avcodec/vp9: add ff_vp9_idct_idct_{4x4,8x8}_ssse3().

1789 decicycles in idct_idct_4x4_add_c, 262136 runs, 8 skips
1839 decicycles in idct_idct_4x4_add_c, 524270 runs, 18 skips
1864 decicycles in idct_idct_4x4_add_c, 1048548 runs, 28 skips

529 decicycles in ff_vp9_idct_idct_4x4_add_ssse3, 262138 runs, 6 skips
516 decicycles in ff_vp9_idct_idct_4x4_add_ssse3, 524282 runs, 6 skips
474 decicycles in ff_vp9_idct_idct_4x4_add_ssse3, 1048565 runs, 11 skips

(~3.9x faster)

7726 decicycles in idct_idct_8x8_add_c, 1048433 runs, 143 skips
7732 decicycles in idct_idct_8x8_add_c, 2096882 runs, 270 skips
7731 decicycles in idct_idct_8x8_add_c, 4193772 runs, 532 skips

1145 decicycles in ff_vp9_idct_idct_8x8_add_ssse3, 1048549 runs, 27 skips
1137 decicycles in ff_vp9_idct_idct_8x8_add_ssse3, 2097097 runs, 55 skips
1086 decicycles in ff_vp9_idct_idct_8x8_add_ssse3, 4194188 runs, 116 skips

(~7.1x faster)

Overall decode time before commit:
  16.48s user 0.03s system 99% cpu 16.526 total
  16.54s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 16.566 total
  16.46s user 0.03s system 99% cpu 16.511 total

Overall decode time after commit:
  16.34s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 16.378 total
  16.28s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 16.315 total
  16.32s user 0.03s system 99% cpu 16.366 total

Tested on i7 920 with 40s 1080p footage.
Clément Bœsch 11 years ago
parent 89a3be8921
commit 87434cf373
  1. 299
  2. 6

@ -83,8 +83,307 @@ const filters_ssse3 ; smooth
F8_TAPS -1, 3, -6, 17, 125, -13, 5, -2
F8_TAPS 0, 1, -3, 8, 127, -7, 3, -1
pw_11585x2: times 8 dw 23170
%macro VP9_IDCT_COEFFS 2
pw_m%1_%2: dw -%1, %2, -%1, %2, -%1, %2, -%1, %2
pw_%2_%1: dw %2, %1, %2, %1, %2, %1, %2, %1
pw_%1x2: times 8 dw %1*2
pw_%2x2: times 8 dw %2*2
VP9_IDCT_COEFFS_ALL 15137, 6270
VP9_IDCT_COEFFS_ALL 16069, 3196
VP9_IDCT_COEFFS 9102, 13623
pd_8192: times 4 dd 8192
pw_2048: times 8 dw 2048
pw_1024: times 8 dw 1024
; IDCT helpers
; (a*x + b*y + round) >> shift
%macro VP9_MULSUB_2W_2X 6 ; dst1, dst2, src (unchanged), round, coefs1, coefs2
pmaddwd m%1, m%3, %5
pmaddwd m%2, m%3, %6
paddd m%1, m%4
paddd m%2, m%4
psrad m%1, 14
psrad m%2, 14
%macro VP9_UNPACK_MULSUB_2W_4X 4 ; dst1, dst2, coef1, coef2
punpckhwd m6, m%2, m%1
VP9_MULSUB_2W_2X 4, 5, 6, 7, [pw_m%3_%4], [pw_%4_%3]
punpcklwd m%2, m%1
VP9_MULSUB_2W_2X %1, 6, %2, 7, [pw_m%3_%4], [pw_%4_%3]
packssdw m%1, m4
packssdw m6, m5
SWAP %2, 6
%macro VP9_STORE_2X 2
movh m6, [dstq]
movh m7, [dstq+strideq]
punpcklbw m6, m4
punpcklbw m7, m4
paddw m6, %1
paddw m7, %2
packuswb m6, m4
packuswb m7, m4
movh [dstq], m6
movh [dstq+strideq], m7
; void vp9_idct_idct_4x4_add_<opt>(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride, int16_t *block, int eob);
%macro VP9_IDCT4_1D_FINALIZE 0
SUMSUB_BA w, 3, 2, 4 ; m3=t3+t0, m2=-t3+t0
SUMSUB_BA w, 1, 0, 4 ; m1=t2+t1, m0=-t2+t1
SWAP 0, 3 ; 3102 -> 0132
SWAP 3, 2 ; 0132 -> 0123
%macro VP9_IDCT4_1D 0
SUMSUB_BA w, 2, 0, 4 ; m2=IN(0)+IN(2) m0=IN(0)-IN(2)
mova m4, [pw_11585x2]
pmulhrsw m2, m4 ; m2=t0
pmulhrsw m0, m4 ; m0=t1
VP9_UNPACK_MULSUB_2W_4X 1, 3, 15137, 6270 ; m1=t2, m3=t3
; 2x2 top left corner
%macro VP9_IDCT4_2x2_1D 0
pmulhrsw m0, m5 ; m0=t1
mova m2, m0 ; m2=t0
mova m3, m1
pmulhrsw m1, m6 ; m1=t2
pmulhrsw m3, m7 ; m3=t3
mova m5, [pw_2048]
pmulhrsw m0, m5 ; (x*2048 + (1<<14))>>15 <=> (x+8)>>4
pmulhrsw m1, m5
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m1
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
pmulhrsw m2, m5
pmulhrsw m3, m5
VP9_STORE_2X m2, m3
INIT_MMX ssse3
cglobal vp9_idct_idct_4x4_add, 4,4,0, dst, stride, block, eob
cmp eobd, 4 ; 2x2 or smaller
jg .idctfull
cmp eobd, 1 ; faster path for when only DC is set
jne .idct2x2
movd m0, [blockq]
mova m5, [pw_11585x2]
pmulhrsw m0, m5
pmulhrsw m0, m5
pshufw m0, m0, 0
pxor m4, m4
movh [blockq], m4
mova m5, [pw_2048]
pmulhrsw m0, m5 ; (x*2048 + (1<<14))>>15 <=> (x+8)>>4
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m0
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m0
; faster path for when only top left 2x2 block is set
movd m0, [blockq+0]
movd m1, [blockq+8]
mova m5, [pw_11585x2]
mova m6, [pw_6270x2]
mova m7, [pw_15137x2]
TRANSPOSE4x4W 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
pxor m4, m4 ; used for the block reset, and VP9_STORE_2X
movh [blockq+ 0], m4
movh [blockq+ 8], m4
.idctfull: ; generic full 4x4 idct/idct
mova m0, [blockq+ 0]
mova m1, [blockq+ 8]
mova m2, [blockq+16]
mova m3, [blockq+24]
mova m7, [pd_8192] ; rounding
TRANSPOSE4x4W 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
pxor m4, m4 ; used for the block reset, and VP9_STORE_2X
mova [blockq+ 0], m4
mova [blockq+ 8], m4
mova [blockq+16], m4
mova [blockq+24], m4
; void vp9_idct_idct_8x8_add_<opt>(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride, int16_t *block, int eob);
%if ARCH_X86_64 ; TODO: 32-bit? (32-bit limited to 8 xmm reg, we use 13 here)
%macro VP9_IDCT8_1D_FINALIZE 0
SUMSUB_BA w, 3, 10, 4 ; m3=t0+t7, m10=t0-t7
SUMSUB_BA w, 1, 2, 4 ; m1=t1+t6, m2=t1-t6
SUMSUB_BA w, 11, 0, 4 ; m11=t2+t5, m0=t2-t5
SUMSUB_BA w, 9, 8, 4 ; m9=t3+t4, m8=t3-t4
SWAP 11, 10
SWAP 9, 3
SWAP 10, 2
SWAP 9, 0
%macro VP9_IDCT8_1D 0
SUMSUB_BA w, 8, 0, 4 ; m8=IN(0)+IN(4) m0=IN(0)-IN(4)
pmulhrsw m8, m12 ; m8=t0a
pmulhrsw m0, m12 ; m0=t1a
VP9_UNPACK_MULSUB_2W_4X 2, 10, 15137, 6270 ; m2=t2a, m10=t3a
VP9_UNPACK_MULSUB_2W_4X 1, 11, 16069, 3196 ; m1=t4a, m11=t7a
VP9_UNPACK_MULSUB_2W_4X 9, 3, 9102, 13623 ; m9=t5a, m3=t6a
SUMSUB_BA w, 10, 8, 4 ; m10=t0a+t3a (t0), m8=t0a-t3a (t3)
SUMSUB_BA w, 2, 0, 4 ; m2=t1a+t2a (t1), m0=t1a-t2a (t2)
SUMSUB_BA w, 9, 1, 4 ; m9=t4a+t5a (t4), m1=t4a-t5a (t5a)
SUMSUB_BA w, 3, 11, 4 ; m3=t7a+t6a (t7), m11=t7a-t6a (t6a)
SUMSUB_BA w, 1, 11, 4 ; m1=t6a+t5a (t6), m11=t6a-t5a (t5)
pmulhrsw m1, m12 ; m1=t6
pmulhrsw m11, m12 ; m11=t5
; TODO: a lot of t* copies can probably be removed and merged with
; following SUMSUBs from VP9_IDCT8_1D_FINALIZE with AVX
%macro VP9_IDCT8_2x2_1D 0
pmulhrsw m0, m12 ; m0=t0
mova m3, m1
pmulhrsw m1, m6 ; m1=t4
pmulhrsw m3, m7 ; m3=t7
mova m2, m0 ; m2=t1
mova m10, m0 ; m10=t2
mova m8, m0 ; m8=t3
mova m11, m3 ; t5 = t7a ...
mova m9, m3 ; t6 = t7a ...
psubw m11, m1 ; t5 = t7a - t4a
paddw m9, m1 ; t6 = t7a + t4a
pmulhrsw m11, m12 ; m11=t5
pmulhrsw m9, m12 ; m9=t6
SWAP 0, 10
SWAP 9, 1
mova m5, [pw_1024]
pmulhrsw m0, m5 ; (x*1024 + (1<<14))>>15 <=> (x+16)>>5
pmulhrsw m1, m5
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m1
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
pmulhrsw m2, m5
pmulhrsw m3, m5
VP9_STORE_2X m2, m3
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
pmulhrsw m8, m5
pmulhrsw m9, m5
VP9_STORE_2X m8, m9
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
pmulhrsw m10, m5
pmulhrsw m11, m5
VP9_STORE_2X m10, m11
INIT_XMM ssse3
cglobal vp9_idct_idct_8x8_add, 4,4,13, dst, stride, block, eob
mova m12, [pw_11585x2] ; often used
cmp eobd, 3 ; top left corner or less
jg .idctfull
cmp eobd, 1 ; faster path for when only DC is set
jne .idcttopleftcorner
movd m0, [blockq]
pmulhrsw m0, m12
pmulhrsw m0, m12
SPLATW m0, m0, 0
pxor m4, m4
movd [blockq], m4
mova m5, [pw_1024]
pmulhrsw m0, m5 ; (x*1024 + (1<<14))>>15 <=> (x+16)>>5
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m0
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m0
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m0
lea dstq, [dstq+2*strideq]
VP9_STORE_2X m0, m0
; faster path for when only left corner is set (3 input: DC, right to DC, below
; to DC). Note: also working with a 2x2 block
movd m0, [blockq+0]
movd m1, [blockq+16]
mova m6, [pw_3196x2]
mova m7, [pw_16069x2]
TRANSPOSE8x8W 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4
pxor m4, m4 ; used for the block reset, and VP9_STORE_2X
movd [blockq+ 0], m4
movd [blockq+16], m4
.idctfull: ; generic full 8x8 idct/idct
mova m0, [blockq+ 0] ; IN(0)
mova m1, [blockq+ 16] ; IN(1)
mova m2, [blockq+ 32] ; IN(2)
mova m3, [blockq+ 48] ; IN(3)
mova m8, [blockq+ 64] ; IN(4)
mova m9, [blockq+ 80] ; IN(5)
mova m10, [blockq+ 96] ; IN(6)
mova m11, [blockq+112] ; IN(7)
mova m7, [pd_8192] ; rounding
TRANSPOSE8x8W 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4
pxor m4, m4 ; used for the block reset, and VP9_STORE_2X
mova [blockq+ 0], m4
mova [blockq+ 16], m4
mova [blockq+ 32], m4
mova [blockq+ 48], m4
mova [blockq+ 64], m4
mova [blockq+ 80], m4
mova [blockq+ 96], m4
mova [blockq+112], m4
%macro filter_h_fn 1
%assign %%px mmsize/2
cglobal %1_8tap_1d_h_ %+ %%px, 6, 6, 11, dst, dstride, src, sstride, h, filtery

@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ filters_8tap_1d_fn3(avg)
#undef filters_8tap_1d_fn3
#undef filter_8tap_1d_fn
void ff_vp9_idct_idct_4x4_add_ssse3(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride, int16_t *block, int eob);
void ff_vp9_idct_idct_8x8_add_ssse3(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride, int16_t *block, int eob);
#endif /* HAVE_YASM */
av_cold void ff_vp9dsp_init_x86(VP9DSPContext *dsp)
@ -203,6 +206,9 @@ av_cold void ff_vp9dsp_init_x86(VP9DSPContext *dsp)
if (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_SSSE3) {
init_subpel3(0, put, ssse3);
init_subpel3(1, avg, ssse3);
dsp->itxfm_add[TX_4X4][DCT_DCT] = ff_vp9_idct_idct_4x4_add_ssse3;
if (ARCH_X86_64)
dsp->itxfm_add[TX_8X8][DCT_DCT] = ff_vp9_idct_idct_8x8_add_ssse3;
#undef init_fpel
