@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ version <next>: |
- Alias muxer for Ogg Video (.ogv) |
- VP8 in Ogg muxing |
- curves filter doesn't automatically insert points at x=0 and x=1 anymore |
- 16-bit support in curves filter |
- 16-bit support in selectivecolor filter |
- 16-bit support in curves filter and selectivecolor filter |
- OpenH264 decoder wrapper |
- MediaCodec hwaccel |
- MediaCodec H.264 and HEVC hwaccel |
- True Audio (TTA) muxer |
- crystalizer audio filter |
- acrusher audio filter |
@ -29,11 +28,9 @@ version <next>: |
- avgblur filter |
- sobel and prewitt filter |
- MediaCodec HEVC decoding |
- TrueHD encoder |
- Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) encoder |
- Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) / TrueHD encoder |
- Non-Local Means (nlmeans) denoising filter |
- sdl2 output device |
- sdl2 support for ffplay |
- sdl2 output device and ffplay support |
- sdl1 output device and sdl1 support removed |
- extended mov edit list support |
- libfaac encoder removed |