Common symbols are not part of ISO-C and therefore not used by FFmpeg at all. Yet linker warnings to ensure it stays that way are nevertheless wrong, because the existence of common symbols does not imply that there is a bug in our code. More precisely, Clang's ASAN implementation uses a common symbol ___asan_globals_registered when used on Elf targets with the -fsanitize-address-globals-dead-stripping option; said option is the default since Clang 17 [1]. This leads to 1883 warnings about ___asan_globals_registered when linking here. (Even without that option there were warnings like _ZN14__interception10real_vforkE being overridden.) Said warning is also unnecessary: The proper way to ensure that our code is free of common symbols is to let the compiler enforce this. But this is already the default since GCC 10 and Clang 11, so there is no risk of introducing our own common symbols. [1]: Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt <>release/7.0
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