@ -611,7 +611,10 @@ Force video tag/fourcc. |
@item -qphist |
Show QP histogram. |
@item -vbsf @var{bitstream_filter} |
Bitstream filters available are "dump_extra", "remove_extra", "noise". |
Bitstream filters available are "dump_extra", "remove_extra", "noise", "h264_mp4toannexb", "imxdump", "mjpegadump". |
@example |
ffmpeg -i h264.mp4 -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -an out.h264 |
@end example |
@end table |
@section Audio Options |
@ -664,6 +667,11 @@ Force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream). |
Add a new subtitle stream to the current output stream. |
@item -slang @var{code} |
Set the ISO 639 language code (3 letters) of the current subtitle stream. |
@item -sbsf @var{bitstream_filter} |
Bitstream filters available are "mov2textsub", "text2movsub". |
@example |
ffmpeg -i file.mov -an -vn -sbsf mov2textsub -scodec copy -f rawvideo sub.txt |
@end example |
@end table |
@section Audio/Video grab options |