@ -790,6 +790,91 @@ int av_set_options_string(void *ctx, const char *opts,
return count ;
# define WHITESPACES " \n\t"
static int is_key_char ( char c )
return ( unsigned ) ( ( c | 32 ) - ' a ' ) < 26 | |
( unsigned ) ( c - ' 0 ' ) < 10 | |
c = = ' - ' | | c = = ' _ ' | | c = = ' / ' | | c = = ' . ' ;
* Read a key from a string . The key consists of is_key_char characters and
* must be terminated by a character from the delim string ; spaces are
* ignored . The key buffer must be 4 bytes larger than the longest
* acceptable key . If the key is too long , an ellipsis will be written at
* the end . @ return 0 for success ( even with ellipsis ) , < 0 for failure
static int get_key ( const char * * ropts , const char * delim , char * key , unsigned key_size )
unsigned key_pos = 0 ;
const char * opts = * ropts ;
opts + = strspn ( opts , WHITESPACES ) ;
while ( is_key_char ( * opts ) ) {
key [ key_pos + + ] = * opts ;
if ( key_pos = = key_size )
key_pos - - ;
( opts ) + + ;
opts + = strspn ( opts , WHITESPACES ) ;
if ( ! * opts | | ! strchr ( delim , * opts ) )
return AVERROR ( EINVAL ) ;
opts + + ;
key [ key_pos + + ] = 0 ;
if ( key_pos = = key_size )
key [ key_pos - 4 ] = key [ key_pos - 3 ] = key [ key_pos - 2 ] = ' . ' ;
* ropts = opts ;
return 0 ;
int av_opt_set_from_string ( void * ctx , const char * opts ,
const char * const * shorthand ,
const char * key_val_sep , const char * pairs_sep )
int ret , count = 0 ;
const char * dummy_shorthand = NULL ;
char key_buf [ 68 ] , * value ;
const char * key ;
if ( ! opts )
return 0 ;
if ( ! shorthand )
shorthand = & dummy_shorthand ;
while ( * opts ) {
if ( ( ret = get_key ( & opts , key_val_sep , key_buf , sizeof ( key_buf ) ) ) < 0 ) {
if ( * shorthand ) {
key = * ( shorthand + + ) ;
} else {
av_log ( ctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " No option name near '%s' \n " , opts ) ;
return AVERROR ( EINVAL ) ;
} else {
key = key_buf ;
while ( * shorthand ) /* discard all remaining shorthand */
shorthand + + ;
if ( ! ( value = av_get_token ( & opts , pairs_sep ) ) )
return AVERROR ( ENOMEM ) ;
if ( * opts & & strchr ( pairs_sep , * opts ) )
opts + + ;
av_log ( ctx , AV_LOG_DEBUG , " Setting '%s' to value '%s' \n " , key , value ) ;
if ( ( ret = av_opt_set ( ctx , key , value , 0 ) ) < 0 ) {
av_log ( ctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " Option '%s' not found \n " , key ) ;
return ret ;
av_free ( value ) ;
count + + ;
return count ;
void av_opt_free ( void * obj )
const AVOption * o = NULL ;
@ -986,6 +1071,37 @@ int main(void)
av_freep ( & test_ctx . string ) ;
printf ( " \n Testing av_opt_set_from_string() \n " ) ;
TestContext test_ctx = { 0 } ;
const char * options [ ] = {
" " ,
" 5 " ,
" 5:hello " ,
" 5:hello:size=pal " ,
" 5:size=pal:hello " ,
" : " ,
" = " ,
" 5 : hello : size = pal " ,
" a_very_long_option_name_that_will_need_to_be_ellipsized_around_here=42 "
} ;
const char * shorthand [ ] = { " num " , " string " , NULL } ;
test_ctx . class = & test_class ;
av_opt_set_defaults ( & test_ctx ) ;
test_ctx . string = av_strdup ( " default " ) ;
av_log_set_level ( AV_LOG_DEBUG ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS ( options ) ; i + + ) {
av_log ( & test_ctx , AV_LOG_DEBUG , " Setting options string '%s' \n " , options [ i ] ) ;
if ( av_opt_set_from_string ( & test_ctx , options [ i ] , shorthand , " = " , " : " ) < 0 )
av_log ( & test_ctx , AV_LOG_ERROR , " Error setting options string: '%s' \n " , options [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " \n " ) ;
av_freep ( & test_ctx . string ) ;
return 0 ;