diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/Makefile b/libavcodec/arm/Makefile
index c5f90c2427..e95d94ace8 100644
--- a/libavcodec/arm/Makefile
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/Makefile
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ ARMV6-OBJS-$(CONFIG_VP8_DECODER)       += arm/vp8_armv6.o               \
 VFP-OBJS-$(CONFIG_DCA_DECODER)         += arm/synth_filter_vfp.o
+VFP-OBJS-$(CONFIG_MDCT)                += arm/mdct_vfp.o
 VFP-OBJS-$(HAVE_ARMV6)                 += arm/fmtconvert_vfp.o
 NEON-OBJS                              += arm/fmtconvert_neon.o
diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/fft_init_arm.c b/libavcodec/arm/fft_init_arm.c
index fe0acc56bf..a000ea54e8 100644
--- a/libavcodec/arm/fft_init_arm.c
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/fft_init_arm.c
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 void ff_fft_permute_neon(FFTContext *s, FFTComplex *z);
 void ff_fft_calc_neon(FFTContext *s, FFTComplex *z);
+void ff_imdct_half_vfp(FFTContext *s, FFTSample *output, const FFTSample *input);
 void ff_imdct_calc_neon(FFTContext *s, FFTSample *output, const FFTSample *input);
 void ff_imdct_half_neon(FFTContext *s, FFTSample *output, const FFTSample *input);
 void ff_mdct_calc_neon(FFTContext *s, FFTSample *output, const FFTSample *input);
@@ -48,6 +50,13 @@ av_cold void ff_fft_init_arm(FFTContext *s)
     int cpu_flags = av_get_cpu_flags();
+    if (have_vfp(cpu_flags)) {
+        if (!have_vfpv3(cpu_flags))
+            s->imdct_half   = ff_imdct_half_vfp;
+    }
     if (have_neon(cpu_flags)) {
         s->fft_permute  = ff_fft_permute_neon;
diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/mdct_vfp.S b/libavcodec/arm/mdct_vfp.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2666b00bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/mdct_vfp.S
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 RISC OS Open Ltd
+ * Author: Ben Avison <bavison@riscosopen.org>
+ *
+ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "libavutil/arm/asm.S"
+CONTEXT .req    a1
+ORIGOUT .req    a2
+IN      .req    a3
+OUT     .req    v1
+REVTAB  .req    v2
+TCOS    .req    v3
+TSIN    .req    v4
+OLDFPSCR .req   v5
+J0      .req    a2
+J1      .req    a4
+J2      .req    ip
+J3      .req    lr
+.macro prerotation_innerloop
+ .set trig_lo, k
+ .set trig_hi, n4 - k - 2
+ .set in_lo, trig_lo * 2
+ .set in_hi, trig_hi * 2
+        vldr    d8, [TCOS, #trig_lo*4]          @ s16,s17
+        vldr    d9, [TCOS, #trig_hi*4]          @ s18,s19
+        vldr    s0, [IN, #in_hi*4 + 12]
+        vldr    s1, [IN, #in_hi*4 + 4]
+        vldr    s2, [IN, #in_lo*4 + 12]
+        vldr    s3, [IN, #in_lo*4 + 4]
+        vmul.f  s8, s0, s16                     @ vector operation
+        vldr    d10, [TSIN, #trig_lo*4]         @ s20,s21
+        vldr    d11, [TSIN, #trig_hi*4]         @ s22,s23
+        vldr    s4, [IN, #in_lo*4]
+        vldr    s5, [IN, #in_lo*4 + 8]
+        vldr    s6, [IN, #in_hi*4]
+        vldr    s7, [IN, #in_hi*4 + 8]
+        ldr     J0, [REVTAB, #trig_lo*2]
+        vmul.f  s12, s0, s20                    @ vector operation
+        ldr     J2, [REVTAB, #trig_hi*2]
+        mov     J1, J0, lsr #16
+        and     J0, J0, #255                    @ halfword value will be < n4
+        vmls.f  s8, s4, s20                     @ vector operation
+        mov     J3, J2, lsr #16
+        and     J2, J2, #255                    @ halfword value will be < n4
+        add     J0, OUT, J0, lsl #3
+        vmla.f  s12, s4, s16                    @ vector operation
+        add     J1, OUT, J1, lsl #3
+        add     J2, OUT, J2, lsl #3
+        add     J3, OUT, J3, lsl #3
+        vstr    s8, [J0]
+        vstr    s9, [J1]
+        vstr    s10, [J2]
+        vstr    s11, [J3]
+        vstr    s12, [J0, #4]
+        vstr    s13, [J1, #4]
+        vstr    s14, [J2, #4]
+        vstr    s15, [J3, #4]
+ .set k, k + 2
+.macro postrotation_innerloop tail, head
+ .set trig_lo_head, n8 - k - 2
+ .set trig_hi_head, n8 + k
+ .set out_lo_head, trig_lo_head * 2
+ .set out_hi_head, trig_hi_head * 2
+ .set trig_lo_tail, n8 - (k - 2) - 2
+ .set trig_hi_tail, n8 + (k - 2)
+ .set out_lo_tail, trig_lo_tail * 2
+ .set out_hi_tail, trig_hi_tail * 2
+ .if (k & 2) == 0
+  TCOS_D0_HEAD .req d10 @ s20,s21
+  TCOS_D1_HEAD .req d11 @ s22,s23
+  TCOS_S0_TAIL .req s24
+ .else
+  TCOS_D0_HEAD .req d12 @ s24,s25
+  TCOS_D1_HEAD .req d13 @ s26,s27
+  TCOS_S0_TAIL .req s20
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\tail",""
+        vmls.f  s8, s0, TCOS_S0_TAIL        @ vector operation
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\head",""
+        vldr    d8, [TSIN, #trig_lo_head*4] @ s16,s17
+        vldr    d9, [TSIN, #trig_hi_head*4] @ s18,s19
+        vldr    TCOS_D0_HEAD, [TCOS, #trig_lo_head*4]
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\tail",""
+        vmla.f  s12, s4, TCOS_S0_TAIL       @ vector operation
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\head",""
+        vldr    s0, [OUT, #out_lo_head*4]
+        vldr    s1, [OUT, #out_lo_head*4 + 8]
+        vldr    s2, [OUT, #out_hi_head*4]
+        vldr    s3, [OUT, #out_hi_head*4 + 8]
+        vldr    s4, [OUT, #out_lo_head*4 + 4]
+        vldr    s5, [OUT, #out_lo_head*4 + 12]
+        vldr    s6, [OUT, #out_hi_head*4 + 4]
+        vldr    s7, [OUT, #out_hi_head*4 + 12]
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\tail",""
+        vstr    s8, [OUT, #out_lo_tail*4]
+        vstr    s9, [OUT, #out_lo_tail*4 + 8]
+        vstr    s10, [OUT, #out_hi_tail*4]
+        vstr    s11, [OUT, #out_hi_tail*4 + 8]
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\head",""
+        vmul.f  s8, s4, s16                 @ vector operation
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\tail",""
+        vstr    s12, [OUT, #out_hi_tail*4 + 12]
+        vstr    s13, [OUT, #out_hi_tail*4 + 4]
+        vstr    s14, [OUT, #out_lo_tail*4 + 12]
+        vstr    s15, [OUT, #out_lo_tail*4 + 4]
+ .endif
+ .ifnc "\head",""
+        vmul.f  s12, s0, s16                @ vector operation
+        vldr    TCOS_D1_HEAD, [TCOS, #trig_hi_head*4]
+ .endif
+ .unreq TCOS_D0_HEAD
+ .unreq TCOS_D1_HEAD
+ .unreq TCOS_S0_TAIL
+ .ifnc "\head",""
+  .set k, k + 2
+ .endif
+/* void ff_imdct_half_vfp(FFTContext *s,
+ *                        FFTSample *output,
+ *                        const FFTSample *input)
+ */
+function ff_imdct_half_vfp, export=1
+        ldr     ip, [CONTEXT, #5*4]         @ mdct_bits
+        teq     ip, #6
+        it      ne
+        bne     ff_imdct_half_c             @ only case currently accelerated is the one used by DCA
+ .set n, 1<<6
+ .set n2, n/2
+ .set n4, n/4
+ .set n8, n/8
+        push    {v1-v5,lr}
+        vpush   {s16-s27}
+        fmrx    OLDFPSCR, FPSCR
+        ldr     lr, =0x03030000             @ RunFast mode, short vectors of length 4, stride 1
+        fmxr    FPSCR, lr
+        mov     OUT, ORIGOUT
+        ldr     REVTAB, [CONTEXT, #2*4]
+        ldr     TCOS, [CONTEXT, #6*4]
+        ldr     TSIN, [CONTEXT, #7*4]
+ .set k, 0
+ .rept n8/2
+        prerotation_innerloop
+ .endr
+        fmxr    FPSCR, OLDFPSCR
+        mov     ORIGOUT, OUT
+        ldr     ip, [CONTEXT, #9*4]
+        blx     ip                          @ s->fft_calc(s, output)
+        ldr     lr, =0x03030000             @ RunFast mode, short vectors of length 4, stride 1
+        fmxr    FPSCR, lr
+ .set k, 0
+        postrotation_innerloop , head
+ .rept n8/2 - 1
+        postrotation_innerloop tail, head
+ .endr
+        postrotation_innerloop tail
+        fmxr    FPSCR, OLDFPSCR
+        vpop    {s16-s27}
+        pop     {v1-v5,pc}
+        .unreq  CONTEXT
+        .unreq  ORIGOUT
+        .unreq  IN
+        .unreq  OUT
+        .unreq  REVTAB
+        .unreq  TCOS
+        .unreq  TSIN
+        .unreq  OLDFPSCR
+        .unreq  J0
+        .unreq  J1
+        .unreq  J2
+        .unreq  J3
diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/synth_filter_vfp.S b/libavcodec/arm/synth_filter_vfp.S
index b13373986b..74b7733160 100644
--- a/libavcodec/arm/synth_filter_vfp.S
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/synth_filter_vfp.S
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ function ff_synth_filter_float_vfp, export=1
         str     lr, [P_SB_OFF]            @ rotate offset, modulo buffer size, ready for next call
         ldr     a3, [sp, #(16+6+2)*4]     @ fetch in from stack, to pass to imdct_half
 VFP     vmov    s16, SCALE                @ imdct_half is free to corrupt s0, but it contains one of our arguments in hardfp case
-        bl      ff_imdct_half_c
+        bl      ff_imdct_half_vfp
 VFP     vmov    SCALE, s16
         fmrx    OLDFPSCR, FPSCR