@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ static void vertical_decompose53iL0(int *b0, int *b1, int *b2, int width){ |
} |
static void spatial_decompose53i(int *buffer, int width, int height, int stride){ |
int x, y; |
int y; |
DWTELEM *b0= buffer + mirror(-2-1, height-1)*stride; |
DWTELEM *b1= buffer + mirror(-2 , height-1)*stride; |
@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ static void vertical_decompose97iL1(int *b0, int *b1, int *b2, int width){ |
} |
static void spatial_decompose97i(int *buffer, int width, int height, int stride){ |
int x, y; |
int y; |
DWTELEM *b0= buffer + mirror(-4-1, height-1)*stride; |
DWTELEM *b1= buffer + mirror(-4 , height-1)*stride; |
DWTELEM *b2= buffer + mirror(-4+1, height-1)*stride; |
@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ static void vertical_compose53iL0(int *b0, int *b1, int *b2, int width){ |
} |
static void spatial_compose53i(int *buffer, int width, int height, int stride){ |
int x, y; |
int y; |
DWTELEM *b0= buffer + mirror(-1-1, height-1)*stride; |
DWTELEM *b1= buffer + mirror(-1 , height-1)*stride; |
@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ static void vertical_compose97iL1(int *b0, int *b1, int *b2, int width){ |
} |
static void spatial_compose97i(int *buffer, int width, int height, int stride){ |
int x, y; |
int y; |
DWTELEM *b0= buffer + mirror(-3-1, height-1)*stride; |
DWTELEM *b1= buffer + mirror(-3 , height-1)*stride; |
DWTELEM *b2= buffer + mirror(-3+1, height-1)*stride; |
@ -1293,496 +1293,7 @@ void ff_spatial_idwt(int *buffer, int width, int height, int stride, int type, i |
} |
} |
static const int hilbert[16][2]={ |
{0,0}, {1,0}, {1,1}, {0,1}, |
{0,2}, {0,3}, {1,3}, {1,2}, |
{2,2}, {2,3}, {3,3}, {3,2}, |
{3,1}, {2,1}, {2,0}, {3,0}, |
}; |
#if 0 |
-o o- |
| | |
o-o |
-o-o o-o- |
| |
o-o o-o |
| | |
o o-o o |
| | | | |
o-o o-o |
0112122312232334122323342334 |
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789AB |
4 B F 14 1B |
4 11 15 20 27 |
-o o-o-o o-o-o o- |
| | | | | | |
o-o o-o o-o o-o |
| | |
o-o o-o o-o o-o |
| | | | | | |
o o-o-o o-o-o o |
| | |
o-o o-o-o-o o-o |
| | | |
o-o o-o o-o o-o |
| | | | |
o o-o o o o-o o |
| | | | | | | | |
o-o o-o o-o o-o |
#endif |
#define SVI(a, i, x, y) \ |
a[i][0]= x;\
a[i][1]= y;\
} |
static int sig_cmp(const void *a, const void *b){ |
const int16_t* da = (const int16_t *) a; |
const int16_t* db = (const int16_t *) b; |
if(da[1] != db[1]) return da[1] - db[1]; |
else return da[0] - db[0]; |
} |
static int deint(unsigned int a){ |
a &= 0x55555555; //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
a += a & 0x11111111; // 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF
a += 3*(a & 0x0F0F0F0F);// 0123 4567 89AB CDEF
a += 15*(a & 0x00FF00FF);// 01234567 89ABCDEF
a +=255*(a & 0x0000FFFF);// 0123456789ABCDEF
return a>>15; |
} |
static void encode_subband_z0run(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, DWTELEM *parent, int stride, int orientation){ |
const int level= b->level; |
const int w= b->width; |
const int h= b->height; |
int x, y, pos; |
if(1){ |
int run=0; |
int runs[w*h]; |
int run_index=0; |
int count=0; |
for(pos=0; ; pos++){ |
int x= deint(pos ); |
int y= deint(pos>>1); |
int v, p=0, pr=0, pd=0; |
int /*ll=0, */l=0, lt=0, t=0/*, rt=0*/; |
if(x>=w || y>=h){ |
if(x>=w && y>=h) |
break; |
continue; |
} |
count++; |
v= src[x + y*stride]; |
if(y){ |
t= src[x + (y-1)*stride]; |
if(x){ |
lt= src[x - 1 + (y-1)*stride]; |
} |
if(x + 1 < w){ |
/*rt= src[x + 1 + (y-1)*stride]*/; |
} |
} |
if(x){ |
l= src[x - 1 + y*stride]; |
/*if(x > 1){
if(orientation==1) ll= src[y + (x-2)*stride]; |
else ll= src[x - 2 + y*stride]; |
}*/ |
} |
if(parent){ |
int px= x>>1; |
int py= y>>1; |
if(px<b->parent->width && py<b->parent->height){ |
p= parent[px + py*2*stride]; |
pr= parent[px + 1 + py*2*stride]; |
pd= parent[px + (py+1)*2*stride];*/ |
} |
} |
if(!(/*ll|*/l|lt|t|/*rt|*/p)){ |
if(v){ |
runs[run_index++]= run; |
run=0; |
}else{ |
run++; |
} |
} |
} |
assert(count==w*h); |
runs[run_index++]= run; |
run_index=0; |
run= runs[run_index++]; |
put_symbol(&s->c, b->state[1], run, 0); |
for(pos=0; ; pos++){ |
int x= deint(pos ); |
int y= deint(pos>>1); |
int v, p=0, pr=0, pd=0; |
int /*ll=0, */l=0, lt=0, t=0/*, rt=0*/; |
if(x>=w || y>=h){ |
if(x>=w && y>=h) |
break; |
continue; |
} |
v= src[x + y*stride]; |
if(y){ |
t= src[x + (y-1)*stride]; |
if(x){ |
lt= src[x - 1 + (y-1)*stride]; |
} |
if(x + 1 < w){ |
// rt= src[x + 1 + (y-1)*stride];
} |
} |
if(x){ |
l= src[x - 1 + y*stride]; |
/*if(x > 1){
if(orientation==1) ll= src[y + (x-2)*stride]; |
else ll= src[x - 2 + y*stride]; |
}*/ |
} |
if(parent){ |
int px= x>>1; |
int py= y>>1; |
if(px<b->parent->width && py<b->parent->height){ |
p= parent[px + py*2*stride]; |
/* if(px+1<b->parent->width)
pr= parent[px + 1 + py*2*stride]; |
pd= parent[px + (py+1)*2*stride];*/ |
} |
} |
if(/*ll|*/l|lt|t|/*rt|*/p){ |
int context= av_log2(/*ABS(ll) + */2*(3*ABS(l) + ABS(lt) + 2*ABS(t) + /*ABS(rt) +*/ ABS(p))); |
put_cabac(&s->c, &b->state[0][context], !!v); |
}else{ |
if(!run){ |
run= runs[run_index++]; |
put_symbol(&s->c, b->state[1], run, 0); |
assert(v); |
}else{ |
run--; |
assert(!v); |
} |
} |
if(v){ |
int context= av_log2(/*ABS(ll) + */3*ABS(l) + ABS(lt) + 2*ABS(t) + /*ABS(rt) +*/ ABS(p)); |
put_symbol(&s->c, b->state[context + 2], ABS(v)-1, 0); |
put_cabac(&s->c, &b->state[0][16 + 1 + 3 + quant3b[l&0xFF] + 3*quant3b[t&0xFF]], v<0); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
static void encode_subband_bp(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, DWTELEM *parent, int stride, int orientation){ |
const int level= b->level; |
const int w= b->width; |
const int h= b->height; |
int x, y; |
#if 0 |
int plane; |
for(plane=24; plane>=0; plane--){ |
int run=0; |
int runs[w*h]; |
int run_index=0; |
for(y=0; y<h; y++){ |
for(x=0; x<w; x++){ |
int v, lv, p=0; |
int d=0, r=0, rd=0, ld=0; |
int /*ll=0, */l=0, lt=0, t=0, rt=0; |
v= src[x + y*stride]; |
if(y){ |
t= src[x + (y-1)*stride]; |
if(x){ |
lt= src[x - 1 + (y-1)*stride]; |
} |
if(x + 1 < w){ |
rt= src[x + 1 + (y-1)*stride]; |
} |
} |
if(x){ |
l= src[x - 1 + y*stride]; |
/*if(x > 1){
if(orientation==1) ll= src[y + (x-2)*stride]; |
else ll= src[x - 2 + y*stride]; |
}*/ |
} |
if(y+1<h){ |
d= src[x + (y+1)*stride]; |
if(x) ld= src[x - 1 + (y+1)*stride]; |
if(x + 1 < w) rd= src[x + 1 + (y+1)*stride]; |
} |
if(x + 1 < w) |
r= src[x + 1 + y*stride]; |
if(parent){ |
int px= x>>1; |
int py= y>>1; |
if(px<b->parent->width && py<b->parent->height)
p= parent[px + py*2*stride]; |
} |
#define HIDE(c, plane) c= c>=0 ? c&((-1)<<(plane)) : -((-c)&((-1)<<(plane))); |
lv=v; |
HIDE( v, plane) |
HIDE(lv, plane+1) |
HIDE( p, plane) |
HIDE( l, plane) |
HIDE(lt, plane) |
HIDE( t, plane) |
HIDE(rt, plane) |
HIDE( r, plane+1) |
HIDE(rd, plane+1) |
HIDE( d, plane+1) |
HIDE(ld, plane+1) |
if(!(/*ll|*/l|lt|t|rt|r|rd|ld|d|p|lv)){ |
if(v){ |
runs[run_index++]= run; |
run=0; |
}else{ |
run++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
runs[run_index++]= run; |
run_index=0; |
run= runs[run_index++]; |
put_symbol(&s->c, b->state[1], run, 0); |
for(y=0; y<h; y++){ |
for(x=0; x<w; x++){ |
int v, p=0, lv; |
int /*ll=0, */l=0, lt=0, t=0, rt=0; |
int d=0, r=0, rd=0, ld=0; |
v= src[x + y*stride]; |
if(y){ |
t= src[x + (y-1)*stride]; |
if(x){ |
lt= src[x - 1 + (y-1)*stride]; |
} |
if(x + 1 < w){ |
rt= src[x + 1 + (y-1)*stride]; |
} |
} |
if(x){ |
l= src[x - 1 + y*stride]; |
/*if(x > 1){
if(orientation==1) ll= src[y + (x-2)*stride]; |
else ll= src[x - 2 + y*stride]; |
}*/ |
} |
if(y+1<h){ |
d= src[x + (y+1)*stride]; |
if(x) ld= src[x - 1 + (y+1)*stride]; |
if(x + 1 < w) rd= src[x + 1 + (y+1)*stride]; |
} |
if(x + 1 < w) |
r= src[x + 1 + y*stride]; |
if(parent){ |
int px= x>>1; |
int py= y>>1; |
if(px<b->parent->width && py<b->parent->height)
p= parent[px + py*2*stride]; |
} |
lv=v; |
HIDE( v, plane) |
HIDE(lv, plane+1) |
HIDE( p, plane) |
HIDE( l, plane) |
HIDE(lt, plane) |
HIDE( t, plane) |
HIDE(rt, plane) |
HIDE( r, plane+1) |
HIDE(rd, plane+1) |
HIDE( d, plane+1) |
HIDE(ld, plane+1) |
if(/*ll|*/l|lt|t|rt|r|rd|ld|d|p|lv){ |
int context= av_log2(/*ABS(ll) + */3*ABS(l) + ABS(lt) + 2*ABS(t) + ABS(rt) + ABS(p) |
+3*ABS(r) + ABS(rd) + 2*ABS(d) + ABS(ld)); |
if(lv) put_cabac(&s->c, &b->state[99][context + 8*(av_log2(ABS(lv))-plane)], !!(v-lv)); |
else put_cabac(&s->c, &b->state[ 0][context], !!v); |
}else{ |
assert(!lv); |
if(!run){ |
run= runs[run_index++]; |
put_symbol(&s->c, b->state[1], run, 0); |
assert(v); |
}else{ |
run--; |
assert(!v); |
} |
} |
if(v && !lv){ |
int context= clip(quant3b[l&0xFF] + quant3b[r&0xFF], -1,1) |
+ 3*clip(quant3b[t&0xFF] + quant3b[d&0xFF], -1,1); |
put_cabac(&s->c, &b->state[0][16 + 1 + 3 + context], v<0); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#endif |
} |
static void encode_subband_X(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, DWTELEM *parent, int stride, int orientation){ |
const int level= b->level; |
const int w= b->width; |
const int h= b->height; |
int x, y; |
#if 0 |
if(orientation==3 && parent && 0){ |
int16_t candidate[w*h][2]; |
uint8_t state[w*h]; |
int16_t boarder[3][w*h*4][2]; |
int16_t significant[w*h][2]; |
int candidate_count=0; |
int boarder_count[3]={0,0,0}; |
int significant_count=0; |
int rle_pos=0; |
int v, last_v; |
int primary= orientation==1; |
memset(candidate, 0, sizeof(candidate)); |
memset(state, 0, sizeof(state)); |
memset(boarder, 0, sizeof(boarder)); |
for(y=0; y<h; y++){ |
for(x=0; x<w; x++){ |
if(parent[(x>>1) + (y>>1)*2*stride]) |
SVI(candidate, candidate_count, x, y) |
} |
} |
for(;;){ |
while(candidate_count && !boarder_count[0] && !boarder_count[1] && !boarder_count[2]){ |
candidate_count--; |
x= candidate[ candidate_count][0]; |
y= candidate[ candidate_count][1]; |
if(state[x + y*w]) |
continue; |
state[x + y*w]= 1; |
v= !!src[x + y*stride]; |
put_cabac(&s->c, &b->state[0][0], v); |
if(v){ |
SVI(significant, significant_count, x,y) |
if(x && !state[x - 1 + y *w]) SVI(boarder[0],boarder_count[0],x-1,y ) |
if(y && !state[x + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[1],boarder_count[1],x ,y-1) |
if(x+1<w && !state[x + 1 + y *w]) SVI(boarder[0],boarder_count[0],x+1,y ) |
if(y+1<h && !state[x + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[1],boarder_count[1],x ,y+1) |
if(x && y && !state[x - 1 + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x-1,y-1) |
if(x && y+1<h && !state[x - 1 + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x-1,y+1) |
if(x+1<w && y+1<h && !state[x + 1 + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x+1,y+1) |
if(x+1<w && y && !state[x + 1 + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x+1,y-1) |
} |
} |
while(!boarder_count[0] && !boarder_count[1] && !boarder_count[2] && rle_pos < w*h){ |
int run=0; |
for(; rle_pos < w*h;){ |
x= rle_pos % w; //FIXME speed
y= rle_pos / w; |
rle_pos++; |
if(state[x + y*w]) |
continue; |
state[x + y*w]= 1; |
v= !!src[x + y*stride]; |
if(v){ |
put_symbol(&s->c, b->state[1], run, 0); |
SVI(significant, significant_count, x,y) |
if(x && !state[x - 1 + y *w]) SVI(boarder[0],boarder_count[0],x-1,y ) |
if(y && !state[x + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[1],boarder_count[1],x ,y-1) |
if(x+1<w && !state[x + 1 + y *w]) SVI(boarder[0],boarder_count[0],x+1,y ) |
if(y+1<h && !state[x + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[1],boarder_count[1],x ,y+1) |
if(x && y && !state[x - 1 + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x-1,y-1) |
if(x && y+1<h && !state[x - 1 + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x-1,y+1) |
if(x+1<w && y+1<h && !state[x + 1 + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x+1,y+1) |
if(x+1<w && y && !state[x + 1 + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x+1,y-1) |
break; |
//FIXME note only right & down can be boarders
} |
run++; |
} |
} |
if(!boarder_count[0] && !boarder_count[1] && !boarder_count[2]) |
break; |
while(boarder_count[0] || boarder_count[1] || boarder_count[2]){ |
int index; |
if (boarder_count[ primary]) index= primary; |
else if(boarder_count[1-primary]) index=1-primary; |
else index=2; |
boarder_count[index]--; |
x= boarder[index][ boarder_count[index] ][0]; |
y= boarder[index][ boarder_count[index] ][1]; |
if(state[x + y*w]) //FIXME maybe check earlier
continue; |
state[x + y*w]= 1; |
v= !!src[x + y*stride]; |
put_cabac(&s->c, &b->state[0][index+1], v); |
if(v){ |
SVI(significant, significant_count, x,y) |
if(x && !state[x - 1 + y *w]) SVI(boarder[0],boarder_count[0],x-1,y ) |
if(y && !state[x + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[1],boarder_count[1],x ,y-1) |
if(x+1<w && !state[x + 1 + y *w]) SVI(boarder[0],boarder_count[0],x+1,y ) |
if(y+1<h && !state[x + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[1],boarder_count[1],x ,y+1) |
if(x && y && !state[x - 1 + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x-1,y-1) |
if(x && y+1<h && !state[x - 1 + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x-1,y+1) |
if(x+1<w && y+1<h && !state[x + 1 + (y+1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x+1,y+1) |
if(x+1<w && y && !state[x + 1 + (y-1)*w]) SVI(boarder[2],boarder_count[2],x+1,y-1) |
} |
} |
} |
//FIXME sort significant coeffs maybe
if(1){ |
qsort(significant, significant_count, sizeof(int16_t[2]), sig_cmp); |
} |
last_v=1; |
while(significant_count){ |
int context= 3 + quant7[last_v&0xFF]; //use significance of suroundings
significant_count--; |
x= significant[significant_count][0];//FIXME try opposit direction
y= significant[significant_count][1]; |
v= src[x + y*stride]; |
put_symbol(&s->c, b->state[context + 2], v, 1); //FIXME try to avoid first bit, try this with the old code too!!
last_v= v; |
} |
} |
#endif |
} |
static void encode_subband_c0run(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, DWTELEM *parent, int stride, int orientation){ |
const int level= b->level; |
const int w= b->width; |
const int h= b->height; |
int x, y; |
@ -1898,7 +1409,6 @@ static void encode_subband(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, DWTELEM *pa |
} |
static inline void decode_subband(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, DWTELEM *parent, int stride, int orientation){ |
const int level= b->level; |
const int w= b->width; |
const int h= b->height; |
int x,y; |
@ -2342,7 +1852,6 @@ static int encode_q_branch(SnowContext *s, int level, int x, int y){ |
static void decode_q_branch(SnowContext *s, int level, int x, int y){ |
const int w= s->b_width << s->block_max_depth; |
const int h= s->b_height<< s->block_max_depth; |
const int rem_depth= s->block_max_depth - level; |
const int index= (x + y*w) << rem_depth; |
static BlockNode null_block= { //FIXME add border maybe
@ -2353,7 +1862,6 @@ static void decode_q_branch(SnowContext *s, int level, int x, int y){ |
.level= 0, |
}; |
int trx= (x+1)<<rem_depth; |
int try= (y+1)<<rem_depth; |
BlockNode *left = x ? &s->block[index-1] : &null_block; |
BlockNode *top = y ? &s->block[index-w] : &null_block; |
BlockNode *tl = y && x ? &s->block[index-w-1] : left; |
@ -2676,7 +2184,6 @@ static void quantize(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, int stride, int b |
} |
static void dequantize(SnowContext *s, SubBand *b, DWTELEM *src, int stride){ |
const int level= b->level; |
const int w= b->width; |
const int h= b->height; |
const int qlog= clip(s->qlog + b->qlog, 0, 128); |
@ -2937,7 +2444,7 @@ static int common_init(AVCodecContext *avctx){ |
static void calculate_vissual_weight(SnowContext *s, Plane *p){ |
int width = p->width; |
int height= p->height; |
int i, level, orientation, x, y; |
int level, orientation, x, y; |
for(level=0; level<s->spatial_decomposition_count; level++){ |
for(orientation=level ? 1 : 0; orientation<4; orientation++){ |
@ -2964,8 +2471,7 @@ static void calculate_vissual_weight(SnowContext *s, Plane *p){ |
static int encode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx) |
{ |
SnowContext *s = avctx->priv_data; |
int i; |
int level, orientation, plane_index; |
int plane_index; |
if(avctx->strict_std_compliance >= 0){ |
av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "this codec is under development, files encoded with it wont be decodeable with future versions!!!\n" |
@ -3044,8 +2550,7 @@ static int encode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, unsigned char *buf, int buf_size, |
AVFrame *pict = data; |
const int width= s->avctx->width; |
const int height= s->avctx->height; |
int used_count= 0; |
int log2_threshold, level, orientation, plane_index, i; |
int level, orientation, plane_index; |
ff_init_cabac_encoder(c, buf, buf_size); |
ff_init_cabac_states(c, ff_h264_lps_range, ff_h264_mps_state, ff_h264_lps_state, 64); |
@ -3071,9 +2576,6 @@ static int encode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, unsigned char *buf, int buf_size, |
int block_width = (width +15)>>4; |
int block_height= (height+15)>>4; |
int stride= s->current_picture.linesize[0]; |
uint8_t *src_plane= s->input_picture.data[0]; |
int src_stride= s->input_picture.linesize[0]; |
int x,y; |
assert(s->current_picture.data[0]); |
assert(s->last_picture.data[0]); |
@ -3124,7 +2626,7 @@ redo_frame: |
int w= p->width; |
int h= p->height; |
int x, y; |
int bits= put_bits_count(&s->c.pb); |
// int bits= put_bits_count(&s->c.pb);
//FIXME optimize
if(pict->data[plane_index]) //FIXME gray hack
@ -3263,11 +2765,9 @@ static int decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx) |
static int decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data, int *data_size, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size){ |
SnowContext *s = avctx->priv_data; |
CABACContext * const c= &s->c; |
const int width= s->avctx->width; |
const int height= s->avctx->height; |
int bytes_read; |
AVFrame *picture = data; |
int log2_threshold, level, orientation, plane_index; |
int level, orientation, plane_index; |
/* no supplementary picture */ |