@ -2513,6 +2513,21 @@ FFAMediaCodec* ff_AMediaCodec_createEncoderByType(const char *mime_type, int ndk
int ff_Build_SDK_INT ( AVCodecContext * avctx )
int ret = - 1 ;
# if __ANDROID_API__ >= 24
// android_get_device_api_level() is a static inline before API level 29.
// dlsym() might doesn't work.
// We can implement android_get_device_api_level() by
// __system_property_get(), but __system_property_get() has created a lot of
// troubles and is deprecated. So avoid using __system_property_get() for
// now.
// Hopy we can remove the conditional compilation finally by bumping the
// required API level.
ret = android_get_device_api_level ( ) ;
# else
JNIEnv * env = NULL ;
jclass versionClass ;
jfieldID sdkIntFieldID ;
@ -2522,5 +2537,8 @@ int ff_Build_SDK_INT(AVCodecContext *avctx)
sdkIntFieldID = ( * env ) - > GetStaticFieldID ( env , versionClass , " SDK_INT " , " I " ) ;
ret = ( * env ) - > GetStaticIntField ( env , versionClass , sdkIntFieldID ) ;
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , versionClass ) ;
# endif
av_log ( avctx , AV_LOG_DEBUG , " device api level %d \n " , ret ) ;
return ret ;