voidav_random_init(AVRandomState*state,unsignedintseed);///< To be inlined, the struct must be visible. So it does not make sense to try and keep it opaque with malloc/free-like calls.
voidav_random_init(AVRandomState*state,unsignedintseed);///< To be inlined, the struct must be visible. So it does not make sense to try and keep it opaque with malloc/free-like calls.
voidav_random_generate_untempered_numbers(AVRandomState*state);///< Regenerate the untempered numbers (must be done every 624 iterations, or it will loop).
voidav_random_generate_untempered_numbers(AVRandomState*state);///< Regenerate the untempered numbers (must be done every 624 iterations, or it will loop).