@ -172,6 +172,12 @@ yasm), you do this by using: |
cglobal functon_name, num_args, num_regs, num_xmm_regs |
In inline asm, you specify clobbered registers at the end of your asm: |
__asm__(".." ::: "%eax"). |
If gcc is not set to support sse (-msse) it will not accept xmm registers |
in the clobber list. For that we use two macros to declare the clobbers. |
XMM_CLOBBERS should be used when there are other clobbers, for example: |
__asm__(".." ::: XMM_CLOBBERS("xmm0",) "eax"); |
and XMM_CLOBBERS_ONLY should be used when the only clobbers are xmm registers: |
__asm__(".." :: XMM_CLOBBERS_ONLY("xmm0")); |
Do not expect a compiler to maintain values in your registers between separate |
(inline) asm code blocks. It is not required to. For example, this is bad: |