (3 << 6) | /* reserved -- always 1 */ |
0x3f; /* tens of frame, units of frame: 0x3f - "unknown" ? */ |
buf[2] = (1 << 7) | /* reserved -- always 1 */