@ -1124,6 +1124,14 @@ require_header(){ |
check_header "$header" "$@" || die "ERROR: $header not found" |
} |
require_cpp_condition(){ |
log require "$@" |
header="$1" |
condition="$2" |
shift 2 |
check_cpp_condition "$header" "$condition" "$@" || die "ERROR: $condition not satisfied" |
} |
require_pkg_config(){ |
log require_pkg_config "$@" |
pkg_version="$1" |
@ -4705,13 +4713,11 @@ enabled libvpx && require_pkg_config "vpx >= 1.3.0" vpx/vpx_codec.h v |
enabled libwavpack && require libwavpack wavpack/wavpack.h WavpackOpenFileOutput -lwavpack |
enabled libwebp && require_pkg_config libwebp webp/encode.h WebPGetEncoderVersion |
enabled libx264 && require_pkg_config x264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode && |
{ check_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_BUILD >= 118" || |
die "ERROR: libx264 version must be >= 0.118."; } && |
require_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_BUILD >= 118" && |
{ check_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_MPEG2" && |
enable libx262; } |
enabled libx265 && require_pkg_config x265 x265.h x265_api_get && |
{ check_cpp_condition x265.h "X265_BUILD >= 57" || |
die "ERROR: libx265 version must be >= 57."; } |
require_cpp_condition x265.h "X265_BUILD >= 57" |
enabled libxavs && require libxavs "stdint.h xavs.h" xavs_encoder_encode -lxavs |
enabled libxvid && require libxvid xvid.h xvid_global -lxvidcore |
enabled mmal && { check_lib mmal interface/mmal/mmal.h mmal_port_connect -lmmal_core -lmmal_util -lmmal_vc_client -lbcm_host || |
@ -4737,8 +4743,7 @@ enabled gnutls && check_lib gmp gmp.h mpz_export -lgmp |
if enabled nvenc; then |
require_header nvEncodeAPI.h |
check_cpp_condition nvEncodeAPI.h "NVENCAPI_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6" || |
die "ERROR: NVENC API version 5 or older is not supported" |
require_cpp_condition nvEncodeAPI.h "NVENCAPI_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6" |
fi |
if check_pkg_config sdl SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent; then |