@ -870,6 +870,26 @@ static const char * const pe_str[] = {
* the always - negative value is stored positive , so make it negative */
# define GAINTOFLOAT(g) (g) ? -(float)(g>>1) - ((g & 1) ? 0.5 : 0.0) : 0.0
# define HDCD_ANA_OFF 0
# define HDCD_ANA_OFF_DESC "disabled"
# define HDCD_ANA_LLE 1
# define HDCD_ANA_LLE_DESC "gain adjustment level at each sample"
# define HDCD_ANA_PE 2
# define HDCD_ANA_PE_DESC "samples where peak extend occurs"
# define HDCD_ANA_CDT 3
# define HDCD_ANA_CDT_DESC "samples where the code detect timer is active"
# define HDCD_ANA_TGM 4
# define HDCD_ANA_TGM_DESC "samples where the target gain does not match between channels"
# define HDCD_ANA_TOP 5 /* used in max value of AVOption */
static const char * const ana_mode_str [ ] = {
} ;
typedef struct HDCDContext {
const AVClass * class ;
hdcd_state_t state [ HDCD_MAX_CHANNELS ] ;
@ -885,6 +905,12 @@ typedef struct HDCDContext {
* default is off */
int force_pe ;
/* analyze mode replaces the audio with a solid tone and adjusts
* the amplitude to signal some specific aspect of the decoding
* process . See docs or HDCD_ANA_ * defines . */
int analyze_mode ;
int ana_snb ; /* used in tone generation */
/* config_input() and config_output() scan links for any resampling
* or format changes . If found , warnings are issued and bad_config
* is set . */
@ -909,6 +935,13 @@ static const AVOption hdcd_options[] = {
OFFSET ( process_stereo ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL , { . i64 = HDCD_PROCESS_STEREO_DEFAULT } , 0 , 1 , A } ,
{ " force_pe " , " Always extend peaks above -3dBFS even when PE is not signaled. " ,
OFFSET ( force_pe ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL , { . i64 = 0 } , 0 , 1 , A } ,
{ " analyze_mode " , " Replace audio with solid tone and signal some processing aspect in the amplitude. " ,
OFFSET ( analyze_mode ) , AV_OPT_TYPE_INT , { . i64 = HDCD_ANA_OFF } , 0 , HDCD_ANA_TOP - 1 , A , " analyze_mode " } ,
{ " off " , HDCD_ANA_OFF_DESC , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = HDCD_ANA_OFF } , 0 , 0 , A , " analyze_mode " } ,
{ " lle " , HDCD_ANA_LLE_DESC , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = HDCD_ANA_LLE } , 0 , 0 , A , " analyze_mode " } ,
{ " pe " , HDCD_ANA_PE_DESC , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = HDCD_ANA_PE } , 0 , 0 , A , " analyze_mode " } ,
{ " cdt " , HDCD_ANA_CDT_DESC , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = HDCD_ANA_CDT } , 0 , 0 , A , " analyze_mode " } ,
{ " tgm " , HDCD_ANA_TGM_DESC , 0 , AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST , { . i64 = HDCD_ANA_TGM } , 0 , 0 , A , " analyze_mode " } ,
{ NULL }
} ;
@ -1209,6 +1242,77 @@ static int hdcd_scan_stereo(HDCDContext *ctx, const int32_t *samples, int max)
return result ;
/* encode a value in the given sample by adjusting the amplitude */
static int32_t hdcd_analyze_gen ( int32_t sample , unsigned int v , unsigned int maxv )
float sflt = sample , vv = v ;
vv / = maxv ;
if ( vv > 1.0 ) vv = 1.0 ;
sflt * = 1.0 + ( vv * 18 ) ;
return ( int32_t ) sflt ;
/* behaves like hdcd_envelope(), but encodes processing information in
* a way that is audible ( and visible in an audio editor ) to aid analysis . */
static int hdcd_analyze ( int32_t * samples , int count , int stride , int gain , int target_gain , int extend , int mode , int cdt_active , int tg_mismatch )
static const int maxg = 0xf < < 7 ;
int i ;
int32_t * samples_end = samples + stride * count ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
samples [ i * stride ] < < = 15 ;
if ( mode = = HDCD_ANA_PE ) {
int pel = ( samples [ i * stride ] > > 16 ) & 1 ;
int32_t sample = samples [ i * stride ] ;
samples [ i * stride ] = hdcd_analyze_gen ( sample , ! ! ( pel & & extend ) , 1 ) ;
} else if ( mode = = HDCD_ANA_TGM & & tg_mismatch > 0 )
samples [ i * stride ] = hdcd_analyze_gen ( samples [ i * stride ] , 1 , 1 ) ;
else if ( mode = = HDCD_ANA_CDT & & cdt_active )
samples [ i * stride ] = hdcd_analyze_gen ( samples [ i * stride ] , 1 , 1 ) ;
if ( gain < = target_gain ) {
int len = FFMIN ( count , target_gain - gain ) ;
/* attenuate slowly */
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
+ + gain ;
if ( mode = = HDCD_ANA_LLE )
* samples = hdcd_analyze_gen ( * samples , gain , maxg ) ;
samples + = stride ;
count - = len ;
} else {
int len = FFMIN ( count , ( gain - target_gain ) > > 3 ) ;
/* amplify quickly */
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
gain - = 8 ;
if ( mode = = HDCD_ANA_LLE )
* samples = hdcd_analyze_gen ( * samples , gain , maxg ) ;
samples + = stride ;
if ( gain - 8 < target_gain )
gain = target_gain ;
count - = len ;
/* hold a steady level */
if ( gain = = 0 ) {
if ( count > 0 )
samples + = count * stride ;
} else {
while ( - - count > = 0 ) {
if ( mode = = HDCD_ANA_LLE )
* samples = hdcd_analyze_gen ( * samples , gain , maxg ) ;
samples + = stride ;
av_assert0 ( samples = = samples_end ) ;
return gain ;
static int hdcd_envelope ( int32_t * samples , int count , int stride , int gain , int target_gain , int extend )
int i ;
@ -1316,7 +1420,10 @@ static void hdcd_process(HDCDContext *ctx, hdcd_state_t *state, int32_t *samples
envelope_run = run - 1 ;
av_assert0 ( samples + envelope_run * stride < = samples_end ) ;
gain = hdcd_envelope ( samples , envelope_run , stride , gain , target_gain , peak_extend ) ;
if ( ctx - > analyze_mode )
gain = hdcd_analyze ( samples , envelope_run , stride , gain , target_gain , peak_extend , ctx - > analyze_mode , state - > sustain , - 1 ) ;
gain = hdcd_envelope ( samples , envelope_run , stride , gain , target_gain , peak_extend ) ;
samples + = envelope_run * stride ;
count - = envelope_run ;
@ -1325,7 +1432,10 @@ static void hdcd_process(HDCDContext *ctx, hdcd_state_t *state, int32_t *samples
if ( lead > 0 ) {
av_assert0 ( samples + lead * stride < = samples_end ) ;
gain = hdcd_envelope ( samples , lead , stride , gain , target_gain , peak_extend ) ;
if ( ctx - > analyze_mode )
gain = hdcd_analyze ( samples , lead , stride , gain , target_gain , peak_extend , ctx - > analyze_mode , state - > sustain , - 1 ) ;
gain = hdcd_envelope ( samples , lead , stride , gain , target_gain , peak_extend ) ;
state - > running_gain = gain ;
@ -1339,7 +1449,7 @@ static void hdcd_process_stereo(HDCDContext *ctx, int32_t *samples, int count)
int peak_extend [ 2 ] ;
int lead = 0 ;
hdcd_control_stereo ( ctx , & peak_extend [ 0 ] , & peak_extend [ 1 ] ) ;
int ctlret = hdcd_control_stereo ( ctx , & peak_extend [ 0 ] , & peak_extend [ 1 ] ) ;
while ( count > lead ) {
int envelope_run , run ;
@ -1349,7 +1459,16 @@ static void hdcd_process_stereo(HDCDContext *ctx, int32_t *samples, int count)
av_assert0 ( samples + envelope_run * stride < = samples_end ) ;
if ( envelope_run ) {
if ( ctx - > analyze_mode ) {
gain [ 0 ] = hdcd_analyze ( samples , envelope_run , stride , gain [ 0 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 0 ] ,
ctx - > analyze_mode ,
ctx - > state [ 0 ] . sustain ,
( ctlret = = HDCD_TG_MISMATCH ) ) ;
gain [ 1 ] = hdcd_analyze ( samples + 1 , envelope_run , stride , gain [ 1 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 1 ] ,
ctx - > analyze_mode ,
ctx - > state [ 1 ] . sustain ,
( ctlret = = HDCD_TG_MISMATCH ) ) ;
} else {
gain [ 0 ] = hdcd_envelope ( samples , envelope_run , stride , gain [ 0 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 0 ] ) ;
gain [ 1 ] = hdcd_envelope ( samples + 1 , envelope_run , stride , gain [ 1 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 1 ] ) ;
@ -1358,18 +1477,32 @@ static void hdcd_process_stereo(HDCDContext *ctx, int32_t *samples, int count)
count - = envelope_run ;
lead = run - envelope_run ;
hdcd_control_stereo ( ctx , & peak_extend [ 0 ] , & peak_extend [ 1 ] ) ;
ctlret = hdcd_control_stereo ( ctx , & peak_extend [ 0 ] , & peak_extend [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( lead > 0 ) {
av_assert0 ( samples + lead * stride < = samples_end ) ;
gain [ 0 ] = hdcd_envelope ( samples , lead , stride , gain [ 0 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 0 ] ) ;
gain [ 1 ] = hdcd_envelope ( samples + 1 , lead , stride , gain [ 1 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ctx - > analyze_mode ) {
gain [ 0 ] = hdcd_analyze ( samples , lead , stride , gain [ 0 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 0 ] ,
ctx - > analyze_mode ,
ctx - > state [ 0 ] . sustain ,
( ctlret = = HDCD_TG_MISMATCH ) ) ;
gain [ 1 ] = hdcd_analyze ( samples + 1 , lead , stride , gain [ 1 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 1 ] ,
ctx - > analyze_mode ,
ctx - > state [ 1 ] . sustain ,
( ctlret = = HDCD_TG_MISMATCH ) ) ;
} else {
gain [ 0 ] = hdcd_envelope ( samples , lead , stride , gain [ 0 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 0 ] ) ;
gain [ 1 ] = hdcd_envelope ( samples + 1 , lead , stride , gain [ 1 ] , ctx - > val_target_gain , peak_extend [ 1 ] ) ;
ctx - > state [ 0 ] . running_gain = gain [ 0 ] ;
ctx - > state [ 1 ] . running_gain = gain [ 1 ] ;
/* tone generator: sample_number, frequency, sample_rate, amplitude */
# define TONEGEN16(sn, f, sr, a) (int16_t)(sin((6.28318530718 * (sn) * (f)) / (sr)) * (a) * 0x7fff)
static int filter_frame ( AVFilterLink * inlink , AVFrame * in )
AVFilterContext * ctx = inlink - > dst ;
@ -1390,8 +1523,21 @@ static int filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *in)
in_data = ( int16_t * ) in - > data [ 0 ] ;
out_data = ( int32_t * ) out - > data [ 0 ] ;
for ( n = 0 ; n < in - > nb_samples * in - > channels ; n + + ) {
for ( c = n = 0 ; n < in - > nb_samples * in - > channels ; n + + ) {
out_data [ n ] = in_data [ n ] ;
if ( s - > analyze_mode ) {
/* in analyze mode, the audio is replaced by a solid tone, and
* amplitude is changed to signal when the specified feature is
* used .
* bit 0 : HDCD signal preserved
* bit 1 : Original sample was above PE level */
int32_t save = ( abs ( in_data [ n ] ) - 0x5981 > = 0 ) ? 2 : 0 ; /* above PE level */
save | = in_data [ n ] & 1 ; /* save LSB for HDCD packets */
out_data [ n ] = TONEGEN16 ( s - > ana_snb , 277.18 , 44100 , 0.1 ) ;
out_data [ n ] = ( out_data [ n ] | 3 ) ^ ( ( ~ save ) & 3 ) ;
if ( + + c = = in - > channels ) { s - > ana_snb + + ; c = 0 ; }
if ( s - > ana_snb > 0x3fffffff ) s - > ana_snb = 0 ;
s - > det_errors = 0 ; /* re-sum every pass */
@ -1557,6 +1703,7 @@ static av_cold int init(AVFilterContext *ctx)
( s - > process_stereo ) ? " process stereo channels together " : " process each channel separately " ) ;
av_log ( ctx , AV_LOG_VERBOSE , " Force PE: %s \n " ,
( s - > force_pe ) ? " on " : " off " ) ;
av_log ( ctx , AV_LOG_VERBOSE , " Analyze mode: [%d] %s \n " , s - > analyze_mode , ana_mode_str [ s - > analyze_mode ] ) ;
return 0 ;