configure: Add name parameter to require_pkg_config() helper function

This allows distinguishing between the internal variable name for
external libraries and the pkg-config package name. Having both
names available avoids special-casing outside the helper function
when the two identifiers do not match.
Diego Biurrun 8 years ago
parent a25dac976a
commit 9127ac5ebc
  1. 53

configure vendored

@ -1134,8 +1134,11 @@ require_cpp_condition(){
log require_pkg_config "$@"
pkg="${1%% *}"
test "$name" = "" && name=$pkg
check_pkg_config "$@" || die "ERROR: $pkg_version not found"
add_cflags $(get_safe "${pkg}_cflags")
add_extralibs $(get_safe "${pkg}_extralibs")
@ -4513,7 +4516,7 @@ case "$custom_allocator" in
require libjemalloc jemalloc/jemalloc.h malloc -ljemalloc
require_pkg_config libtcmalloc gperftools/tcmalloc.h tc_malloc
require_pkg_config "" libtcmalloc gperftools/tcmalloc.h tc_malloc
@ -4649,41 +4652,41 @@ enabled avisynth && require_header avisynth/avisynth_c.h
enabled avxsynth && require avxsynth "avxsynth/avxsynth_c.h dlfcn.h" dlopen -ldl
enabled cuda && require cuda cuda.h cuInit -lcuda
enabled frei0r && require_header frei0r.h
enabled gnutls && require_pkg_config gnutls gnutls/gnutls.h gnutls_global_init
enabled libbs2b && require_pkg_config libbs2b bs2b.h bs2b_open
enabled libdc1394 && require_pkg_config libdc1394-2 dc1394/dc1394.h dc1394_new
enabled gnutls && require_pkg_config "" gnutls gnutls/gnutls.h gnutls_global_init
enabled libbs2b && require_pkg_config "" libbs2b bs2b.h bs2b_open
enabled libdc1394 && require_pkg_config libdc1394 libdc1394-2 dc1394/dc1394.h dc1394_new
enabled libdcadec && require libdcadec libdcadec/dca_context.h dcadec_context_create -ldcadec
enabled libfaac && require libfaac "stdint.h faac.h" faacEncGetVersion -lfaac
enabled libfdk_aac && require_pkg_config fdk-aac "fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h" aacEncOpen
enabled libfontconfig && require_pkg_config fontconfig "fontconfig/fontconfig.h" FcInit
enabled libfreetype && require_pkg_config freetype2 "ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H" FT_Init_FreeType
enabled libfdk_aac && require_pkg_config libfdk_aac fdk-aac "fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h" aacEncOpen
enabled libfontconfig && require_pkg_config libfontconfig fontconfig "fontconfig/fontconfig.h" FcInit
enabled libfreetype && require_pkg_config libfreetype freetype2 "ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H" FT_Init_FreeType
enabled libgsm && { for gsm_hdr in "gsm.h" "gsm/gsm.h"; do
check_lib libgsm "${gsm_hdr}" gsm_create -lgsm && break;
done || die "ERROR: libgsm not found"; }
enabled libhdcd && require_pkg_config libhdcd "hdcd/hdcd_simple.h" hdcd_new
enabled libhdcd && require_pkg_config "" libhdcd "hdcd/hdcd_simple.h" hdcd_new
enabled libilbc && require libilbc ilbc.h WebRtcIlbcfix_InitDecode -lilbc
enabled libkvazaar && require_pkg_config "kvazaar >= 0.8.1" kvazaar.h kvz_api_get
enabled libmfx && require_pkg_config libmfx "mfx/mfxvideo.h" MFXInit
enabled libkvazaar && require_pkg_config libkvazaar "kvazaar >= 0.8.1" kvazaar.h kvz_api_get
enabled libmfx && require_pkg_config "" libmfx "mfx/mfxvideo.h" MFXInit
enabled libmp3lame && require "libmp3lame >= 3.98.3" lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame
enabled libnpp && require libnpp npp.h nppGetLibVersion -lnppi -lnppc
enabled libopencore_amrnb && require libopencore_amrnb opencore-amrnb/interf_dec.h Decoder_Interface_init -lopencore-amrnb
enabled libopencore_amrwb && require libopencore_amrwb opencore-amrwb/dec_if.h D_IF_init -lopencore-amrwb
enabled libopencv && require_pkg_config opencv opencv/cv.h cvCreateImageHeader
enabled libopenh264 && require_pkg_config openh264 wels/codec_api.h WelsGetCodecVersion
enabled libopencv && require_pkg_config libopencv opencv opencv/cv.h cvCreateImageHeader
enabled libopenh264 && require_pkg_config libopenh264 openh264 wels/codec_api.h WelsGetCodecVersion
enabled libopenjpeg && { check_lib libopenjpeg openjpeg.h opj_version -lopenjpeg -DOPJ_STATIC ||
require_pkg_config libopenjpeg1 openjpeg.h opj_version -DOPJ_STATIC; }
enabled libopus && require_pkg_config opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
enabled libpulse && require_pkg_config libpulse-simple pulse/simple.h pa_simple_new
enabled librtmp && require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
enabled libschroedinger && require_pkg_config schroedinger-1.0 schroedinger/schro.h schro_init
require_pkg_config libopenjpeg libopenjpeg1 openjpeg.h opj_version -DOPJ_STATIC; }
enabled libopus && require_pkg_config libopus opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
enabled libpulse && require_pkg_config libpulse libpulse-simple pulse/simple.h pa_simple_new
enabled librtmp && require_pkg_config "" librtmp librtmp/rtmp.h RTMP_Socket
enabled libschroedinger && require_pkg_config libschroedinger schroedinger-1.0 schroedinger/schro.h schro_init
enabled libsnappy && require libsnappy snappy-c.h snappy_compress -lsnappy
enabled libspeex && require_pkg_config speex speex/speex.h speex_decoder_init -lspeex
enabled libspeex && require_pkg_config libspeex speex speex/speex.h speex_decoder_init -lspeex
enabled libtheora && require libtheora theora/theoraenc.h th_info_init -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -logg
enabled libtwolame && require libtwolame twolame.h twolame_init -ltwolame
enabled libvo_aacenc && require libvo_aacenc vo-aacenc/voAAC.h voGetAACEncAPI -lvo-aacenc
enabled libvo_amrwbenc && require libvo_amrwbenc vo-amrwbenc/enc_if.h E_IF_init -lvo-amrwbenc
enabled libvorbis && require libvorbis vorbis/vorbisenc.h vorbis_info_init -lvorbisenc -lvorbis -logg
enabled libvpx && require_pkg_config "vpx >= 1.3.0" vpx/vpx_codec.h vpx_codec_version && {
enabled libvpx && require_pkg_config libvpx "vpx >= 1.3.0" vpx/vpx_codec.h vpx_codec_version && {
enabled libvpx_vp8_decoder && {
check_pkg_config vpx "vpx/vpx_decoder.h vpx/vp8dx.h" vpx_codec_vp8_dx ||
disable libvpx_vp8_decoder;
@ -4705,12 +4708,12 @@ enabled libvpx && require_pkg_config "vpx >= 1.3.0" vpx/vpx_codec.h v
enabled libwavpack && require libwavpack wavpack/wavpack.h WavpackOpenFileOutput -lwavpack
enabled libwebp && require_pkg_config libwebp webp/encode.h WebPGetEncoderVersion
enabled libx264 && require_pkg_config x264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode &&
enabled libwebp && require_pkg_config "" libwebp webp/encode.h WebPGetEncoderVersion
enabled libx264 && require_pkg_config libx264 x264 "stdint.h x264.h" x264_encoder_encode &&
require_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_BUILD >= 118" &&
{ check_cpp_condition x264.h "X264_MPEG2" &&
enable libx262; }
enabled libx265 && require_pkg_config x265 x265.h x265_api_get &&
enabled libx265 && require_pkg_config libx265 x265 x265.h x265_api_get &&
require_cpp_condition x265.h "X265_BUILD >= 57"
enabled libxavs && require libxavs "stdint.h xavs.h" xavs_encoder_encode -lxavs
enabled libxvid && require libxvid xvid.h xvid_global -lxvidcore
@ -4790,11 +4793,11 @@ if enabled libcdio; then
if enabled libxcb; then
require_pkg_config xcb-shape xcb/shape.h xcb_shape_rectangles
require_pkg_config libxcb xcb-shape xcb/shape.h xcb_shape_rectangles
disabled libxcb_shm ||
require_pkg_config xcb-shm xcb/shm.h xcb_shm_attach
require_pkg_config libxcb_shm xcb-shm xcb/shm.h xcb_shm_attach
disabled libxcb_xfixes ||
require_pkg_config xcb-xfixes xcb/xfixes.h xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image
require_pkg_config libxcb_xfixes xcb-xfixes xcb/xfixes.h xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image
enabled dxva2 &&
