@ -832,14 +832,25 @@
pmaxsd % 1 , % 2
% endmacro
% macro VBROADCASTSS 2 ; dst xmm/ymm, src m32
% if cpuflag(avx)
vbroadcastss % 1 , % 2
% else ; sse
% ifnidn %1, %2
movss % 1 , % 2
% endif
shufps % 1 , % 1 , 0
% macro VBROADCASTSS 2 ; dst xmm/ymm, src m32/xmm
% if cpuflag(avx2)
vbroadcastss % 1 , % 2
% elif cpuflag(avx)
% ifnum sizeof%2 ; avx1 register
shufps xmm % 1 , xmm % 2 , xmm % 2 , q0000
% if sizeof%1 >= 32 ; mmsize>=32
vinsertf128 % 1 , % 1 , xmm % 1 , 1
% endif
% else ; avx1 memory
vbroadcastss % 1 , % 2
% endif
% else
% ifnum sizeof%2 ; sse register
shufps % 1 , % 2 , % 2 , q0000
% else ; sse memory
movss % 1 , % 2
shufps % 1 , % 1 , 0
% endif
% endif
% endmacro
@ -854,6 +865,21 @@
% endif
% endmacro
% macro VPBROADCASTD 2 ; dst xmm/ymm, src m32/xmm
% if cpuflag(avx2)
vpbroadcastd % 1 , % 2
% elif cpuflag(avx) && sizeof%1 >= 32
% error vpbroadcastd not possible with ymm on avx1. try vbroadcastss
% else
% ifnum sizeof%2 ; sse2 register
pshufd % 1 , % 2 , q0000
% else ; sse memory
movd % 1 , % 2
pshufd % 1 , % 1 , 0
% endif
% endif
% endmacro
% macro SHUFFLE_MASK_W 8
% rep 8
% if %1>=0x80
@ -918,3 +944,67 @@
movhlps % 1 , % 2 ; may cause an int/float domain transition and has a dependency on dst
% endif
% endmacro
; Horizontal Sum of Packed Single precision floats
; The resulting sum is in all elements.
% macro HSUMPS 2 ; dst/src, tmp
% if cpuflag(avx)
% if sizeof%1>=32 ; avx
vperm2f128 % 2 , % 1 , % 1 , ( 0 ) * 16 + ( 1 )
addps % 1 , % 2
% endif
shufps % 2 , % 1 , % 1 , q1032
addps % 1 , % 2
shufps % 2 , % 1 , % 1 , q0321
addps % 1 , % 2
% else ; this form is a bit faster than the short avx-like emulation.
movaps % 2 , % 1
shufps % 1 , % 1 , q1032
addps % 1 , % 2
movaps % 2 , % 1
shufps % 1 , % 1 , q0321
addps % 1 , % 2
; all %1 members should be equal for as long as float a+b==b+a
% endif
% endmacro
; Emulate blendvps if not available
; src_b is destroyed when using emulation with logical operands
; SSE41 blendv instruction is hard coded to use xmm0 as mask
% macro BLENDVPS 3 ; dst/src_a, src_b, mask
% if cpuflag(avx)
blendvps % 1 , % 1 , % 2 , % 3
% elif cpuflag(sse4)
% ifnidn %3,xmm0
% error sse41 blendvps uses xmm0 as default 3d operand, you used %3
% endif
blendvps % 1 , % 2 , % 3
% else
xorps % 2 , % 1
andps % 2 , % 3
xorps % 1 , % 2
% endif
% endmacro
; Emulate pblendvb if not available
; src_b is destroyed when using emulation with logical operands
; SSE41 blendv instruction is hard coded to use xmm0 as mask
% macro PBLENDVB 3 ; dst/src_a, src_b, mask
% if cpuflag(avx)
% if cpuflag(avx) && notcpuflag(avx2) && sizeof%1 >= 32
% error pblendb not possible with ymm on avx1, try blendvps.
% endif
pblendvb % 1 , % 1 , % 2 , % 3
% elif cpuflag(sse4)
% ifnidn %3,xmm0
% error sse41 pblendvd uses xmm0 as default 3d operand, you used %3
% endif
pblendvb % 1 , % 2 , % 3
% else
pxor % 2 , % 1
pand % 2 , % 3
pxor % 1 , % 2
% endif
% endmacro