Since the default in the libav fork is to only allow known layouts, making unknown layouts allowed by default here can be a security risk for filters directly merged from libav. However, usually it is simple to detect such cases, use of av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels is a good indicator, so I suggest we change this regardless. See This patch indirectly adds unknown channel layout support for filters where query_formats is not specified: abench afifo ainterleave anullsink apad aperms arealtime aselect asendcmd asetnsamples asetpts asettb ashowinfo azmq It introduces a query_formats callback for the asyncts filter, which only supports known channel layouts since it is using libavresample. And it removes .query_formats callback from filters where it was only there to support unknown layouts, as this is now the default: aloop ametadata anull asidedata asplit atrim Acked-by: Nicolas George <> Signed-off-by: Marton Balint <>pull/242/head
9 changed files with 9 additions and 16 deletions
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